[the falling of the-demand or out kirts in. plain ds, underskirts in en, moreen and silk on Sika Bus little need mistake. he estimate is O per|given in perfect good faith, A killed n such 'as this is of no $30 00 value unless it is trie to the facts. "Self-Binder CEo$13s * Mower" « v : 60 Slings and Horse Fork ayrake . | wg ~Seeddrill . : ' 'Sulky Plow Cultivator Harrows . Hay Loader. 'Hay Tedder. ' Cream Separator =, 40 35 50 45 15 6s 45 75° Total--$645 "Farm machinery lasts about ten years with reasonable care. This fact brings two others to our at- tention. First that the investment must be reckoned with compound interest for ten years. The rate of interest current Jnay be reckoned at five per cent. $643 compounded at five per cent. fcr ten years will amount to somcwhere about . particularly such as $1076.25. These figures may. not the largest area of|be correct to acent, but they are ground in the least possible time. | sufficiently close for all practical .. Sowing crops in such a|purposes. The second fact to be | manner that they will not require | remembered is this--the machin | to be hatvested all at one time, 'ery lasts ten years, therefore, the ~ IV. Securing immigrants as annual investment will be about farm laborers. A 1$108. Added to this will be a 1." Of the exchange of labor repair bill of perhaps $23 per year be said. Every farmer making a total expenditure' for {knows the Advantages. and disad- {improved farm machinery of $133 vantages of this systen, It Has. 'per year." been in use ever since the piorieer | Taking- the other method we days, ill not'be discontinned| find the following results : : i : ) -. Hired man at $20 per month for X months~-$i20 * Ordinary farm quire but {machitery at one-third the value le a on it ws vy well, af modern equipment $46, being a' except for the fact per year as: opposed d iture of $133°by using ct that the good [total of $166 {farmer generally gets the worst of toan-expend ) al hE modern machinery. This figuring {fer amargin of $33 per year in anitoba, 7500 in Sask 1, and the balance in Last year about 24.000 were employed in this| ie influx of home: iders. of: the poorer sort who were able to assist in the gathering | of the harvest accounts in part-for |side help, 5 a1 [Last week, quotations from far- 'mers all over ntario were given showing some of the - methods! adopted for grappling with this jproblem, They are 'substantially. ! as follows: ~ ' I Exchange 'of work by the . {farmers among themselves. Lal roof "improved farm the bargain... rh subject which requires avor of the use of labor-saving machinery, .. The extra cost of much more careful attention js the arse power to run this use of. improved farm machinery. A reader of last week's article who d 'much was said upon' is very'difficult to estimate. For of bject, claimed [the present we shall have to leave forn {his matter in abeyance until we machinery ert trean get fuller information. It may machin tbe said, however, that the board or affirm |and lodging of a hired man should thing | equal the "cost of extra horse atter | power . more. Next week something will be m with im said about the other two methods and "ith the labor problem. air owing of Live larly Horses. ackstock Fair has. been € pages of this paper. Stock e. You will column: is filled ttt mportant lo While no woman is entirely free from periodieat suffering it Coes not s: to © the plan of nature that ywomcs uld suffer go severely, . This is a sev 7 on a woman's y- OW something is wrong which right ort will lead to n seri ment of the whole female "Thoutands of women teful Jet ydia FR. pound ove and irregularities, ~ It prévides a safe and eure way of es- cape from distressing an weaknesses and diseases. The two following letters tell | vincingly wha Lydia I, Pinkhas getable Compound will do for they canrot fail to bri thousands of sufferers, Miss Matilds, Richardson of 17 lington Street, Kingston, Ont., writes : Dear Mrs, Pink "Some four j derange- ars ago my usually good ealth began to fail, had severe paing in my back, Tay head ached, I would have dizzy spells, and duri 2 my monthly periods I would suffer int n, Iv d to try Lydia E. Pink} retable Come ound, and I am so 2 1 t brought new life monthly periods were natural and painless, and my general healt! . I have not had an ache or since, and T feel it a duty as well as a pleasure to tell you what your medicine has done Yor me." Mme. Louise McKenzie, of Mount Car- nel, Montreal, Canada, writes : Dear Mrs, Pinkham :-- "I had heard sc much #ood about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound before Ask Mrs. School Teachers' Convention (Continued from page 4) the cultivation of mental power. The most important part of all the work of Al develop the idea of the significance of number. It js nothing more in its first stage than the generaliza- tion of arithmetic, but later we introduce the general number symbols, 'a, b, ¢,.... Profi De Lury took the teacher step by step through all the grades from tlie first where" we solve 'the mystery of "a standing for any number until he reached the complicated equations, ' We make no progress if we re main in the particular as we do in arithmetic. We always yearn for the general The pupil and also the teacher must thoroughly'com- prehend- the 'idea of "number." They must see it. The key of success. is getting a perspective of the subject, and only by doing this may a lot of useless 'work be avoided. In the world of numbers we have the only symbols of per- manency., Class recitations were then given by Miss Gardiner who taught an instructive lesson on * The Hum: ming" Bird" to 'a Fourth Book class. © She gave all ithe habits, 'haunts and tastes of that interesting little singer. Tn "Miss Pearl McLean gave a very 'beautiful and exemplary lesson in literature to a Second Book class onthe poem, "* November." The hole method was exceeding 'tere and we are 'certain 'that Miss McLean is developing a love. tor the best'and most. beaut 'life in the young hearts around Miss Hortop also gave a profit: ble on Literature to a Hon. Pres. --Mr. W. H. H yle, PP ' gebra has beef to] T started to take it for that when it cured me I was not surprised. Ih "1 with blinding headaches and scemed that T must scream. 1 from five to ten days ( you can understand how 0 get relief. 1 am in the best wd am please] to give you this for what your medicine haa painful periods so of health, | to : oulu be accepted by cn a wing evidence that E, Pinkbam's Vegetable Com- stands without a peer as a remedy ull the distressing ills of women, ete of Lydia E. Pinkham's Corapound rests upon the well- ¢ of Canadian women. cn are troubled with irreg- ments or ulceration of at Dbearing-dow i ackache, bloati 2, (or debility, indigestion vous pry with sn -h as dizziness, faint- ness, | excitability, irritability, 9, sleeplessnosy, melancholy, they should remember there ig one tri and true romedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound' at once removes such troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best, Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. . Pinkham 'if there is anything about your sickness You do not understand. She will treat you with kindness and her advice is free. No woman ever regretted writing her and she has helped thousands. Address Lynn, Mass. PinkBam's Advice--A Woman Best Understands Woman's His. Pres.--Mr. Hart. ) Vice-Pres.--Mr. McBrien, I.P.S, Sec'y-Treas.--Mr. M. L. Nut- ting. Managing Committee -- Mr. | Givens, R. F. Downey, B A., Dr, Park, and Mr. Reid. Mr. Downey was appointed to represent the High School at the annual meeting of the Outitio Education Association, and Mr. Givens she Public School. A concert was givenin the town hall on Thursday evening in which the following took part : \ Addresses R.F. Dou nev, B.A. Mr WH Hoyle, M.PP. A. T-De Lury, B.A. Inspector McBrien. Rev. Mr Agar, An address of welcome was given by the Rceve of Brock Township. Musical selections were contrib- uted by Miss Nix, Mrs Beall and Mr. Kirth, while Miss Mary Welch delighted all with her violin selections. , Altogether the Convention was pronounced one of the best yet held, and all went home inspired with a feeling to do the very best they could for the youth of their country. . GREENBANK Miss Clara Barrett was v at Mrs, Robert M days last week. Miss Emma Lee has returned to Toronto. = + 5 . Gibson is visiting at the honte of Mr, Jas. McMillan, = Mr, Sim. Love, of Manilla, was visiting with relatives 'here last peek. tL Sy Eh isiting unro's for a few A. Horue returned fter visiting with