Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 29 May 1907, p. 2

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port upon the results 'of experiments conducted last year al Sault Ste. Marie 'with the thermo-cleciric process of sme: ing Canadian iron ores,- The report shows that the experiments have been | yery successful, and have demonstrated that Canada's large resources of magne- lite ores can bs as economically smelted a5 hemalite ores by the electric process, and that ores of high sulphur content 'can be made into pig iron containing only & few thousandths of one per cent. of sulphur. Dr. Haanel estimates that a 16,000 wer plant, capable of pro- ow homsspow of pig iron per day of as prepared a very valuable : Dr, { twenty-f and that, f Howingios interest preciation of plant, the cost of would be $2.43 per ton. Addin of ore, charcoal, labor, elec! and other running expenses mates thal a ton of pig iron coul made for $10,69. smell nl works now being erected at Welland are ® expected to, produce from thirty-five to} forty tons of pig iron per day. The re-| Pro port lays much siress upon the possibil- of 'the fire bri gade Deen ) ~. Belleville Co ; ity 'of developing Canada's many iron deposits by means of the waler powers which are to down Hiro ght he Dominion, poin! out that many wi powers exist in Ontario and Quebec surrounded by iron ore fields. meer re. LEADING MARKETS BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, May 28.--Call beard quota- tions were:-- Barley--No. 2, 55¢ bid; No. 8 extra, 83¢ bid; No. 8, 52¢ bid, Se, 2, 8ic asked, oulside;..76c Oats--No. 2 white, 45c asked, outside; No. 2 mixed, 42¢ bid, oulside. we 2, 7c asked, outside; 7ic Prices are:-- Wheat--Ontarto--No. 2 white winter, 86¢ to 8%; No. 2 rey, 86c to 87¢; No. 2 mixed, 85¢ to 87c. Wheat--Manitoba -- Lake ports--No. 1 hard, 98c to 99c; No. 1 northern, 97¢ fo 98¢c; No. 2 northern, 95c. Oats--No. 2 white, 42%c to 43%c, out side; No. 2 mixed, dlc, " Corn--No. 8 yellow American, 61c lo €2c, lake and rail, 65¢ asked all rail To- ronto basis, Rye--71%c¢ to 720. Barley--No. 2, 53%c to 54c outside; No. 3 extra, 523%c fo 53c; No. 3, 51%c to 52¢. Flour--Ontario--90 per cent. patents, #3 to $3.10, no bidders; Manitoba first patents, 84.75; seconds, $4.15 to $4.20; bakers', 84.05, Toronto. Bran--$21 to $22. alorts quoted al $22 to $23 outside, COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter--Demand is good and supplies vy. Creamery, prints do solids .... .. 2lcto22c Dairy, prints ..,. . 19¢ to 21c Cheese--Prices are firm at 13c for large and 13%c for lwins. 'Eggs--Steady at 17c to 18c per dozen, in case lots, Honey--Pails, 11c to 12c 1.; combs, $1.50 to $2.50 per dozen, according to quality. Beans--81.50 to $1.55' for hand-picked end $1.35 to $1.40 for primes. . Potaloes--Firm; Delawares, $1.10 to $1.20 in car lols on track here. Ontario nominal. Baled Hay--$12.50 to $13.50 per ton for No. 1 timothy and $11 to $11.50 for secondary grades, in car lots here. Baled' Straw--Steady al $6.50 to $7 per ton, In car lots here, on PROVISIONS. ¢ Dressed Hogs -- Firm at $0.50 for i lightweights and $9 for heavies, farm- ers' lols, 5 Pork--Short cut, 823 to $23.50 per har: rel; mess; 821 'to $1.50. . Smoked and Dry Salled Meals -- Long 'clear bacon, 11¢ to 113c for tons and cases; hams, medium and }ght, 15%c to 16c; heavy, Mc to 15¢; backs, 1634¢c #11 1%; shoulders, 11¢ to 11%c; rolls, 1i%c: out of pickle, 1c less than smoked. Lard--Prices are:--Tierces, 123{c; tubs, 1R)c; pails, 12%c. = BUFFALO MARKET. apn Buffalo, May 28.--Flour--Dull. Wheat ~Spning firm; Winter firm; i =Easler; No. 2 yellow, 62. Oals -- e 62%. Firm; 03 y 503{c; No. 2 mixed, 48¢; Barley and of his ~Strong; C11. offered 85 to 8%. Rye --Scarce; No. 2, o.Ll. 'quoted 820. Ca- nal freights--Unchanged. NEW YORK WHEAT 'MARKET. New York, May 28.--~Wheaf--Spot firm; No. 2 red, $1.05) elevator; No. 2 red, $1.06 f.0.b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 81.15% f.0.b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, $1.10% f.0.b. "afloat. trimer TORNADO SWEEPS TEXAS. Fourteen Meet Death in the Path of the Storm, A despaich from' Fort Worth, ¥exas, says: A severe rain and electrical storm swepl over northern Texas on Friday night, causing much damage to proper- ly and some loss of life. At least three persons are known fo have been killed by lightning. Near Denton, eight mem- bers_of the Wardlaw family were in- jured, one fatally, when the home was overturned by wind, Scores: of barns and other small buildings were destroy- ed The eastern portion of Willspoint was struck by a tornado, which cut a swath 200 yards wide, killing three per- sons and injuring many. others. Emory was circled by the tornado, and six per- sons were killed, while forty or fifty were injured. Every building on the county poor farm was demolished, as well as several residences, - The: great- est destruction, however, occurred in the negro settlement. Many of those injured may die. At Gribble Springs two persons were killed and & score or more injured. - Wie, LIEUT.-GOVERNOR DUNSMUIR. His Yacht Took Fire at Sea and Party Took fo the Boats. A despatch' from' Vancouver, B. C.; says: While returning from Gardner In- let, alter a month's hunting frip; on Friday, Hon. James Dunsmuir, Lieuten- ani-Governor of British Oolumbia; Major Audain, his son-in-law; ' three guests, and a crew of thirteen, had a narrow escape, when the Thistle, Mr.: Duns- muir's $50,000 yacht, was burned o the water's edge in. Queen Charlotte Sound. Mr. Dunsmuir and others on board were forced to lake fo .the boats, and in 16 minutes after the alarm of fire was: giv- en, the Thistle was burned to the water's edge. The cause of the fire is a mys- tery. Five hundred gallons of gasoline were stored 'in the hold, and exploded. Mr. Dunsmuir and others in the boats traveled 32 miles before being sighted company, { Winnipeg; have closed another "sale of 8g uncil has proposed C. N.'R. enlrai The eleventh flowing works in St. Thomas W. Cook of "Win 9 grown woll that was caught ou Corlies Street, DLs Hugh Patterson, of Hamilion 13, was severely burned about the by firecrackers. : ; Sir Wilfrid Laurier, in an interview a} Paris; slaled that it was intended: to! Nick," negotiate commercial {realies i 1 France, Maly and Swilzerland, "York, biting him The Bank of Montreal his appointed | hand before: 2 valualors to adjust all real estale pro- Because he courted | 1 perties 'of the Ontario. Bank. . years and 'then: married 'another The: per capita. trade of the Dominion} john Conner, a wealthy ofl for 'the 'year 'ending March 31, was' a tor, Tiffin, Ohio, is defe ant. in little over $100. : i 000 breach of promise suit, © lel The Railway Commission will make a arrested fn for Dr. 3. A. Tu 'has been roer 3 L. thorough inquiry inlo the matier of {Fort Smith, Ark.; as the champion broken rails on railways. mist. In the course of the last - Mr, A. P. Low has 'been appointed} years, the fascinating dentist has, it is Deparimént Minister of the new Depart: | Said, accumulated twelve wives, and de- ment of Mines at OWtawa. : serled all, A 2 ast : Canada's. commercial 'agent in leeds} Mrs. Mary Murray, of Bayonna, N.J A greal objection to says South Africa's peaches are finding | os going fo her i n ih rn- (ent, is the price a good market in England. y ing to get the milk, found the dead body {in the © J. Gunn, of Winnipeg, ran his auto] of her-son, 26 years old, lying near. He city at any Ti into the garrison parade, injuring some| had spent the night in a saloon, and ep for ex: men, and was fined $10, + | had been stabbed. {and two and a half dollars The Alberta Government has appointed! 15 ENERAL: In Germany it Is Custom a commission '{o - investigate the "car 3 ; shortage and coal mining conditions. 'About 100,000 men are locked out in Berlin. . Swilchmen in the G.T.R., yards, Nia- : gara Falls, have been granted an in- A very. severe earthquake has again [00% visited Mexico, ie crease in wages Xl 8 3 hi pet cent, + i The : Grand nk 'Railway shops a 5 ros ar Siatford will be greatly enlarged and he ye. resses Dade. of paper: are equipped with the most modern machin: | "oy, C5 0iee of Normandy. is Frances greatest victim of strong drink. ery. ; Mrs, George Renton, whose husband' April 13 was killed in the G.T.R, yardsvat Lon] {0 Todi Jor the week ending ADC don, has begun sult for $10,000 damages. | "'s "pain jaborer made a face at {he the 'Whole*afea various' pla New -shops will 'be erected by the| fin G. T. R. at Stratford, and contracts for] aiser and was arrested for lese majeste. | oq the structural steel have been: let. Canada's exports 10 Great Britain for the - twelve months ending March 31st, increased by $8,930,931 or 7 per cent. Canada's exports to the United States for the year ending March 31st, increased by $20,145,508 or 223; per cent. The. Ogilvie Flour Mills haye a standard to: y "Another disadvarilag on the Rand, in South Africa, are out on: c.cq sown fn these. These strike, a nol Lorry Tn aren' loom one President' Diaz of 'Mexico actuses the thirly square feel. 1 President of Guatemala of attempting 10] ais aoe hy incite the Yaquis to rebellion, = =. The arrest of Nikolai Lenin, g§ noted Russian radical, "who 'organized ihe first et nd thy prvagtid iberia. tn: 1897, is sought by. the 15000 bags of flour for the Oriental Petersburg authorities. ; The {rouble at the C;P.R. shops at, vo hundred | Sons harisned dn. Winnipeg over 'the new rules for em- Islands during the hurricane. difl The Austrian elections have resulted. Coal mining Nights in he West here in, the Falun of 23 German embers alter can only be leased for 21 years, and} "A Herrero prophet, Sturman, ac oo i 2500 acres, iy Tore. NAR of fomenting rebellion in German South otner animals desimying ¢ 2 acres, # ' . ? : yi OMe na he Dominions imports from * Great] West Africa, has heen hanged, ind Winkee Noles Whore is] furrows; or strips; ay. be prepared. Britain have increased 24 per.cent., and} those from the Uniled States, 2335 per] = cent, \ al Twenty-seven thousand: dcres: of 'pine near Sable River; N.S, have been pur-| Two chased by the Berlin," New Hampshire, | Pulp and Paper Co, Alex.' Shapscott and v by a southbound steamer, which picked fined them up and brought them: to Vancou.: ab-neon on Sunday. All logt.every: thing bul the clothes-they wore. rt fs rennin BULLET THROUGH HIS HEART. & Spt ra British lumbia" Express Employes Found Lying in His Home, 5 A despalch - from 'Ashcroft, B. C., says: William years by the 'British Columbian Express Company, was found lying on the floor | at Sixiy-one Mi use in a pool of blood, on Weds : rifle ldy near. On examination it was {found that the bullet had gone: through' his body near the heart, causing death lwo hours afterwards. Walker had heen suffering rom 'heart trouble some Walker, = employed. for i Wednesday, His | I in Seatorth, ont., {ding nd cosls respectively at Porta; ings liquor to Indians. 2 ugh in: AT 1} sowing has been done rat we scarcely baceid ; on t all 'seed: The while workers in forty-three mines |g. a ea To hol ond 81 and from the Island ferries sleamboals lo see wnere or what trains are pi | sible "for he Seat of maiming of the others. mpanion ing south to their boat and 'were, coming from the ferry 'attention of the C. Pu. Stewart, at the point, was draw ent. by hearing a woman and on running to a6, "Fraser was a married m 21 part of his furniture on bo: [unna, 8s he intended setting \ | His wife was to have come, ]

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