Ee hl der bo oy is alwaysmore woun- offence from itself than to the affairs of Tove, the lowest is the greatest qualifica~ "There is very little charity or be- . a : in a deed, if the. doer Res in' Goud i. Wo never walk 80 straight to the Brave of a friend a8 we are for ever walking to our own. * _ Humanity towards n subdued foe 18 as nobles the valor displayed in encountering him. "A married couple are often the happier for making the fitness or « adaptoess they don't find. - Its time enough to think of vic: 'tory when we have assured the means of avoiding defeat. 'Many people consider the world a8 8 worm does the interior of a nut oibply a place to feed and grow at in. Be calm amid troubles. To jump "and bou; Jon are in hot ave like a potato or a dumpling. A corn-stalk is a vegetable that often bears three or four cars ; the human vegetable acver bears more than two. Men; in general, are more com- _'Pletely persuaded by the suggestions of their own minds, than by reasons offered them by others. : Tt is as easy to write a eaudy siyle without ideas, as it is to spread a pallet of showy eolors, or to smear in a flaunting transparency. He 'who brings redicule to bear Against troth nds in his hand a blade without a hilt--no more likely 10 cut himself than any body clse. The body is the soul's house, and as the house grows old, it often lets in upon its inhabitrnts light from heaven through the chinks made by time. Love ¢aa excuse anything except 'meanness; but meanness kills love, 'cripples even natural affection : with. out esteem, true lowecanuot exist. 01d age ought not to croep on a human mind." Tn uvatare every mo- ment is new ; the past is always swallowed aud forgotten; the coming only is sacred. A sulky follow leaves his: house businessas an agre lcaves his «eave for food, and returns home joy- "Jess and grim to his silent wife "and ereeping children. A country paper in Obio prints this ' marriage motice ; * Mairied np. town > 'the other diy, at Mrs. Witliams's, Mr. William, 'of Williamsport, to his wcousin Miss Lizzie Williams. For * particulars see small Bills.' i gti * Wife, suid a broker a few dsys ie Uontane: Soman Tara : ko H flint 10 you, sai the confiding Au se. 'Ween, itatiogly replied ; oo half ; but I can't put you © out at interest? he od An Tdshman, canying a heavy bun@le npen his shoulders, was rid- . 'ing on the Tront of & Boston horse rear, and. was asked why he did not "met his bundle mpon the platform, _ ** Be jabers; was his reply, ¢ the horses "have enough to do %o drag me ; I'll ' carry the bundle. - "1 tell you,' said n warm Friend of samewly elected M, P., 'to an sober grablicen, our Turty may say what Whey please 'but cannot deny " Mr. B-- is a sound man' That's just what we're afraid on, replied the +old- publican; "it's our opinion that he's all sound.' 2 "About dhe coolest thing on. record 38 the adwice of the -editor of the © Madison paper, who, in the absence + ofreading matter, remarked, (hat if aeading the news alone was the ob- Ject of the subscribers, they will ~ #nd-ensugh thatis new to them in ihe bible, and it is good reading too, = ihe costliest watch that was ever 'made issaid fo have been one which ~ was constructed in 1844, fot the Sul- . tan Abdul Mejid, who must have Jound it rather inconvenient since it was five inches in diameter, and struck the hours and quarters on wires, with a sound resembling that of a powerful 'cathedral clock. It + wost 1,200 guineas, " "he country we receive favorable ac- «counts of the condition of the grow- ing crops, and we think it were safe 40 assume that present prospects in- Jioate am abands w ant harvest. Not. the backwardness of re has been a large tity sown, and mow that fhe sion, arrests decay, in reference to the Richardson mine Wax Crows. --From all sections of Jas brought to a close in Cobourg, called for trial--the parties.agreeing upon the terms which was entered in; a decree, as follows :-- Ist, The Bello- Benj. Jr, of Chi Company), #30,000 in gold. 2ud. Tho there 3 , o son mine; wi "laypeid po so1ddy Jousus [a LeqL tgiveL nosybuttt q3 Jupuanged eT \ 9081 'Migr 'Buy "fazed 30d gong) 30 orez SIAvIOSTII jv 98IvIy 'pusy uo sivas suo) 'eopou 356304 oy) uO 'onoq : 'wojquy, 'spucrspog 'suvemg 40 SISINO0D NOOLS AN 7) JO 9OUTNUITOD ¥ HIVIOF 19q1IISYNS ON 9d 19} 303 SJetOIINI SUOIPWNY BJY 0F SAUW SWO0-0IBA L113 Hog OUT, ONIFAVILIEHANA pup 'sdogs B1s yor pu 'ssengy 00g 20 qew) oy dvaqy pros oq [34 pu 'sesodind sopreg 10 gold bells fastened their bonnet ribbons, goes," when he consluded by now lady. to keep ber tongue in her mouth * My dear," responded the wife, "j weapons." A mau enquired at the post office in Erie, N. Y., the other day, for a for * Enry Hodgent He was ¢ Look ere, he replied a little angrily, ' you've hex- amined a hodd letter for my name. It be- Look ia the ole letter told there was none, It don't begin with gins with a ho | that's got the ho's | a hatch, An Irish hostler was sent to the stable to. bring out a traveler's horse; but not knowing which of the two strange horses in the stalls belonged to the traveler, and wishing to avoid the appearance of Ladies in London are wearing little to the ends of A belle thus attired " makes music whereyer she An exquisite divine put the finish- ing touch to a marriage ceremony, saying--*'| pronounce you husband and " A sharp.talking lady was reproved by her husband, who "requested: her is against the law to carry concealed ignorancei A paper bonnet is mentioned as the atest novelty in millinerdom. This precious head ornament costs but one dollar, and the great advan- tage it has is said to be thatit will keep its fair wearers from catchibg cold, as they.wiil probabiy stay at home in damp weather. Reemington & Sons. MANUFACTURERS OF RFVOLVERS RIFLES. Muskets and Carbines, the Trade generally. bi louse, Store, Bank; and_Office An 2 pid HA one of 2 Si e 4 s iE Es Reemington's Revolvers, > fel sg Parties desirous to avail themselves of Oo en eS the late improvements in Pistols, and su- > gg a perior workmanship and form, will find all < Ns ] Q g * | combined in the new Reemington Revolver. rt s B Circulars containing cuts and descrip- w Yi - tion of our arms will be furnished upon * 3 a g application, 8 E. REMINGTON, & SONS, Ilion, N.Y. E ow Moore & Nicniows, Agents. 1 § No. 40 Courtland St. N.Y. The Wott teifullieite fools #10] wim cn ees those who have nome wit. ! TE Ly A story is told of a yong man|!196T. PROSPECTUS 1s¢1 why wag going west to set up a jew- or ely story When asked what Capi-| ew v 2 tal he had replied, *' A crow bar |" THE GLOBE NEWSPAPER, the most eventful Legislative bodies of ' Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland, and uniting all the British North American provinces under one Government and Legislature, On the passage of that Act, a Governor-General or Viceroy will be ap- pointed by the Queen to preside over the United Provinces; and writs will at once be issued for the election of Representatives to the: Federal and Local Legislatures. In April next, it is therefore probable that the people of Upper Canada will be called upon to elect eighty-two representatives to the Local Legislatures of Upper Canada. It would be difficult to over-rate the influence that these elections may exercise on: the future well-being of the Province. The Local Government and Legislature of Up- per Canada, to be established in Toronto, will have the control of all Crown Lands, Timber and Minerals within the Province-- {of all lacal Public Works--of Education-- of the promotion of Agriculture--and over #ll personal rights and rights of property. The eighty-two men first elected, will be charged with the duty of placing in opera- tion the machinery necessary for the ad- ministration of these and many other impor tant public interests; and in their hands in his business, he saddled both ani. mals, and brought them to the door, The travelor pointed out his own horse, That's my nag. ¢ Certainly, yer honor, {know that very well,' said pat : 'But 1didn't knew which was the other gentleman's? A PARAGRAPH FoR ScHOOL-TEACHERS. --Miss Martineau says feuly--and no teacher should ewer forget it-- : the happier a child is, the cleverer [smarter] be will be. is. is mot only becanse in a state of Appiness the mind is free and at Ii 1 ior the exercise of 'ita' faculties," instead of Spending its thoughts 'and energies in brooding over troubles, Lut also becanae "the action of the 'brain is stronger when the frame is in a state of hilarity, the ideas are more clear, impressions of outward objects ave more vivid, and the memory will not fet them slip.' 'The Minerve says:--¢We learn 'that Mr. Adams on "the 11th inst., wisited Lord Stanley to inform him 'that the United States Government rejected the proposition of the British Government to submit the Alabama claims to arbitration. He also asked how a proposition from the United States to purchase British Columbia would be received? He did not speak of Canada, but seemed to in- sinuate that Mr. Seward would like to acquire that too, Lord Stanley did notreply. Te Beavmiry Tax Terma. ~Dissolve. two ounces of borax in three pounds of boiling water, aud before it is cold add one teaspoonful of the spirits of camphor, and bottle for use, A tablespoonful of this mixture, mixed with an equal guantity of tepid water, and applied daily' with a soft brush preserves and beautifies the teeth, extirpates all tartarous adhe- induces a healthy action of tke gums, and makes the teeth nearly white. ° ! Ricnarosox Gop Ming.--The suit ast Tuesday, just as the case was ville Company were to pay to Messrs. Lombard and Seth W. Holden, (called ithe Chicago en on the Richard - foot wide Warm we Shas set in, one can al- most fancy things can be seen grow- ing. In fact, and 1,000 feet long, 16 'b6put, into o the fields present a t. Fall wheat nover/| , and the spring g beantifally t : noticed' said |} among a nam- fle ad aless, a happy nbeam i d him to tell mo ant and h corporation in Canada, wi of $300,000 ; $16,000 of {to go to the Chicago Company, and ville Company. 8rd. Of the remain- ing Joint of the Richardson mine and and, 67 acres and the Belleville 37 acres. Each described in the d or 'every be éver so road -. lad a ru Meoting him |, sewspapbr and "finfsh'np' d and ich a capital the stock he remainder, $140,000, td.the Bello- the Chicago Company to:have Company party's land being Lavies ano Newsearens.--It dias | on the choice of R p made by the -y.| been estimated that there are six dectors of Upper 'Canada at the coming oo 'sro adios. In give mmc uodry departments seldom .{ beas follows : [about to be added to the gf Subscription will remain as heretofore: aL TWD Dom fo 0, an per annum fot tha | TWENTY * Aud an extra copy of The Week] of oy PY of | to ho gata up. the Gish oy : person 'wi 8 up of Twenty, FIFTY OODIkS ons ardor. 38 00 may rest the decision whether the future government of our Province shall be as it has been for years past, or shall ibe organ- ized so as to secure efficiency and economy throughout the public service, and the pro- motion of the industrial interests of the country: : Fully alive to the importance of arousing the public mind to an earnest and candid consideration of the mumerous important questions shortly coming up for decision, and obtaining from the Legislatures about to be elected a judicious settlement of them, the publisher of Tax Grose is now perfecting Arrangements wich will Jecure 2 acressed efficiency in gvery artment of the A The Editonlal staf 1 Se steeng honed, and a large carps of short-hand réporters is now being formed for reporting daily, in a style surpassing that heretofore attained, the proceedings of the Federal and Local Legislatures. Arrangements have been made for securing every night tha European news and prices current of the same day by | the Atlantic Cable, and a special commis- sioner for Tar Gros will attend the coming | session «of the Imperial Parhament, and "watch the debates on the Confederation Bill. In the general conduct of the paper fresh efforts will be made in the coming year to secure that prominence among the journals of the Province which Tae Grobe has here. tofore maintained, The telegraph wires will be still more largely dvailed of than in the past; and no expense will be spared in the employment of able correspondents at important points, and in despatching Re- parters to distant places whenever their ser- vices may be required. + A special commis- sioner for Tus Gross will attend the Paris Exhibition next spring. Arrangements are being made for reporting more systematical- ly than heretofore the proceedings of the Law and Charcery Courts ard trials at Nisi Prius throughout the Province. On the 7th of December, the republication was.commenced of Miss Braddon's Admira- ble New (ale "BIRDS OF PREY," and will be continued from week to week as it appears in England. Other interesting Tales will also, be published during the year: In the mechanical execution of the jour nal vory. great improvements are shortly contemplated. From the commencement of the yoar, the paper used on the Daily, as well as the Weekly etlition, wrill be of very superior quality to that heretofore used-- and in the course of the coming Spring the paper will be printed from a new and beau- tiful fount of type, from the celebrated foundry of Miller & Richards, Edinburg, For some months past, the largely increased circulation of Tur' GLose has more than equalled the capacity of the presses, and rendered it difficult to publish the news coming in by telegraph and otherwise up to ® Toa after midnight, and work off the necessary nunsber of copies in time for the For the United States Service. Also Pocket and Belt Revolvers, Repeating Bifes, Rifle and Shot Gun Barrels, and Gun Materials, sold by Gun Dealers and In these days of Housebreaking and Rob- THE. year 1867 will probably be year in the history of the British North American Provinces, There is every reason to believe that im- mediately after the assembling of the Im- perial Parliament in London, on or about the Ist of February next, an Act will be passed giving effect to the petitions of the is still specially attended to. ¥7* sharpened, &c. HENRY, . Port Perry,8th Sug : od, | give them 8 Gall. Phang and put up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wo: Brick, or'Stdne, and to finish them off in the latest styles, with , will ido PORT PERRY, RE prepared to contract for and All the Most Modern Improvements. atties requiring First Class work doe, ? || 'Specifications made to order. 2 OD NE FER NARCOTIC SPRAY Applied to the 0 Gums, Producing Local Z | London, England, morning mails. To meet this difieuty, and enable all the readers of the. paper to be supplied at an early hour of the morning, new Lightning Presses, capable of working off ten thousand impressions per hour, are establishment, and Will placeithe office in a position of efficiency unsurpassed by any printing office .on this continent. No paper sent.out of the office 'until the money is paid. . The Federal Government and Legislature will also be largely affected'by the charac- ter of the eighty-two Representatives sent by Upper Canada tothe. Federal House of Commons. Whether the long reign of lay- ish expenditure and ill considered legisla- tion is to be.continued, or a better state of things to be inaugurated, will muoel depend BROCK STREET, All Operations Warranted to tion or no Charge, and at Defy" Competit a Rufmmusves Re Dr. § Tr o ort Hope; rae Carson, Whitby | Ff and J. Bolster, M.B., Uxbridge Uxbridge, Nov. 23, 1864. Wanted Immedia; 4 Ris "THE TERNS annum for the Daily 'eekly edition, both Payable strictly advance. , Clubs for the Weekly Globe, - "The Club rates far the coming year will SIX COPIES, ene year, TEN oe a . o © orontg, 484%, _. and a copy. person the Who gete up the Club Fifty, 'GEORGE BROWN, JOHN NO House, Sign, and Carriage fargighed vou required, CHARGES 5000 Fer or Borssxaur 1 Inch, ann 2,000 Frsr or Binon - JOBN S Port Perry, 23rd April, 1867. ho Cabinet Mal TAPER ANGIE, UNDERTAEKINSG attended to promptly. Afieat.olass Hearse] _ Ooffi kept constantly on hand, Ra Publisher-and Proprietor, Marre 34 Sovane. - Borelin, MaySth 1868, eC he subscriber would say to his eas ers, and the public generally, th, prepared to do all kinds'of Blas smith work on the shortest notice, Horse Shoeing Tools, jnmped and tempered: Mill-Picl All work warranted. JOHNSTON, § ap 2 1 Rives 2 5] bd) = - Anesthesia, Extracting Teeth Without Pain, Invented by Dr. Richardson of T C.D. WAID'S DENTAL ROOMS, | UXBRIDG] 1.0 corvsor FIELD STONE. * Tian at SR bout ep, tangy Wh Lag p00 " " <Q on i i and Ed WHITBY, CARTWRIGHT of Wild Land in Mara and Rama ; also a number of Village Lots in the Village of Port Perry, Pickets, etc., etc: ne. , REACH, SCUGO! ALSO WITH AND WITHOUT BUMRINGS, ] All of which will be sold on reasonable termg, MILLS, THOMAS PAXTON & Co., J, VMBER MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN BOARD AND BUNDLE LATHS, MENTS! NOC COMPETITION ! Defying all Opposition | SEVERAL FIRST CLASS FARMS FOR SALE With Improvements, in the following Townships, viz. G, MARIPOSA, and SEVERAL LOTS agein renewed my contracts with supply my Ever offe patrons with red for sale in this Province, NO HE UMBITTG! * The Toronto Nurseries have taken the diplomas for establishment of Provincial Exhibitions in this Province. This i represented the Toronto Nurseries that when the selection is left to me in this and the Toronto Ni urseries, the best article of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, VINES, AND PLANTS! display of Fruit Trees since the adjoining Counties, and I am coufident the trees Will Boi entire satisfaction, Tam prepared to s the fourth year I have Mr. T. Mulcahy, 9th Concession Redcl » 1808, : 7th 7 "|. I will replace all &t properly cared for, ---------- h; Mr. Henry lia ; Mr. Trull & Mr. Warden, Darlin; Part Perry, Aug. 10, 1865, REFERENCES. 400 apple trees, 14th Concession Brock 3 Bickle, Brooklin ; Clinton Cook, Reach ; Mr. Taylor gton, and Mr. Jas, Ferguson, trees that do 'not grow if planted according to J. H. EB. HOGG Wholesale and Retail Agent, Box 75, Port Perry. Mr. Wm. McGregor Cartwright, my directions and 1-46 Bort Perry August 7 ET Can be had, b w-C, { MODERATE 391" Port Peryy, March __ Heading'and Flour Barrel Stave : : A LARGE STOCK ON HANDS AT ALL TIMES y applyin at the Manufactory. Orders re ~ Port Perry, Nov. 21st, 1866. £ os : S. WILLIAMS, MAUFACTURER ! 3 Nos. 143,185 & 147, YONGE Sr. TORONTO. 0G Musical Instruments of All Kinds e same in Price as spectfully solicited. g at this Office, th OSEPH BIGELO MANUFACTURER AND DEALER Also Proprieror of Port Perry ete, eto. Oth, 1866." 28th, 1867. Sawed Shingles, Seroll planing, Muicking, Se voli Srurtig, Turning, Moidding, Port Perry ugist, 1 Bye eT Lake imits.of y 34} copy till forhjd. Barrel Staves, . of the Proving hi 2 Whitby : efter 17, 1866. 3 Oshawa Vindicator, and Whitby Chronicle +15-8m DW, Fioar Barrel ly 0 QRVINRLS, 0 0 0) § d syueo gg saws p "SNOAAOTAR TAME HO. 0 2 1) J JV sqng. nok' B SSVI ISH dV = i 1} WMuuR JI19 I ue '0oueaA LI 1S» oq) 0) uond pe LOMA Chemist and D Dealer in first-class English DRU OHRMICALS, PATENT MEDI PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, PAINT BRUSHES, €iC., eto. 'Slates, Pens, Ink, Pencils, Per- fumery, Combs, Hair Brushes Toilet and Fancy articles, ~~ °° 1x Miraaon's Pus Miroaon's' Coven Omvruent and Pir sMixTore has never Puunsare warranted to'failed to cure cure the most obsti-and colds. It eases nate cases of this dis-| Asthma and prevents tressing malady Ointment, 50cts. per) pot ; pills 25¢, 2 7 HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES constantly on hand. Family Receipts ant Physician's prescriptions carefully prepared on the shortest notice, : ; MARGAC'S ANTI-BILLIOUS PILLS Are constantly tncreasing in public favor, -» Essences of a superior quality sold wholesale or retail, Every article sold warranted to be of the best quality and at the lowest remuncrative price. There have been added from time to time such articles as are generally req in the trade, and the Stock will be fo p varied as the demand, i EF" Terms invariably Cash, Uxbridge, Aug. 22, 1866. # 28¢. por Bottle, 2tf DR'RADWAY'S PILLS, ! ARE THE BEST PURGATIVE Pits, ¢ ARE THE BEST PURGATIVE PILLS. ARE THE BEST PURGATIVE PILLS, "No STRAINING, uN GRIPING, . ats Xo TENESUUS, "A 3 NO pees." ? NO FALSE CALLS TO THE WATER CLOSET, BUT A BRISK AND THOROUGH ; EVACUATION FROM THE BOWELS? IS ALWAYS SECURED. : Newly Discovered Principles in Purgatives. A "Dr. Radway's Pills are the best Purgative Pills, in the ' World, and the only Vegetable Substituto for Calomel op Mercury ever discovered. They are composed of VEGETABLE EXTRACTS FROM ROOTS, HERBS, PLANTS, GUMS, SEEDS, FLOWERS, BARKS, FRUITS AND WEEDS, PRE- = PARED IN VACUO, the extrant of tho medicinal r. / - IN SUDDEN ATTACKS OF Inflammation of the Bowels or Stomach, 1 or, Spleen, ' Pancras or Kidneys, Bilious Cholic or "Billo 4 So 3 Erysipelas or ve Fever, Small Pox, Mcasles, of 2 ws Scarlet Fever, J SIX TO EIGHT OF DR. RADWAY'S REGU. LATING PILLS WILL PURGE ,THE PRIMA. RY CAUSE OF THESE FRON JHE SYSTEM IN SIX HOURS, One dose of Dr. Radway's Pills wili cleanse the intes, (tinal canal, and purge from the' bowels all offending: and retained humors, as thoroughly as lobe¥g or the 5 +best approved emetic will cleanso the withe out producing inflammation, irritation, weakness, STRAINING, ° + or other Wileasrt symptoms, Thore are no other Burgative pills in the world that will secure this desis leratum. BETTER & THAN CALOMEL OR BLUE PILL. BETTER LL.) BETTER THAN CALOMEL OR BLUE PIL. THAN OALOMEL OR BLUE PILL A8 ALTERATIVES, e They exercise,a more powerful influence over the liver and jts secretions than calomel, mercury, bine pill, hence their importance In cases of Liver Complatuts and Spleen Difficulties, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Bilious at. tacks, Headache, &c. In the treatment of Fevers, either Bilious, Yellow, Typhoid, and other reducing Fevers, thoy aro superior to quinine. Their influence extends over the entire system, controlling, strengthening, and 00 of urifying the blood and purging from the system all diseased deposits and im. pure humors, DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. ONE TO BIX BOXES WILL CURE Costiveness, |Jaundice, Rush .of Blood . -Constipation, | Congst've Fe-| to the Head, | Congestion, ver, 0 ons, Heart Disease, Sleepiness, . |Dropsy, Disease of Kid-|Gen'l Debility, [Acute Erysipe- ney & Bladder, | Dimness of 8't| las, Disease of Li-|Fits, Headache, 7+ Lown's of Spir-(Bad Breath, its, . |Inflamation of Quis the In Dyspepsia, Apoplexy, es, cement Melancholy, - { of the Spleen, Hysterics, Scurvy, « Amenorrhua, | Whooping | Fainting, : Retention of + Urine, ver, 'Biliousness, Typhus Fever, IF Pover, ignant Fe-| Low of Appe. a N nis on, | Ip Palpii : Bearlet Fever, Bilious Fever, v: i - - } N TY : 3 I AM CURED. / . 44 have taken six d Radway's Pills, of throa ~~ pile cadh: tn x days EA ton Toles Sad morn a plas ar?' TRNESWUS, p > TENESMUS, - ° flammation or irsiiation of the fae +oous membrane of tho bowels, induces by di Plisothogo imperfect pills, jnstdad of being 'dissol: " 1by the chile, are carried to the lower bowels, and in duco a peristaltic movement or 'evacuation by their Irritation -- hence the strais cramps, § feet PILES, STRAINING AND PILES] STRAINING AND «Aro the results of In a Tn Ch THEY WILL PURGE THOROUGHLY AND @® LEAVE THE BOW3LS REGULAR. £3 JOSEPH BIGELOW Agent,