ia easier to make up one's mind } thaw one's body. heart, Fiko a watchman, should itgelf Lo ita regulur Bead. - man: ut credit finds it hard. er to get into debt than others do to getout. : By taking revenge, a man is but _ €ven with his eemy ; but in passing it over, he is his superior, . 'The three things most difficult ave: to keep a secret, to forget an inj ry, and to make good use of leisure. No matter how often yon may fuli into the river, you won,t drown ~ if your head swims. A man who is too lazy to investi- : Zeute charges of guilt should be 4 ashamed to believe them. abuse is like holding au umbrella over a duck in a shower. | Beware of women who seem very 'sweet. Dealers in sugar-candy are not always candid. 8 " The bark of u medicinal tree may 'save one's life ; the bark of a dog way save his property. A quiet and witty man combines the qualities of two kinds of cham- pagne--still and sparkling. All mercantile houses, where the duties are well attended to, are sure to become custom-houses. London milkmen have the consci- ence to sell water at just as high prices in wet weather as in dry. An old angler says, that no one by merely conversing with a fish ever succeeded in drawing it out. Young lovers should remember that the most fiercely-burning fire brands are those kindled at the altar, It is as important jn guarding your secrets as in protecting your treasure to keep your chest locked, A Missouri paper says that the Digger Indians are never known to smile. They mast be grave Diggers. A Young lady should take 'heed when an admirer bends low before her. The bent beau is dangerous. Widows have been compared to green wood, which, while it is burn. ing on one side, is weeping on the other. "A dandy wishing to be witty, accosted a young bell-man ag fol- lows: -- You take all sorts of trnm- pery in your cart, dow't you?' * Yes; jump in. Josh Billings says:--' Give the devil his due' sounds well enough in proverb, but mi friends, what will become uv me and you if this ar- rangement is carried out? Doxestic Favirs.--Homes are of- ten darkened by the continual recur- renceof small faults "than by the actual pr of any decided vice. These evils are apparently of very dissimilar magcitade ; yet it is easi- er to geapple with tho one than the other. The eastern traveller can combing lis force, and' hunt down the tiger that prowls upon his path, but haar scarcely escape the mus- That nfont tho ir ho brewthos, | the th I} +h report of the Commis- ror. Agriculture dwells upon the _ ravages committed by dogs among © the sheep in the United States. In ~ 1866, five hundred thousand sheep were killed by dogs, and their value was $2,000,000, The number injur- ed was three hundred thousand, and the loss estimated at $600,000. The 'Commissioner says: (* The cost of keeping dogs, and most of them utterly , worthless, when calculated for the whole country, assumes start-- ling proportions. The estimate made in the report of 1863, of ten dollars per annum, or less than one cent per meal, cannot be considered, extrava- gant, ' in view of the price paid for boarding dogs, the cost of keeping large numbers of them in cities, and their exclusive consumption of meat." As to their numbers, it is believed by mauy that they will average one to euch family, or seven millions in the Unied Stacts. Tu cities and towns that average would not be reuched : while many a pack of honnds and an assemblage of curs of low degree might be found in the ownership of single fumilivs. Possibly seven mil- lions may he to large. Ohio, with hall a million families, is supp.sed to have half a million dogs, although little more than one-third of that number are ever fuuud onthé asses- sors' books. It may be assumed, in view of all the data obtained, as a low estimate, that there are five millions f dogs in the United States, and that ieir subsisterice involves an expen- diture of fity millions of dollars. Agranax Lixcox's Dreay.--In Mr. . Pierpoint's speech in the Surrat trial, die said: ¢ The assassin of a ruler never dias escaped, though he has taken the wings of the morning aud fled to the uttermost parts of the earth. On'the morning of April T4, Mr. Lincolo © galled his Cabinet together, He had ~ reason to be joyful, but he was anxi- wus to hear Jom, Sherinun Graut there, "he said ' Sherman > ght,' but Mr. Lincoln fear-- nd related a dream he had the it before,--au dream which he had ious to Chaneellorsville and whenever a disaster To defend a political editor against | /| For Females the Pills are truly excellent, TOWN & PARK LOTS o| Village Lot 1,--Corner, Water, and Queen 3 Streets. GOLDEN SYRUP AT THE HENRY CHARLES. June, 20, 1867, 45 1 SWOOY[-AICAL ALId 310g OY, "1paa0 pascadd 9981 'or 'Say 'L110g 10g ¢ "2010p 1533048 94} UO 9uo( 'pus uo sfuajs suo) ONIIIVILIHANAD 40 SISISNOD 00S AR 10 ys) 105 dvayy) Pos oq [iia pus 'sesodind 10[Iv] J0 YOINYY Of IoMSUT [Ia Loyy *, 'sxTey) 'so[qe], 'speejspeyg 'sneoing *3UIv8 91} JO FOUBNUIIUOD T HIIII[08 IIQLIVSANS 2Y3 'saves usu Buoa3ud J19Y} 10) £19WO3SNA SUOIIWNY SI 03 SYuvY3 Juruanges KN "omg yna auo pup 'sdojs Tis Y100 JUO--suDSAQ OM) puD 'dinpIuInT wWo04pag fo 579g P4438 PUD 'sas YOOg '$314v}a423g 'spavoqapry 'snfog 'saSunoy 'SIAVA MT | 2101 o[qUuoswaI Ju osivay ysud a3 Sump 98 'serpeId Su 1 { | | | | COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK. the public that he has purchased the above premises, which he has renovated throughout. First class Liquors and Cigars, and the best accommodation with careful at- tention can always be found. Good stabling, enclosed yards, ad attentive Ostlers. R. A. MURTA, Greenbank, June 12, 1867. 44-1y WINES. Jar received, a fresh supply of Pure Wines for medicinal purposes at THE MEDICAL HALL, Nearly opposite the Royal Canadian Bank. J. II. BACHE. Port Perry May 29, 1866. 42 NOVELS & STATIONERY, A Good AS3rtment at the MEDICAL HALL. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. A SPemsD assortment dt the MEDICAL HALL. Horse and Cattle Medicines. A GOOD SUPPLY always on hand. A Superior Condition Powder--being one of the very best in use. Call and get a package at the a1, ever % Anand Coughs, Colds, Asthmu, Bronebitis, &c., are immediately relieved. = The immense demand enables the proprietor to reduce the price--Only 25 Cents per Bottle. = None genuine unless signed J. H. Bacus, For Salo at the h MEDICAL HALL. Infant's Preservative. as HIS is a safe and effeient remedy for the disorders of children consequent on thing. No mother should be without it, it is the only medicine required for child- n. It has never failed in a single instance o effect a cure when timely administered. Ia Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic and Pains in the Bowels, it is without an equal, and is the moet effectual soother of pain as yet presented to thie public. None genuine un- less signed J. H. Bacar, Only 25 Cents per bottle. For sale at the MEDICAL HALL, e WORM POWDERS. T is the best and safest worm medicine It drives out the worms 'thoroughly without pain. They are superior to any Worm Lozenge ; and none Bt the very best ingredients are used in their compo- sition, Give thema trial. Only 25 conts per Package. 'For sale at the MEDICAL HALL. Anti-Billious Pills. AX excellent Family Medicine, and is the most effective remedy for Indigestion, Billious and Liver Complaints, Giddiaess, Loss of Appetite, Drowsiness, Spasms, and all disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, removing all Obstruction, Headache, De- pression of Spirits, Blotches, Pimples and sallowness of the skin, and give a healthy, Juvenile bloom to the complexion. Only 25¢ per box, at the . MEDICAL HALL. Please Rememberthe Plaze ! EDICAL HALL --Opposite the * House of All Nations," Queen Street, Port Perry. . J. H. BACHE. Port Perry, March 21s§, 1867. 22 FOR SALE In Port Perry. "on Ww. ; so « 15} North Queen Sureot. ra Ba i 22 ul South North Street. 41 North North Street. 50 North Mary Street, "SCUGOG HOUSE" par Subscriber is desirous of informing ! Fa Pos rma i reporting daily, in a here ne: | was commenced of Miss Braddon's Admira- - tand in the course of the coming Spring the SIX DOLLARS per annum for the Daily H edition, and TWO DOLLARS per annum for the Weekly edition, both payable strictly be as follows : wills FIFTY COPIES, ous year, for... .. 65 00 and a copy of The Daily Globe to the "person who gots up the Club of Fifty, muy be CAUTION ! Ak PERSONS are hereby FORBID giving my son ANTHONY L. HALL, credit on my account, from this date, as 1 willnot be answerable for the same. RUFUS HALL. Scugog, 268th June, 1867. 47. Permington & Sons. MANUFACTURERS OF RFVOLVERS RIFLES. Muskets and Carbines, For the United States Service, Also Pocket aud Belt 'Revolvers, Repeating Bifles, Rifle and Shot Gun Barrels, and Gun Materials, sold by Gun Dealers and the Trade gererally. ? In these days.f Houscbreaking and Rob- bery, every House, Store, Bank, and Office should have one of Reemington's Revolvers, Parties desirous to avail themselves of the late improvements in Pistols, and su- perior workmanship and form, will find all combined in the new Reemington Revolver. Circulars containing cuts and descrip tion of our arms will be furnished upon application, Yi E. REMINGTON, & SONS, Illion, N.Y. $ Moore & Nicuows, Agents, 1 No. 40 Courtland St. N.Y. 1867. PROSPECTUS 1861 "THE GLOBE?" NEWSPAPER. VIE year 1867 will probably be the most eventful year in the history of the British North American Provinces. L'here is every reason to believe that im- mediately after the assembling of the Im- perial Parliament in Loudon, on or about the 1st of Feb uay next, an Act will be passed giving effect to the petitions of the Legislative bodies of Canada, Nova Scotia, Ney Brunswick and Newfoundland, and uniting all the British North American provinces under one Government end Legislature." On the passage of that Act, a Governor-General or Viceroy will be ap- pointed by the Queen to preside over the United Provinces; and writs will at once be issued for the election of Representatives to-the Federal and Local Legislatures. In April next, it is therefore probable that the people of Upper Canada will be called upon to elect eighty-two representatives to the Local Legislatures of Upper Canada. It would be difficult to over-rate the influence that these elections may exercise on ti future well-being of the Province. Local Government and Legislature of Up- per Canada, to be established in Toronto, will have the control of all Crown Lands, Timber and Minerals within thé Province-- of all local Public Works--of Education-- of the promotion of Agriculture--and over all personal rights and rights of property. | The eighty-two men first clected, will be | charged with the duty of placing in opera- tion the machiney unsessiy fH ministration of these and many other impor- | tant public inte ests; and in their hands may rest the decision whether the future government of our Province' shall be as it has been for years past, or shall be organ- ized 50 as to secure efficiency and economy throughout the public service, and the pro- motion of the industrial interests of the country, Fully alive to the importance of arousing the public mind to an earnest and candid consideration of the numerous important questions shortly coming up for degision, and obtaining from the Legislatures about to be elected a judicious settlement of them, the publisher of Tur GLosE is vow perfecting arrangements which will secure increased efficiency in-every department of the paper. The Editorial staff is being strengthened, a] corps ofghort-hand reporters is stylé'surpasding. that heretofore attai the proceedings of the Federal and 'Local isl A ts have been made for seeuringevery niglittns European news and prices eurrent of the same day by the Atlantic Cable, and a special commis- sioner for Tne Groar will attend the coming session of the Imperial Parliament, and watch the debates on the Confederation Bill, In the general conduct of the paper fresh efforts will be made.in the coming year to secure that prominence among 'the journals of the Province which Tus Grose has here- tofore maintained. The telegraph wires will be still more largely availed of than in the past; and noexpense will be spared in the employment of able correspondents at important points, and in despatching Re- porters to distant places whenever their ser- vices may be required. A special commis- sioner for Tue Grose will attend the Paris Exhibition next spring. Arrangements are being made for reporting more systematical- ly than heretofore the proceedings of the Law aud Chazcery Courts and trials at Nisi Prius throughout the Province. Ou the 7th of December, the >spublication ble New Tale "BIRDS OF PREY," and will be continued from week to week as it appears in England. Other interesting Tales will also. be published during the year, > In the mechanical execution of the jour- nal very great improvements are shortly contemplated. From the commencement of the year, the paper used on the Daily, as well as the Weekly edition, will be of very superior quality to that heretofore used-- paper will be printed from a new and beau- tiful fount of type, from the celebrated foundry of Miller & Richatds, Edinburg. For some months past, the largely increased circulation of Tue Gmose has more than equalled the capacity of the presses, and rendered it difficult to publish the news coming inby telegraph and otherwise up to a late hour after midnight, and work off the necessary number of copies in time for the morning mails. To meet this difficulty, and enable all the readers of the paper to be supplied at an early hour of the morning, new Lightning Presses, capabid of working off ten thousand impressions per hour, are about to be added to the establishment, and | will place the office in a position of efficiency unsurpassed by any printing office on this continent. No paper sent out of the office until the money is paid. The Federal Government and Legislature will also be largely affected by the charac- ter of the eighty-two Representatives sent by Upper Canada to the Federal House of Commons. Whether the long reign of lav- ish expenditure and ill considered legisla- tion is to be continued, or a better state of things to be inaugurated, will much depend on the choice of Representatives made by the electors of Upper Canada at the coming election. x THE TERMS of subscription will remain as heretofore: in advance. Clubs for the Weekly Globe. The Club rates for the coming year will SIX COPIES, one year. .,....10 00 TEN do ~ 'do SU 18 00 TWENTY do ....... 80 00 And an extra copy of The Weekly Globe to the person who gets up thé Club of Twenty. : ~ EIGHTY COPIES, one yedr, for .§100 00 aud a copy i * Daily to the person ho gets up the Qlub. ~~ ris addressed separately, and t to any Post Office. " © GEORGE BROWN, | __ Publisher 'and Proprietor. | Whithy, Augnst 24, 1865, "Toronto, 1867. ! The | the ad- | ¥ h pag Bot, h hate General Blacksmithing | PORT PERRY * MILLS, : : iit THOMAS PAXTON & Co. - i I, Uhser MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN BOARD AND BUNDLE LATHS, £ Pickets, etc, ete. ALSO With Improvements, in the following Townships, viz. Qe WHITBY, CARTWRIGHT, REACH, SOUGOG, MARIPOSA, and SEVERAL LOTS T he subscriber would say to his eustom- | of Wild Land in Mara and Rama ; also a number of : od hd, te pul gaan || : smith work on the shartest notice: | Village Lots in the Village of Port Perry,|» Horse Shoeing WITH AND WITHOUT BUILDINGS, " ; specially attended to. 3 Axes, § Bdge | All of which will be sold on reasonable terms. Tools, jitmped and d. © ME-P sbarpeied, £6. All work watraned, T. PAXTON, & Co. & HENRY J ity ' ; Port Presi ok es y Lo PERRY, August, 1866. a an iif a r oy kr vii x 3 z= J s nN : 17a PORT 7 NDRY, giifiet. 0 wn 0 3 Qo 4 @ 1 oe above New and First-Class Foundry is now Open for the Manufacture of 20 5: BE [Stam Engines, Boilers, Grist & Saw Mll < EE» i Sg MACHINEKY, TOOLS FOR WORKING OF WOOD AND (RON, 2g ° 2." [Such as Sash, Door, Blind and Chair, Stave and Shingle = 3 °c 2. = Z Machinery, of the Latest Improvements; Mz E 7 Woollen Mill Machinery - 9 = 3: es #| The Double Turbine Water-Wheel, of all sizes; Besides > a = = s i 3 : . Every Descriptionsof . ~ ZE BoE ts Bg ; He 22 8 £ (AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, STOVES, &C. Zz, 0 2% 28 3 wv. MADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRED. CHARGES REASONABLE. Se b ~E% wk = ~ | The fact of Opening a Foundry in this neighborhood, thereby on ze 2 g,. = [saving time and transportation, is a saving of itself which esi 8 52 ©% 4 |the subscriber hopes will, in the end, be mutual. ni H 88 = 3s BE Immediate Orders Respectfully Solicited. lokEs iE g 22% 2 A. M. GIBSON. fe 0 £5 2m te Port Perry, Dec. 19th, 1866. 19 4 Ef = Ee hen ] « = qs A giz pd 22 1 - dd He Au : ~ 8 V . NARCOTIC = E Applied to the P| Gums, Producing Loca] Anmsthesin, For| | Qo Extracting Teeth Withont Pait; as o Invented by Dr. Richardson of London, England,' = T C.D. WAID'S DENTAL R oO BROCK STREET," Zz XK. wn All Operations Warranted to give ? a % Retohtis gL tio: ra Stas be i 2 oe xn = mpetitio ; wr, : REFERENCES :--ReY. Dr: Shortt ani S. WILLIAMS, MAUFACTU RQ ER ! Griggs, M.D , Port Tope; Rev." is Sei sud 2iotsien Mb. U3ueitg a SA Nos. 143, 135 & 147, YONGE Sr, TORONTO. . Uxbridge, Nov. 23, 1866c- ~~ © {G= Musical - Instruments of All Kinds ee v | | Can be had, by applying at this Office, the same in Price as Wanted Immediately ! at the Manufactory. ~ Orders respectfully solicited. - 10 CORDS OF FIELD STONE: xX Port Perry, Nov. 21st, 1866. toy wm 15-8m | + JOHN-SHAW. 'f_. Port Perry, 23rd April 861 3 UNDE furnished shen ~ Coffins sizes kept constantly on hand. CHARGES MODERATE Inch, ano 2,000 Fe Marre 3% Squares Borelia, May 8th 1866. Ee RTAEKING attended to promptly, A OSEPH BIGELOW, | MANUPACTURER AND DEaLER |, -Sawed Lumber, Sawed Shingles, Fiour Barrel ; 'Heading and Flour Barrel Staves. : A LARGE STOCK ON HANDS AT ALL TIMES! ~y Also Proprierer of Port Perry Sash and Door Factory. planing, Matching, Scroll Sawing, Turning, Moulding, Planing, ete, ing, Soro 4 one ing Moulding, 'ort erry ugust, 10th, 1866. op 2 : 1-y TI SE QATION will be mie at the next | ssion of the Proviacisl Paslismen for a Charter to _constru ly at the: Port Perry | : DAVID GIBSON. Perry, March 28¢h, 1007: 24 © October, 17, 1866. SY "Oshawa Vindicator, and Whitby Chronicte| ecapy till forhid. [) JB [VAN INVA 00K jdirosqng anol Leg. H L dV tid SSV1) [Stl pue 'eouvAp® UI 'pIepuels, oY) 0) Uo [ «B00 CT hod HYANYLS, 30 0 J003 N I Ss 'mmune 19d sjuss gc oAe |The S .| And REGULATE THE SYSTEM. ~ . na MALY STREET, UX BE : J. IL. MARGACH hemist an d Druggist, Dealer in first-class English DRUGS and OHEMIOALS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, TUBR-PAINTS PAINT BRUSHES, €lc., etc. E; BOOKS & STATIONERY, Slates, Pens, Ink, Pencils, Per- | fumery, Combs, Hair Brushes Toilét and Fancy articles. * Mareacn's Piel Mareacw's Copan' Onyryext and PineMixtore has never Piisare warranted toifailed to cure coughs care the most obsti-land colds. It emses mate cases of this dis-|Asthma and prevents tressing malady --consumption. Price Ointment, 50cts. per|25c. per Bottle. pot ; pills 25¢. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES constantly on hand. Family Receipts and * Physician's prescriptions carefully prepared on the shortest notice. ? WARGACH'S ANTI-BILLIOUS PILLS Are constanly increasing in public favor. Essences of a superior quality sold wholesale or retail. Every article sold warranted to be of the best quality and at the lowest remunerative price. There have been added from time to time such articles as are generally required in the trade, and the Stock will be found as varied as the demand, 33 Terms invariably Cash, Uxbridge, Aug. 22, 1866. DR, RADWAY'S PILLS, 'ARE TIE BEST PURGATIVE PIS ARE THE BFST PURGATIVE PILLS, NO STRAINING. NO GRIPING. Jo TENESNUS, « NO PILES. 4) NO FALSE CALLS TO THE WATER CLOSET. Sg BUT A BRISK AND THOROUGH EVACUATION FROM THE BOW ELS I8 ALWAYS SECURED, Newly Discevered Principles in Purgatives. Dr. Radway's Pills are the best Purgative Pills in the 'world, and the only Vegetabld Substitute for Calomel or Mercury ever discovered. They are composed of VEGETABLE EXTRACTS FROM ROOTS, HERBS, PLANTS, GUMS, SEEDS, FLOWER#* BARKS, FRUITS AND WEEDS, PRE- PARED IN VACUO. One grain of the extract of. the medicinal proper. . ties ofRadway's Pills, possess a Jroater curative power over digease than a thousand of the crude and fnert materials that enter into all other pills in use. Those Pills are compounded of tho active medicinal proper- ties of the Roots, Herbs, Plants, Flowers, Gums, &e. of which they are composed. Ono dose will prove their superiority to all other pills. They PURGE, CLEANSF, PURIFY, BEAL, SOOTHE, CALM, STRENGTHEN, INVIGORATA on Their Great Combinations. They are Aperient, oie Taxative, Alterative, Stim. ulant; Coanter AS EVACUANTS, 'They are moré certain and thorough than the Drastic Pills of Aloes, or Croton or Harlem Oil, or Elaterinn 3 and more soothing and healing than Senna, or Rhou- barb, or , of Castor Gu! IN SUDDEN ATTACKS OF Inflammation of the Bowels or Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Pancreas or Kiddeys, Bilious Cholic or Bilious Foy 4 Erysipelas or Congestive Fever, Small Pox, Measles, or Scarlet Fever, SIX TO EIGHT OF DR. RADWAY'S REGU- LATING PILLS WILL PURGE THE PRIMA- RY CAUSE OF THESE FRON JHE SYSTEM IN SIX HOURS. Que dose of Dr. Radway's Pills wili cleanso the intes- tinal canal, and purge from the bowels all offending and retained humors, as thoroughly as lobelia or the best approved emetic will cleanse the stomach, with- out producing Inflamnfation, irritation, weakness, 8 INING or other unpleasant symptoms. There aro no cther purgative piils in the world that will secure this desi deratum. BETTER THAN CALOMFL OR BLUE PILL BETTER THAN CALOMEL OR BLUE PIIL.} BETTER THAN CALOMEL OR BLUE PILL AS ALTERATIVES, They exercise amore powerful influence over the liver aud its secretions than calomel, mercury, blue pil, hence their importance In cases of Liver CompluiLs and Spleen Difficulties, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Bilious at. tacks, Headache, &e. To tho treatment of Fevers, ciiher Bilious, Yellow, Typhoid, and other reducing Fevers, they are superior to quinine. Their influence extends over the entire system, controlling, strengthening, and 'bracing up the relaxed and wasting energies, aud i gu- lating all tho secretions to the natural performance of their duties, cleansivg and purifymig tho Lleod, aud purging from tho system all discased deposits aud im- pure humors. DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. ONE TO SIX BOXES WILL CURE Costiveness, |Jaundice, Rush of Blood Constipation, [Congst've Fe-| tothe Head, ~ Congestion, ver, Obstructions, Lf Heart Discaso. Sleepiness, .{Dropsy, - Disease of Kid-{Gen'l Debility. {Acute Erysipe- ney & Bladder.| Dimness of 5 t| las, Disease of Li-|Fits, Headache, ver, Lown'sof Spir-{Bad Breath, Biliousness, its, Iuflnmation of Typhus Fever,|Quinsey, the Intestines; Sih Fever, spepsia, | Apoplexy, ignant Fe-| Measles, Enlargeinent ver, Melancholy, | of the Spiven, Loss of Appe-|Hysterics, Scurvy, tite, Amenorrhea, [Whooping Indigestion, | Fainting, Cough, Inflammation, | Dizziness, Wo Palpitations, [Retention of {Bad Dreams, Scarlet Fever, |, Urine, Pleurisy. Bilious Fever, % I AM CURED. #1 have Lien six doses of Radars Fos, or Jurca lis cach, in six days ; they cured me of stipall ji Ed Ta ave taken Toei, many of ills for years, and could only obtain temporary relief. If I stopped ils use of naw ju Suinplaiay; would appear. Bix d of way 's Pills cured 3 ay BIEPHEN LENNEIT, u.s.c8n" #1 have suffered with Dyspepsia aad Liver C m- plaint for seven years--have used all rorts of pills they would give mo \storary mrt, but was come pelled to take them all the time. I havo used one box of Dr. Radway's Pills ; Iam cured, I-have not tuken particle of medicine an, Si montis, 3 PILES, STRAI PILES, BTRAINI = Are tho results of lnlammation or irritation 'cous membrane of the bowels, mduced by drastid iills--these imperfect pills, instead of boing dissolved y the chile, are carried to the lower bowels, and fu duce a peristaltic movement or evacuation by their irritation -- hevice the straining, cramps, wrenching plus, piles and lenesmus, and the frequent false al tothe footer Giese hat patiens uadery wha duke thess 2 on By avoid these annoy ncos, whenever 3 purgative Dodiclua jis Fed, tako a duso of RADW. ULATING FLAS. © 7 THEY WILL PURGE THOROUGHLY AND Havo secured 4 vigorous cyfsuation, in' of Inflammation of tio Bowols, Pariysis. & Erotou Oil, Harlem Oily lus aed rely filed. A dono Of Radway Pills sei] romoyo afl ihateuciions, and fecurs a free pusduge. Pirections fi 1140 are inside each box: P.ive per bx, 26 cents, Solo 4 -Reepers. ished with fresk 15 vucioned wath LR ew sok © Agent, JOSEPH BIGELOW, rr'