Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 21 Aug 1907, p. 3

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bes which do no tice. are inferior; 1 i Fowl to the can Jdvingstone, speaki I"iney aro o flrie I U q sno spitted on 'and - unmistakeably of human "origin. do 8s our fathers have done," these , sages told him 'with an indifferent [| shrug; when 'remonsirated with "on subject. "If is. fo cat meat that ked," complacently said another trike. Inthe Ubangl country Mr. Ward be. oi held ie hens necks adorned vi * | strings. of human, teeth, fingers. iF ngs pied gig ousés. were h skulls om the outside. In region on ungu, River mighty' fributary of. the ones ig t | bundred. milés from; the AHlanti¢ coas 3. Johns! 'Mr.- Ward found a éeriés of strongly 10 Commandant Guy | A 160 L tified villages, where the Ubangi ¢dnni- administration, Pr, 'Parke ay 5. L.1 bals came to buy slaves, drawing upon ice the supplies for food os required. Turning to the South Sea Islands, the Germans, Dulch and British are striving he put cannibalism in their respec: sti five spheres in New Guinea. So far thése oe efforts have met with little success: The ¢ bi 73 4 Guinea maiden Pity Jooie with fayor on a r whose hut.isno plastered with dhl lion _row- Bef end; general pn . 3 x Ee Raia Ey Sélofhon" Iefinds; 'New Britain Ireland; the mnalives are also from deliberate choice: In S as late as 1850 lived canni- less as any on earth. They eried their victims in wooden cages hl ready for the braining A OIE Ihe PAGADRY of Ubon bo gs sen to the ovens, an a a oy Falls on on go, had'; ree beet dete er Ar ma. SIX 0k the DUNEE = 4 pf in frond, charged with} = * eliten' two 'of; their ans; ed Eo Ment Guard 8 ing Them Dr. Williams' Pin! ! Bestnof jhe growing boy or gn be' . Durin 'poisoned and the . The blood 'child. will : ge the val 0 the 10 43 up 'efficacy of ¢ gin | BW 'treating this disorder, showing that they oreo are 0 Powerful Nervine.--Dys-, "derangément 'ofthe: nerv- > us debility, once' fic 5 any" tes! he Parinelee's Vegetable. Pills in: never fail to produce results, By giv: ing proper tone to the digestive organs, they restore equilibrium to. the nerve centres, . Sle : POPULAR MARRYING. MONTHS. April, June, and December are. lhe principal marrying months in {his coun- try. and May the poorest of marriage menths, Yet in Holland May is the month of all others for marriages. In 'Russia January and February, are the aug) months, and in Norway Jun and 'July. , 4 ? Wretched Condition of ioshe fact thas they neglect Lhe of r health." When in condition ** Ferrovim" will build you up and give you strength. : Young Barrister--"My dear, - she isn't 'a shoplifter, - She may have been formerly, 'but she 'has saved so much money in the last fen years that she kas become. a kleptomaniac." IL_is Good for Man and Beast.-Not only is Dr. Thomas' Ecléctrie Oil of in- comparable valie-in {he household, but tho farmer and : stockman will find it very 'serviceable in ihe: fdrm- yard and Lon the catlle' ramge, 'often saving whe services of a veterinary surgeon, In in- juries to. 'stock. and in cases of cough and pains it can be used with good ef- ec! : . thousands is a simplest care .'Ten years ago the total immigration into. Canada from the mother country was. only, 14406. Last year it had reached 97,133, of whom 17,672 were Scots, and 3,797 Irish. The numbers are expected lo. exceed 100,000 this year. SEWING-MACHINE NEEDLES. "I 'for all makes of machines at Five Cents er' package, and everything else per- nining to sewing machines at greatly reduced. prices. Look for the Red S. Singer Sewing 'Machine Co. Write us at Manning Chambers, Toronto, for set ol Bird Cards free. NOW CACKLE. . "Say, whats the best food for hens!" "What t" "Layer cake I" Mather: Graves! 'Worm Exterminator 'pleasant to "take; sure and effectual destroying worms,. Many have tried [{t-with best' results, i ly ane building thousand; is. even: nominally A a td Rd b id night fol- i SER © "The average man {hinks he will have plenty of time for everything if he winds his 'watch every: day. 53, TO ep - | action, he Stomach or cause distur : y per pac or 8 packets for 280. § will last a whole season. THE GREAT NORTH COUNTRY. Nimrod was a mighly hunter, but had he hunted in the "Temagami" re- gion he would have been -a mightier cne. Nimrod hunted for glory, but Temagamians hunt for game, Those Indians who made the first canoe of birch bark long ago, were our greatest benefactors." The children of these In- «ans know the cance, and they know hcw to use it, and if you go to Tema- gami this summer they will paddle your canoe in their own superb way. They will be the best guides you ever had. Students who camp \in summer along the Temagami lakes 'are able lo do two years' work in one. Finest of fishing and hunting. Easy of access by '{*e Grand Trunk Railway System. For information and - beautiful descriptive publication sent free apply to J. D. McDonald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. a gr § rw + DOGS PICK MASTER'S SHEEP FROM , THOUSANDS. While on a walking tour in' Scotland on the road fo St. Catherine's, some Americans met {wo shepherds, who, 'after some conversation, offered lo take us a short 2ut over the moors and show us the clever way in which their dogs worked. There were three flocks of gheep on' the hills belonging do different owners. Sitting_down an the hillside, th> shepherds told their two dogs (in Gaélic) ta separate the sheep and bring their own flocks up to where we were resting. There were a thousand™ sheep or more scaltered over the.noor. First rounding them all up in a- bunch, the dogs collected their own sheep together, driving away the strangers by barking and chasing them, but not hurting them in the least. - Within an hour they had tha two flocks belonging fo their mas- ters compactly gathered, and brought {hem in two divisions, one on each side of us. eee es We have no hesitation in-saying that Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is without doubt the best medicine ever infroduced for dysentery, diarrheea, cholera and all summer complaints, sea sickness, efe. It promptly gives relief and never fails to efféct a positive cure, Me thers 'should never be without a bot 11¢" when 'their: children 'are teething. "Maud, can't you play tennis without u) that noise" "Now, how do' you sup- pose' we are going to play tennis with out raising a racket I™ ITCH, Mange, Prairie 'Scratches and every lorm of contagious Tich on human cr animals cured in 80 minutes by Wol- ford's tary Lotions It never fails Sold by all druggists. Three months after facing the parson together they were sea at the lea table. "Do you Jove me still 7" queried the young wife, 'alter the manner of her: Kind, "OI course, 1 love you still," ha answered, - "Now keep still while I read the paper." 320 AR 4 g: 3 T A A 8 Mild in: Their Action.--Parmelee's Vegetable, Pills are very mild in their y do not. cause gpiping in | ere pills: do. | lcwers and spires' of Truro Cathedral. i| man on the héad. That is what I should | BLOCKS OF LAND CW A woman: inmate at. the city work. house, London, is stated to have cost thi ratépayers £1400. ¢ Travelling as the Countess 'of Killar- ney, the Princess of 'Wales left' London for Dresden, where she will remain for a fortnight, ° - Yong Mrs. Hawkins, of 10 Portland. place, London, has promised to subscribe £20,- 000 for the completion of the western Wilh his hands and feet manacled, Seid Prof. Jules Gautier, who, in July, 1904 c w= : ! . Dyeing ! Cleaning} swam 10 miles under similar conditions, Por ibe vory best send your work 40 the will swim from Richmond to Putney. 1 8 constable is In danger CL.PA"S'. "BRITION AMERIOAN DYEING 00." Look for agent In year tows, of send direst. incapacitated for life he should hit a Meatreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebes, do if \1 were a constable," said Sir E. Henry, Chief Commissioner at {he Police) Commission. "It is evident sho had been what is known: in Cheshire as 'neighboring and drinking," "said the coroner al a Nor wich inquest on a woman who, after visiting three houses and - being served with drink, fell into the river. Compensation' to the extent of £100 was awarded at Bristol to John Rous, who lost an 'eyo as the result of a motor car accident in. April 1dsk = Several. women: have disappeared -re- cently from Birmingham, and now two Ashton girls, Lily Blyth and Dora Hock- ley, both aged sixteen, are missing. By a gas explosion at Susanna Street, Poplar, where a gaspipe in the road was being repaired, a house oppo- site was wrecked, and three persons were injured by falling glass, Trafalgar Square's fountains -and ba- sins have just been cleaned out, and among the things found in them were 61? walking-sticks and umbrellas, boots, emply purses, pocket knives, and tobac- ¢) boxes. Charged at Salford with neglecting his two children, a man was stated 0 have locked the boys in a filthy room, padlocked the doors, fed them on bread and water, and thrashed them with a whip. Miss Lydia Aikens, lhe fifteen-year-old daughter of a Leicester builder, caused greal excitement at Leicester by climb- ing a chimney 150 feet high and walking round the edge of the scaffolding at the Toyo oof gi, peer Guaranteed in wrif for 23 years. "OSHAWA GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES use its with a "Write us about it and so; ROOFING RIGHT. The PEDLAR People © Winnipeg Oshawa Montreal Ottawa Toronto London QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPARY , Wi the build they cover. y haar all about Address River and Gulf of St, Lawenct Summer Oruises in Cool Latitudes in Sorew Iron 88. * Campana," with elootrid Nghta.' electric bells aud all modern comforts. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MONDAYS a{ ¢ p.m., 3rd and 17th June, ist, 16th and 20th July, IRD and 26th August, 9th and 28rd September and fortnightly thereafter for Hlctew: Ns, ol L c, Gaspe, h 5 2 Bena ier bum eide, PRL, ' tetown, P.B. BERMUDA 1 n J, by the Box, Twid " df , §, ns. Berow 88. Berd. 170 rie July, 100s od somber, 54 D. Tho prize presented by the Queen for the best conducted pupil in the West Nerfolk and King's. Lynn School for Girls has been won by Miss Coulton, of Lynn. - Doctors in Preston have decided to raise their fees for attending members ol friendly societies from 2s. 6d. per annum to 4s. per head for men, 3s. for women and 3s. for children. Teething Babie are saved suffering--and mothers given rest--when one uses Nurses' ana Mothers' Treasure Quickly relieves--regulates the bowels -- prevents convulsions. Used 50 years. Absolutely safe. At drug-stores, 8c. 6 bottl 96. Naor eve & Chernical Cor, Limited, Bole Proprietors, Montreal, a1 e, 8rd, 17th th Sol, iat 26th Ootober, 6th, jon "Temperature cooled by soa bree 80 degrees. Tet nest rips of the season for health and eomiot {UR AHERN, Secretary, Quebeol A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO., Agen's 2) Broadway, New York. ues seldoss It's all right to judge a man by the company he keeps, but it isn't fair to judge a woman by the company she is forced to entertain. Auction Sale of High-Class Berkshires The Tops of the Berkshire World. Champions of Canada for the Past Five Years. Annual sale of high-class Berkshires lo be held by W. H. Durham, at his home. Islinglon; Onl, six miles west of Toronto, on TEHURSDAY, SHPFPT. 65th, 1907 Sale to commence at 1 p.m. sharp. The offering will consist of Imported snd Canadian bred sows in farcow, gilts, and young boars, the blood of English and Canadian Champions, II you are in need of a good show animal this fall, don't fail to attend this sale. Come and spend lhe day wilh us, and soe one of the greatest Berkshire herds cn the American continent, Write for calalogue and further particulars to-- Auctioneer--J. McCEWEN, Weston, Ont. W. H, DURHAM, Box 1052, Toronto, Can | IRRIGATED FARMS AND FOR SALE BTS 3 3 1 bs ho ta suit Jutchasers, trom 10 acres upwards, situated, on or 'near railways. ir "the jomous Wheat, root and vegetable growing districts of" ' 'A AND BRITISH COLUMBIA Ee aassiiog ein the lang the finest. 3 Placed uthern Alberta Fisés twice © © "elsewheré~AND THE

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