= Jace ny and Danes Window blic are inf ome ou now complete, comprise Dress pewest patterns. at variety AY A Br of Summer all the latest..aud most i 1 ba the lecture ? ceaniy not?it m be. "sxeniog, Re : v ME Church Port on Bye, t Th i ' \that PRE Hats bot snuiuhy got up and ge ke ant heap... Dons, ax a Flow 4 "Tay. ii ot of ew Cloths and Tweeds, finely dnpted vr Sammer Suits. 'Gentlemen yanling a good fi il Plesss ox fain 48, bs ty --| ap ~-h price. fi HT re hire, white and Soloed noon, Ne splen a prices, Cotton Miing loro of Boots To Stock is now complete and as ever. = further lot received of the 9) du rivalled 50, 60 and 75 cent Teas. A futther The supply of Cheese just-to hand. A large lot of Crockery at less than cost. it x 8, Tel Cot Sn een eB: ter, 'or ak the tip 10p price. will be all allowed ed as usyal hnnght A Targe lot of impro eed kinds' of Turnip, Carrot, and Mangold. Seeds on hund-=qualities highly recommended. TR Jarge lot: of Fresh cle SU SES ground Plaster dai ¥3= Cash paid for all bected of Grain, 1 im ices oma DAN. GORDON. Port Perry, May 1, 1878. . 1h © Ele fintario Hosealis. "JAMES BAIRD. TBRINCE ALBERT, May 15, {re itr DOMINION PARLIAMENT, The of the Dominion Parlia- 'ment continue to carty much' interest, the .. outs are sirong ennogh and have pluck enongh to take a preity good tussle out of the INs every now and again ; of course when it comes 10 a clinch the outs are al ways thrown. The th was a day of more than ordinary fighting, firstion the motion 10 condtiet the investigation of the Pacific railway Char- ter charges in secret commiliee, and then on the bill to make the Senate elective inatead of nominative, Tne clause for the Committee 1) sit with closed doors was wisely withdrawn. 'The mouon regarding the Senate created a fair stand op fight in which the outs were heavily thrown. Ii served them right the ours are more lo blame than the ins for the Senate: being nominative, On the 8th, hon. members had a glori ous time of it voting vp their pays, and cer; tainly 1hey ran them up like lords. In the firet place the Lieutenant Governors of each Province is to have $2000 edded to his salary. Ministers of ihe Crown, the Speakers of both Houses, the members of Senate and of the Commons as well ds ali the servants of beth dépariments are all 10 have increased pay. Also all County Judges are to have Twenty-five per cen! "Fé iniréease meets the approbation ol both outs and Ns. A large "amount of general business is being pot itrough, and as matters now shape the closing of the session is not fa) distant. Or the 11th inst., the member for North Ontario, moved the second reading of the Bill to incorporate the Oshawa Board « of Trade. The Bill was read a second time sod passed, It might be the words, but "where 18 cheaper | pig guima ? 11 would have to clo : oth semblance to the lecture than the'roug | is certainly a py 2] has done much fof ical conntenstide; pl ed voice, npg n | ready. memory, and eflatite gemure To hia} in, orange, red, and green colors, of or quality. -- | pa appy Cheap | (yi benefit of wil. Nature, sing and well modulat= Shem (Red); H: Et ad there A ir) which the ark was built; ia South Coro) lina Coy ot very that d be. EE tap Not ri his three on (lack) (rs far from the famous, Fo 510 ud something uhegpecte ant fl added: han the dience the Dptural, hil cquirad abilug - My of giving his The obit and aniovrrapiel attention with which! the large and turefligent aud- jence hang .on thi bps of dlie: speaker andi the fregu pant bursts "of ap greelad fife muky mibiejly flights of elo: wn, WH TOW Well thE audiente wppresju tod 1h highty! 'intellectual feast with which the lgarped Jeol turer was supplying them. He is evidently a close and profound think er, and, we had almost said, daringly ori inal in Hi§ fights of "thou, hit, while ma of his iste masenline, dushing ideas introduced or \aputed off with. arsireak of humor aj,.00c8. caplivautag and; agreeable. The lecturer led, pushed or carried his aud- 1erice Over vas fields of hitherto unraveled thought, and faid them down at the close of-an hour and «a Hail's lecwire abundantly. satisfied witli the pleasant moi profitable uip. Pariies who setured seats were for- tunate, while those-who. were nol present missed a rare in.ellectual Ireat, The thank's of the community. is due fo the cornmittes. Who secured the services ol this taletted ,lectiirer and we should judge that the proceeds of the fecture wif nave a salisfaciory effect on ihe building] fund 'ol the eéhurch. As already atatad we reported the Jeélore in ful-end weuld betempied to give it had we space at our command ; we will 'under, .jthe airenmelagods give one or iwo passages. Aftet a p i the I took hold rs his anaience, leading them over jhe plaina of SHinaf in_seagch of the fong lost Babylon, and afief 'traveling hon- dreds "of miles in all divectiohs withoo! finding a single trace of this historical eny or tower, when many hed began to doubt the existence of any such ruins, he leads us up a huge moond on the banks of the Eophrates and 'under the 'svifuce of thi mound shows ve the remains of; this greo! Babylon of Scripture, administering a se- ¢ere rebuke 10 those who will on their own exceedingly limited knowledge seek to poise- the trurhe-of Scripture: - The speaker's lingual argariént for the stock and dis of the human race was atrangly put, the three rool lango- +gen doing duty as marehals cotducting ue back to the dispersion at Babel." The speaker remarked that extraordinary feal- ings generally called forth unudval 'inten- «ity of expression. Men, he sain, . were sumgetjmge 0 putragt ously mad that ther Teellgs, and (he Tew nation: was sup phed by Jehovah himself wilh a cenain phrase or interjection (** Hallelniah' ') to express the highest degree of spiriton! wcalasy ; and this 'same interjection he as- seried, had been heard amangst American Indians on their first intercourse with the mhabitantd of the eastern continent thus proving that the progenitors of these Indwan- must have been-on the eastern continent 0: hey would vot have known the phrase ; they had for a certainly, been ampngs! ne at Babel. # OCEAN TO OCEAN. 'We have had laid on our table advanc- ed sheets of what promises to be a highly, "interesting and important book bearing the tile * Ocean to Ocean," being 8. full and carefully kept Diary of the Expedi- tion through Canada from the Atlantic to to the Pacific in 1872, under the guidance - of Sandford Fleming, Engineer--in=Chiel, of the Canada Pacific snd latercolonial Railways. The fulness, importance, and § value of the iuformation js guaranteed by _ {he painstaking, energy and ability of the leader of the expedition while the atcuracy and style 'of the work is safe in the - hand: of the talented secretary of. the expeditio; and author of the werk, the Rev. G. M. Grant, of Nova Scotia. ~The book will contain front 350 to 360 pages of valuable information written in » leasing and aitractive style with sixiy ustrations. This book on i's ewn mer- ' ts and for the valve and' importance of 'the information it contains has a just cliim, 10 » position in.the-library of every Canadian home, It may in fact be regarded as the. first geand out-line sketch of the principal features of our young and yet to be glor- "fous Domiion--glorious, we hope, in her STEAL 4chitvemetis in the field! of is 3 tion, : true | vin fod ol science and arts, : _ PREADFUL, EXPLOSION. . Fottytwo more of .thosa- men who. are siisomad tabatrowain, the bowels of the earth Ei riod ofl Blick, or vhat by "blenching' 'red 'than became black. ai The apoakie™ TéTéretices 10' ie! Maeonic order gould; only be fully' appreciated -by the brethren, of the mystic tie sud did nos nuch concern any one else, thigh 'the inferences drawn sfiom the ideniny of the 1208 made use of ak over the world go » cerlain way towards the dispersion theory snd il is pot tiniikely, ds' Wad "assditen hy he | , atthe descenda of Shem, Ham: and Japheth, when 'separating on heir dispersion agreed on adopting the universal ao © of Maconry 6 0 that thew osterity" nig have uw Shum ele o recognition. |i i » The ext pan of pie bigot IG Fim the | Negro | became black, the Indian red ami ihe wilt uk white" drew' Idrbely oh the rite imaginati was always interesting, and while" lie logic might; be, -gnestioned , his . Aenguage wue'| caplivating, ry With regard to ihe three colars Red, White and Black with the fmérvening shades' which "the hewmen fave lv i pn he speaker went on lo prove thay, Red, wi were ihe 'rekuila 'of -elitridite' influenced '- He stoutly combats - the stheory. :beld. iby 'mapy | tbat the human : Homily did Sa all froptbese the ft 0 atta nw, 0s en hig {Iouproof of the: theory thatall sprung ftom the same. stock and, that was 1 he refers to the name which e red man, ol tt gave bg Home ose who because white andy onal He msais-ilaaubjactions af tho bnbeit' that climate: if it could prodiice the color could wot ei iy ae, homely | and wooly bair of iol ioe bi al 1 1 is at Hy e to ; ae rt Tis ". The Sinttield Moy Fair metoil on [ih : x he on coms bog had been inéglected in: their reared snd those 'on | Ld dis- resting aod | is quite sufficient, to ac-| a mck he this 'coun who and not a "ude *interestin| lange which || ) anve abuand {: ant scope to, hin powers. of ejoquenge, antl}: play to his wit, gnd if not always logical]. at and that other colors ang ot i 105 Remember 5 tion 'Sale "of ' Real 'Estate, Horses. "snd ; [ the village of Manchester: "their { country. flow 1 Yankees will pirick up: their ears: when theydeacnsbat from their' shores floated out the mighty interesting bark which. con tained, not 'f Caesar and_ his, fortunes" ibut "the. entire family of terrestrial impls. and | P! their en ire stock in trade. tific skill of of ihe. n ik De 04 oer welt] that with all our boasted advancement we are fat behind the' ancients in many 1 1 hings Tuch ad' (he tempering of steel, crystal, 'producing beautiful colors and knowing how 10 discharge those colors. Here the speaker made' a beatiful, inferdsting ellosion in referring to the 'stozy told by the great: Pliny. of the powerful effect of a certain fluid obtsined (rom a porticular kind of she!) fish, only, ove drop from each | | animal, which wetld change the fampu Tyrian. porple info the whiteness of sno and make the royal crimson white as wool and no olber substance known could dis- ¢harg- {hese colors." To thif, he shid, the prophet refers when addfecsing sing says; Though your sins 'be' like scatlet, ca", Not only did 'the spedker give this continent credit for the building of 'the ark:; but also for the gold used in 'the building and adorning the temple of Solo. | mon, asserting that Tarsus was not known |, as to its location pnd from the time that the ships 100k fo go avd return with the gold of Ophir they must have gone as _ far, as America. 'He would remark that whey when 'God himself had located, taking the 'pet and refusing to go on his charge we ers ; for it appears to muke little differ- will growl anyway Well this. refractory ship at Tarsus and went to sea ; but, a the preacher into the ses and a whale swallowed him. When preachers narrate this event, know" Jonah, of creating a whale to swallow a runaw:y preacher, America where Jcnah was thrown into the sea and there are whales there. f to the American Indians, their identity with the ten lost trives of Israel ; and not- withstanding that this theory is not aew which givesit a freshness as if heard for the first time. dogmatism 'in the which bad a soothing effect on the audi. ence. cama up he would say; in the weny (possible humor, " Well, ladies and geile wen, you jay as well accept this theory ! you cannot get a better, b , stioul TaD ie in consequence of the| THE wae Ecotead on "trial as In, comparing the, cigilization and scien | 1 ners, (alluding to the blood 'of Clirist) he old in scripture of a certain preacher, 'may cease to wonder when we find preachers grumbling at the appoiptments made by Bishops or other appointing pow-. ence who makes the appointment some preacher refused to go to bis circuit, took storm soon coming up the sailors pitched ing that there are no whales in the ses shese.they, lacate eine AEP Soe way ; they do so by asseriing hat Gol create a great whale to swallow up Ah no! God wauld never think It was on the coast of South The closing part of the lecture referred it was bandléd with a vigor and eloquence There was a fairness and absence of lecturer's reasoning When in particalar; knofty point bes "Allo "On motion the report 'wis received' 'and. mate unds-of our space-and tow ha adopled:. oe the Conference-shter a preacher, "had, on the sttengib-ol thai cert:ficate, continued to solemnize mar- foal contrary to te f hig' df - iv bine 12 orion ho thé € on 2 inve the |S, ing his berng simply ous i ot thy Dap i 1h fere his p onhect chai of thi committee pie 10 report_on ihe state of the urgh brought in Abe of 7 RH ® fying vidence of substa |: spiritual enlargements {ous and powerlul reviva @ pas! year, @dpacially WIThin the bounds quf own coterence, ; ve unmistakable. signs of the presence of Gol in our 'midst, anil 'eticdragibg proofs of hid approval of our existence as a body in this country. And your committee feel it to be & Jory pleasant, but imp#ative Buy to YA their profound gra phpdatot 26 ihe. red d of the Church for the eace And sanighiment of our iL givin and Practical energy.» «and. devouon of our ispers d hat the stealer of #0 hp 14 com- 20d. } and beg Hip the pastfew years, on so many of onr chitrges, aflords the mast sutia'actory, proof of the bib. erality anil dévotion of our people, and in- dicates a sou d enrpest desit@ to con? ol Tdate. CE and' § areas our | xintente ty th mite: polis recory- mend that fttention be also given to the erection of 'co fifortable parsondges ; where evel practicable, apd the. improvement of those already in existence wherever such improvement i is necessary. in order to 'make the families of ovr mini 31d. That in the opinion of your com- mia the [gnher:agiiation of 1he Union {Question ih the dofumns of \he Advocate, as aleo that of the election of a. 'Bishop, of Bishops is neither prudent nor profitable ; ahove especially the Sage tomes An probable candidates for the office. The constituted anthorities of the Chiarch having officially expressed their sentiments, and defined their position, in regard to the for- mér, we #hould 'be chntni to await the deelopementsiot the future and: ihe direc- tion of Providence with respect to this move- ment, And in regard to the latter it will ve safer and wiser to dismiss our anxieties and our tears, and quietly and prayeriully commit this whole question. to the provid- ange) that gragions' God: who had 'slwaye nd everywhere interposed in our beha'f in times ol trial, necessity and peril. Your commillee are gratified 10. observe: that the 'wisé and thoughtful men of the Chuich ex- hibit. no. desire 10" publicly agitate Hate qoestivne. 41h. Your committee are pleased to jon LEO Ah8, FAR BBR RL CEI LN RRB our connection, of actual members and A herents, is something over iwenty thonsind be 41 the past decade. This tuct must be itifyints' to os ail and should stimulate our zeal and increase our attachment for, the. economy and. form of chosen govern- net given to vs, through the providence of God, by our fathers, and 'consecrated by their self-sacrifice, trial and sufferings No modification 'or change in our polity "or oider is needed nor desired. The steady, wige and faithful admicistration of ony economy with the blessing of Gad, is only needed lo ensure our. enlargement, useful- ness, and power as a church in this Domin. ion: We behéve odr forms and orders 10 me as Seriptoral and as nily Wesleyan as hose of any other church in the lands We have no word of disapproval to utter with respect 10 others; we have our own and are content 10 do dhe work aesjgned us by the Divive Master. Sih. Your Committee Tejoice in thicdvident improvement in the finayeral condition 'of AlbertCollege,and desire 10 revordiheir great into." ab ¥ a 2 HE SSUTHEN HOVE. Our, active and erpring townsman, burned qut he "has opened out and 8 carry ing on, a ! | OBSERVER office, Jaiely onsupied. by Cop: Sinclair, tf KE couRTy oF Buy. TE Adsbasiigut. Roll of ibe Township of Cart-, wright will sitio the Town Hall, Will. amsburg, an. Mon o'clock a, 'm.. io tng tig vs Ex Aue. Cows, Household Goods, &e., ut" the' Viel | 'toria Hotel{ Pisce' Albeit, on * Feesday, hy bi (See Catalogues) «io © = PG {AT ------ = ------ J "Lorne ARIK, BRic OR; #9 AG iw Wy eT THC. Fon bricks at This' o { highly important brance of industry 'very " 'much: required in this poll «We are informed by parties who : | the clny is of first class g ity red ft Le! vou rej: 'ct it and take up anctber You tee what a world of difficulty, you will 'get Mr. Wright, bas again moved his Boot and Shoe exiabilsbmens iHaving 'been bis establishment cn the east side of Sho St he, purenased and moved into the store lately .occumied. by |' eG. Currie;! Esq. Having now sold :thar' establisbmento Mr. ' W."M. Wightman, 'full blast, his ost and' shoe' Business' in that excellent store immediately noder the "Tie. Cotrt of Regition 'to revise the y. 19h; nat at 10 satis, with the hicreasing brightness | -ot the-tutore prospecis'el This Tong embars rasked Jnsivatibi. There lins been a'grat+ lying" 'mores e in, the collections for the p-st year. - There hak, however, been a inrdiness "in. "forwarding these collections, which seems, to-your commitice, unjustify- able apd cinjopops. Greater priompnitude an thé part of the preachers in regard to the matter would save tha treasurer 'much, trou- ble and annoyance, and reflect creater honor upon ourselves. Increased ,enercy and prom plans in this direction' is ndispensa~ bly ni-cersary." \Ve owe it, brethren, to surselves,. to. the canse of Education, to Wiose heroic kpiriia who founded the College and reased its walls; and 10 those selfedori- fiting men who carhpoie' its faculty apd periorm ita praclical work, ~ We ShLiees of the scheme proposed to i if 3 of oe AAA n thi -- of hie lectgal, culture and genern advontion none gan donlt. n 8] = as a denom . a Eo i Aig can we. but one on ance of ju . 1, and the fink nce Gy PA hbo Pe fabandouih rir nr rg pos. a pl ardly and dishon that'we u ie . In ivestion. lt is at e A Fuse all the Sunday slong " hegtgr Ry iL ey 48: and handed to the commitiee on Sundiy Seghool 0) commie; hon] chs and newspaper office was present: w- ing an hii of $9888 ¢ and a a Sipe ture of $8756 'showing '&' net fréfit of AA To. Paid y fr i Ee Church {ihe of ee stations in the in pur judgment is gf mae ich dd-thet A memorial was read from fhe Sec'y o pg Nagap nels the above elped two ad it members 10 the committe, viz: Messrs. G. Shepherd and C. Pomeroy. . 'Fhecomutitee's fart 'on Book Room ||, ¥ Mr. 8 $1182: bilities is 86017. On moti the rep ced in t forthe' pur io a general hin When the cammittee on approprmtions ort was received apd of incorporating it | usking the | sittings 10 a close on the evening of Ne S) eo bd § Fite usta 18th, having made their presence not ody 2 EommuANy To naested "variety of ways, y . a ence | RRs rs ' > A { IEANCHESTER MAY ¥ 17] Thi oi. Puesday 13th Wir Fh i ro oh the I Rataehdron Foe PRA four dollars. Seba actives Hiern; nif: 3% brovof chewic "Some forty bead changed: hands. Tes Tie halance! oft hssers overi Fa- yeanl oo Fairbairn company of-vocalisis iu the (of the printing COM: | pyppyc-finit, Prince Albert, to-morrow |& Fojday pyéning ] foih pst. 7 ose application to business, brought the here was a large staff of { » The busy, May fairs are' Snopes the worst in n the vi IG 1 + a@r By all means go and hear the Mr. Faitburn's fame as a faithful and ing iltul of Soo as had brought in their report a parly pamed Byam comlated of havin g beta ole of $20 by Wre commitiee, 24 wie 5 the conference 10 hz ive the same restored" to him, The omic 40 bf fou tliat the. A hig |; entire time 10 bis id os thawficst three wonhs of the year he had not resided within his charge, that during that time he had attended to bis Sunday work but to more and consequently they had de: ducted a swell amount off bis ppraptiz tion. 1 It. was shown that owing 10, Abe] diffi~ culty of obtaining a residence the. young msn conld not move as soon 03 he desired afd 1lin sickoess- and death of d dabghter and a somewhat delicate wife had en. gaged all Hid 'spare rime during thé ordin- ary days of the week during the first (liree months. The committes replied that they had had no intimation 'of these extenuating circumstances otherwise they would not have reduced his appropriation and moved thet the full amount be paid. The motion was carried. This transaction all through is highly' creditable to the commi tee and the con- ference. The committee find as they suppose that the brother 'neglects part of his work and they seek to protect the peo- ple and give the preacher a less sum than: he would bave [received | bad be attended AEA conference und Sommittee "fod that no blame could attach to the brother they gladly give bim the full amount. Atthe Saturday's session of conference Ji Wild, D. D., addressed the Conference giving his reasons for severing his connec-.| removal to New York. His principal reasons for d 'siting tke change, be said, were the recuperating of his physicial and financial system ; he had mo hafdn- ss to- wards apy member of Conference, he had felt perfectly at home amongst them, he had done preity much as he liked and al lowed others to do the same ; and he would embrace this opportunity of~a vising the members' of Conference, especially 'the young men not to f el discontent with | 1er it 'by going' to the Sgatesor elsewhere ; for bis, experi: nce from what he knows of matters here and matters thire' 'convinces him that 'they are as well, at least, in this 'Conference 'as they are likely to 'be any- where else on this continens 'I'bere may he larger salaries in the States but living is more expensiye, ina proportion greater than the increase of saliry. He had her tered bis condition but they could not do as he bad done, + He regretted (he Adept ance' of his connection with the 'Albert College as there is no instruion with |" which be, is acquainted which; doe !its work so' thoroughly and well as the Albert Coltege. He regards thie teathing 'id that ins'itution as unsurpassed by 'bat of apy 'dtter @dacati nal institution with 'which be is atquainted, whetheras io the importance?' of the subjécts or the thor iiighly practieal manner in which they are: taught." As a | speaker Fequested bis[elters oF! severance from the Conferences: 14 TRY 9fabourd, ig a esire to return. wh Mr: Shepherd offerédl a'similar resolu- 10 Sbeesning Mr. Bagh -- resolutions -- the: future ex aminations _ of, stu Jan the Albert| allege, ohe of 1h t "ifoportant of | - {| which is thar'at least one half o of the questions at- the several examina < well as other son, comes ken cient staff, For 'Dartigulars see programmes and bills. [tribes we suspect) now at war 'with! 'the Uoited States will come out victors ip 'the They are strongly entrenched: dod | only wating the atidck of the American says fd effect (kai the government will risk buyif the regulirs are erushed 'then there tion with the Ontario Conference and bis: their present condition aud expect to bet: |' ated fll w aa vo iia oh FEES ah. | of Divi ed Ln intimated thé' egret feli by oA'e a maul Sh Sars yd "bit reads Pe Seleame. io tbe | bosom. sftbe Con ce | favored in the En s0 able, devol-) by ihe foture |g py 413.8 pas ; k FE shel : haw. a ad of. Care whet a'seriés of impor Yous oh sheilbe given and answered in writ- {1 vy . (Shieh Singer of Scottish and minus fo Apread, as he be- @ ip awsiated by an effici- ri +1 i SNE GENE THE mMovocs, $A "From the REL of "things, the 35 Modo Tndians (part of the ten dost end: Acndys Latest pews from the Lava Beds a battle withom raising additional troops will be a levy in mass of the volunteers. The goveroment will spend its last 'man and last dollar belore it yields to these 35" Indians. ' Here are the latest de spatches : San Francisco, Mag 11.=--The very latest news trom Camp is that the Warm Spring) scouts 18 found 'the Modocs in tle Lava Beds, 4 miles south of. their ol stronghild, okdr the foot pf iSriow Mountain, where they are strongly en= trenched. New Vor, May 12 4 Wesphteh says that Secretary. Robeson, not 'haviug authority to accept volunteens to fight 'the Modoes, has been obliged to decline the afisk, of the Nam Merk 09th Vetersus and other offers. The Government will try regulars first, and if volunteers sre needed they ¢an'be bad from the,' Pacific Coast much sooner than from, this. side of the Rocky Mountains. OMITTED, By some means or other the class Gen: eral Purpose Brodd' Mares was omitted from our prize list. of ile lafe spring show. In this class there were 9 entries. R. Siretton's mare took the st; F. Devens s the 20d, and W. Whi'e's the 3rd, lati, ¢ -- !. {FROM 'BUROPE, There is nothing of much importance to Cunsdiyly. from Europe during the past week. | THE CIVIL WAR IN SPAIN RAGES. i Madnd, May 10.~ th the 'recent batfle with Dutegary, reat Fstalta, Nivarre; the Goverrifrient ronps were totally touted. -- Tuey lost 200 kilied, many. prisoners, some arms, and one cannon. Col. Nuvara, the commander 1s among the prisoners. | This 'Governtent any in Blsoay is in a stafe ol mating in copgequince' of not having. re- ceived their pay. rr ---- it a += Goons wor THE' Skason.-- We cull We "utielitiou of oir réatlera to' Masts. Brown & Christian's, New Advert L Roll as now a. 3 ggg ol: a Sash 450 Tr Amended was confirmed and he Court adj hy proceeded 10 Susigees. - 3 all, ee Ou aptian job Awo nirds of bh moon hs Cote ah mitiee of the 'wNdle'dh Syphop: busy sands wigpe Jaldragningt Aho wumbers Naika a heichy \ Algfingeel ee wi ing in all to about "$1000. Oa motion the ov vad ionte dh t $600 for a house nad théohsiraii the Chuneil pl Ne Lo PS. on Mr. WARE toh ¢) Council Lill 10, a.m. i . ipo Will be he On Thursday WM. So BIRYEE. Stockholders Meeting The Annual Oven! 1 Meeting of the Sipe Prince Albest in gh Joint: Stock 1873, at. 7} o'clock, p.m. | -¢ Prince Albert, May 15; 1873, o ie Vitor Hall, es May 22ndy SCOTT, PrenpeENT. 4 ANTED gi 0 and ke care Girl Wanted RS. La INSON: Bikes. Ph pe Noth Werk: The owner and paving charges. FO UND! T igioid 'on' the EET inst. ot 'id 'Ona road, near the 1st con., Reach; an INDIA: RUBBER .COAT. hays it by;calling at this Office Prince Albert, Hy Ab18%hy Dominion. cafiihbadl variety of Cabbage, &c., T for® Prince A! BROCK ST. EAST, UXBRIDGE. rales; White is in the Garden aliflb ber, Citron, "Pepper, Celery Plants, &e., "il" ai Bpsom, Utica, redrid Pert Perry LR through the plant season. JOHN WHITE, fer eal | n with a large' Dp aly wit Melon, GarDENER, Address G., 8' Dominion Gardens, May 14, 1873. i. Uxsninee. $5 TO. $20 per day. Agents wanted! All clases A 2) of working peo) of ithe ther sex, young Hor old, [ make more money at for us in theie spare momenis, onal the me he at _anytl INSON. & birind Portland, Manie hing eles," Paiticolars Wife, Spring Business, which he has carried Lightning man; stroke. struck, his, ne th} lives sacrificed, fhe of Lightning CONDUCTORS! Tue Sober Ts tg out on his present opportutity On aul ni bape Je : Lite thanks tons numerous patroys/ fot] thelr liberal patronage during the past three years in "Te feels much in stating 'that! a id hundreds of buildings on which put his'Rods 11 ce Bnd ines hich they have railed ke againat she, Sriag Meets df He rel ori ring i iid in have been as safe in the calm. Toe 5 Let me say however that it i4"61 eng 34 tha bay dmg be roded nnlessiisi_dons on on ti Rod Busindsds pect! ji rl 4 aiding 2 which in another column." Their Large Stock of New oltoice Goda | for the season is now fetdl in every dep Spe «cial Bargaius. tisement.) : to i l-- GREENBANE, MAY 57 (See their Adver- Editgr of Qbserver, : Dear Sir.~ Whilst. the OpsuRvid' iv not 1| my th p pr parpuse. To prepared 10 "enter toor through (iris oy 'counties ; 3 that my spresdly devoted te of kon (hat you 'Will dor objest to. afford a 11 portion, of yous raluable space. to one tml tof fofty Thoutand "dal- | pronf gf bis preference for that institution |" ono ¥ h Vaars, that ¢ tit ¥ Reno! pdwar and usefutness | he'has placed one pf bis sons 1 and_be rT vedio Tes "oi bh, Tionh ake iy of" ihe' Bord gf, "have a seeond.in | Ve be presen | Cian at Utiam, Bit not being able fo gif manusgement,in, Appoin +. Robinson, ~be that (here I wan! uo the P M. Cooureh at Green-! £rq., pb ie WE the ad- done 80 | bunk, the-Rex. Mr. Amy was officiating. -- vent of euchia man, at this time, amon od mi leola ed to do | He selected as the fenndation of his remarks ip nA as sah of Gail's spr we overly sé KT very much more in 1 ure may. have the 46h verse of 8 Ie Chap. of St. John = "him 'a cordial "wela mé, e, and on long e/ntintied pros y wnd increasin ng]! And he saith sho im can there any g co-operation when fie" shall' visit our res usefulness. Before sitting down, the Sg ul oy io hig saith) "Fhe house was erowded and oul he ed secare the advanjages of these mos( 'vhldable profe bE properly pur wp, and this gan o:f1§. dane 'by experieniéd hands, sy lo the pubic in, jgeneral that J] J RINPES itiga- been largely llbor bie wih h experidnce, wil: nhable af stittm om and -e 1 an rigs pA ing 1 orb La puvronage; My: monn © sWnI¥ él be Tg - AH i it will serve no gout they mu ar T I would iam dy er: season's than 'wpon _anoih res io isin Wall 3ssum HIE sheiion of Si Ang vn' Cr BR ter eared "subject eme +1720 edtion it was' agreed to grant eth int oi i honvensy ~ as. he requests, 1) vg Pik fnige on site; Ji ® Mr. Bagshaw made' lication for bis ima 1nd sae 400. him, an hell tr reine 7 : oalerence [I mihi mers Jimbe Sari po This Rev. pe 1 dbolod Gitar in' ite Ctwisting FE: nit he yo fel if hi ly ASEING: | first year students it evens 30 20' poe ot of the vers to vk La tose th Eee al | Department of. mol Foruto, April 1, of jos Joh Bika 6 Ti wher lauds is Spain rotor to! ine Counerl n ane y Oritem ind pv 6 peli hn . HOS. ph go Clima Fe] it 2 Suge STRAY COLTS, 2, Li Sel gianni atid te ol ul