Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 26 Jun 1907, p. 9

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or wounded. ¥ : the mutiny was planned to coincide' with 'a political strike, as a reply lo | the dissolution of Parliament, involv. ing the rallpoads; telegraphs and mails, |. The decision "of ine revolutionary staff 'here to refrain from demonsira- eq y| tions such ps the Hot lieaded ! d sappers. midnight, June ve to 84.20; balcers, | hundred men at a given signal left their were: tineers Bran--819 to $20; shorts, $21 to §28, {side. j COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter--Market Is easy; receipls are lange, and the demand' strong. Creauiery, prints coat 20010 210 do solid + ia anes 19010 00 Dairy, prints Seva Tic to 18¢ ado Solids <i. LS i 17¢ to 17%c Cheese--12%c for large and 13c for is, 'in' job 'lots 'here,' Egge-170 to 18c per dozen, in case Se Jo ;+Beans--81.50 to $1.55 for hand-picked and $1.35 fo_81.40 for, primes. : Potaloes--Delawares, $1.30 to $1.35. in . Ontario, $1.10 81.15, y No mn imi no hE | hy thought ue steamer Pricurose. was | 5,104 Sieur rivhn at $1 10 $75 fon; in car lots on track 'here. ; a PROVISIONS. | Dressed Hogs--$9.50 for light-weighls dand 89 for heavies, farmers' lots. 3 vn per 'of tho. mos leniahed ti ths this season. . Next en | steamer; the' most -p sible to build, will be | beds, disarmed the sentries, ! { € hurriedly dressed, obtained ' possession. of their y broke ino an armory, secured 3 Sumber "of loaded cartridges and then rched to the ¢ainp square and fired a volley in the air, + 'REFUSED TO SURRENDER. The officer on duty, Captain Akuloft, ran out and addressed the mulineers, persuading them ta disperse. . He then called out another battalion, drew he men up and led a charge on the mutfn- eers, ordering 'them-te. surrender.. Upon NOTED ATHLETE MEETS DEATH. -- ' "Hod" Stuart, of Ottawa, Breaks His Neck Bathing at Belleville. A dedpalch from Belleville says: Wm. Hodgson Stuart, better-known as "Hod" Stugrt, the famous hockey player at Ottawa. met an untimely death in this City on 'Sunday afternoon between the hours of 2 and 8 o'clock. In company with 'some companions he visited the wharf and decided-lo take a bath in the bay. After "disrobing he dived off the wharf and swam {o the. lighthouse, a distance of about 100 yards. His com- panions did not venture inlo the water. had { island id the mainl a ©. GREAT BRITAIN. - The Dukes of Devonshire is suffering "Pork--Short cut, 22.75 to $23 per bar- | "Hod," after sitting. upon the landing rel; mess, $21 to $21.50. of the lighthouse for "a few minutes, 'Smoked and Dry Salted 'Me@ts--Long| dived off, and this was the last seen of clear bacon, 11g fo 1134c for tons and | him alive, Not risidg, an alarm was cases; hams, medium and' light, 15%c| raised, and parties in a rowboat went Ad 16c; heavy, 143¢ to 15¢; backs, 16%c| to the lighthouse and in about three 'Fo 17c; shoulders, 103c to 1c; rolls, | feet of water the unfortunate man was i 41%c; out of pickle, 1c less than smoked. | seéén lying upon some rocks. As quickly Lard--Steady at-ihese prices; Tiérces, | 8s possible, he was raised up and taken RR 123c; tubs, 1c; pails, 12%c, UNITED STATES: Sa ed Basi - 'fever 'is again epidemic In| . MONTREAL MARKETS. ; a . EEG i | Mayor Schmitz of Sai 500° Monireal, June 25-The situation in Bor Sehnls 0 rg Frauciecn h the live ho market is virtually un- 'A' fabulously. rich silver strike is ve-| changed and fhe ruling price foy select 3 from' the CX J district; Col. | lots 'weighed off 'cars is from $7.25 to August first a heavy fax is to be $7,40 per hundred pounds. the 'sellers of fire-| In the butter market the official quo- Ta lations were: Townships, 21c; Quebec to afoms by-an| 20366 to 20%c; Onfario, 20c; dairy, On- : a po' factory 'at 'Sen- | tario, 18¢ to 183c. 2 ahoning, in P vania;: oo 7 hess showed he Jollowing, oes: A frairt 'near Mitchell, Indiana, was|---Ontario, 12; tow: ~~ 11%c by & falling roel In a nel. | T1%c: Quebec, 11% to 11526 gers were ed. | Prices of eggs were 17¢ for wholesale § nt. pro- Jol and 18c for small lots. 'Ch art: ef Beans remain Shou id Sarie, wil -amonnking.to | @nly a fair'demand. * Three-pound 'pick- HITE 0812.00: pe '$1.40. to $1.45 per bushel in by the Ameri- | car lots; and $1.50 in a jobbing way. construc- | Maple syrup is quoted at 63c per : "pourid ting; © and 5%c per pound in Ag wood." Maple sugar, he Jo Bc. $100,000_has been | White: clover ¢ ney-1% to 15¢ University. by Wik} per pound; while extracted, 113c to randsc al 12¢; buckwheat. 8%c to 9c. 3 Potash remains scarce, and pues | are without change. First sorts; $6.15 DCT - [10° 86:25; seconds, $5.50' and pearls at ih of plely | 87 per 100 pounds. - 2 ert blown wader +25, --Flour--Dull Le ide --Spring, stronger; No. | $1.02; Viner, unsettled; No. Corn--Strong; No. 2 yel- white, 57 .. Oats-- 2 white," 49%¢; 'No. 2 mix- Barley--Unsetiled; quoted | Rye--Nd. 2 offered 89c; {s--Unchanged. = 0 i "92%¢; No. 2 red, 81, 'No. warthern, Duluth, hard: winter. an shore, but it Was evident that life was extinct. Dr. Yeomans was soon upon. the scene, and #ipon examination discovered that the™ victim in diving had struck his head upon the racks, causing a fracture of the skull and dis- location of the meck. Death was in- slantaneous., R Stuart, who was 24 yedrs of age, was born at Ottawa, His father, Wm. Stuart, was in the city, having the 'con- tract for the erection of the drill shed, and the son was superintendending the work, Deceased 'was 'married, and in addition to his widow, two small chil dren survive. The mother; one brother and two sisters are living in Ottawa, where the remains were sent at mid- night after being prepared for burial. ------y IMMIGRANTS POURING IN, Settlers Arrive at Winnipeg--Majority of British Birth, A despatch 'from Winnipeg says: Three hundréd. British immigrants ar- rived in the city Saturday from the Cas- sandra "ind Sicilian. There have been nearly 2.300 "immigraifts arrive in the course of fhe week, quite exclusive of the homebeekers' excursion of Thursday, which does not fall info that category, About 850 Galicigns have arrived in this 'périod. . The immigration from the Old Country is about 60 per cent. of the otal, or 1,300. * Some 40 French and 15 Gérmans have come in; raking the bal- ance. This compares favorably with other weeks of the current season. J BR. JN FOUND DEAD ON PRAIRIE, 7 2 ------ Tragic End 'at Winnipeg of Cocaine eh 'Fiend Musician. : A despatch' from: Wi | Robert: i - pianist, was found dead on the prairie near Freeman's Lake "Saturday. Harweod, 'who was a native of England, was a cocaine fiend and a 'heavy. drinker. 'A previous musi: 'cian at the:same resort was found dead rairio about & year ago in a says : and. no plans, wavered hundred and fifty TROUBLE AT KALUGA. Military troubles : out among .the troops of the third i £ faniry division, stationed at Kaluga: General 'Orloff, the suppressor of insurrection. in the . Baltic Provinces, and. regarded as one of the most & getic officers in the Russian service, left St. Petersburg hurriedly the night after the receipt of a despaich to teks charge of the garrison at Kaluga. No information. is available. ds to the nd. ture of the trouble. The despalches of '| the - Associated Press from Kiev 'details ing the mutiny there were turned over fo the censor and held up for from twelve to twenty-four hours before the; were delivered. Wholesale arrests continué in St Petersburg. ; TERRIBLE FOREST FIRES. Conditions Are Appalling in the Upper Ottawa Valley. A despatch from Ottawa says: Mr. Colin Rankin, of Mattawa, who arrived in the city on Thursday, 'says the fores fires are appalling in the Upper Otlawal Valley. Some days the smoke is &o dense as to darken the streets of Mat~ tawa, although the fires are many miles away. Mr. Rankin tells of the great danger-to life along the Montreal River, Reports have reached Mallawa of men having had very narrow escapts, so sudden was the inroad of the flames on the timber regions. The lumbermen who own limits fn the Temiskaming District! will lose enormously. The Frojonged v dry season had such an effect' on limber: that it is almost impossible to save it. The heavy rain of Wednesday night completely extinguished the bush fires which have been raging for the past week up the Parry Sound line. The damage is nothing in comparison to the great area over which the fires we tween 'Madawaska and Whitney, for a considerable distance on each side of tho railway track, the lightly wooded ground 'was burned clear. The heavy| and valuable timber limits farther back from the right-of-way were practically untouched, the region destroyed being mainly that which had been cyt years! before and is now springing up again in thick scrub. The St. Anthony Lumber Company, J. R. Booth and the G.T.R.' have tlie righls to the territory swept. HALF MILE OF LUMBER BURNED, Fire in Vancouver Mill Does Damage to Extent of $250,000. A despalch from Vancouver, B.C., says; Nine million Teet of lumber were destroyed by fire at the premises of the, Vancouver Lumber Company Seturday; afternoon, entailing a loss of $250,000. 'The fire started in the drying-rodm and spread rapidly until half a mile of lum ber piled many feet high was ablaze, Dynamite was used sa an endeavor io stop the: flames, . but it was futile. Camble Street bridge was "ulso slightly burned. Telerhones and eleciric lights] were put out of business. The loss is! coveréd by: insurance. / ------ ---- A BRUTE AT HAILEYBURY. ; Killed Three Cows With an Axe in' a Dairy. A despatch from Cobalt says: fines ; On night a Haileybury dairyman cows. Some: ruffian hit a three cows vith the blade of an axe. Two were found ead, and (he (hird' dy- ng en Sunday, ge The palice will lerret out. man rosecu. tion will fallow, y Ha P 5 rents Wi in, - An Malian barber shot and killed one: pussenger and. wounded {wo others in! hr a train in Kansas, on Saturday. ¥ George Bret; of Hamilton, who keepc 8 candy store, was fined $10 for sell or. Sunday. js

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