you ' is : {and string if. # The Fair® % nt L 'ol 'Saturday Nott wes her aoe there fora few days 4 TRUCE. Mr. A. W. MeKn'ght, of Barsie, od son of ont®esteemed townsman, Mr. trans. end in the parental + +Tturned on Monday. . Of} Mg, Peter Brown of Colborne, and +1 Mr." Jacob Brown witli 'his sen Blake, of Peterboro, were in town last week attending the funeral of their unclé Mr. John Brown. |. Miss Kate 'Allison, daughter of Mr. S. KE, Allison leaves on Satur- "{day for.Cinclunati Ohio, to take a position as night superintendent of the Jewish hospital in that &ity. Mr. N. Searles, of tlie St. Charles §| Hotel, with his family, left on Fri¢ day for'Wellington, Prince Edward :4Cotuty," his' former home. Mr. Searls: has tired of - hotel life, and home, and re: will:go dato some other business, We wish him success. : Mr. EI A. Nott left by the {morning train on Sf8turday for Parkhill "where he learned the t | printer's'art when a boy. He ex- pected to proceed to Sarnia on-Mon- y and euter upon his work i contiéction withthe Observer: + Mr. E. B. Flint, who succeeds Mr. C. H. Allison in the drug and 'stationery business, arrived. last Thursday, aid is now in possession of the preihises. . His advertise- ment will be seén in another columm. We welcome Mr Flint to Port Perry and wish him much success, / After a holiday which was length- ened out to four weeks Mr. T J. Ash has returned and is mow at work again, Mr. Ash spent most of the time during his absence in the vicinity of Ottawa. He says Port Peffy has had no more than its share of cold and winter weather. Ottawa has had its usual quota of Jack Frost's attention. Lecture given in A lst Friday evening poken. of very favorably by Zt who 'were present, and tle town council has 'arranged to haye hie benefit - especial: Accordingly the ven again at an all the pupils of nd Public Schools ted: free: 1 ¢yery hand at ** The le: of thorough- Port bess ei Town. Council. rge crowd of EE But they did , buy and the auc- 2 hare A noms nimals 'were sold, the 0St" cases beitig very The Council held its regular uigeting on Monday evening, all the members beilig present except Coungillor. Allison. ' The minutes were read and confirmed. . Upow motion a 'grant of fen dollars was made to the Port Perry, Reach and Setigog. Agricultural'. Society for 1907. Mr. Robinson moved, 'sec: onded by 'Mr. Waddell, thatthe Clerk notify Mr. C. L. Vickery to remove a pile of wood on the street next his factory, warning him that he will be lield responsible .in the 'meantime for: damages resulting therefrom = The question" of Hy- 10 Electrie Power for thie town oc- 2d the attention of. the Coun- some time. Some discussion ice'also regarding the rail- ies afforded us, and the the animals re not really 61 elass, he ¢ hs Abou Robert McKnight, spent the week | | anniv 'When Deposited In Ss Pe i nk of Canada. V= Interest Paidror Cempocrded Twice o Year. i sIpserInIn Owe No Man Anything. § Western Ba wr Borrow your requirethents from us and pay cash, toth, Vear in Port Perry. at H. G. Hutcheson, Mg vs during the day from 'their two sons, Messrs. W. and C. P. Rolph now living at Trinidad, Colorado. This message conveyed the .con- gratulations of the sons, and an- nounced the - despatch of . fifty dollars in gold. Congratulatory messages were also received from Mrs. Mehan, Bastén, Mass.,. Mrs. Gray, of Prescott, Ont., and Mr. and: Mrs. . Argue, of Toronto. There was a rich and beautiful display of golden [Presets that testified to the. profound, esteem in which these good people are held. About six oclock the festivities were brought to a-happy termination and .the guests took their departure leaving behind many .good wishes for the future happiness of both "bride and graom, : yo Mr. John Rolph was born in Ireland, and.migrated to Canada in 1851, He resided for a number of years, at Mantreal, then came west to, Prince Albert where he engaged in harness making, and where he was married: In 1871 ' One of our best workers says : "I asked a converted saloon: keeper, What do the signs in the saloon windows mean? 'Sweet Cider Free'" "Well," said he {hesitatingly, "I really don't like to tell you ;" yet. I urged it, and he said : * The thing i#too Satanic. It is nothing but a lure--a regular |trap. | There are many boys from the: country from pure, good homes, who have probably promis ed their mothers they would. never drink. But they get home sick in a great city, with no place to go to but a comfortless boarding house. They see these signs, and they Athink how good the sweet cider used to taste at home. One boy 'remembers how father made it, and how mother neverthought of ay-barm Jin drinking it?* One draught of cider would be almost hefne ; it would be as'good as the oder of a clover field ; so he gaes in and the bar keeper pours out a glass, and nothing to pay. He has taken one nibble at 7: removed to Port Perry, where bait and that is enough. He is be bas carried on his business for in for it now ; so he goes in the |the last thirty-six years, Mr. second time, for 'there isn't the, Rolph isa public spirited citizen least harm in "sweet cider--it;3nd has been honored by his wouldn't hurt a baby'; but he is tawnsmen in being elected to ashamed to go in without paying Various public offices from time to something, so he buys a glass of time. Mr. and Mrs. Rolph are beer ; next thing there is a game Prominent in all good works, and of billiards ; then he is fast. The|We know of no persons 'more business is 'done, and that case is|generally or more worthily re- secure as a regular customer!" |Spected than they are. May they | still live to enjoy many more years 1857 Golden Wedding 1907. of happy wedded life. ROLPH--SAUNDERS--At Prince Albert, at the residence of the bride's parents on February 26, 11857, by the Rev. R. Monteith, John "Ralph. to Miss Susan Saunders. . Many readers of THE STAR will unite with 'us'in "extending the Cook most hearty and sincere congritu-{Y- . lations to our honored townsman, L. Lae, Mr. John'Roelph, and his esteemed | G+ Cassidy .. wife, who on Tuesday of last week N Soin. "es had the singular pleasure of cele: L Hr am... . brating the fiftieth anniversary of XN. werman their wedding day. It is per- BR Spence... mitted 'to. few married couples |: Be tze to spend fifty years of wedded life | M: Coultis. ogether, and we are therefore the more earaest in congratulating this honored couple, and it is a pleasure to record the fact that their jubilee ry was appropriately ob: t twenty of their relatives and intima Port Perry School Reports. Result of Arithmetic Examina- tion in division V, Maximum 100, H. Archer..... E Woodley, C. Sollitt. vo vueunr.nns. N. McLean. ...... : Cees eu WL J tanider ve via R. Blong : C. McK riends gathered: at} fi Bigelow rom a distance were