Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 21 Aug 1907, p. 2

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"Sault Ste. Ma # A despatch "from" Sault Ste. Marie, : says: As lhe. result of what. is said [€ to have been a drunken row that start- ed in the Windbor Hotel at nine' 'elotk on Thursday night, Edward Hynes, a barber employed at the hotel, 1s dead, Thomas Ryan, 'a blacksmith; "Who Nas' lived in the "Soo" fof years, and is respected by all, is in the cells, and wit probably 'be conipelled fo * answer t) a charge of murder The row started. in the barber shop in; connection 'with the hotel, It ap- pears that' Ryan had had his hair cut m the shop Some days ago, and: while inde shop on Thursday night quizzed Hynes about 'it, saying that he was not setisfied. Words followed, and the Spec« talors say that Ryan asked Hynes. lo go oul into the yard and seltle the mat, fer. Hynes complied, and the two men 1-tt the shop, Hynes locking it. Neil McDougall, proprietor of the ho- {al went to the front door of the 'place 'house, presumably' to pul : "and "pot sso to the rear o a stop' to the fight.: As. he reached the yard, Byan was hoinitng bis steps to leave Ae Hynes was lying upon the' i parently unconscious. Mé eugall se. clired assistance and Hynes was ca into the hotel, where. it was found hat he was dead. Dr. McCrae was hurried- ly summoned, but life was extinct long before he "arrived, ¢ The police were notified and Ryan vas found'at "his. home on Albert Street, It 15 said he expressed surprise that Hynes 'was dead, having no-idea that the' fight, had terminated fatally. Hynes was 38: years. ol age, and came to the "Soo" fram {he American side/in June; formerly conducting the Grand Suloon in the 'American "Soo." ' He: wis single, and had always been ve- garded as quiet and inoffensive, 'Ryan ia about, 40 years of age, married, 4nd Nas a family of three children. © in sight, returned, pm re pe in het ----------" LEADING MARKETS Toronta, :Aug. 20.--Ontario Wheat -- Ncminal; No. 8 white, 8ic to 85c; new wheat, about 8ic to 82c. Manitoba Wheat--Easy; No. 1 north ern, 93¢ to 93%c; No. 2 norlhern, 9e. Corn--Steady; No. 2 yellow, 6334¢ to 64c Toronto. Barley--No. 2 nominal at 50c outside. Oats--Nominal; No. 2 white,s42c out- side; new oats, 38¢c to , Chatham freights. MN ¢ itoba--No. 2 white, 43%c "0 44c on track al elevator. Peas--Nominal at; 75¢ for No. 2. Rye--65c¢. Flour--Ontario--90 per cent. patents, 82.25 hid, $3.30 asked; new wheat flour, §3.10; Manitoba first patents, $5 10. $5.20; seconds, $4.40 to 84.50; strodg bikers' $4.20 lo $4.30. Bran--816.50 to $17, bulk.' outside; shorts, $20 to $20.50 outside. or COUNTRY PRODUCE: Butter--Prices are firmeg sail round. Creamery prints 22c toe do solids . Cheese--Fi ¢1 at 12%c fo 12%c for urge and. 1z)4c for twins in job lots ere, Eggs--Firm at 183c to 19c; quoted from 19¢ to 19Xc. Beans--§1.65 {o $1.70 for hand-picked and $1.50 lo $1.55 for primes. Potatoes--Eastern, dull at 80c to 90¢c per bag; new potatoes, firm at $3.25 fo $3.50 per barrel in car lots on track. Baled Hay--O)d hay is' practically nominal at $14,50' to $15, New hay is steady at $12.50 in. car lois on track ere, Baled Straw--$7.25 to $7.50 per ton in car lots on track here, PROVISIONS. Dressed Hogs--$0.75 for lightweights and" $9.25 for heav Pork--Short cut, $22.75 to $23 for bar. rels; mess, $20 to $21. Smoked and Dry Salted Meats--Long ciear 'bacon, 1ic to 113c for tons and .ceses; hams, 'medium- and light, 153¢ to 16c; heavy, 143c to 5c; backs, 1§34¢ 10 17c; shoulders, 10%¢ to 1c; rolls, 1i%c 'out of 'pickle 1c les than smoked, Lara Steady: tierces,. 12¢; tubs, 12){c; pails, 1 selects or penta MONTREAL MARKETS 'Montreal, Aug. 2 Opis continie firm and a Steady business is being done, Sales of von lols of Manitoba: No. # white were made al 483e and' 'car lots "ab 49¢ Pe bushel ex-store, hoioe 'spring' 'wheat } Patents, Flo 85:10 107 45:20; 'seconds; $450 Ho 85.607 'prisoner ot winter wheat patenls, $4.65 to $4.95: straight rollers $4.25 ta $4.35; do., In Lags, $1.65 to $2.10; extras, $1.65 to $1.75. A Rolled Gate. Temata quiel at $2.25 per'| 4 Is Steady at SL. 45 101 bag; pial ER ;- shorts; $23 (o $25 a Tran fi tags, 819 'to' $19.50: don; straight gr aN, si ! Roe $16; clover, 813.50 to { and 'clo 'mixed; $1250 lo 813 per { car lots er-Townships are quoted at RRL rel! Cheese--DOnlario, 113%c to 11%c; east: erns, 11¢ to 11%4e¢. Eggs--Sales of selected in single cas- es were made at 20c to 21c, and round leis of straight receipts at 16%c. No. 1 candled at 1% to 18c, No. 2 candled at12¢ fo 14c, and No.2 straight at 123c per. dozen. Provisions--Barrels short cut mess, &22 to $22.50; half barrels, $11.25 to $11.- V5; clear fat back, $23.50 to $24.50; long cui heavy mess, $20.50 to $21.50; half barrels do., $10. b 5 fo $11,50; dry salted long clear 'bacon, 10¢ to 113%c; barrels plate beef, $14 to $16; half barrels do., 87.50 to $8.25; barrels heavy mess beef, $10; hall barrels do,, $5.50; compound lard, 10¥%c to 10%c; pure lard, 11¥%c to 123{c; kettle rendered, : 13¢ to 13%c; hams; 123c to 15¥c, according lo size; breakfast bacon, 1c to 15)c; Windsor bacon, 15c to 153c; fresh killed abat- leir- dressed hogs, $9.75 to ig alive, $0.75 to $7.65. ---- NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET, New : York, 'Aug. .20,--Wheat--Spot firm; No. ® red, 9ic in elevator and 92%¢ Lob, afloat; No. 1. northern Duluth, £1.04; No, 2 bard winter, 9dc. LIVE STOCK. MARKETS. Toronto, Aug: -20.-~Export' trade cons tinued quiet. Prices quoted for top qua- ht; ranged between 85 and 85.25, Good average quality sold from $4.75 to $4.- 90, and bulls from $3.75 to $4.50. ; Choice steers sold up to 85, with the renge from $4.60. Good medium to choice sold from $4.25 10 $4.50, Ordin- ary to medium, $3.50 to $4. Wellin: ished cows would" have sald at $3.50 io $4, and one or two buyers professed themselves willing to bid. 10 10 15 cents higher for the right quality... A lot of the very roughest stock sold as canners al $1.50 to $2. There was no: inquiry for Stockers. Choice nominally 83: to. $3.75; common, 82.25 to $A, : Offerings of milkers were a little heav- jer lo-day. Choice were quoted from $35 10 $50, 'and common. to 'medium from $20 10 '$30, Veal calves. were steady at 3¢ to bc per. pound, Ewes sold from 84,50 10' $4.75. Bucks and culls from 83.50 to $4, Lambs sold from $5.50 to $6.20. Last week's decline. in- hog prices steadied the market. . Selects. were quot, ed at $6.75. #Aip STIL PRISONER. Ralsull Sends a Threat to the Deitsh | Liat 108 , + Minister. A despatch from a dgian says; I thos | 'been! learned 'hat Kaid: Sir lean, She 2x Nshmgn | in ye fice ie Sultan 10CCO, W as been bord in fh ol Ontario shots |. $25.50 fo 823; milled tngutlie, Bl bd $28] tude up the revised figures: loreign {rade for the hi @ ending June last, Total" $354,430,433, an: ingrease Great" Britain, 19,- 804,161, while "exporis deslined sin 170: Imports. from the U amounied to $215,739, hel ite $39,877,630. Exporis 10: al Hi or the twelve; months ere, 04, gain of $6,453,766 over fobs Sr Coie tein 124 FATAL ACCIDENTS, Industrial Casualties' "During July Teached Total of 391. A despatoh' from Ottawa says July industria) accidents «ta, 39 dual. work people in 'Canada' were re- perted. Of these 124 were fatally in- jured, and 267 received serious injuries. The number of fatalities was. 24 more than in July of last year, Eighteen of the fatal accidents occurred 'in agricul tural" pursuits, 14 in 'mining, an. 26 mn railway. service, SALMON TO BE DEAR. og tes or Catch at B, C. Canneties is Very Much Decreased. 3 A despatch from Vancouver, B. C., says: Only fifty thousand cases of sock- eyes have been put up by Fraser. River canneries, with the season within ten days of closing. No} more. than five thcusand more cases are expected. This is an off 'year. ~ Last year 'thé Fraser yielded eighty-five * thousand . cases; The whole 'Province-this- year 1a. date 'has only {wo hundred and sevénty-nine thousand ' cscs, "against: four "hundred "land seventy thousand lost coLD IN MANITO BA. S Sopp But No Fears Entertained as Yet for the Crops, a A. despaich from 'Winnipeg says: The} Be near approach of the Rarvest has been accompanied by 'a period of warm woa« ther until Monday, when the tempera: ture dropped "somewhat, though not enough 10 cause any' fears unless it 'cons tinues, to dower, Last week was; warm end 'beneficial for the ripening grain, Culling will become general through: out the pravince and the West Wiig the 'next few days. BANK TELLERS MISTAKE, ag He Paid Out, Five "Hundred Poflass; Too |? A despatch from Winnipeg says The feller 'of the Bank of:Montreal here paid out five hundred dollars too much oné day last week, and as a result Sim Ps: Jukes, a Greek, is under arrest, Sharg: ed with having obtained . the mo) { Patrakos presented a check for six dred and fifty dollars; signed by, eville, "local 'druggist. Rapsey claims' tha Remembered hat he {i Sat leaded not Sle nd wi r eight days, 5

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