el = ol W ten Bank 'of Canada A small fire occured in" town on 'Tuesday. afternoon, the first 'for many. mouths, - when a barn "in Borelia on the premises owned by the Prince Bros., and "occupied: by Mr. 'Thos. Carnochan, was coms: letely burned. The origin of the. fire'is tuknown. The building was althost entirely. destroyed before the alarm was rung and the fire brigade called' out, so that there was nothing the tien could do. In the barn were a mower, seeder, hay- rake; plough; a quantity. of hay, "Pstraw, and grain, all of which was go7, the: : the following officers for: the 'gusu- in President, Mr, Dowsey 3 vor Department, Miss Hern'; Missionary Depart. ent, Miss Bedford j Literary De- partment, Miss Stewart; Social Departingnt, Miss. Pearce ; 'Secre: Oe r Fors Treasurer, Sic 1anist, Miss Philp. or several: days: Mr. Bigelow ada number of men at work litening "the water. course I Crosses the 'property he re: botight ou Queen St. In the . their. work first it 'was' thotight ut wher it was. placed it Carpegie's mill i a 3 ( ump.' ; as inl a remarkable state of servation considering that it.had 1 23 ubt lain covered up vheresitfh burned. Some calyes and chickens which were in the building were saved, Mr, Carpochan had no insurance on' bis stuff and" will lose 'about a-hundred dollars. There has been quite a lively ship' ping. business carried on at, the weight scales and railway station during the last few days. On' Fri- day last Messers. Jack and Boe ship-' ped 'three carloads of cattle number: ing sixty bead to. Montreal, = Mr, A. Bongard shipped a carloads of [* twenty-two head to Toronto. The Counling shipped. two carloads to To- otto, "#iid Bent 4 drove of 25 or '30 head on foot to' Oshawa. * Mr, Tsaac Rodman shipped a fine bunich of 18 head. There were . some' prime heavysweights' among those Sent out. Mr, Atuirthur Ferguson; .of Reach, shipped four cattle that to- gether weighed 60go 1bs.. Mr. Jas Leask, of Greenbank, shipped two cattle that weighed 2800 '1bs.,, and two others that tipped the beam .at 2730. Oh 'Motiday of this 'week essers, Jack and Boe sent out a carload of hogs to Montreal, for, "which it is said they paid $6.50. a huindved ive weight, ** BLO TIOIEIIDISDIOIIODD PERSONAL '} FEBS DILRDDSDDS ness gun to the city. yesterday. | Mt. ACH. Rose of * The Fair was 'in' Toronto on business on ¢ Tuesdsy. i J ¥ +1. Mr. Loyd B. Bateman, sou of Dr. M. Bateman, of Pickering, and .his sister Marie, who are students at the Whitby Collegiate Institute, tended tlie young ladies basket ML sport in tow on Saturday last. The young "man remained "with "Reserved wr d for Ly Fireworks Big Variety Low Prices ROSE & CO. "THE FAIR." in town last. week, and favored THE Star office with a 'call. Mr, Rainey is the Instructor of the Port Perry High School Cadets, and gives a very favorable report of the present standing and efficiency of 'the corps.: He says that Col. Dennison, of 'Lotonto, : may be ex- pected here omhis annuak tour of inspection about the eighth of June when the Cadets will be put through various manoeuvres, and thorough- ly, tested, Sih ; - Among the Churches. e Methodist Sunday School will hold its 'annual picnic on the 1st of July at Pettit's Point, going by the steamer Cora. coReve Ju Ag Leitch, .of Sonya, will as roppeleeleades Hs | ecipy the, pulpit. of St. John's" is] My. Go. MY Jones aad a busi. | Pres byterian church nexi Sabbath, morning and evening, Next Sunday'evening in the An- glican'ehurel Rev, Geos Scott will preach a specidl sermon- on Christ- tan. Socialism There: will be special music' on" this 'occasion, The public will-be' welcome. Rev. D. M. Mibefl, M*A., who was recently called the Baptist Church 1h Oshawa, is busy removing his family ahd house: hold goods' from' Brantford to his new home. In his absence his pul- it. was. occu Sunday by