Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 19 Jun 1907, p. 3

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| percent. on all i: 'William: Albright, "proj ed 'the Mayor of ceipts. above $80,000. hetess," tain eruptions." = : A hobo fitted 'himself. quarte "steam yach{ shi P. R. from Montreal ross. (he continent . Dri' Falconer: formally Presidency 'of ihe University. of Toron- io al a meeting of the Board of Gover: 'Hors on Friday. 3 ae ol $3 It is proposed to sore sanie 80,000 "Yons of "coal in Saskatchewan during this summer. fo prevent another fam-| YNZ | rest in the Winter Palace. net steps to city placed in. un 1 Special experts have proven to the underwriters that ny fires are due to the danger ol d wires; ele. The report, which also touches upon other important mat- fon ters, 'says that the Underwriters' Asso- eration, aller much research; have rea- son to believe that some of the recent disastrous fires in the city are due defective wiring, The repori also stales {hat during the past six months fire in- surance losses in the city havé been clogs upon three million dollars. This leans seven dollars per capita of po- ulation. . Such - losses; it is claimed, 'besides being enormous in the extreme, Are unnecessary. oss rte dee MILLION' FOR TIMBER LIMITS. A New York Syndicate After Propert in the West. b A degpatch from St. John, N. B.; says: Negotiations have been in progress for some time through a St. John bros ker for the sale of one of the most valu- able tracts of fimber land in British "1 Gelumbia. The Tand is situated on Gra- son the coast) | 18 covered 31 bodies of Samuel "Rankin afd | 'Patterson, both old residents of d found in the water on 8 | negotiating for Tam Island; one of the Charloite group, and Includes enty- eight square miles, every foot of which with magnificent timber. "| The land 'runs all round the shores of Nadan 'Harbor, none of the timber be- A more than two miles from waler. In been surveyed ihre, times of late, and ia. estimated 10 co 1,500,000, 000! Téet. of timber, including spruce, fr "and 'hemlock, The land is now owned by & number. of Western Canadians. Recently a New York syndidgle has béen it, and off Thursday nt.{ made an 'offer of one million 'dollars cars| cash, The syndicale has also put down ot Lord Dundonald Army: has heen an. Rolndicnie that SE G WBS. pass~ fifteen thousand . dollars for a three months' option to-permit of a final sur- yey, This offer will be acoepled. * : Bolt Tears Clothing Of Mai's Body = 'Near North Battleford, A despaich from' North Batileford, Sasky, says: With his wife 'walching rough the window, Francois , rancher, living thirty miles of here, ;was instantly "killed 1 of lightning 'on Saturday: of- on. He was Drought here. fcr burial: Grosjean was leading & horse accident occurred. The down, but recovered. re the clothing from The dead. man was from' St.' Thomas says: train, 1 3. Pasuthy an wood, | Pasuth wad ¢ them i ¥ The fourth squadren of the regiment hak heen, deprived of Te Privilege a the officers have been: arvesled, and the lent will probably be transferred fo. etviel, where. the "Japanese | prisoners lived, and ..where the Preobrajensky Regiment, was seni last year by way of 'punishment. A séries of courtssmartial will follow in due course. y From personal iavestigations it is concluded that the mutiny was not caus- ed. by direct political 'agitation, but was the result of the loosening of all the bends of discipline due. to the present long-drawn . crisis. The soldiers are vaguely dissatisfied, but they don't know waactly what they want. Hence anar- chy is more probable than a swift, clean-cut military revolution. The sin- hy {act about these mutinies is that hey 'occur in the regiments most close: ly connected with the Czar. The Hus- POLICEMAN KILLS A MAN. Arrested the Wrong Man First, and a to Free Fight Occurred. A despatch from Dalhousie, N. B.. says: A shooting affray. took place en Thursday 'morning in St. 'Maure, when Peter Fontaine was shot dead by Po- liceman Sealy, from the town of Dal- house. Sealy * and Constable Gallop left Dalhousie early on Thursday morn- ing with warrants "for the arrest of Andrew Fontaine and Peter Fontaine, charged with 8ssault, On arriving at the home of Andrew Fontaine they placed him under arrest," and George Sealy left alone to & fo the next house, where Peter Fontaine made his 'hore. 'On Sealy's arrival there he met George Jalbert, with whom Peter Fontaine lived. 'He arrested Jalbert, by mistake for: Peter Fontaine. Jalbert, not hav- ing committed any offence, was sur- prised to find himself fn the hands of the law, and, not knowing who Sealy was, and. seeing he had a revolver in his hand, he says he mistook hini for a burglar, and made a fight; as he was very much afraid. Meanwhile he called on his wife and Peter Fontaine for help. Fonlaine came downstairs undressed, and, seeing a stranger with a revolver, a general row occurred. The policeman noticing his mastake, let Jalbert go and made an attempt to arrest Fontaine: Jalbert. having received a severe blow, made for the woods. Meantime Gallop came on the scene and took part in the scuffle, which resulted in Fontaine re- ceiving several shots, one ball lodging in his liver and another just above the Heart, death ensuing in a few minutes. Sealy surrendered himself lo the County: Sheriff. ani oni : DRAWN UNDER TRAIN: Mr. George Wright, of Gordon Lake, Loses His Foot. A despatoh from Sault Ste. Marie; Ont, says: Mr. George Wright, a mer- cnant of Gordon Lake, was 'returning from: the: Soo on Thursday: by the af-|telephond ternoon train, and. in = attempling to alight at Desbdrats while the frain was in motion was drawn under the wheels, his left. foot being ground to a pulp. He was brought back to the Sco and his foot was amputated al the General Hospital. ' Italian, was killed: on {he Algoma. Ceptral - Railway: through the collision of a handcar on which riding, and No. 8 'éngine. The car and engine met in a rock cut. The noise of the Heard 'un "| charges on board a cruiser,' undec sirong guard of the Pragski Re ; Additional a made, 7 ; fo fit ou! another penal cruiser. The seamen the flee 'are exasperated, because no, . ss have: been preferred against the ayresien men, and it is said that a m! i outbreak is likély -to occur, DUMA DISSOLVED BY EMPEROR. A despatch from: St. Petersburg says: Emperor Nicholas affixed his signature on Sunday morning to an Imperial ukase: abolishing the Duma, and' order" ing that the election of members to its successor; which is to meet Oclober 14, must be held under the new election law, which 'provides against the "sub- mergence of the educated classes by the uneducated masses."> This act consti tutes a virtual coup d'etat, and over- rides the specific provisions of the fun. damental laws of the realm, solemnly proclaimed by his Majesty on the' eve of the -convocation of the first Duma, which declared that the electoral law could never be changed = without the consent of Parliament itsell. BLOW IN FIGHT PROVED FATAL, Quarrel Started in Stratford Hotel Set: led by Arranged, Battle. A despatch from Stratford says: A man named Nosh Hill was killed here on Saturday 'evening about 8 o'clock. While under the influence "of liquor, Hill, who is an Englishman, picked & quarrel with another fellow-country- man named Lockier at one of the city hotels, 'This. was too public and they adjourned to have it out with their fists in the' vicinity of the skating wink. Twe companions were also present, named Chapman and Morris, and it will rest 'with these two eye-wilnésses to fell just how 'the killing occurred. it appears that in the course of the fight Lockier struck Hill a blow 'on the nedk or. jaw, which felled the laiter to ihe ground. Hill fell in such a way that his neck was broken and he exs pired instantly. - Lockier was arrested and Will have to answer to a charge of manslaughter. Both Englishmen are married, each having a family of four, small children. reife A COLD-BLOOGDED CRIME. A Buffalo Man Shoots: His Wife a Telephones for Police. A A despatch from Buffalo says: Fra E Jackson walked up to the door of hi house on Sunday and rapped. His wi opened the door and Jackson stepped in side. Then he shot the woman 'th and she fell dead at his feel. children couid not come upon mother's body, Jackson went to a neigh bor's' house and telephoned {othe police that. there was trouble at house. Then he walked out to meet the officers who were hurried over, and gave sell up. Jackson fold them: "It. wi either myself or her; one or ihe oth had to go." The police say the man been quarreling with his wife for 80 As Jackson was walking to {rom which he" reported killing ta the police he passed. his wile's father, He bowed and continued on. his way as if nothing had happened. rns Bien. MORE SOLAR SPOTS. tory at 'Washington, : ; A despalch from Washington sa approaching' engine too late, "48

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