Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Standard, 7 Feb 1867, p. 4

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ol Autelli | Phe Collingwood Ente ner dnttllipent that a most dastardly attempt ia The pe Eastern will sail for | @2de to poison Dr. Lett and family . 9 i --seyen in all--on Sunduy week, and t Amr 0 the 13th of March, [that the attempt was. frastrated by + CLA maldog cregted momo excite: {yo prompt administration of antis neat in Lozdon on Friday last. He dotes by the medical gentleman v as hunted through the streets 'and whose #id was sought, No particn- fnaliplieg, oy 3 1001 lors ao given, Lut 'tho Enterprise "At the recent sitting of the New | states that $100 reward has been of' York Sapreme. Court, Mr. Thomas [fered for information Jonding jo the More, phe hic artist, formerly | conyiction of the villain w ho at- of Montréal, and now of New York, | tempted to perpetrate the foul crime. obtained a divorce from his wife, A statement is being prepared in John McCiouis, of Chicago, who 'the Public Works Department of all "sailed for Europe a few days ago the public property belonging to the w with instructions from Mr. Seward to | Province, with a view to the ap; act as U. S. Minister at Stockholm, | Prouching separation between Up- | will learn by cable on his arrival | Per and Lower Canada, and the ad- that be has. beeh rejected by the |Justment of their respective' claims. Senate, and he san rcturn. --- " ; Sav Ocoyrrexce.--On Thursday last | 1867. PROSPECTUS 1861. a young lad named' McLear, and bi 9 azed about fur years, residing with THE GLOBE h's parcuts at Streetsville, came to NEWSPAPER. hs death in a strange manner. The hindu parents were, it appears, in. the THE year 1367 wil probably be habit of keeping 'whiskey in the | the smst exeutfil year iy tho History Ping ey .""€ ['of the British North American Provinces. house, and tlie ¢hild being anxious | There is every reason to believe that im- to know the nature of the contents diately after the g of the Im- of the vessel in which it was kept, perial Putlipment in London, he Shout 1 e 18 'tbruary next, an ct wil I SUTigiont svn ic produce pated giving ect 10 1he peitions of the 4 egislativebodies of Canada, Nova Scotia, recovered. New Brunswick aod Newfoundland, and uniting all the British North American Canaptax Raiwway Trarric ror provinces under one Government and 1866, --au Official Statement has | Legislature. On 'the passage of that Act, Just been published showing the a Governor-General, or Wigeroy will be ap- catuings of the several Railways of | poluted by the Queen to preside over the Canada during the year 1866, There | United Provinces; and writs will at onee, ob 5 : . be issued for the election of Representatives arothirteen Railway 3 Companies -- to the Federal and Local Legislatures. In two closed and eleven in operation-- | ynril next, it is therefore probable that the independent of each other. The joint people of Upper Canada will be called upon carnings of the eleven roads in| to elect eighty-lwo representatives to the operation" were, from Passen rers | Local Legislatures of Upper Canada. It 9 76- fr og would be difficult to over-rate the influence $4,200,776; from Freight § thint thes® vlections may" exercise on the and from: Mails and Sunde [future well-being of the Province. The 3 072, Total earnings in 1866, $10, | Local Government and Legislature of Up-"| 968,963, against $10,793,378 in 1865. | per Canada, to be established in Toronto, -- Globe. will 'have the control of all Crowa- Lands, Timber and Minerals within the Province-- Tre Ricnarbson Gord Ming.--Tlie | of all local Public Works--of Education-- Belleville Intelligencer of Friday gives of the promotion of Agtioulture and ro atast intelli hr ; all personal rights and ri of property. us the latest intelligence yespettiog I rin men Eran hs the Richardson, gold wipes :-- Lhe | ctmrged with the duty of placing in opera- excitement in reference to this mine tion the machinery necessary for the ad- hus been increasin, during the past | ministration of these and many other impor- week. The fat t. blasts were | tant public interests; and in their hands being put into the rock avhich over. | @®Y rest the decision whether the future + A government of our Province shall be as it , laid the crevice or pocket out of | hag been for years past, or shall be organ- which so much gold has been taken. | ized so as to secure efficiency and economy After making enquiry we learn from | throughout the public service, and the pro- the best authority that these blasts | motion of the industrial interests of the revealed a richness which few: anti. | ©°0ntry. cipated, far' béyond the' most aun The Federal Government and Legislatare guine expectativns of those who Lave ever contended that gold exist. ed in that mine iu large quantities. After some half dozen blasts had been put in, it was found to be exces- sively rich. "Alter: pounding a por- tion of the rock it was found to yield $12,000 to the ton; and the dirt from what miners call the * dirt crevice 10 less than au average of $60,000 to the ton," f Figg 1v Ops.--We learn with mach regret that on the afternoon, . , widow of the i ugh, Esq., was totally destroyed by firg, together with the whole: of its 'contents, with the exception of a portion of the bedding and a few other articles. At the time of the firc--which originated" from a stove: pipe--Mus. McHugh was in Lindsay, and ne one was in the house but four or five of the younger members of the family, two of whom, little: ¢lil , dren, were at play in the room where the fire started, and hud to be got out through the windew. The house was not of great valae, but the fami. Jy is very numerous, and there was a large stuck of provisipus, elothes and bedding, audya great many books, which with. tle honse and furniture, wili make the loss not much less than $1,000, - The dwelling und its con- tents were insur cd, but bafortunately for. only $200 cachw--Zindsay Advo- cate, x : Rosarny.--At about three o'clock on Wednesday morning, last, Mr. Jumes Byrne, while 'stopping at the North American Hotel here, was robbed of sométiig like $130 in money, a gold watch and chaiv, and a deposit receipt for $200. A man namied J. Wall} of O¢hawa of neigh- borhood, was genceally snppesed to be'the guilty pary , and was pursued to: Taronte b; liéf Constable Gil. christ, where he was arrested in a 'house of ill fame, by a city detective. The Chief Constable then returned with him to town, apd this morning he was brought 'before thie Magis trate's Court gud eommitted to stand Lis BTal iv Cobourg. Phe- greater portion of the money, the watch and chain andghe deposit receipt were recovered: The prisoner had spent some of the money, bat thre' the ex- crtions of the Chief Constable, much of it: was returned, ~- Port Hope Guide. Wisprara -- We have heard of one of the moet remarkable freaks of for- tane, of which an old 'man named Lithgow; formerly ofthis town is the Wabpy SeChjie & 1 When Lithgow lived here he was well known us a buglar for the. volunteers, and since he hus removed to Port Hope he, lias filled the same capacity iu our sister town. He was an old pensioner, and in the receipt of his n du, ig ee oie Lithgow; who had: been in the: Bust India Company's service, died. TE and which amounted it ix 1a es be over 600,000 pounds. his heirs, thera being wome doubt a to who was entitled to reteive tl 'amponnt a8 deposited in ab threo <3 Be es mm IGHT x at over u having at! oh bas we rh ured, started for Fugland to claim 8 mumoth fortaue,-- Sun, will also be largely affected by the charac- ter of the eighty-two Representatives sent things to be inaugurated, will much depend on the choice of Rapresentatives made by the electors of Upper Canada at the coming election. Fully alive to the importance of arousing the public mind to an earnest and candid consideration of the fiumerous important questions shortly coming up for decision, and obtaining from the Legis! about to be elected a ju itigus séttlement of them, rrfment 'paper, 4% being strengthened, 'ge corps af short-hand reporters is now being formed for reporting daily, in a by Upper Canada to the Federal House of Commons. Whether the long reign of lave ish expenditure and ill considered legisla- | f tion is to be continued, or a better state of of Wild Land in Mara and Rama ; also a number of ae Village Lots in the Village of Port I till prepared tado all-kinds of Black- ith, work 'on, the shortest notice. _Horse Shoeing Lie subscriber would say to his cus ers, and the public generally, tfiat he style surpassing that h y the proceedings of the Federal and Local Legislatures. Arrangements» have been made for securing every night the European news and prices current of the same day by the Atlantic Oable, and a special commis- sioner for Tar GLose will attend the coming session of the Imperial Parliament, and watch the debates on the Confederation Bill. In the general conduct of the paper fresh efforts will be made inthe coming year to secure that prominence among the journals of the Province which Tue Grose lias here- tofore maintained. The telegraph wires will be still more largely availed of than in the past; and no expense will be spared in the smploymqnt of able correspondents at important points, and in despatehing Re- porters to distant places whenever their ser- vices may be required. A special commis- sioner for Tie Grobe will attend the Paris Exhibition next spring. Arrangements are being made for reporting more systematical- ly than heretofore the proceedings of the Law and Chancery Courts ard trials at Nisi Prius throughout the Province. On the 7th of December, the republication was commenced of Miss Braddon's Admira. ble New Tale 'BIRDS OF PREY," and will be cotitinued from week to week as it p in England. Other i ing Tales will also be published during the Fear. In the mechanical execation of the jour- nal very great improvements are, shortly con lated. From the com of tho year, the paper used on the. Daily, as well as the Weekly edition, will be of very superior, quality to_that heretofore used-- and in the course of the coming Spring the paper will be printed from a new and beau- tiful fount of type, from the. celebrated foundry of Miller & Richards, Edinburg. For some months past, the largely i d p y to, A Carriage. mhker WANTE HENRY JOHNSTON. ds, whether Wood, ders, Plans and : HARRISON MAW & SON, off in the latest styles, with HARRISON MAW §& SON. All the Most Modern Improvements. Parties requiring First Class work done, will do well to give them a call. Specifications made to order. put up Buildings of all kin forzaud PORT PERRY, Brick, or Stone, and to fiaish. them Contractors « Buil RE prepared; fo 'contract : "Port Perry August, 7th, 1866: A circulation of Tae GLose has more than equalled the capacity of the presses, afd rendered it difficult to publish the: news coming in by telegraph and otherwise up to a late hour after midnight, and work off the necessary number of copies in time for the morning mails. To meet this difficulty, and enable all the readers of 'the paper to be supplied at an early hour of the morning, new Lightning Presses, capable of working off ten thousand impressions por Boke, are about to be 'added to the establishment, and will place the office in a position of efficiency unsurpassed by any printing office on this continent. ga Teil ak 4 AHE TERMS = © of Subssintion will remain as heretofore : SIX DOL. edition, and TWO DOLLA per annum for the Weekly edition, both payable stricily n advance. No dh Wa clone 'And ait extra 'copy of The W. tothe 'person who gets up Jl 'Twenty. ¢Bed avemts Tel Boot a) FIRES Copies, one year, for an HTS OPIES. ous er, for i. dda copy 2 1 - who gets up the Club, i r Toronto, Nov, 12, 1866, ARS per annum 2 the 'Daily GOOD NEWS! : NARDOTIO SPRAY "alu Neth Wit ANE AT C. D. WAID'S DENTAL RooMS, r sent out of the office until the The Club rates for the coming year will $65 06 or wh A Oy : DGGE Sse ge Defy Competition. 'Rev. Dr. Shortt and H, P 3 Port'Hope; Rev. J.T. Byrne and Dr. Carson, Whitby ; Jos. Gould, Esq, and J. Bolster, M.Bi, Uxbridge. ©. ,, Uxbridge, Nov. 23, 1866, SAAT y 56} tely, and dyin oto Bont Ole + © ©" "GEORGE BROWN, - «; Publisher and Proprietor, 23 THOMAS PAXTON & Co, 1° MBER MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN BOARD AND BUNDLE LATHS, " Pickets, etc, etc. ALSO SEVERAL FIRST CLASS FARMS FOR SALE With Improvements; inthe following Townships, viz. WHI?5Y, CARTWRIGHT, REACH, SCUGOG, MARIPOSA, and SEVERAL LOTS WITH AND WITHOUT BUILDINGS, All of which will be sold on reasonable terms. T. PAXTON, & Co. PORT PERRY, August, 1866, 1-tf NEW ARRANGEMENTS! NO COMPETITION! Defying all Opposition ! EF AVING again renewed my contracts, with the Toronto Nurseries, I ami prepared to supply my patrons with the best article of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL 'TREES, SHRUBS, VINES, AND PLANTS! , Ever offered for sale in this Province. NO EETUOMBUG-! "The Toronto Nuegeries have taken the diplomas for display of Fruit Trees since the establishment of Pedvincial Exhibitions in this Province. This is the fourth year I have represented the Toronto. Nurseries in this and adjoining Counties, and I am confident that when the selection is left to me the trees will give entire satisfaction. REFERENCES. Mr. T. Mulcahy, 400 apple' trees, 14th Concession Brock; Mr. Wm. McGregor 9th Concession Reagh; MeSHanzy Bickle, Brooklin ; Clinton Cook, Reach; Mr Taylor Orillia; Mr. Trull & Mr: Warden, Darlington, and Mr. Jas: Ferguson, Cartwright. 1 will replace all 'trees 'that do no grow if planted according to my diresticns and propexly cared for. : &- < - IHRE HOGG bE : Wholesale and Retail Agent;"Box 15, Port Perry. Port Perry, 'Aug. 10, 1805. ° a 1-th 34 | Port Perry; Nov. 21st, 1968. a soda ads Hd | JOSEPH BIGELO MANUES ane own 8 oul l a Psy INUFACTURER AND 'DE! t nt ND Fm ved: ti Hea eben In' Swed Lumber; Sawed Shingles, Flour Barre | Heading' Ba Seren Heading and Flout Be cov i A LARGE STOGK ON HANDS AT ALL TIVES! Also Proprietor of Port Perry Sash and Door Factory. Face planing, Matching, Scroll Sawing, Turning, Moulding, EL . eto. ete, done on the shortest notice. or Catigeall Port Perry ngust, 10th, 1866. A 1y : er ¥ I) LVN INA 00K OF osqng amo I H L LI ' Nd SSVI) ISH '4 ¥ Erie 4 ul 0 CVENVLS, 0 0 09 © ; 'ume a9 d syueo Qg eA®s pue 'eouwApw and Sh 13, sold © Trade seb i In tl I] Housebreajing be e, Store, Bank, and. ys mates Batt, }. =k HIG% Reemington's Revolvers. Parties desirous to avail themselves of the late improvements in Pistols, and su- perior workmanship and. form, will find: all combined in the new Reemington Revolver. Circulars containing cuts and descrip- tion: of our arms will be furnistied upon application. Hy BLN E. REMINGTON, & SONS, Illion, N.Y, $ Moors & NicuoLs, Agents, ~ 1 No. 40 Courtland St. N.Y. TOT 5, dome fd NO PALSR CALLS 70 THE WATER CLOSET, BUT A BRISK AND THOROUGH EVACUATION FROM THE BO' 1 IS ALWAYS SEQURED. . Newly Di Principles in P . Ee Ly Hora over discovered. They are composed of VEGETABLE EXTRACTS FROM ROOTS, 'BARKS, PROFS ANY WEEDS, aa " PARED IN VACUO, rE: Ono grain of the extract of the medicinal proper. ties ofRadway's Pills; possess a curative power digease Inert over d and terials that enter into all other pills in use. These Pills are com) the active ties of the Roots, Herbs, Plants, Flowers, Gums, of wi Oo dose will SOOTHE, CALM, STRENGTHEN, INVIGORA' Their Great Combinations. They are Aperient, Tonic, ive, Alterative, Stim~ ulant, Counter Irritant, Sadorifio. AS. EVACUANTS, They arq more certain and th than the Drastic if didn or Clr ng thi hod sin an us barb, or Tamarinds, or Castor Ohl, 1 OF IN SUDDEN ATTACKS OF Inflammation of nope Drei mach, Liver, Spleen, Pancreas or Kidneys, Bilious Cholic or. Bilious Fever. s BIX TO OF DR. RADWAY'S 0 LATING BELA PURGE THE Phe RY CAUSE OF THESE FROM THE SYSTEM IN SIX HOURS: ' . Ono dose-of Dr. Radway's Pills will cleanse the intes- tinal canal, and purge from the bowels all offending and retained humors, as thoroughly as lobelia or the best approved emetic will élesnso the stomach, tithe out ing , Irritation, STRAINING) or other fionsant, mous, other puraive in the wor that will Secure this dost. BRFTRR THA GATOMEL On BLUE FILE BETTER CALOMEL OR BETTER THAN CALOMEL OR BLUE od AB ALTERATIVES, ercise a more powerful influence over the Ii Tht oa phominlin than calomel, mercury, out, henos their importance In cases 'of Liver Comp} and Bpleen Difficulties, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Biliag, tacks, Headache, &o. Tn the froatment of Fovers, pil Vu Biligus, Yellow, Typhoid, ard other Sneing Fever, erlor to quthirie. That Influence extends re amie rato: ; nd bracing up the and wasting energies, and regu- lating all the secretions to tho natural per! of their duties, cleansing and fying the blood, and the system all deposits and im- DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. ONE TO B8IX BOXES WILL CURE of to the ! And REGULATE THE SYSTEM." | ---- {

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