- of preservation, the licart and lungs 55,150,000 francs. | 2 RMR DN vide Ottawa on the "evening of the 20th inst., about 9 o'clock, by falling into: Er ct of water at the time, +U; "Srates "DEsr.--The state micut oF the public debt to January 1st, shows a total debt! of twenty six: hundred 'and seventy five millions, 'sigty $40} Wousand; five hundred dollars in dred and thirty one millions, seven bondred and thirty seven thousand, three hundred 'and ninety two dol lats; making the actual debt about twenty five hundred and forty "three millions; three' hinndred dnd' twenty five thousand dollars. The debt bearing interest is fourteen hundred ious, four hundred and ninety thousand. Debt bearing no interest, fortr hundred jand" twenty five mil- lions six-handred and séventy three thousand dollars, ) Cost or, Tue Carre Puracve.--It has been estimated that the actual money loss to England by the cattle plague has been £3,573,000. Of the cattle attacked by the plague 210,000 are dedd, and at £12 ench--for the old estimate at £10 a head does not adequately represent the prices real- ized during the past few years-- their value is £2,520,000,. The govern- ment have slaughtered 53,000 to pre vent, the spreat of the discase; to these add a/much greater number, say 100,000 animals, butchered in an unripe aud growing state, making aboialfipcice at' market; that is, 143,000 altogether, £3 each, losing £918,000, Then 24,000 of the at- tacked recovered, while 11,000 are unacconnted for; say that the de- crease in value upon these was £3 a bead on 45,000 animals, losing £135 000 more. i Tne Fenian Prisoners. --A Toronto despatch to the Ottawa Citizen says: When the Fenians were informed of their sentences being commuted to twenty years' imprisénment, they scemed surprised. and disappointed. 'They - evidently lubored under the impression that their sentence ii be a light one. Fa. ther McMahim received the intelli- gence with dalimuess and resignation: Others swore roundly and vowed vengeance an the British authorities should they "ever be released. School was particularly wrathful, Lyuch is reported. to have been' .in a towéring rage, and uid in tess than five years every vestige of ritish authority will have. disappeared from 'this continent; and 'the Union Jack will give placeto the Stars and Stripes aud the Hurp of Erin, Other prisoners used language of a similar character, . "A Vang. Lapy' Broes Baap rv 4 Bair Rood. -- One. of the mostwelan. choly deaths whieh it has Poy duty tu record, occured at the par given by the Turners' Society at the Thespian Hall in this city on New Year's eve. The victim wgh promising young lady named Kate Hofmeister, aged about twenty- ght years, and daughter of 'a widowed mother residing in this city, She was in her. usual fealth when she went to the party, where she joined in the social dance, At about gleven o'clock, when waltzing with a gentle man, she threw up her hand and fell, but was caught before she redched the floor. A perfect scene of confu. sion ensned--every one was anions to do all they conld for. the young lady, whom they supposed had only fainted. Restoratives of every kind kiown to the medicul profession swere applied, bat. all in vain, She 'Was conveyed to lier home, wher every attention possible was bestow- ed upon her in the hope that she might only be in a trance, and. ulti- mately be restored to cohsolousness. But the vital spark had fled--she was dead I" We understand that the medical faculty "are divided in opi- nin. us to the cause of hor death. oe prenounce it heart disease, while others are of the opinion' that it was occasioned by the rupture of a 'blood vessel.-- Boonville (Mo). Eagle, SUPERSTITION.--~A correspondent writing fram Rensselaer county, N, Y., eay8 :--1 acquaint you with the particulars of an affair whicn oc. cuired on the mountains of Grafton, os town in' thit'county, a few days since. There is an old superstition, (which dates back even beyond the witchcraft. of our own New England that when any member of a family falls'a victim to consumption, the decaying vitals of that body are con tinnally emitting the elements of that disease," which thé surviving rela. tives wil I-roteive, and thereby - gon. | SIX eration after generation will be fol- lowed by that' dreadful 'scourge, prevails. "Accordiug to the super. stition, there 'is but one means of eradicating this tubercular diathesis from the family--that is, to remove ¢ vitals from the corpse and burn them. "Accordingly, a fain'ly which | ia thrée' of io ri 'fr that discase--one a year since, the $ £78 tw i H ew --ado| " Co ve hie 4 remedy. The bodies were diginterred, and' from those which were in a suffivient state were removed and burued, after 2 ot EIGHTY COPIES, one ear, for..$100 00 which 8 with the badics were | = 20, SOPIES, one year, jon | "214. Operations Warranted 1 reamed 1 thi gavrs so buried. |' = a iy to the. perdon iow or No, Ir. ess coin and currency in the treasury, which amounts to 'one huu- - Better. that. pio y ' ? cays hats Py -should | RIE P 6ter's | marry; the od wy , good | 'ence, from Lili Born LE the pany Shor than ayes. good {§ present time, réaclr 'the sum of wii euter that state thougtieds of t sn, Srersriion.-- The Femains |. antwell, for many years Ro atholic Bishop of Meath, we interredy the chapel of Mullingar, fxolandy on the Ith-ult, with all the coremony- used on such 'occasions A grave was excavated within 'the walls of the chapel, aid some woraen Lwho:had taplieit Taith in the miracy: lous power, of the clay thrown 9p in |. the making of the grave, took home portions of it, boiled it, and confi- dently drank it as an infallible re: cipe for the ailments by which they were aflicted ncn 1867. PROSPECTUS - 1861. i or al. "THE GLOBE?" NEWSPAPER. Tue year 1867 will probally be the most eventful year in the history of the British North American Provinces. L'here is every reason to believe that im« mediately' aftér the assembling of the Im- perial Parliament in London, on or about the 1st of February next, an Act will be passed giving effect to the petitions of the Legislative bodies of Cahads, Jaks Scotia, New Brupswick and Newfoundland, and uniting ¥ll the British North American provinces under one Government and Legislature. On the passage of that Act, a Governor-General or Viceroy will be ap- ointed bythe Queen 10 preside over the Dnited Provinces ; and writs will at once be issued for thevelection of Represeritatives to the Federal and Local Legislatures, In April next, it is therefore probabje that the people of Upper Canada will be called upon to elect eighty-two representatives to the Local Legislatures; of Upper Canada. It would be difficult to over-rate the influence that these elections may exercise on the future 'well-being: of the Province. The Local Government and Legislature of Up- per Canada, toy ke established in Teronto, will have the gontrol of all Grown Lands, Timber and erals within the Province-- of all local ii Works<of Education-- of the promotion of Agriculture--and over all personal rights and rights of property. The eighty-two men first elected, will be charged withthe duty of placing in opera- tion the machinery necessary for the ad- ministration of these and many other impor- tant public interests; and in their hands may rest the decision: whether the futuré government of our Province shall be as it has been for yéars past, or shall be organ- ized so as to secure efficiency and economy country, r The Federal'Government and Legislature will also be largely affected by the charac- ter of the eighty-two Representatives sent by Upper Canada tothe Federal House of Gommons. Whether the long reign of lav- ish expendi and ill idered legisla- tion is to be continued, or a better gtate of things to be inaugurated, will much depend onthe choige of Representatives made by the electors of Upper Canada at the coming election. . N Fully alive to the importance of arousing, the publié mind to an earnest and candid ideration of the important questions shortly coming up for decision, to be elected ajudicious settlement of them), the publisher of Tre GLozE is now perfecting arrangements which will secure increased efficiency in every department of the paper. The Editorial $f is being strengthened and a large corps of shorvmmma rErs 18 now being formed for reporting daily, ina the proceedingf of Legislatures. = Arrangements have been wade for securing every night tha Europear fewsand prices current of the same day by 4 Tales will also be published during the year. nal very great improvements are shortly contemplated: From the commencement of the year, the paper used on the Daily, as well as the Week: superior quality to that heretofore used-- and in the course of the coming Spring the |. paper will be printed from a new and beau- tiful fount of type, from the celebrated foundry of Miller & Richards, Edinburg. For some months past, the largely increased circulation of Tue Grose has more than equalled the capacity of the presses, and rendered it difficult to publish the news coming in by telegraph nnd otherwise up to a late hour after midnight, and work off the | necessary number of copies in time for the morning mails, To meét this difficalty, and enable all the readers of the aper to be supplied at an early hour of fi new Lightning Presses, capable of working off ten thousand impressions per hour, are about to be added to the establishment, and will place the office in a position of efficiency -Aunsurpaseed by apy printin, continent. of subscriptidn'will. remain as'heretofore : Surv) I ecripuen per annum for the Daily | Port Perry, Sept. 5, 1866 edition, and TWO DOLLARS per annum TI Hn forthe Weekly edition, both payable strictly in advance. GOOD money is paid. rs "from |, be as follows : SIX cor $10 00 TEN do ~ 15 00 WENTY . 30 00 FIFTY COPIES, one yeat, for... ..$65 00 the Atando Cable, and a special commis- sioner be The Grose will attend the coming |, Session the Imperial Parliament, and Jaish the debates on the Confederation ill. In the geners conduct of the paper fresh efforts will be mate in the coming year to secure that prominence among the journals of the Province which Tue Grose has here- tofore maintained. The telegraph wires will be still ujore largely availed of than in the past; and'no expense will be spared in the employment of able correspondents at importaht points, aud in desparching Re- porters to distant places whenever their ger- vices may be required. A special commis- sioner for Tug GLose will attend the Paris Exhibition next spring. Arrangements are | being made for reporting more systematical- ly than heretofore the proceedings of they Law and Chancery Courts ard trials at Nisi Prius throughout the Province. On the 7th of December, the republication was commenced of Miss Braddon's Admira- ble New Tale "BIRDS OF PREY," and will be continued from week to week as it appears in Eogland. Other interesting HARRISON MAW & SON, In the. mechanical execution of the jour- a y edition, will be of very i A * 3 - ee A 0 = -- mith RRL EE: | General Blacksmithing {| PORT PERRY: MIL LS, . y 3 i L UNBER MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN BOARDUWAND BURDLE LATHS; he subscriber wonld say to his custom- ers, and the public generally, that he is still prepared to do all kinds of Black- smith work on the shortest notice. Horse Shocing style surpassin, at heretofore attained, | Specially attended to. 4 a re Federal and Local | Carriage maker WANTED HENRY JOHNSTON. Port Perry,8th Aug 1866. and obtaining from the Legislatures about T NEW ARRANGEMENTS ! Plans and 1-tf. | H2"%¢ hgain renewed my contracts with the Toronto Nurseries, I am prepared to 494 3 | Ever offered for sale in this Province. HARRISON MAW: §& SOX y Will do well to give them a eall. 4 2:0RT PERRY, contract 'for and put up Buildings of 'all kinds, whether Wood, | Brick, or Stone, and to finish them off in the latest styles, with 3 All the Most Modern Improvements. Parties requiring First Class 'work done specifications made to order. Contractors «& Builders, RE prepared to Port Perry August nr, 1866. A morning, THE TERMS HARMONIUMS. JOHN NOT, INET MAKER, UNDERTAKER, &C. BORELIA, CI W./ g office on this CAB No paper sent out of the office until the d. Clubs for the Weekly Globe. ; The Olib rates forthe Somiig year will And an extra copy of The Weekly Globe wo ¥ to the person who gets up the Club of ATC. Db. and a copy of The Daily Globe to the + The scene was d by a large | Boon is C7 SEC Mpa pin sp THI number ¢ the fiinsssd bi a. Ju of EO Beit Ja dotaied separa 72 Bureuxons Rev. Dr. Shotit and B. P. a bx JT Li Gums, Produce Local Aled, For AD'S DENTAL Roos, | person who gets up the Club of Fifty. wp . Gri M.D, Port Hope; Rev. J.T. Byrne abe. Whisky + Jos. Gould, Esq., .B., Usbridge. GEORGE BROW Y Publisher and Proprinbr. | 43d D 'Bolster, THOMAS PAXTON:& Co., Pickets, ete, ete. ALSO oBUE SEVERAL FIRST. CLASS FARMS FOR SALE AVith Improvements, in the following Townships, viz, WHITBY, CARTWRIGHT, REACH, SCUGOG, MARIPOSA, and SEVERAL LOTS of Wiyd Land in Mara and Rama ; also a number of Village Lots in the Village of Dort Perry, WITH AND WITHOUT BUILDINGS, All of which will be sold on reasonable terms. T. PAXTON, & Co. PORT PERRY, August; 1866, 1-tf | NO COMPETITION! ~___ Delying all Opposition! | | supply my patrons with the best article of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, VINES, AND PLANTS! INO HUMBIT GG} | The Toronto Nursories have taken the diplomas for display of Fruit Trees since {he | establishmentof Provincial Exhibitions in this Province, This is thie fourth year I have | represented tHe Toronto Nurseries in this and adjoining Counties, and I am confident that when the selection is left to me the trees will give entire satisfaction. | REFERENCES. : | Mr T. Muleaby, 400 apple trees, 14th Concession Brock; Mr. Wm. McGregor | 9th Concession Reach ; Mr. Henry Bickle, Brooklin'; Clinton Cook, Reach ; Mr Taylor | Orillia ; Mr, Trull & Mer. Warden, Darlington, iand Mr. Jas Ferguson, Cartwright. 1 will replage olf tréed that do not grow if planted according to my directions ant properly cared for. J. H. E. HOGG a ; 'Wholesale and Retail Agent, Box 75, Port Perry. Port Perry, Aug. 10, 1865. ; 1 1-tf 73 "SNOTAOTAN . 8. WILLIAMS; MAUFACTURER ! 5 nga Nos. 143,135 & 147, YONGE $r., TORONTO. "er 0%~ Musical. Instruments of All Kinds, be had, by applying at this Office, the same in Price ag ctory... Orders respectfully solicited. gE We] PH BIGELOW, MANUFACTURER AND' DEALER - Be In Sawed Lumber, Sawed Shiuglos, Fiour Barrel I ov Heading anid Flour Barrel Staves, | STOCK ON HANDS AT ALL TIMES! cor of Por Fey Sask and Do cto, Cin roll Saieing, Turing, Moutding, Toronts, 'Nov. 12, 1866. 23 Uxbridge, Nov. 23, 1866, © 1 0th, 1866. ; papi i 0k IV IA | wt ad i ./ | application, il uosqng amok Leg INA SST) ISH dF pe uw 'prepuejg, of) 0) wonyd Ld '99UBA Ji 10 OHONIS, 0 0) 9 | umuue Jod syuss gg eAws pue : 0 ny ne th ; 3 the Trade werelly, ; oi |. dn these d 'the { v : | lh d su- perior workmanship and form, will 'find all 'combined in the new Reemington Revolver. 1 Cireul : @ cuts and, descrip il be furnished upon ON, & SONS, Tition, N.Y. ' Moore & Nioons, Agents, 4 'No. 40 Courtland St. NY. tion of our arms Ww E, REMINGTON, & § y 1 LEE NO FALSE CALLS TO THE WATER CLOSET. BUT A BRISK AND THOROUGH EVACUATION FROM THE BOWELS I8 ALWAYS SEC 3 Newly Di d Pri in Dr, Radway's Pills are th Purgati ip the a 0 best t + | 'world, and the only Vegetable Substitute for lomel or Mercury o pion iy They are composed of ry over X VEGETABLE EXTRACTS FROM ROOTS, HERBS, PLANTS, GUMS, SEEDS, FLOWERS, BARKS, FRUITS AND WEEDS, PRE- PARED IN: x VACUO, . One the extract! of the medicinal proper. ofRadway's Pills, possess a greater curative power over thousand of the crude and" inert hich th : pr re A PURGE, CLEANSE, PURIFY, HEAL, { BOOTHE, CALM, STRENGTHEN, J | INVIGORATE, And REGULATE THE SYSTEM." Their Great Combinatioiig. Aperient, Tonic, Laxative, Altera 3 wan Comm ones 3 Sudorile, | igre AS EVACUANTS, They are more certain and thorough than-the Drastic. Bs ra 8, hi o : barb, or Tamarinds, or Castor Of, ba IN SUDDEN ATTACKS OF ! Inflammation of the Bowels or Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Pancreas or Kidneys, Bilious Cholic or Bilious Fever, Erysipelas or Congestive Fever, Small Pox, Measles, or Scarlet Fever, EY SIX TO EIGHT OF DR. RADWAY'S REGU- LATING PILLS WILL PURGE THE PRIMA. RY CAUSE OF THESE FROM THE SYSTEM IN SIX HOURS, Hi One dose of Dr. Radway's Pills will cleanse the intes. tinal canal; and purge from the bowels gil offending and retained humors, as thoroughly as lobelia or the best approved emetic will cléanse the stomach, with- out producing inflammation, irritation, woakness, STRAINING, or other un t symptoms. There are no other purgative pills ii the world that will secure this desi deratum. BETTER THAN CALOMEL OR BLUE PILL. BETTER THAN CALOMEL OR BLUE PILL.) BETTER THAN CALOMEL AS ALTERATIVES, ise re powerful inflience over the liver fh Hog egtibgekiplondony hence their iiportance In cases of Liver Complaints and Spleen Difficulties; Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Bilious at. tacks, Headache, &c. In the treatment of rs, either Bilious, Yellow, Typhoid, and other ing Fevers, they are superior to quinine. pe {iluencaieiens over the entire system, controlling, strengthening, and bracing up the relaxed and wasting energies, and regu- lating ull the 10 the mmturat of thelr duties, cleansing and - purifying. the bloody and purging from the system all diseased deposits and im- pure humors. 3 DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. ONE TO BIX BOXES WILL CURE i , |Jaundice, Rush of Blood Constipation, (Congst've Fe-| tothe Head, Congestion, sl Yer [Ststiuctions, H Disease, Sleepiness, [Dropsy, Distiboot Kid-| Gen) Debility, [Acute Erysipe- ney & Bladder, Dimness of §'t| las, Disease of Li-|Fits, Headache, ( ver, Lown'sof Spir-Bad Breath, Biliouspess, | its, |Inflamation of Typhus Fever, [Quinsoy, ihe Tulestines, Ship Fever, yspe) |Apoplexy, Malignant Fe. Moobepsia, Bhi asant arg ver, Melancholy, « | of the Spleen, Loss of Appe-|Hysterics, Scurvy, tite, Amenorrhea, (Whooping Indigestion, |Fainting, Cough, fl Dizi Worms, Palpitations, (Retention of | |Bad Dreams, Scarlet Fever, | Urine, [Flenrisy. Bilious Fever, 1 AM CURED. hs Hiiaty Sakon six doses. of. Fad wdyaiils, of three h + Constipation lgesion, aa Dyspmai |1 bare whe Beta) A--r#', and 3 9 uso of onl) tain te! rary 1 Jose pills LA, week : M eomplaiug 'would appear, loses of way's Pills far, SURPHEN BENNETT 3 NNE Sc. _ "I hayp suffored 'wilh 'Dyspepsia 0 A Jeroen a hers esr iorby would give me temporary' all the time. PILES, STRAINING AND TRXTsyUS, © PILES, STAINS AND JENESMUS, rote tn Ot foams cron lis--these imperfect Instead of bein, lived a; at 4 Ch pe Sower-bowbigpas, duce a peristaltio movement evac the ng . Aorench who 4 tenesmus, and alse to ih fal closet, that patients 3 ances, whenever lose of 7 3. BIGELOW, Agent,