cer Cequenis tie el ed ul 0 Jos g heen bought . & » consider fom oar lees, fad ow , ; great valle uate | in pew colo.s and peliecn: %.§L5%. 0 £5.23¢. pe y 0.5, 7 Pras wai.ed 'alaze CN n.d jes. Manches'er, Nov. 27, 1867. png 23 Muffs, Foes Ti * opt ars, | 1 olen' Cans n od wer to. Eggs .ad E..ley HANCTESTED. FAIR !!: ADAV GOLDON. od ; | Coulin, moved -- A fige Jo. of Ladies' i fiom |. fo Terk 3 take 8! jock } in tue Sed 1 row acne nn exnendis ald increasetho present Batin vow ul ihe ity a tod nes 3 mee' i213 on cf the ng vecessn v eit. ior Legisic ne it of | way to rod ghoul for ai' way Gep ot, fu such loco ivy us] may be deemed adv's'ble, Mr. Meredith, seco ied hy Me. ""That the M: yor be requesed 'o si uct the Ci oi to see thot caat ers of theiwo railwayseon's rela clause binding em to ca rv coi: wood for fael at (wo and a aif cenis per cord per mile {om all s'ations ezccedig 50 mies lom ae ci and thiee cents ner cod ner mle "or allsia 01s uader 50m' ies "stu: Pesembe, x a , o 2a) 1] Di 'W git, * sccondeu by M:. ie I'S TUES DAY ZCLXDER. + : e off red, for Wilkes, moved -- : o Leen compe.iion'. ¢' That this mee in: d '0 ex- v ness ig sa sficiion th Py gentle € Cow or Feiler 151 $52.00 21 791,00 mea forming be 1' oviglouel Boa , Re 2 290 of D'rec.o's have {nkenthe ial: ive "ed Ta 1 Dressed sles 0.00 030]i1seniarihene 1of ie un ow "Pi Die ed Corer. | 700 030 give ra Twas ; 5 oud Sis 00n0 - id Abel volaiv ng exy easly i \ couficenve a ae regs ly eu vince vliese nrojecis out tn fa' saccess. Tie C atogn eh vaenled sea', pu ave vofiz Fo iim wes passed, wien i, e wee og adjonraed, AND FORTH ONTAZIO ADVIRIITED @le Put r Stunlierd -------- Town Lnprovesients." In m king mention of he improve: men's of Port Peéiry, doring the wiy es! RB no lant meeiirg wos hel! in every, for the pr pese of disco 100 0. Gey "ooo and No scheres--uo h of which are "le e wee 400 or 500 men peent {on theci'y, and ihe cova [v. The chairman, J. G. Wor: sy, Exq, remus, eslimated thot wi h these rai'woys in operaiion be saw 110 reason wiry he imports of b » 110, 40,000,000 in his opening To orto shoold not ba ine used fo 1,000.00 Ln hels of gr tiaat each Towaship, conliiba'e in propo tion to 2 The nieel ment'od the fuct that, vaderiaking, sobmii'ed and co: zied. Ne Al IL Meas or, moved -- itz any movemeri waving for o! {oot iho increase of ra! ihe No a wes, 1es0u:ces of le con, prosne: 'ty of (de cig. W. EYot. moved -- Ines of ra "road, vz 1 # hey Tout '4 (he comm to. And bai! Jd eres's of weir coast; nciion" PORT PERRY, NOV. 28,1851. 23ia170 cao, We Years by "ie Close bouton im- the Muse H.'l, To000, last Satord: i ig the mei'ls of the pioposd To- cod Bruce, and the iag Railway '0 be Lig"t 0a the nurrow snage placin'e. inflaca'ial i Iso a nomber irom diferent sec'ioas of throngh wi'ch whe vo.d p. 5 ed, should be asked io "heir meres 3 aud il ene vein ze of $50.000 or 50.000 cold be bd fom the iy hey believed be This, hesnio ing was aficiwonly. ad- Areva by Ness, H. 8. How'und, A. R. Meilaster, J. Boyd, W. Lliioil, J. E. Boyd, = eit, Mavo: of Owen |" Sound, -- Foi, a ber of a de- faze; of be rouds fo both cily aud coua'ry were fully set fo th, with the probable cost of constrabiing the some, and 1t mav not be aniiss to although ii waz admitied the tu ads of the cily of Torouto wou'd be ine eused (fly per ceat, L.ot cor oralon is uot to be expec'ed to 'ake voy slock ia either The follow'pz reco'utions wee: « Tat in the on'wion of (iis meet: oad com- | innoica 'ons be ween Toron'e and and No ih-easien see ons of Oanio, shou'd receive the ex 'aest sunnory of every one iu teres ed in the development of the y aad in the M:. John Boyd seconded by Nr. "That the nv ofec' ed uae ow gauge "20 Toronio and N nas ng rai oads, would in the op'aion of ie meet! agz,n ove of 3 eat | value 8 Lhe conalcy Lr congh walch Jd add wo lerinily '010a- s mee ng is he eb] o'd ihe P ov 'sional rec Cniag the requis' se chart Ch Sa0s, im seconded by, pust simmer, it is with pleosuve that we note the geneinl piozré s, bo'h public and privaie, waich hos been effected. And nolwiihs'undiag the numerous pr:va'e dwellings that have . i been erected, there is still a necessi- ity for more dwelling houses vid places of business. Eveiv house in the place is occupicd---some wih from two to four familie;--and he demand is on the increase. 'thee are tirose in our midst able to put vp should certainly take hold and do their shase lowurds providing for the general gowth, piosoerily, and wealth of the pluce. Oa the property iufely lid out by 'Mess 8. Paxton, Bigelow and Coch- rane, some six'ecn dwellings have been erec'ed, and a namber moie commenced. In other parts of the 0 50,000,000 feet of lumber, the|y:]l.ge we notice a large number of |! first yeor al ef comple ion. The pro- | houses have been built, and are in nos" ion of ihe Dieclors of the|course of erection. roods, he houghi,a [ir oue, viz:| The new Picsbyierion Chuich on the noith side of Queen siveet, 1s a fine buildinz--36 Ly 50--with base- ment siory of s'one, in.ended for Subbath School, Lectittes, &ec. When and spire give (Lhe building.a loi'y sonediince, which, from the Luse to top, is some-eighly oaks Farther on, to the wes, is the' Baplist Cha ch, formerly the Me- chanics' Institute, which bas under! gone an entire change, and presents an entirely new aud somewhat hand- some appearance. This building is pion fou Owen Sond, I. also 36 by 50, with ves ry, 80 by 30, in Carkson, A, M/Smith, © C. Chis- 3 f y Town g , rear of the main structure, The holm, W. Tu ner, -- Meedith, &.|; . : : : # : 4 height, including tower and spire, Witkesond 0 less. : % ; Diiiaitbe di on 6 o {rom base to vane, is 99 feet, 1. iy iy leusxon, tne. advra tastefully painted: and frescord throughout, and is to be warmed with hot air, ox the Ruttan principle. The Church is also furnished with an ele- gant and well-toned organ. of this edifice is one 'of the musi plessant that conld be desired, ove:- looking, as it does, the Town and Scugog Lake, with the Islend in the *|dis'ance, A On North Street there las been e ected an Episconaliaa Church, * lin the'Gothic style of architectn. ect M.S Howld, secoaded br 1, jy of brick--ubuut 50 by y 50--and | ' when fully compléfed, will be very comlor able. uch buildinasas these | tice a neut and plessunlly sivaled cotlage, 'with oui-buildings, lately i| completed for Mv. W. AL Cochiine-- the large and commodious residences of Messrs. Bhaw, Robinson snd Powers ; as well as that paitly finish- eu for M:. Hogg. Oely one yeur (ago (his part of the lowa was. an open field. 1n oiler direciions exiepsive: im provements are noticable. A lage addition hus been made to Mr. I ze- low's block of stores on the soih side of Queen street, Mr. Charles' premises have uadeisone extensive alterations, and Messrs; Sex(on, substantial imp; ovementy, Lhe Town is par: dentarly" gratiiying, | Baad; : 'act that nearly al (1 e | of the lpealily. Or have beer Our erohants, mannfafurers ond. men ere have . *} condiatid alurger: and more pro<pe:- ons business during (hy past sedion dwellings and husiess places who Thesi'e; -| Davis, Ireland and others 'have mude Oa the whole, the anpear: nce of} cuss, MWoRL lur wheat bayers, a tice i ure regu gristing, dispose. of a ln:ge quantity; of flou: for local consump! 'oii. jen taral Implement M.uufactory, {now carried on: by Mess Paxlon, Tate & Co., hus doae a healthy busi- ness, aud is io be pusied on and wo. ed up to its full capicity, keep- ing employed fom $0 fo 50 hands. HERD Director' Meeting. The Directors of the N, 0. A=xiieal tural Society met in Epsow, on Sulu day last, There were present Messis. Wiel, .|Ginhom,* Walker, Spears, Ch.istic. Carmichael, Marsh, Huis, Todd ead Sharra. d. The Pi esident in the Cha'r. The minu'es of last mee'ing we.¢ rood vad app oved. A communicition was prevented and read from A, Thompson, bejlt the fence round the Shaw Grounds in Usbr.dge, staticg that he had lest money by the transaction, Wing for him. It was iid upon the able until the next annu:l mee'io2, Mr. Camichael moved, seconded by M:. Haviss, That the thaoks of th's Bou.d be (endered to F. W, Gten, Esq., of O hawa, for the I'beral donation 3'ven to this Sociely in the suape of a Sowing Machine Toe thanks of ihe Board were a'so, ia the sue way, 'cadered Nie Plank, Bowman, Gordon, I. : Campbell, Brown & Chnis"vo, A. M. Gibson, for donuiio:s Society. Alter dicnssion-- [ALIVE lo tue cordance with the p.ize lis'y as re- vised, --Cuiried. On mo'ion of Capi. Spen 's, the sum of 45 wus puid G. Wacler, Esq., to mee. his expeoses in at'ending the recent Agvice tural meeting in V'uron- ty, held Tor the purpose of fix ming o new Agziicu'turai Aci, Yor. Ginhom woved, seouded bh My, Hayiiss, That the Judges o roofs in the field be paid $4 each [U : seivices, and (oat the Teed vier 1 oo valno;ized fe pay tie sume, Mi. Shard comp'uinod thet bl entry for ecurvioty hud notbeen ueee i. od, The Scere plied with the ules of ti Soc velns! ng the entre, becinse the en'1v was made. Afier considerabie bash discns~ oiice:s of la ihe excenied. sion, the Loard decided io sc: matter by giving Mr. Sia third prize on carvots, wh od 10 accept, and ie. Adered ils ve s'onation os a member of the hoard. i A protest wus en'ered, by Me 'Somerville, cgniast the awarding of the first prize on turnips to Marsh, which was, afier exolanation withdeawn, Mi. Spears moved, seconded be! Mr. Todd, That the sum. of, $10 be paid Peter Carmicinel fof. dinne and lufch piovided io Judges and plowmen at the recent plowing maich.--Caied. Tle Boa:d then udjonined, to mee! ageia at the apouvul meeting, in Plaak's Hotel, Ux'rid ze, The following ore "the ariel aworded discretionury prizes as refei- ved to in the above minutes; Yoke of Oxep, Chos. Poxton,... $1.00 Kuiited Quilt, Mrs. Jus Holman 0.50 Scoich Pla'd, Mrs, F. W. Waid 1.00 Lambskin Rube, E. Walker... 1.00 Gaz Plow, A. M. Gbsoa... 2.00 Sik Patch-work, Miss E Ley- nolds Gentleman's Shiit, Sharrard vieees soisnesivearsens yiy ke of Oxen, Richard Bell... {Zealed Green Vegetables, Alex. EE ie 0,50 0.50 2.00 ore an oruument to any plice, aad af : credit 10 the enterpiise and besa jy | Fealbe: Fower, Mis A £ | Nicholls 0.50 of the people. On the corner of Seulnture PS Queen ond Cochrane siiee' s we. Bo- | Jai Cov x E. Gould... Yoke of Osen, Wm, Feriu-0:. 3 scotch Tule, I. BPeArYy. ec osrsses One-year old Tilley, Saddle or Cor inge,W. & D, Carmjchinel | Fat Weiler, A. Shar ailing, Mes. Dr, Ui lary. oo, Deavson Plus, J. W. Bqneich Bear nnd Sow Pig, Me Lisboro 2 Tae Tr acuver of the Socieiy 2.00 2.00) 0.50 050 200 wi'l Pd. (eaannne moirow (1'vilay), aileraoon, iit tama 05 Sec A. Ge wdon's adver: isement in to-day's dssue: Greal ba:gaivs: ave offered the pablic ut the Man- cucster Warchouse. (8 of us. session, dnd fn' 'doing eng: jie ub wv N a on Tien Wenn js ied cl doe Governel Moxie Hy Fe'n--We nu tonnegg, £ uformeiivo. so ow [wi th sotisluciion iit the peuple of | LY 0M LG puch of Lie | Mauitla noe aboot to esi bi hu guar. Vea which wi'l be held othe 18h Dec. ;Ovey hirty dolls, ia peminme, vie oie | Produce. 5 We bene 1! m2le nade Lu Lung d deserves. Soil Dera --7ie J 1 Era of tie 22.d ists, ayes iM LS Jusenh Bool irb; went ts bed ave i Led fousd a coipse ib farmers nay | lows ids the aituiument of mai depend upon getting The lrighesi piice ihonors, for 1868; in this munici fur their grain al all times, 'hey was made by Jas. Gribha have been more than' ordinarily sue at Greeobunk, on Tidy cessfil in tueir miliing operations, where he wus well 'ecewved, a) haviag, in add'lion to shipment and 'reaewed assurances The Po.t Der 4 Foundry wud Agri-l ham, are uspicanis 'foc the Ree | Leng mie to poaider to tiie (unos of i the li era: x noi dion of ths commu who (hyo course of Lectures, (0 ba deli aud asking the Bourd to do somc-| re. | lur-nngemenis were made for a 11-) tary w'at-dhe had com- the louse «11 odicers of 1 eo" 1 receiving any em lowest the en- sary, --even pe complete it will seat 400. The tower |liauce fee wus noi paid al the (ime con tacos nuder Loe G I ie ve heli Crown oilice Mr. C eligible to 'ue Commons | Honses, members of the Foes Eso | | os [8 anding comm'ilee on privileges z 00) 1.00 o'clock | }3 '| be at Pia W's Hotel, Manciesler, fo. Ba ; for tue 'on was fut col paying 10 Potsuas incl fy rod the growth is heulby, and tec'y fair ia thi place, the B21 of no more than adequate to the wanis red jor Houses, Cutie oud Dave lie ion fog Wis, © ney msl goa AL Me hi if with thot see" waich every legti- sic 11 Newman Let 'fu the 1st Coa. of ry Scott, came (ob! dot; lives i suddea- ; J. 08 Rk cand'da'es for' muni dition to those who now hold i "ewiekzal Rollers --TH "hi first «An address was of support, Dame romor hath it that Major and Campbel swith M 'ow of opeunz Ven N Bates, J. C. Pilkey o 'Allison ave xl-0 anneu: lionor, at the coming election, in ion would, ho ed 1¥ nex Werek--The schooner Meier wre be ed in the late gules, six miles fi Oswego, hud on board 100,00 shingles beloaing fo Ar, Joseph'? Bigelow and 275000 belonging Mesers, Tiaish & Treunee of this pe! place. 'Yh loss tothe cargo 's 'not yet kaown, but is, no doubt, consider |. bird m.ged. We undecstend (he |i sl | 8 a total wroek. : Comse o Lota Ce ------ « res--Prepaia. ions are Ly nest, Tan | Hi ly Mad and, vered in connection wiih iio Bow Cancel eve, nung Cie moatie of he oopro. ching winler wg and Commerce, Ate Sates * Loower of wi:s0in i; Ja Palio a100iar7 Samant. (Peace, led io some discmssion 8.aAT3 John, afier nic ing oo here w 0. 1owa, Nov. 20 Sn Sepunigase. say ue wis Suiis-- 3 oi a . ed tual (he 1.:ier 'ou was in! 1s resiwiy tio Sol MeCaily, Loci Gove: amen 5: honld have Sena 0: Campbell sa'd ine Govern-1 5 wer Mr, Ca ier a'so malaiained ment provosed lo asi a sum which would enab'e them: io make a : "ame ments fur the { anspo..aifoa of mals | me (5. 1be'ween Cunida and 'he Wes! Io-| d'es, and (0 doing so (hey wonid lave! nower by way of subsidy fo aford eaconrazeiccnt less or more feo the 'ioe of sleamsbips. Immediately 0' [er tue return of the Comm' 'ssione= ! Monday. went world ect weekly wail, aod onder the Pos al: Local Governmeuis Goh ols 1 be A Mi. Graham moved, seconde b Dl hie hoped beter avrangemen's M.. Walker, That the sum eT $23 won'd a mirdo Tor promniiog nawi-i be guuls of wa y) sven as dicretionary poizes, a ac-|y between Canada and tue West | like'y 10 be pa ladies. 10USE 0F COMING, Qiiawe, Nov, 20. Mills introduced a bill {od | M:. M-. qraiifly members uf ihe Local Legis-! reading, of the G Towa BY, louvre from sii ing of voiing in She' ch met wii 2 ood Ceal of ope] Seaate or House of Couimons of the | osi. on, = Dom'n'on of Canada. Hou, Me Howe. ieok nies Hon Be Holion tafsed the ques -!aponsd auins: tae Bill, tha Ln of cnrivitene of w aicd he bac Tyined thot a 5 brehing inves iven unlice;--whe ier ihoso gentlc- wir ve Maais'ers 'ez the P.ovinces of Quebec! 10 a s aded) ud voiivg 'un the House called for. Py voi 8i reau'ny was ander (he Tuieneadenee of P wen. Aci. Toisue, as ii Me Mickey : ci ous Slalnige Joo, exci poudence re! a ve! ab of Ml rew hi by ue Mini ¥ posi-i Only members of the 13: a3 member 2 Bel the i wal die admin'stravion nosed, and ine d'se wore the only officers of the Cow lou ui BLNAT.: Oi «we, Nov. 25. Sena: or Ci wp cell sd tue Govesn- 'mconcert wih n seen ing chu.dizole end lierary insiiin.iois pig Nov. 82. d passed for . the, epanienss that'aad "aken place the Nudsou's Bay Compuny re- to neil claims. (0 {ie Part d= ons made w'ih he up communicu ion 4 theRed River conn; ry. HOURE OF CIXMONT. O 'awa; Nov. 23. =r John A. Macdonald ini'm ted i hat ihe Inte coloniul Ra'lway 1a "ML. Blake wave 1eiice that, yy he wou! i il 1 Aen tee of ced jon turd reading on BMon- nrelat'onfofhe C ne eu' Dank wos, ou mo onof SJ. A. ed a second relerved towne Comiiiee on Bulk - A mo lon by Mv, Masson for coi cespoadence, &e., 0 re tbat the power to vopoinl nu truies ex'sied in the Local Gove. n-| Toe moiion was withdrawn, ard {the House adjou ned at 6 o'clock, till x den sequence of recesi ewanyes., JB OF COMUOS, 0 lew Nov. 2 a5. Sha'ney moved ® he séco: nit tut) the managerent i f the die company was 'After fu her d'senss'en, the sec ya od on e moved for co: 0 ue abdueet"s ' of fsa subject on ie tow re, two 101.18 030, but. w thie mo: 'on on being info med ser of Mita correspon lence was 20inT on and nov yeu he laid efor e 'ie ) tegosers "motion fur second read of ils B71 tesnéei ng. fz of Umber on » of Canada was siroagly on rouaced i OL To td ue Soea , Seis - y Passeu e . W wile, ad ima, nod te Je ° 3 fo! they scem:d wed ia cou ae © mje a ive, a di 5-1 n that tie {he he inland sion lus od 1 passu: sx o'cioek whem, on mo'ion of MM. C tier, tue Loss adjoriaed. Toca! ouses members lcutive weve tie only ones te algo drew aitention to thé ane lous position of the unde: Sterela- sof State, They were appoinied y their chiefs, and che question wus, he they were officers of fhe Crown or not, He recommended tue Government to vefer this maiter either fo a select comnt:tiee or to a The follow} ihe revenue a 307.7 Oclober, 1 Excisc...... Bill S.amp Dui 1 Dost. 0 Dice ieleciions. Afier a few remn: ks fiom Mess &. C.itier and Macdonald, the subjcei w.is laid over ti'l (o-morrow. Sie John A Macdonald in' 'mated: tit the measnres whica ihe Govern | ment intended to inivodace and cu tiwodzh ii possible beivre the adjoun n- went ia Decenfer weve : ie foilowing: --1st, the Posi Office Act; Total... Expend: an: agod Tocws Mis, 2ad, hes: 'way to chic, the loan wader ihe gua-antee; i | Dominion of Canada for the woui'h of Ca8IOMY. cores ens saass ase ane dur Intercolonial road bill, provi ding for {stepped iuto a adiola nthe s "Bed, . the corner of Ce: tie wad IT° Tariff and Excise laws; 4, Casioms She fell ad broke hier wris', sulation Aci; Oth, Excise veguli-: get by De, Eastwood aud is now! ifony 6h, labeus Co. wus Act; (0 procouding favorably. Sannly Bi levening a Tae Howse nen adjonraed af six|saine place and iu "1 to-moriow, ! hole was cirused HOUSE OF COMMONS ; 0 (awa, Nov, 21. Stdo n A. Macdou:!d, secoutieu' by Boa. M- Iuiton, moved for lease. to in edace u Bil co amend the Act, yy incorpoiai ag tie Commercial of Caandi, and to «uihorize iis am a With any ober bank or iks, 00 5 wind.og up. The mo- wn and. the Bill . ok fad Viadiocior. rakesiman on Aam 'e Buk of U. 2=j tod. pe 3 i. missed ui A, Macdonn'd olvoluel ss RUBE n, 't being ceaevw ag the Heveos Co, Bit r4 4 '| he ques 0a 'ue dt fi dia is tie lolest u €i ver 08 Lubdvo i in Te Hou 0° 3 comin'dee ol 1lesl, wien Mr. qu 4 ol. Fs 0 L's LIT J aie, 3306, Cc a asked for ui released om Lis per while time his feet & tei guinst the saad 3 but yet, alihonsh man sienped inlo jus ved his Teg, wy the siving of "7 the ear. h beswoen {iil cross pions.) Narrow Escare-- Yesterday, the Gand Trunk Bank: : Railway, named Hockem, had 0 m= " ractlous escupe {ron death while accompanying a freight train e : ward towards Toronto, #5 cars were going al the rue of 22 ! : hay miles aa how, ie fell oc. lily the previims uwunded af el N.S oce [lie absencz of Hox. | but by » fortunate eireir my: ance lute si.ow. 3 Li. CG: oul a bil lo Beato Ja aites ug hold of the by Tn Lois pos tion he ho. g ua by some of the mc tes 1) Lelp himsell otherwis:. o succeeded in hoiding wa ail gele.sed, - Glose 23id sa nn . Paossisian Fraz---The wall' B] 'saad mile man, ye i iels in the vicinity ef (ue ¢ best of (heso Sesred ob 3 mdi" rd, woeiked from ile 0 0 0.410, Cisinucoaf 07 wm, es, Gi i ue ne for on $69,000 0 237,257 14 'I've sane Lie 9 © a While tle 2iween {heat, 1 of « 2 ; eadare lo ge! "1oie wisn of ine popalition, 1coas inde wie s eng «| ver 'ozether earlier ian usual. evens have [uriier caused we {0 expericnca the wish of availing my- self of your sazuci y and your assist- |i ance. Since yon separated, a va sue disquietade has arisen to affect lhe public mind of Europe, and rest: ithe movemenis of industry and commercial {ransaciions in all quar- ters. JNoiwiihstanding the declara- tions oi my Government, which bas never vz-ied from a paciiic atiitade, the bel' ci' has been spread Jhat mod:- fication in the iniernal system of , | Germany musi become a means of coset. This uncertainty could not it is necessary to the changes which on tie other side of 12 Raine, and th proclaim that so long as one interests and dignity shall aos ve tacca'encd, we will nol inter fers in the 'ransformation elected by Tae d'sanie. thyt has been displayed is diffica't of cxplavaiion oi a period waen Fruce bas ofiered io the wo. ld the mos. 'mnosing spec acle of con- 'oir and pe.ce. The Universai] ina, where early ad the So] oF Lacope bave atiended, accent frank ve taken pl losses of all countri dive me, hos dawn closer (Le of fi nierni liy beliween na'ions. oe is disuppeaced, bat its traces wil! leave deep impressions unon onr we, for ef er baving. majestically risen, tire Exhibition as shone not on'y with amomentary briliiauce, bat iv has destroyed a host of prejudices and of errors, the shackles of labor cad inteiligence, aud the barriers be- {ween [he "different peoples, as well os fue d'Terent classes of interna tonal ha reds--ihese ure what (he Ex)iti ion has cist behind it ; bat these ineontes.ivle pledges of oo cord do not allew "us fo dispense twith i improving the :y ins jlo tions of rance. Xiis the imperions duiy of every Government io follow srugress, indeseudeny of ei eni- 5.00088, ii we elemen 3 wach ead it is for us a necessiiy 0 bring ito perfec ion ihe nrlitaiy oogen: ons, NS Og Weanoins ae ie ond navy. geet of law pre- cen'ed {0 the Legisluiive Lody di- vided equaily between the ©iiens d tue charges of relreachment.-- Tat s78 em has apacaed so. abso- + Tate that measuies wave been adopl- cd to diminish [is bead'ny, Blace aes Ihave thous at it wdvisuble. to submit ie imooriant question fo your favo able- consideration, In {uc this d.ficals p.oblem e: unol be too carelnlly inves elus toush- es ou great "and con: adiewory "nter ey's. "My Governmeni will pronose new acrenzemen's, simn'e mod. tions of the law oi 183 | ha. whicl achieves ihe object I nave always! had in viewy ibe rednc.ion of the el= fegtive streng.heof the army ducing peace, and iis increase doing war. You wi! examine this, ps also the 0 ganizaion of the ua. ional guar oh te, Under the Jmoesiion of tat paiviotic Mea "hat {ne sironsger tae more ced a'n wi:l be the Puce, despite we a. tae efit eid for 2. momen. iadaazer. vola onary agliaiion n.epared broad daylizhy, lave.iened 10e Papai PLCS. not having been eorvled o lure Leen comoeiled to seud again our tro: ps io Rome jo proicct tue power of the Holy See {rom Repuir- I'can invaders. Our conduc. could uot pararke of anviiiog host. fet to Lhe} id oendence of Ilaly, and hat na- i1on for a moment surprised, has nou iboeu long nndersianding ine dangers veviiationary @ani'esiations d'10 wonarch:al principles and acopean order. Calin is now al- Huse en.diely re-estabiisiied in the] 2s of toe Church, and we may: culed'zie (we proximate time when! our troops will be recalled. 'ie Co invention of 1861, ex's's, 80 £5 it is not repealed. The rela- tioas of Lindy to the floly See inter est be whole of Bacone. We have provosed (0 the Powers to seii'e ve ms al a conference, and (ius pre- veo: aew complicat ous. All:ution bas been torned to the Bustern res ion, Tom which tire conciiia Lory Powers removes ie i - ences of oninion ha! ed beiween them as vexorded lag abonmi tle pacificuiion of fe. I am happy to aunonace that they have agreed on two priie- pul poiuts --the maintenance of the ineziity of tue O:toman empive and the amelioration of the condit' on' of the Christians, Since lust session, universal svffiage has been called | unou {o elect a {bird of ils members Conseils Generow:. These elections cu fed oa with calmoess abd nda- yeudascs, have evervwhere demon- d (ue good feelibg of the popu- The journey I have made h ie Ewnress (0 the East cad No..h of : 5 nee has «@rded the op- 14 | portunity for manifestations of sym- fly, which hawe touched me pro- undly. I have been able to asce iain fuat no.iing hus been able to sake the conGdence the people have |S plased in me, and the atinchmgni tiey enceriaiu inn ads my dynas z.! my vat, I labor icessaudy to shes-- ho comple- So I ods wes requ: ed arnl class 12 elizhiencd Is was un act of jus- imos' guy of grin! isiy {bs waar, aad an ki a far 3e scale © 5 n.epa ae Convent on of Septem- |: For us], if p olay be tuken into of of Cy x 8 July last. The tue which has | elapsed inas not aliered my Son i wiien a reduction, of considerate Tie sosion.w will be devoted to oth Cag rek new liberties e qo of : fol tie ed, as to du oT tig ng all ain as rel i Wn to to ex ha ii hi ad Ci co for or au sol {o sw of ed sti flo an 'h to in es el lee Si less, 1 conut at the same time woon «he comaoa sense of pr counliy, | be progress of public 'movali.y, fo firmness, in nadertaken toge: her for 15 yea s.-- We have shaved the same idea, io aoho'd above controversies a witch the" popular voice hes sapction- liberal ins" ni'ons, wi.uou. we: nz «ue p 'aciale of nude iy. nletion of on: pensive by 8m; Dat wi esl condlivu of the grea hat fs EB «ud ivi' 74.700, lei ns advdace iu trust, vole laws w 10° no abs.ac'e, 10 Pajast 6pnos' fai bin the futur re. T . Queen's Speech.-- Fenian Evecrlion at Manchessier,-- Moun! Vesevius.-- Dy. Lw'agsion Safe.--Ma:: ing in London, §c.,y §e, Seo these for: mY es ) 10, 283 UR wy, proaciiag com, . Londo {o-t speech from the Th the demands of Great Lila" 2 for tue tive bat lo sendjus mii a,x expedi' 'on that Napoleon wil soon bis forces from Tia 'v and avol friendly relations with Kaz Victor! Emmapacl, lence aad murder in Eu m fu'fi;meat of tue law aad by fozaliy of tue people. The sheeci conclndes wih! ise. imno: iain' ci sneech io P cifeci on Eurone, and fen mar;cipal aathol for ing'aat co atinues, te old and new Ny and tue display is io zaificeni. Taee ae seven s.ieams of fava s! ay in 'he cxecn 'on of of the I ter, nad thal meanwhile ¢ Tae mo. was sipne:ied aiod 10 excilemen: and 'daugerons | 3 bat to render them nower- npiession when 1e ired, in (he energy and achoiy 'be ruling powers, Let us thea low ap wo:k which we have nd hos 1 laws our [i but at the same {ime o deveione Lo. oi ccase to spread a ound us tre comfoits of life vy the wroizpi coo - me.ns of ins uel render access to jos: ce les ex= nz legal proce-- ose re, aud jo cider prospesons become conv thai of wesl progress 7 wiih me ru of views and ser' i is 2 pecions uaa ce the Suite welicie. Yon -wal | h will be sib (ted to you, "hat w dd neppie Ul nike einer iy conrage or my Lrope:n News. e Fortifications ¢i. Rome.-- The Meri- Chester Case, in Mel Pa: 3 Nov. 19.--1% oe 'enced engl ace:s ligve fai id out, wade Pon'iiicia HONS ALE CIV Cay z, suwstont vi wo ks of defecate tue aonroaches to Rome, he ous ae (opr ap- e dons 19,-- 72 lipment onezed ; 1e Q eer was noi ness, d a Royal Con.m' sica read ne cone in subs a ice " follows: -- K'og Tucodoe hav'ng rejecied ease of her snbjec's, ciuelly uu thont jus: camse imp sesed by nm, Her M:jesiy had no alteroa- Abyssinia; and reference is made supn'y bills needful {0 defiuy le neases of the war. The invasion of the Panal ie lio v now over. The lione is exnressed A ao- Fevian' sn, repressed in I eload, s taken tue form of organized vio- mast a:s0 be soap: essed "by ine tie io hed 'whee | London, Fea'an leader, C a ed hee oniey. 5 1% Ts shone Was fae sec.el tion w fe threatened tiie cx Tp Loadon, Nov. 24, 10 p. expecied demons'rai 'on of Aug i for ihe fate of Ailes, Gou'd and dare : L'n, 'ook sloce to-tay void fave al ocesson, ¢ 's Caco? tae most con oi.jec' sia fa bzayes anon wr eh od nl oS the a. ie 3 at Byde Pa k seaized acco i{Uie pio ia mme Previous ¥ agin ac= Thee 8 ands bad been ed on' he 1; onads Ivoar which dar' 1g 1 Te ao0n, 'he people we e ud cus) ed. HER a ras 8, nezke 's, wo and'ence, and 'he hu. Man es or we.e conde ne. Noiw isla r natare of the cea: mn ong pect iue cha nC er be wo ep. ed fo: te eme | 'led opon 'odin e fora. nz a smilie mee i. puolic hati ia thse'! J d'siurbance wha'ever oeca . tae ¢ily is nerfec: 'yquist, U2 Moa' pei'er, exclieiment was ¢ V-., Nov. 2 + vival th + loads of firearms, wd Peer Wood, a notorious Tey wee me: at the den force of men, who very soon i cemoved for sto age elsewi New York, Nov. 20. a ies o the 15:5 0. Oc. ate of ine Peli ¢ v " Dove" had been ard U. S. steamers * Wachuss ironble was avliecly The full season 0 { 'ow nercia! [i '08 CU 12 wouses oe closing, 3 establishmen's ar Fusiy-oue of tbe 11 Dosis. uod ful'ed. Aso her fear{ul cyclone cnired; the damu ze on sho! maied ot ten miifon dol! Dates from Aausitalia mardered and eulen "ths six Chr'siian natives, ber of vessels, aenro- ai Her \ #jos + * Gover WE TL ill wing before tue Pu-ilame, fom bls fur Seo snd aud T els d, d 0 fer dome.t'c measares of aa London, Nav. 20.--The Queen's neat, and he acide quits ("to reste afideace at ad tae poiucipal nulil iiess of iembe 8, iu rd a e tie exeer iva of tir 'en'ans an- woacues, ae Goverame n redons e: nrecaviions auiast any atiempl a a rescre ns have been ro 1 oud for two or the u tue ¢ dies. Manchester, Nov. 20, vie large mia dags nast, --Tlyadu' ion fo ce here, te Tod! ea lies have provid the secur'ty of ie pe sng in over 2,000 ci ea speci:l poiicemen. Naples, Nov, 21 --ihe err ion Moune Vesavias, waich commence wilh fearful adea oa die Hea Tae monaici i MN sendiaz och pic sof fic Dom formed crule's in fii Ww. Loxnos, Nov. --Desna'¢ nouncing tie safely of D- 00 jes Ss wv Live ingsion, tue Aflicaa explo: 'er, have bee: received to-day. Ia Apal Lis lie was exnlovi ing the wasies of es, hadn eds of m des from tle' se: Coast T.ondon, Xot.22, evening. --Tonlay e comm'iiee anoiaied by the Queen at Windsor, petiiion for tue pos ponement of : execu tous al Mauches or. Her Majes + 3 a most d cect manne: declined ait Lie peiition, London, Nov. 23.<M-v, Masuiies the mem' er for Cork, move -- That the House i 8 at Manches- 1 poiat of resolu- Lue twelve high. 8 in 'he renin? guve rise-4o a long ani discass 'M Mo Are based by Ji adic'al - roe i Lue newborn. for B "opinion of the uz may' Lp fa Dench whe 0. --As Lie doy : vis wow c.owued 'win; be) mee'ing of lust evealn, piesea'eu mich. Sou h nt soa:d inwario vevoised. and : (tempt King at latest di aon, Du. ov, 20. se civic: Te u had inet odce toa was un Seo d three mea av 'ncnnai, "Nov. 21.--A andes fal headway rai wi Loveland, milion and Dylon Rane morning. Tee collission 'a five, og? atin and a sons were serio "ae drain iiself was aASOes. noi yet ascelrined. ------e ee forin ago, Walker Liavd, Waitchereh, in the cottaly was eliered, aint a casi box ing money, bonds, noies an wages, om Ue plemises: P.oice com aiiies exisil he ofie eu a reward of $50 fur Ui ht the house 'he Not aon ive Lambert took succeeded in obtuin'ug soch i named George ind Wiliam in the affiie. Trac'nz one to iamilion he of baioed sistance of Capt. cd. A third pasty, son of {i of the piojeriy tectiva Limbe:t to the Sia: Yok, cui proceeding theo credlag lafiud y | want of an ext offeaces prove sing his game ever, ieven 'ed {ne maaner iy the robb r way cowl confess! 50 oll (hee without ~ reservation. Ox representations ie ol) Lene wos arves'ed "on Las clinch, a jien, Jer ne iw of ig ery wos olsa; recuve ivel Ge Oy who ra a ocess'on wos lege nave 'othe KYO Co ied ezeen ons 'he assed' ed Ly ong#on' 'ee Who we a laryelv atiended by 1 sawed. ed Balomiens WS. 1), ~~Some ed at Si, Al a S10W ent we a Arti WOW uf ino; vimany nersoas dying sividealy. 'eis esti- sale thet, the cannibals of the IM 3i Islands lia Bake:, Wesieysn Missi paey, at Heavy sales had wiecked a unis x -Hnow-sio ma hath! damaged the cions ia Viclo'a ve'y American advices was mode 10 open Did , resal' uy in an einiosion 2 the Ci stover in tlie exp oss (rain, aad sot it ladies and oie gentlemen number 5 | The names. of the ki Ted are Rocveery iv Waiicavech.--Alont a 4il concession fo Lieamon viol $1,200, 3 4 % dive Assocation, av cn Be: ofeach of the uff ue s, when Detecls 10 hier n Ha wd tion, as led I'm 10 wsaeol. Lwn meh 7'e a8 being | pares who had a hand Nigholls v|polez there, when he was' len, traced b Jum so, bud the ire y for sich 10 de ec: ive ba; pu ly beyond tiie reac of oar lass of the delcetive' ito W i both were fully ¢6 nen ' ! by Jus: 'eo Pears exped ~ p ure-of Kod £ nov. sp cious in= heals dag to) i oneal: the mred ih diag ha $10 ane 23 the. Wile 206 Cs eve =" No ced und ol by al had Luent "8 eived: hem a Saal, at Iso the, ? Bes nailed ab has bmen i oma ed, and ie hy " 6 baoks had: oc- Rev, § i fe us ai wots, -- An re Gol 2 td baly fr 1 ag 165 ninati; nd, this reel Hie i 01 Lh Pe of Mil of Tk contain. d meple cornty, 12 a nd info gare Macken. of then : the as : of the ar os: FR Te © of New he 'sac~ ue o oe red FN ogts the id