w.p.l Port For Sale The undersigned has for sale two good: second hand buggies ; one | mearly new with pole" aud whiffle- trees attached ; also a good set of © © single harness, The above articles 1 are in 'good order and will be sold cheap. 5 CHAS. PARISH, . Port Perry. Notice to Creditors Of the late Mrs. Lucinda Ross late of the Village of Port Perry, widow, decéased, Purstiant to Revised Statutes of On- Yario, 1897, Cap. 129, totice is hereby given 'that 'all 'creditors 'and. others "having claims against the Estate of ~ the above named Lucinda' Ross who i died on. the twenty second day of April 1907, are required on ot' before the Sixth day of July A.D, 1907, to send by 'post prepaid or. deliver to © Hubert .L. Ebbels of the Village of Port Perry, Solicitor for the Executors of'thé Deceaged; their Christian and _ + 'Snrnames, addresses and descriptions, together with full particulars of their "- claims, a statement of their accounts; and the nature of the security, if any, Held by them. And notice is futher given that after such Jess mentioned date, the Execn- tors of the "Estate 'of the said Deceased will proceed to. distribute the assets of the Estate among the persons entitléd thereto, having re gard 'only. to, the claims of which notice shall at the time of distribution + have been given {and the Executors will'not be liable forthe assets or any part thercof to any person or persons of whose c'aini they shallynot have Had notice, A "Dated at Port Perty, the 22nd day of May 1907. Robert Ross; Willfam Ross, Charles A. Ross, Execttors of « the Deceased Perry Generous Giving. Those whose hearts have 'been moved by: the recent terrible" dis. tress in China' will be glad to learn that the "China Famine Fund nionies cabled by thé Montreal Witness amounted in all to $10,000. thost of which was cabled during: the last two weeks of the fund, These 'gifts were received from all over the Doniinion, and a 'good many. more © Witness * readers were preparing to remit when they learcs ed that the fund 'was closed. ; The * Witness' 'has always lent itself to this work of receiving and forwarding subscriptions for worthy causes, and vast suis have been collected by it for 'such purposes, one fund, the American Relief Fund, aloge amounting 'to over $15,000. The amount of work and expense involved in' receiving, ac- knowledging and fowarding 'these largé'sums of money is very much greater than the general pubMe can at all realize, but the Witness" has done it gladly and ungrudgingly, makitig 110 charge whatever: for services or for newspaper' space sed, ; THE: SECRET OF ; A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION NOW REVEALED FREE What beauty is more desirable {than an exquisite complexion and elegant jewels. AN-OPPORTUNT FOR. EVERY. WOMAN TO OBTAIN BoTH, for a limited time only. so "The directions and recipe for ob- taining a faultless 'complexion: is the secret long guarded th masterminds of the ORIENTALS {and GREEKS. PEERLESS S pectacles Propetly fitted fra dine: = This we obtained after yeats of work and at great expense, It is the method used by the fairest and t beautiful women. of Bui vase!" This a convincing, and the trea » "PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Don't Develop the Mind at the E he of the Bod 5 The man or woman: would train the faental faculties without any refer Jenico. to the physica fault qualification for the work in or she "may be engaged. 'may be ever go well tralned with knowledge of the lds there fs behind it a m strong body 1 ing a failure; Ats possibilities, It'is a spee elty. to educate the mind pénse of the body. Better grow up into, manhood © with an inferior eduecd 8 better education of the body weakened In the effort: The fact that 80 fessional k the sons whose edrly 1ife has be doors; has been #- May it not be Fre Fa physique 'was devel er life, besides thelr nm ments, they had strong 'which 6 10 the work successfully performed?" This 'only 'possible, but very: proba ness . Dro life have been Lng: land originated fi a Stolen secret. Fe readers need 'to' be informe: th ware, 1s' simply thin sheet iron. p with tin 'by being dipped Into th eh petal. In theory it is The minufactire of tinware i; 5 by thelq 8h