'How Panciis sus Mab. --Thie first _attention A making pe geile is fives "to the sa) the w Florida Por y, and is dbt by the saw into different sizes until the right Sse is cowe to. ' Riki that, . 'one set of the wooden slips, are JE grooved, aid ato Bey to other pieces called "covers" and then fone until the lead is inserted. The \ plu is not properly prepared until it has gone through a process . of breaking, cleaning, mixing, dress ing, and duking When it comes ont of the grinding mill it goes into a large tank, where it is refined and e and it is then placed in a bowel shaped achive, where it is rolled] and mixed. It is next pressed, and this is the most interesting of the ' various degress of . préparation | it, undergoes. A cylinder with tubes in the bottom is used, and through these runs the lead in, Lexagonal, round or anyshape wanted, and is received in coils underneath by a small boy who manages the board on which it falls with great dexterity. Other boys take the lead afterwards ! afd put itin models, which are then .. . sept tothe heating-room for drying aud hardening; for the lead, when it comes from "the press, is soft and flexible, and wanting in tenacity. It dbfleft in the hieatiigroom' dne day; _wlien it is removed to a kiln, where 'itds pat.ia cruoibles, and burned after the manner, of burning brick. When this is done, 'about twenty girls are kept employed in putting the leads into grooves, and glueing on the covers; and this is performed in a very rapid and systematic style. The odtting of 2s gin is Jone by : + kpiyes ran by a machine, and after Ee out are put be another machine, where they are smoutlied. From 'there 'they geo to the "carpenter's shop, where the ends are neatly cut, and they then pass through the polishers' hands, the printers' and the counters,' and are finally put in boxes ready for sale, . * 'Beaury or. Issn Femares.--Mon- sieur Felix Belly, one of the writers of 'the Constitutionelle, having mada a tour through Ireland this summer, pronounces the following -eulogiom upon the women of that country. The most remarkable clement, the richest, and certainly the most full of life, of this land so_lifeful, js the population itself. No European race, that of the Caucasus'cxcepted, can compete with it -in 'besuty. The Irish blood is of a purity and distine- tion, especially' amongst the females, which strikes all strangers with as- tonishment. The transparent white: ucss of the skin, the absorbing attraction, which in France is but the attribute of one woman in a thou- sand, is here the general type. The daughter of the pour man as well as the fine lady, possesses an opal or milky tint, the arms of a statue, the foot and hand of a duchess and the bearing of a queen. In Ireland there . are as many different physiognomies as individualities. Rags, misery, und mauual labor have no effect on these native endowments. Even be: neath the thatched cabin of the poor peasant, in the midst of the potato field which yields the sole nourish- ment, those traits at times develop themselves with unmistakable vivid ness. Facrs in Curnne Timper.--Cut timber from the middle of September to the middle of December, and you cannot get a worm into it. Qctober and November are perhaps the best months, and sure to avoid worms. You cut from March to June, ard you cannot save the timber from the worms or borers. Muay used to be called peeling time; much was then done 'ia procuring bark for the tan. néries, when the sap is up in the "trunk and all 'the pores full of sap; whereas in October these pores are all empty, then is the time to cut, and there will be no worms. When you see an ox bow with the bark tight, there are no worms, no pow- der post, and you cannot separate it from the wood, and what is true in . ffoskjad is trae in all' kinds of: tim: 'ber'and every kind hasits peculiar kind of worm. The pine has, I be- lieve, the laggest worms; and these . worms work for many years, I have found them alive and at work in white vak" spokes tliat TI knéw had becn in my garrel over twelve years, and they were much larger than at first; they dv not stop in the sap, but continue in the solid part. Ido not think of buying timber unless it is cut in the time above alluded to.-- Cor. Boston der. : +, Sasep,--Keep sheep dry under foot with litter. This is even more 'ne- 'cossary than roofing them. Never fet them stand or lie in mud or snow. Begin graining with the greatest care, and xe the smallest quantity at first. Never frighten ee if __ possible tc avoid it. Separate all 'weak, or thin, sick from those stron, in the fall and give them specia care. If any sheep is hurt catch it at gage and wal the vols well, and i in fly time apply spirits 'of "tarpentime' duily, "and always wash with something healing. If a limb is broken, bind it well with splinters in loosening rs the : Hari" for Scours, give .pul- ive um in wheat bran; prevent by taking great care in 'chan dry for green food. If one is larie, examine the foot, clean out between the hoofs, pare the pet x Susouu, and tabaoto cco with blue" vitroil, betes a lil ater Ameria . 3 ora : A ; "Cura, Brazil, November Tth, the arrival of the vessel at that place, He states that on the afternoon of the 30th of separated frum all other ingredients, | Suir oh the Postal, 80% flop Shia 5 s any time ; A Wale, --Com- | and asthe best season of the Sear foro 4 Tats af 1 is pe dl br en one hundred miles cast of Maran-| ham, the back of a large fish was 'sedn about. a able's length from the ship, and inclined diagonally | towards her. A few moments after wards the engines suddenly stopped. Steam w ut off; aud a hurried ex: amination made, but no cause 'could be discovered for the remarkable re- sult." 'Steam was sgain turned on, but the ¢ugines could not be forced ahead. At this time several pools of lood were seen to rise to the sur- NAfter a few moments, it was dis- covered that a large black fish, or whale, had been caught between the propellor and frames, The shock on the engines was very great, aud rendered' it necessiry to stop several times during the following twenty four hours to serew up all the parts of the e| jar they had received. No further injury seemed to-bave been done. A Trovenr ror taE D1SCONTENTED.-- In the days of the Old Brewery, at the Five Points, New York, a woman and ber only danghter, a child five years of age, ogcupied a loathsome 'corner on the fiest floor. | It wes the custom of the mother after having covered the child with all the ra which had' been collected during the at 3s a féw en _boards dignified by. the title of a_dpor, in oh a x on ably Kept the horrible place half a degree, warmer than it would have been, wittiout such a shelter, On one' occasion, after the mother had adjusted the boards for the night, the ichild probably ex- periencing some sensation of com- fort, said, ** Mother, what does poor people do that's got no door td cover them? * 'Cawabs Midna Lanps.--It has come to our kpowledge that there are speculators looking after -these mineral lands, not for the'purpose of developing themselves, but to prey upon those, who are anxious to do so; and instances have been given where, after petsons of tlie latter class have settled upon locations, these speculators have had their names put down for claims immedi- ately in front, ind extorted a hand- October, when:off the Sencoe Grands, | ca of the watér under the stern. | ines, thus exhibiting the| . T= some sum for them, the miners hav- ing to purchase in 'order to obtain egress and ingress to and from the lake to the mines; members of Par- liament even being said to be en- gaged in this nefarious business, for which their position gave them peculiar faculties. The sooner these greedy cormorants are rooted out, and a uew system adopted, by: which they will not be allowed thus to stand in the way of developing our resources, by swindling those who wish to do so, the better for the country.-- Owen Times. on DIVISION COURTS. FOR THE No. 1, Whitby, "2, Pickering, Dec. 1st, 1866. 5 " " "« " " 7, Atherly,. o Z. BURNHAM, Whitby, Nov. 1, 1866. Judge, C. 0. BE. J A PROSPECTUS OF " Montreal Witness," FOR 1867, DarLy WITNESS. .............. $3 per an; Montpear | Wrrness -(Semi- Weekly) $2 per annum. WeegLy WITNEBS............ $1 per an. Canapian "MEsseNGER......25¢ per an, | On the 31st December! 1866, the Mox= TREAL WirnEss will have completed its twenty-first year, a period sufficient to ren- der its character and objects gontrally known. The Witness is devoted to the Best inter- ests of the Jerle of Canada, tem, horal and eternal, Tt fearlessly grapples with Oppres- sion, . Infidelity, oe sony we" | breaking, and public._evils tS It is connected with' no rary r denomina~ tion, and consgquently has rio support except from the. Jiiblie, op, whem it relies. Its various editions are' probably the 'cheapest papers on this Oontihent ; and, though the circulation they have obtained is large, we think it ntight be, and larger throughout the inces, To this evangelical religion and' wholesome litera- ture every where, who, we hope, will help us in the future; as many'of them have done inthe past. #2 3915 FACET A # Canada is passing through a crisis in its' history the, United, States are. still 'con: valsed with: the struggle for justice and equal rights; the map of Europe is under- ahd the tensive ina word the times are full of interest % Saga oe op Te Se, hel 'also 'an department for Commureial Intelligence and | Pr est Darreut, 4c, &c, upon which great towed. i care is bes is devoted exclusively to 'The Musi Temperanck, 'Education, Agriculture, Sci- Any - Minister, Post-master; or School- teacher, remitting for | subsoribérs to any edition il be entitled to a gratis copy. jor a mixed to eight Sn i i TE TEE copies of the ptions may commence Af any i ts sent in. : All orders, advertisements and communi- cations to be addressed (post-paid) to JOHN DOUGALL & SOY, Montreal. County of Ontario. "etiam -a [HARRISON MAW & SON, joyery kind. |! hope it willbe, much |: ead we rely on the kind aid of the friends of |' in t changes ; Italy is clai TE Ir Home, el pre Ter aiming x M P 0 R! Ee . would say to his he ers, &nd the publi¢ Port Perry,8th Aug 1866. 1 8 quiring First Class work done, will do well to give them a call. Plans and cal "PORT PERRY, ARE prepared to contract for and put up Buildings of all" kinds, whether Wood, made to order. AH the Most Modern Improvements. Partie specifi Contractors « Builders, Brickj or Stone, and to finish them off in the latest styles; with, 3 2 CABINET MAKER, UNDERTAKER, &( 'BORELIA, C. W. ( | 'Port Perry, Sept. 5, 1866, . Have you Tooth Ache? Have ou! Deeayed Fes Have you Stumps that continually ? th? are Paining you Hove Sou racahtl places/id Your mouth where Ars should be ? . Have you ' Rheumatic - Pains mouth ? When you smile, do' you expose , and vacancies ? Do you koow it detracts from order; use- 1 ons Irregular, Decayed, 'and beauty ? Borelia , Aug. 9th, 1866. gensrally, is still prepared to doall kinds 0 smith work on the shortest notice. ¥ . an Horse Shoeing specially attended to. A Carriage maker WANTED. HENRY JOHNSTON. good Wagon and ¥ Ee - Z\ 2 Naa Rl 5 Joli wo, you masticate food without Teeth? * | Decidedly not !1 custom- that he f Black- ly Pro I, BER MERCHANTS AN SEVERAL FIRST CLASS FARMS FOR SALE WHITBY, CARTWRIGHT, REACH, SCUGOG, MARIPOSA, and SEVERAL LOTS of Wild Land in Mara and Rama ; also a number of Village Lots in the Village of Port Perry, All of which will be sold on reasonable terms. PORT PERRY, August, 1866. RT PERRY MILLS, THOMAS PAXTON & Co, D DEALERS IN-BOARD AND BUNDLE LATHS, + Pickets, ete, ete. ALSO With Improvements, in the following Townships, viz. WITH AND WITHOUT BUILDINGS, T. PAXTON, & Co. 1-tf HARRISON MAW & SON. 1-4 ) Port Perry August 7th, 1866. HARMONIUMS. 4. in your Teeth, Dentist. 1-tf NEW ARRANGEMENTS! HA" again renewed my=contracts with the Toronto Nurseries, I am prepared to FRUIT AND. ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, VINES, AND PLANTS! The Toronto Nurserias have taken the diplomas for display of Frait Trees since the establishmén't of Provincidl Exhibitions in this Province. This isthe fourth year I have represented the" Toronto Nurseries in this and' adjoining Counties, and I am confident that when the selection is'left to mie the trees will give entire satisfaction. Mr, 9th Cone Orillia ; Mr. Trull & Mr. 1 will féplace se 'all 'reed that dg not grow if planted according to my direstions and properly cared for. ' $ BIAS 3 lh i Port Perry, Aug: 10, oly OPHIR 0G- Musica Can be hat Port Perry, Nov. 21st, 1660, JOSE] |In Sawed Lumber, Sawed Shing] ! I attedd to all these matters, and mark-- | warrant all 1do, and if not satisfactory, no e.. a y Teeth inserted over stumps if preferred. e. spectability in the imme- diate neighborhood when required. J.D. COTTINGHAM. A" Face planing, Matching, Scroll Sawing, Turning, Moulding, NOC COMPEAITION1 . Defying all Opposition! ; Supply my. patrons with the best article of Ever offered for sale in this Province. TINO EET MBUOG! REFERENCES. T. Mulcahy, 400)apple trees, 14th Concession Brock; Mr. Wm. McGregor oe Relich; I. Henry, Bickle, Brooklin ; Olinton Gook, Reach ; Mr. Taylor arden, Darlington, andi. Jag Ferguson; Cartwright. woes C0 (FO BGHOGE Wholesald ad Retail Agent, Box 75, PaPenp dsp. g at this Office, the same in Price as| + ...Orders respectfully solicited. ~~ Wh BYGEL OW "ti 1% MANUFACTURER AND DEALER: , by appl at the' Manufactory. Daves oo hat od neo b T 1 ™ il les, Heading and Floue Barrel Sta, LARGE STOCK ON HANDS AT # Also Proprieror of Port Perry Sash and Door Factory. . etc, etc., done on the shortest notice. Port Perry ngust, 10th, 1866. : 1y oy, Flour Barrell YS i 0g AGS pu% '2dueApY UI 'pIepuesg Il r. nk benisony =x §)U9 5 119 yd » 943} 03 uon oY sis Fyn, Cnitas y eg ws i EB i emnigty ig) 8. i r. Reomimgon od » yg and. Carb: | Reeniington's Revolvers. iD rien des rons fa selves of fm ie lorie oben 6 ve Ey eauSlip pid Yo Ingo i Revolver. buf! Girendars containing cuts and: descrip- Hon of Jos, ams, will be furpished upon a oF, pied Mls eich id » "RENN Ya ons, in N.Y. Hor Vie Moops a ; - '40 Counts: a NO FALSE CALLS TO THE WATER CLOSET. BUT A BRISK AND THOROUGH EVACUATION FROM THE BOWELS 7 I8' ALWAYS over disease than a adorials that opter into all other ties of the , He & rt, Oi 4 PURGE, CLEANSE, PURIFY, HEAL, + BOOTHE, CALM, STRENGTHEN, t i b INVIGORATE, ' | And REGULATE THR SYSTEM." | Their Great Combinations. They are Aperient, Tonic, Laxative, Alterative, ulant, Gounier rei, Budorio, 2 : AS EVACUANTS, 'The mare Seriala and thotough bw Drastio Pills of Alooa, or Grofon oF rlem or Elderium ; and more sopthing and than Senna, or Rhous barb, or Tamarinds, or Castor ~ IN SUDDEN ATTACKS OF ' Inflammation of the Bowels or Stomach, Liver, Spleen, ialas oF Ongusiive Kovor, Sali Pox. Nesslen, nf Sym Fever, : SIX TO EIGHT OF DR. WAY? . LATING PILLS WILL, PURGE THE PRD ae RY CAUBE OF THESE FROM THE SYSTEM IN SIX HOURS. . dE One dose of Dr. Radway's Pills will cleanse the ites. tinal canal, and purge from the bowels all offending and retained humors, as thoroughly as lobelia or the best approved emetic will cleanse the stomach, with- out producing inflammation, irritation, weakness, STRAINING, or other unpleasant symptoms. There are no other Lorgative in the world that will secure this desi- loratum. : BETTER \N CALOMEL OR BLUE PILL. BETTER THAN CALOMEL OR BEUE PILL.) BETTER THAN CALOMEL OR BLUE PILL AS ALTERATIVES, a more powerful influence over the liver x gecretions, than calomel, mercury, blue pill, hence thelr importance In cases of Liver com) laints and Spleen Difficulties, Jaundice, ic, ate tacks, Headache, &c. In the treatment of Felis, either Bilious, Yellow, Typhoid, and other reducing Fevers, he Cig gd Joh thening, i Btrenj a ' hi ey Fogu-« lsine cleasin A 0g ata a yuritying the I pa all deposits and im Pare Bemors. DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. 'ONE TO BIX BOXES WILL CURE + Costiveness, |Jaundice, Rush of Blood Constipation, |Congst've Fe-| tothe Head, Congestion, ver, " |Obstructions, |. Heart Disease, Sleepiness, Dropsy, Disease of Kid-|Gen'l Debility, (Acute Erysipe- ney & Bladder,| Dimness of 8't i Disease of Li-|Fits, eadache, ( = t Townisof Bpir- Breath, ot H Fever, |Quinsey, the Intestines, ar TT 10 ver, ! Waly, of the Spleen, Loss of Appe-|Hysterics, Scurvy, tite, Amenorrhea, | Whooping «| Indigestion, ; | ting, |. Coygh, fasumaton, Dinette op RTE es, : Ly . salt Ho, | ne "| erouriny, ae Fever. | ' . 1 AM CURED. Re rar Bi EE V Coho b Lavy i ids Dyspiisn hse i erst 'would give' 0 'but was com- Ere i ©. M. CHILDS, Roxbury, Mass. '|-| THEY WiLL PURGR TORO : '| @ LEAVE THE BOWZLS REGULAR. |