rotigh the prope ils outsid ality to attend High Sclico muicipality, Evidently © Mr, Tod y 1s that: an injustice is one 'by compelling nicipalities to furnish all the | for' permanent improve- its. It is stipulated in the pro- I that's "majority of the Stes appointed by the County st approve of {lie improvements, ot more than $500 is to be 'ex- ded in any one year, Local option recently" 'passed in Midland, and the hotel 'men hdve the rates to 'an abnormal de- The principal ones "dre 2 $2 per day, $1 extra for sample roos; 250, for a trunk each yi from the depot, and have 0 off their free bus. The rates Ale ad fariners are in proportion." The s "preparing . to. 1 nen by their action 'are not r course' whichjonly venting their spite on travel rts e-| lets, who will support them, bat et. fare trying to get back at the mer- ter|chants by keeping farniers and nd [others from visiting the town, ie" time may come when these| mall hotel men may want to pur: [chase and get licenses in' other "ltowus. Tt will then be in order ravellers and others interested urge tipon the uithorities not lo Jgrant such men any privileges, who hen they have As fleece hose who for a lime are at their eal sri ee Icy. --Penctanguishene Herald. . Financially h botit fifteet: | fredetiedrnlnddsd ofatrloeleadiadeiledeeds wwii PERSONAL } STAR OICE | Smits POO BBL Oddi feel : nd Mrs, Henry Crawford, of nt, es g were in town for a day or Flam quality of two this week visiting old friends. Ty. stic ; 41 My. and Mrs. John Marlow, of ; 1 be inser(~| Blackstock, spent Sunday in fown, g the season. | returning to their home after the a good deal, as] evening service, : very. In an Mrs, William. Jeffrey and son A410. have returned from 4 months visit {to her parents, Rev. Mr: and Mrs. Philp, of Mattawa, near North Bay. 1 ut I never|. 2 : as 1 found] , Mrs, Ei Ferguson, who lias been ient made | Slowly recovering "from the effects o will] of typhoid fever, hopes to be able to For the| remove to the farm in the vicinity "weeks | of Sotiya this week. most | Mr: John Nott attended the ed in| funeral 'of the Inte Hom. J. W: try | St. week, a "vhis avefled this country congregations . of 1d: Dumme iegie ha ~ me feruis as those within Rev. A. C. Courtice; D. D., who preached in the Methodist church last Sabbath is another "of - Pott (Perry's distinguished sons, aud one of the any ex pupils of the High School of thixwwm ~ fe isa son of the late Thomas Courtice, the founder of the business now carried ou under the name of Courtice '& Jeffrey. © While in town Dr. Courtice was entertained in the home of his brother. ii-law, Mr. 8. Jeffrey. ; Twenty Days More Only twenty days more within which you may secure THE Port PERRY STAR and the Weekly Globe and the Canada Farmer for one year for one dollar and twenty- five cents. Do not delay. Another Railway Smash-up Near Myrtle Grand Trunk Passenger Train "Derailed. Passengers and Crew Escape Another railway disaster 'occur- red on Monday afternoon, when the south bound = Grand Trunk train, which leaves Port Perry at 1.20, was derailed just north of the C.'P. R. crossing near Myrtle. It is supposed that the rails spread thus causing the accident. The engine and tender, and a car load ed with live stock, remained on the track, the rear passenger car also escaped, but several coaches ahead of it were thrown half way over on 'the side. The trucks were twisted off these cars, and the ties and rails were torn up and thrown about in all directions. Fortunately no one, either 'among the trainmen or the. pass: engers, was Seriously 'injured. Forty rods south of the place where the derailment occurred is a steep embankment © Had the accident taken place a moment later, quite a different story ne doubt would have to be'written. Organizztion of South Ontario Hiyals, =o A meeting of South Outario | Liberals for the purpose of organ- lization was held in the Sgsic 'Hall lead ith i mn Wi a £3 Western Bank of Canada BARGAINS IN DISHES ET YOUR SHARE Blue Diuner Plates regular roc. for, ..v. veiw', 76, Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers half dozen. ............ 43¢. Clover Leaf Dinner Plates half dozen ....i.vivise 43c. Clover Leaf Breakfast Plates . halfdozen............. 43c. Clover Leaf Soup Plates .... 43c. Blue Jardineres regular up to 9oc. forse. sive us. 20Ch Clear Glass Tumblers each... 3¢, Crystal and Gold Table Sets consisting of butter, cream, sugar and spoon holder, reg. $r.5ofor...c... LL. 1g 100 Beautiful China Berry Dishes to clear at half price. 30 only Bedroom Lamps com- plete, regular 3o0c. and 35¢c.togo at........... 25¢C. Lantern Globes each . rie, Bargains in many other lines. The Fair Rose & Co. The Fair action was presented by Mr, Mow- bray, and carried. Further details were left to be carried out by the Executive. i Speeclies were then declared in order; and Mr. Ross, ex-M. P, was called to the platform. In a brief address Mr. Ross referred to the chan es brought about in the riding in the last election, attributing these to the lack of organization. With proper ~ preparation - he felt confident that in the next contest the Liberals would win. ' Mr. Inwood, Secretary of the Provincial = Liberal Association, spoke of South Ontario as a re- nowned battle-field where the Lib- erals were accustomed to win, but where now they have been defeated. He said Mr. Ross should have been: elected, and would have been. had two or three more favorable votes been polled in each of the forty-six polling places in the riding." He urged the perfecting of the organiza- tion. He alluded to the splendid results of the Jong Liberal rule in this ce as seen by the Statute Books. He eulogized the new ok > raed - CE ra SISA BP Se od a LCA Mr