GAT NG He tiled of dol- lars are involved: in the seizures. Capt. Duncan passed through the ~~ Canadian "Soo' on Thursday on his g 'under his jurisdiction' in the eastern division. During his"operations in' the * neighborhood .of- Killarney, "just beloWy Rock, the' "S00," Duncan was accompanied ty a number of officers from the "Sco, and the folie under his charge oon- sisted of a tug, a sailboat and da geso: ime launch: In' nearly every instance Capt. Dun- can found that the fishery laws were being violated, the result being a large number of seizures, some of them oon- sidered of the most important mature. The largest number of infractions of the 'law consisted .in calching whilafish and trout out of season 'and having them in their possession. One of the tugs, belonging fo Purvis Bros. was. seized, as well 'as a large tho' 'less flagrant' law; "which Bach alates that none ot the fish mentioned shall be: in ihe possession" of any party after the clos , on Nov. 1.0 James 40 Di his 'possession, "The fish were all confiscated by the offfcers, and the 'boats which "were seized were liberated after fhe oMoors' had' obtained 4. receipt from the 'awn- ers for them, which 'practically means that they are still in the hands of the}. Government. Capt. Duncan did mol fecl "inclined fo deal offhand with the case, consld« ering the exient of the seizures 'and thelr' importance in the eyes of the Government. | He accordingly referred the -maller to the Government, which will take action in the near future. be ee eee ee FOULD'S 'WILL FOUND, The Romantic Story of a Winnipeg Estate, A despalch from Winnipeg says: Old: timers remember the late George Foulds, builder of. the Foulds block and owner ol several other very valuable properties. During his life he acquired ocorisiderable properly, which he left to Mrs. Bowler, gutting out his family. . A subsequeni will has been discovered, by which the astate is left to Faulds' children, and a statement of claim has been filed on be- hall of one of the children by Mesars. Macdonald, Haggart, Sullivan & Carr, seeking to set aside the will giving the "estate lo Mrs, 'Bowler and Ing that' probate be directed of the lasi found will, The estate is estimated al about $250,000. 1 is underslood the will was . found in Vancouver, in an- old tink amongst deceased's papers, and narrow- "ly escaped hel bined with' what was considered less documents. PRECAUTIONS AGAINST PLAGUE. ! Fears of Infection by Rats From Vessels Reaching Vancouyer. A despalch from Oitawa says: . The Government is taking 'every ' possible precaution to prevent the bubonic pla; from getting a fooling in 'the coast cities of British Columbia. Mailers are'in bad shape in San Francisco and Seattle; the former city since the 12th of August thers have been eighly-feur cases of plague snd fifty-four deaths, while one death occurred in Sealtle two weeks ago. Dr, 'Montizambert; "director al of public. health, is now. in British Coluin- advisin ng the Jocal hs and | medical. health officers 'as to the precau- tons which may be necessary to prevent the spread. of the malady into It is 'possible 'that, in addition to the precautions which are 'being taken wilh respect to vessels, that inspectors may be placed ak the various points where the railways 'eross the infernational ~ boundary line into 'the Dominion, TRE MOOR LAKE WRECK. Jury Places the «Blame on Driver of Light Engine. A' "despatch 'from Pembroke seys: Thursday night, at' the ' Town Hall, Crown "Attorney = Metcalf and 'Coroner Jcsophs opened an inquest into the death of John Nadeau'-fireman. one of the victims of the Meor Lake {ragedy on the C. P, R., by which seven lives were lost, Ouly four witnesses were called. The jurors were only out fifteen: mins utes, and rendered the following ver dict, which Places the responsibility Gn Herjdeie, 'the - engineer "who was dnl charge of tho light, engine: .*Thai John Nadeau's death was due ta. the recklessness of Engineer Hen- drie' running past Bass Lake sidin i A and trying to make Moor Lake 8 he quotations a cent, and | as nanan re | Wits, "Newlald at abot 300 "Poulicy de 'chickens, 9¢ Inferior, ee 0. ' geasa dry-picked Wikere T or 140, Potatoes--Market is firm "at 70 lo 80¢ in car lots on frack here, ..-. "Beans--Fasiar al $1.7 lo $18 primes and $1.85 to $1.95 for a 3 picked. Honey--Strained steady at ite to 12] per B.., and combs at $1.75 fo $2.50 per dozen. Venisen--Hiodquariers, '10c 0 te: frontquarters, 50; oatveses 7610 Be. | Recelpds are. fairly 'large. Baled Hay--Timathy, B18 10 $19 per fon in cor lots on track. Baled ' Siraw--Firm at 810° 0 $10.50 per ton on. rack, > PROVISIONS. Smoked 'and Dry Sal'ed Meatstang glear bacon, tle fo 113 for lons an orses; 'hams medium and light. 150 15%c: heavy, 18%c to' 14c; backs, to 17c; shoulders, - 10¢ to 103e 10%c to 110; breakfast bacon. ing, thereby running 'on the time of} Na, 8 passefiger train, and meeting*No. % dn' collision' 13{ miles 'east of Moor Lake stabion." tree sr BR i Sn MENDS 'A BROKEN SPINE. -- Surgeon's Remarkable Operation in| § Hospital al Montreal. A despatoh from Monireal says: A t remarkable 'opération: was pe In | at the General Hospital on: Friday af: 'ternoon by Dr. Armsiieng on a woman' who had for some time 'been given up Hs a hopeless: cripple with 'a 'broken back.' The 'woman, Mrs, Rudoipho Bayle of Vancouver, B. C., the wife of a P. R. telegraph operator, tell down: etairs and was believed 18. have broken fier back. | She was brought fo #he hos: pital with' her lower ltmbs completely paralyzed. For nearly three hours she was: under' chloroform, 1 was found 2. gespa that the spinal oerd was nob. injured, | but 'that the vertebrae had been' disle- cated and broken {he 'result. Peing! A {that a portion' of the: splintered Back. | bY 8 strike Pons had pressed 'upon She Spune. ths | "leausing the paralysis, me strong gradual strong | GraduiY.. a pletely. recover, i is re- 1% garded as one of the most remarkable and siigoesstul. ever performed a} 'the plod |,