the Kind of ways A x 2 by makers.who | 'products. ; | | Belleville and northward, § Cp with ih Mr. fore at § o'clock, Itis lioped there may be large attendance at these services. Coming.--F. E. Luke, Opt. D., the eniinent eye specialist of "rr King 'St. W;, Toron to, will be at W. H. McCaw's jewelry store, Port Perry, on Thursday' October 17th: | Hi your eyes: examined by this dwied specialist free of charge, [One nly. © Will have all the latest styles of glasses. | Miss Waddell's millinery opening | Held during the latter part of last week, was well attended; and 'Miss | Waddell has reason tobe pleased 1e resiilts. The millinery isplay. showed variety and. good aste and it is easy te see'that these parlors will be a popular resort. for he ladies who reqtire pretty hats. A gentleman from' Mattchesfer, gland, who 'recently visited this | section on a tour of inspection of the fruit crop stated that the world's supply' of apples is grown in the section between Pickering and The buyers are fully: aware of this fact stand are cleaning up' the whole crop i {even to tlie culls: by | +A inass meeting of the 'Liberals * | of Reach, Poi 'and 'Scugog will, be in tie Council {Ch Port Perry, at 2 pan, on | Thursday, Oct: ioth: € Jas. Carnegie; Candidate. for Yovit egislature ; 1". E; rage, Esq., of Greenbank.' A {full 'atiendance. of "all. Liberals is For Quality and. . wantity. ask oe do t {or the 3 big plugs of 30 ) The, first meeting of the Port 'Perry High and Model Schools was 1907, is visiting Miss M d Currency Uh able. on: Presi- Downey; r. H, Keslick; Repre- ve fion Model School, Rus- So from. Form IV. Frank Form IIT, Oscar Jack; otm IT, John McArthur; Form T, | arry Carnagie. The 'officers 'of the, Port Perry High and Model School Literary Society for tlie coming session ~Hon. President, Mr. Geo. es ; President, Miss Jona chard ; 1st Vice- President, Annie Devitt ; 2nd Vice-President, Oscar, Jack; Secretary, 'Mr, Frank Spence; Treasurer, Mr. D.' McBride, B. Av; 'Repre- sentatives from Form IV--Miss Birdie Hagerman, Miss Mabel Woon ; Representatives from Form I1-- Miss Alice Stewart, Mr, Thos. 'Martin; Representatives from Form II--Miss "Marion McCaw, Mr. Morell Montgomery ; Repre- setitives from Form 1--Miss Dhel Purdy, Mr. Charles Rennie ; Repre- sentatives from ' Model ' School-- Miss Marion Ross," Mr. Ross Jewell; Madaging Committee-- 'Miss - Kathaleen McBrien; . Mr. Howard = Keslick, Mr. Howard | Whiteway'; Musical Comniittee= Miss. May Glide, Miss Florence English, Mr. Harry Carnegie. A Social Reunion of the young people of the Methodist church was held on Monday evening. The {opening n:;mber on the programme was an instrumental duett by Miss Dbel Purdy and Miss Alice Stewart. "This number was 'remarkably well exectited considering the youth of the performers, The Rev. Mr | Greatrix in his address of welcome tothe Model and "High School pupils dwelt upon the opportunities which youth have before them, and the 'need of legitimate ambition. The octette, couisisting of Messrs. Goldring, W. H: Harris, Cowie, J. Harris, Jackson, Taylor Downey and Doubt, rendered two excellent vocal selections and were enthusi- astically encored. Miss Scenes gave a selection entitled "* Good Widow {Clare" and rendered a humiorous Selection, 'No. 1 and No. 2" as an encore, 'Miss'Weir's solo, ** School- days' was 'sweet and. clear' in enunciation, 'The. persistencé of a Port Perry audience in. the matter of encores is most remarkable and effective, and Miss Weir's response was most appropriate--*'I'll "do Auything 'for You Dearie." The cornet. selections by Messrs. Gold- ring and Cowie were most enjoy- The 'commitiee provided refreshments and deserve much credit' for the excellent manner in which they entertained their stu dent guests. Emi d 'of Toron to, na Harris. Miss Ethel R Miss' Bank of "OF PARLIAMEN '0 DEPOSITORS _ . Six months' interest has been added 'to' vour "deposits. * In future interest will-be paid or coms pounded every three months--4 times a year-- , C--O ------ i 'next payment Nov. 3oth. : . BLACKSTOCK A Branch of this Bank is being opened in the Village of ; Blackstock. : H. GC. HUTCHESON, Where Dishes are concerned Large stock to choose \ "from and prices the lowest, ROSE & CO. THE FAIR mobile tour, are visiting Mr, and Mrs, S. Jeffrey. Mr. Geo. Davey, who has been away in St. Catharines for a short time, has returned to" Port Perry and has taken his old position in Ross' store. His many friends are glad to welcome him back again, Mr. C. P, Rolph from Trinidad, Southern Colorado, and Mr. Geo. Argue, of Toronto, are visiting Mr. John Rolph. They are taking a trip down Lake Scugog duck hunting. Among those who attended the Oshawa Fair last week were Mr. and Mrs. Perkins, Mr. Collacutt, Mr, Pearn, Mr. Frank Rundle, Miss M. Ross, Miss E. Ross, Miss H. Campbell, Miss M. Campbell, Miss T. Campbell, Mr. H. Lucas, Dr. O. Graham, Mr. J. Paxton, Mr. C. Brimble, Mr. A. Doubt, Mr."W: Doubt, Mr. R. Doubt, Mr. J. Cowie, Mr, Hope, Mr, Penhall. Croquet Tournament. The Croquet Tournamept held in Toronto on Monday was attend ed by a number of local players whose standing. in' the various matches appears 'in tlie appended | table: NOVICE DOUBLES, 1 Misses Nell and. Grace Ross 43 2 8S. Jeffrey and R. Ratcliff... 38 3 IL. H. and D. 'B. Boternian. 37 4 J. F. M. Stewartand Dr. J. F.ROSS soem insivniens 37 NOVICE SINGLYS. | Willam Ross. ..., S.C. Wood, jr,. 'Miss Nell Ross... . R. Ratcliff + S. Jeffrey. ... J. G: Strong' .. 185 Grace Ross vas / INOVIC credi : good g made by them. The match - Toronto and all \ Big Value $2.05 The Toronto World --AND---- The Port Perry Star One of the best city dailies and one of the best local weeklies, Both for twelve months for only $2.95 Subscribe Now. The Weekly Gl together with the OAT PERRY STAR from now until the end of 'THE STAR joins friends of each party, long life, happiness. GN a