Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 Mar 1873, p. 2

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~ him Mr, Paxton, advised by the Ring, had . sion were both of much more importance NEW 6000S. I F. RST Arrivais * ------ 'The Subscriber respecifully informs the public that be has received 8 large instule ment of his Spring Siock-- consisting of Dress Goods, Pirasole, Prints, Boots and Shoes, Tweeds and Cloths, and Ready- made Clithing, Tnx Caen AND Reany Pay Svereit will be snricily sdbered to, and intending pur- 'chawers nay rely wpoi prices being put own as low as it is possible fo pot them, '®0 as to live. An eurly inspection ia re- epeetfully invited to the Marge and varied k of Cioths snd Tweeds suitable fos ie oufits. Suits of the most fashion. able col made up 10 order at short notice and ut the most reasonable prices. A grod it ganranteed in all cases. A splendid or of Spring Hats, Ties, Collars, and Shire justamved. * 7. & splendid lot of Sed Whea!, Cloverand nosy Seeds, and Salt on hand and for lo. Bop to buy, Busan, oka Slet snd sin any qaaliity snd highest prices OORE fry ny ' roo Rs ! ADAM GORDON. Port Perry, March 12, 1873. THAT UXBRIDGE BRANCH. We werd well aware that the time for {he commencement of the brancli from the P. WW. & P. P. R. in the direction of the Viliage ot Uxbridge expired on the 23:d of January 1873, but we have always re- garded that branch as of much more im- portatice'to the ratepayers of the township of Reach than the P. W. & P. P. R. would ever be, besides it was on the strength of this branch that the supprrt of the western rari ol the township was secured for the mein line, and it would have been a breach ol laith hal any undue advantage been tak- en to ut rid of the brunch by the rest of the township ; neither would we now ad- vocate uny course which would tend 10 de- priveithe western, portion of 'the . townehip of the benefits-ansiog from thie branch.-- We were not 12norant of the base witempt ode. Paxton--insugated by the Ring----to leprive, toh the East snd West of the township of any benefit arising from the branch, Taking advantage of the position ilf which the peop'e of Resch had placed the audacity to ask for ani thve cunning to secure al the hends of the Government an Amendment to the Charter of the P. W. & P,P. R, Coy containing the following clanse :-- # Tne said Port. Whitby and Port Perry Railway Company and their servants. shall linve toll power and ankority to co and extend the construction of their railway to such point npon the waters of Lake Sim- doe mt or near Beaverion, as they may mn their discretion select, by such course as to the directors of ths said company may seem eXpadieni; and also in the same manner to lay out, esustruct and build a branch of such railway from such pait thereof as the direciors of the said company may choose, ato w at is known as the village of Ux- brige.*" So that the famous Uxbridge branch, il Paxton and the Ring get their way of it, woul take a cnuree which would benefit no part of Reach, East or West, ns by the above infamous section the branch need not pass Wjough acy part of the town- ship of Reach. * ! We were not unmindful of the inferests of the township of Reach when this famous epdment was being poshed through, -- Wa. touk the tiouble, In company with one cf the Auditors, 1o'go 1b the 1hén Reeve of the mumopa'ity and advike him 1a 1ake thy negessary [steps to block Mr, Paxton and the Ring in their bass attempt to fur- her ieee prion of ihe township and rather tlio ve thy Branch done away with than to have the amendmert carry. The Reeve promise. io act in the matter, but he either negleoted 10 fulfil his promise or failed in the attempt, for he amendment carried with tha shove clause. Thuis was in the Session | of 1868 and 9. The amended Act was as- sénted 10 on the 23rd Jan'y, 1869. _ Again in the Session of 1872, Mr. Pax- ton as mouth-piece of the Ring applied for and obtained a farther amendment to their Charter ; section 2nd of which sets forth that the time limited for tha com. fencéement of the extension of the Railway to vhe waters of Lake Simcoe and of the ®ianch ino Uxbriiige, shali be extended till the 23«d Janbary, 1873, to 4, The Tact of the time for both the exten- sion and thé branch having expired was well known to at [east nineleen out of every twenty of the people of Reach, but Knowing (hat the branch and the exten- © 10 Ranch than the sarap already But, und knowing thet Mr. Paxton had agma moved for a further amendment we, und we sus: _peetanal the people in general wera will: Pr 'that the extension and the branch 'should gb on and consequently let Paxton take his 89 ing. GG aw ran aml the Rinastars ho eatrying the joke a little too tar, 2 "Jiime that thé township of Ranchi had shut wawn n 3 Shun ad io loge r be made ol : pn's 0 a few unecropulons pani be wise in ovr] are INSULT TO INJURY, The B. WA & P. P. RB. Riog have suc. ceeded means or other ih induc-- ing the Ontario Government to miake a grant of $42,000 towards that road. If tke provinee at large is willing to submit t+ otly such Coirse of reckless expenditure we oeed mot complain of the amount ; but Greraments like individuals ought to be fust before they are generous. When that road was before the municipalities seeking assistance, it was not espected that it should receive any government aid. The propagandists painted ihe scheme in the most glowing colors, speaking of grand station-houses and necessary fixings for freight and" passenger traffic, Amizingly increased faeilities for all kinds of trafic, and ab addition of at least 3 cents on ev- ery bushel of wheat sold in the township in consequence of the low rate at which grain would be eorried from the several stations. And as a matter of course tle value of property in the téwnship wou'd be increased in a similar ratio. That was not all, for the propagandists asserted that whatever increa-¢ in the value of property might take place in Port Perry would tend to lower the amount of taxes throughout the township of Reach, as far at lea as the reilway tax was concerned, as Port Perry would continue to pay aa equal rate per dolar on all her property for railway purposes, paying as wuch -per dollar as Reach would pay so that any avgmenta- tion of property in Port Perry would tend to lessen tbe railway tax in Reach. With these somewhat flattering prospects ahead the people of the township went in for a grant of $40,000--830,000 for the main line and $10,000 for the branch. No sooner however was the bonus secured than the Ring began to exhibit the bol- lowness and worthlessness of all tkeir fine promises, heir gilded baubles began to turst one after another until every vestage of the golden prospect bad been swept away and the people of Reach found-- whep it was 100 late--1bat they had been lepnipg on a broken reed, that the Ring bad only meant to deceive, and dozzled 10 blind ; in tact the whole campaign was based upon a tissue of falsehood. Through the truckling and deception of the Ring they rendered it impossible to bave the road finished at the time they promised the municipalities that they would bave it done But do they come and acknowledge their fault # Not mueh! ' Seo far from sc- knowledging ' their trick they had the insolence to demand from the towaship an additiomal sum for the time which the road was behind in it§ colistruction; shd by some legal rascality or bogus equity they enforced this additional amount. The route had already been fixed in such a way as to deprive Prince Albeit .snd Man- chester, and through them the rest of the towaship, from participating directly or in, directly in the benefits of ike road, should there be anys Bat in order to prevent the possibility of any business being done at the Manchester or Prioce Albert sta= tions every facility for freipht trafic was carefully excluded. This had the desired effect and business men were alinost com pelled to leave the township and take up heir residence in Port Perry and other wheres, and alceddy ai least 840,000 have been removed from the assessment roll of the township of Reach and placed on the assessment roll of Pert Perry iti conse- quence of parties removing from he for: mer into the later. But the railway and other necessary expenses must be main tained by Reach, and as parties move out the burden will fall more heavily on those that'are left. One would have thought that under these circumstances even tle railway fing would have felt that ihey had done enongh (0 injure the ratepayers of Reach'and would be satisfied With the pillage which they bad made of the muni eipality ; but whoever dreams of satisfying uosérupulous 'rings by trying 'to shame them by offering them all, will come to his sepses when they have swallowed all and turn upon bim and ask more. The present Government of Ontario mn dealing with the matter of municipalities' indebtedness agreed to a sort of general scramble, Onie of the articles of the scheme --if it deserve the name--is that railways such as the P. W. & P. P. R. which bave no claim to the Government allowande would be assisted indirectly, in this way. Timt 81,000 a mile should be be allowed for all such roatls ; but that in pluce of giving i to the railway' company h | it should be distriboted amongst the muni= cipalities which had aided 'tbe road in proportion to the amouot of aid given by each; When his rosofution became known the town of Whitby and the town ips of Whitby and Reach naturally be | got to igure up bow much each would ource. The town of] $10,000, Whitby a --_. Inunicipalities of their just rights by giving the money to the railway Ring and thus cheating these municipatities out of anoth- er large sum and puttiog it into the pockets of those who have already fleeced these municipalities out of thousands of dollars: The member for North Ontario was made cat's paw in the matter and certainly he scratched bard, and made some wild state. ents ; of course these were not needed to secure the spoils--that was evidently part of a private hargain--but they were conYevient a3 a ¥nake believe, and some people will spread consideralily when they can secure part of the dpoil. But the Ring do not stop here ; not satisfied with deceiving the people, defrauding the mun- icipalities once and again they add insult to injury by seeking to insult, through their organ, aH those municipalities whom they have so bavely wrongeds The or gen is fairly jubilant over the plunder and wgkes itself sim ly ridiculous in trying . to be funny over it. "It appears to scout the idea that ¢ thimble-rigging" and "lying" bad anything to do in securing the plun. der ; and like the Mormon Saint's de stroying angel the unfortnnate orgsn flies on its mission of Wrath to destroy all who raise their finger against the Ring and ity plunder. The Ring is evidently unfortun ate in its organ grinders they are only making bad ! worse! and exposing them selves ard their organ to further contempt, Draw off your curs Ringsters, and do not make yourselv-s any further ridiculous. ----etl 4 -- ee A DISTINCTION WITHOUT A DIFFERENCE. To our issue of the 13th inst., in refer- ring to the amount of capitation to which Reach would lay claim if the $2 a head arrangement of the Ontario Government were carried out, we stated hat a portion of the atotnt thus coming to Ws would bave to be paid over to Pert Perry, and stated that the population of thar village at the time of the census, was somg eight or nine huadred. We had inadveriaptly confined our estimate 10 Port Perry proper, Without Mciuding ker suburbs, north, south and west. For this, one of our Port Perry friends takes us to tack and almost insinuate that we would like to deprive them of part. of that which ought to come to them, and threaten to bring us to time on the matter. We distinctly repudiate ay such im- putation, we would not willingly wrong the good folks of Port Perry of one dollar ; end so far from having to squeeze their fair share 'out of Reach; there will not be the slightest necessity for that. Reach will willingly give them their fair share and more, as she has done before. If the pressure hinted at means arbitra- tion Reach will prefer giving up the whole and allow Port Perry to take it all snd dave Reach the enagrin of giving up the whole, her own share and ail, and paying the cost of the arbitration besides. FOSTER'S LAST HOURS, Tt is no part of our intention to enter into any sickening details of the last hours of this unlortunate bu guilty man. Our read- ers will remember that about two years ago this Foster while riding fn one of the New York street cars teased and insulted two lady passengers on the same car. A gentleman cailed Potnam interlered for their protection and caused Foster to desist which so enraged him 1hat walching his opportunity when Putnam got out of the ca he (Foeter) struck him two blows on the head with a heavy iron weapon and killed him. Foster was apprehendel, and after nearly two years butiling, qmbbling and legal fedcing ihe prigoner was found guilty of murder and sentenoed 10 be havged.-- Here again a Iresh display of legal rpsning was employed and eVery hilinan effort pm forth to let the guilly eséope. Hut lhe majesty of the law was vindicated by Fos- ter's execution on Friday last. This ougbt 10 be a solemn warning to thé vicious and biood-thirety. Here 8 miserable man who, to gratify a devilish propensity for revenge; by one fatal stroke ruined the prospects and destroyed the peace of 411 connected with himself and his victim, while he himsei! spent two long dreary years hell on earth and clueed it on the scaffold. / ee eee § eer A Novi IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION On the 24th Mr. Young (South Water- 160) presented to the House of Commons, the petition from the Canadian Press As. sociation, praying for: the abolition of postage on newspapers, Surely there is oot a member in the House, especially of county constituencies, who will withhold bis active support from a measure of so mich iinportance to bis constitvents. : TE * A VALUABLE HORSE LOST. On Friday last Mr. F. MeLintock having driven (tito dha dF the tavern sheds at Pout Perry, in getling out of hus sleigh he was abont lo blaoket his team--a piit of fue snimals-- in thiowitg a blanket oni one of them; a valuable colt, it took fright and so kicked and tore that it broke one of its lege sv badly that it had to be killed. .. RASTER FAIR. Remember the Ssintfield Easter Fair : Beech i which will be held on Monday 31 inst. -- jo mats Xi Horry on yonr Stock. ; ; "reilwag. But] WmirBY TOWN AWAKRNING, meat, iBeif ssloc<] Wairsy, Mosh 19.--The Town Coungil they led#d' 1hiat | ha« assed a rosolption fo submit 8 by- be 'bad seci bonuses 10 the aa $20,000'10 aid in' establishing 1 or } > vy ar Arde Tas a | (mee Mem they were about to rob the| ONTAKIV LEGISLATURE. On the 19:% that "everlasting license ques'ion' wal 'again introduced for ils decofid reading. "4'he mover, Mr. Crooks, went into the nafir® snd sim of the bill. The feelings of members were decided- ly in favor of something being dove with a view to tightening the Hcense screws, Mr. Farewell went in for the strictest rules possible and much bigher license fees. "Mr. Grange Yecommends Government appointed Inspectors as well as local ones. M¢. Sexton would take the license from shops. In fact groceries were at a dis count. Dr. Clarke wants io reduce bar practice to a square stand up driok, a simple "mat-- ter of fact, prosy concern; he would ex- clude all billiard-tables, or any games of amusement, not even newspapers should be allowed near a tavern. He made one capital suggestion, this Was Yo fine both the purchi¥er and tbe seller in rhe 'case of unlicensed dealers. The bill wad Feud a second time." | On the e-timates being again brought vp the item of $43,000 for the purpose of immigration came in for a little invesiiga-- tion, 'The idea of Oatario paying the extravagent amount of $11,000 in one year for the rent of balls wherein onr im. migration agents may display their elo- quence in dilating on the sugerior advan tages offered to imiigranty in the province of On'ario, was considered ouirageous. We consider that Mr, Louder Was not far astray when he suggested that our agents being paid $150 a month, ard 84 a day for Traveling expenses, might well pay for any [all they would be charged for, as most places would be willing 10 give the use of their hills free of char.e. We think that the fewer lectdres some of our agentd attempt the better will it be for their own reputation, for the credit of the pt vince and the good of immigration Our immigrati~n agents should bave been strictly forbidden to attempt anything in way of lecture, not only fur their own sakes but for the credit of the province ; or if they will lecture, whether or no, let them, for the credit of the province, say that they are from the Sates, and that will do more to check immigrasion in that quarter thait aby ciher plan thit oti be adopted. Mr. Bethune succeeded in la-hing him self into a fury and the [House into con- fasion in his raving ower the ¢ frauds' falsehoods and * lies" as he plensed to term some of the ehtries made by the late Gogerameg in the public accounts. After having fidundered af long as could be borne the gentleman was politely re. Guested to make a better selection of terms to express his righteous ihUfghatiors 'The House on Friday was fully oc. cepied with "he estimates. The Govern- ment is making a determined effort to make the expenditure oveicoms the in- come of the province. A general hoist to official salaries is the crder of the doy and hon. members are taking ihe most ef- fectual way fo the woild to save themselves and their sbccessofs any further trouble in dealing with surpluses. At their presect gushing rate of liberality, to friends, the sign ol the surplus will soon have to be changed from plus to minus, The third reading of the bill to incorpor- :te the Loyal Orange Institution occupied a large portion of the silting on Monday, Mr. McDonald leading the friends and Mr. Fraser the enemijes of the measure, who were much more numerous {han one misht reasonably expeet, in fact it would be J:fli- cult to say why eny one pretending to the slightest respect for the glorious principles of protestantism, and the stability of civil and religivus liberty should sgek to oppose the incorporation of an institution whose aims and desires are all for the protection land stability ¢f our most cherished, and most worthy institutions, When dur coun try, ofr institutions, our religion end our liberties have been assailed who Would you find marching forth, for tt éir defence, in the loremdst ranks of danger's dark ca- reer 1 the members of the Loyal Orange [ustitution. Why, then, Jo we find Mr. Paxton, the M. P. P. for North Ontario, doing hye persistent litle best to prevent the passage of the bill for the incorporation of that institution. When lie measure 10 defraud the township of Reach' and three other municipalities out of $21,000 end vota its nto the hands of the P. W. &P.P. B. Ring came before the House we find Mr, Paxton thaking the inost frantic eflorts to Po § bit when a bill fo ve he Inbar he "0 Abra Outa- rio is brought in we find him opposing it ai every stage. The bill, however passed ite y third readi Eastern and Western Outario. » ork for Bre Mr. Faitbaity suiiinéd up thé Effort which had been madt dufing the preeent seddion to secure a law prohibiting the eale of in- toxicating liquors within tlie province ae follows :-- - : : w 8 fronf tj 28,000. heeds 4 nr A Prot been presented to this 'Asseml for tbe passage of an witds of nce have phe as beverages within this Province. er of the said petit jo CLI tw av wa of acdiional wheter an's'it Wai agreed fo emoralige the Ho of Soars he ai Li Fi fe and Sale of intoxicating liquors pr (And wheres 39 similar petitions have | DOMINION PARLIAMENT, Tk biisiness of the Dominion fb getting on Riely and work is being hurried ap in godd earnest. A vast amount of import- aot faformation was elicited from the members of Government on the 19th 5 but since the close on the Peterboro election petition, when the Ofposition was thrown so hearily, the tio parties kave not had another clinehi { . On Monday Sir John A. introduced » new election bill. The bill has many capital features, such as holding the elec- tiots for members of the House of Com- ions all on ote and the same day, this is provided for in the bill. The propery 'ualification and the nomination day are the saine in the new ab in the old _bill.-- Most stringent clauses are inserted for the prevention and punishment of every attempt at bribery and corruption. The system of open voting is still preserved in the new bill but rhe clause is so (ramed as 10 be easily changed if the House should refer adopting the Ballot. From all ap- earance thik will be an important bill and just such a measure as the country re- quires. Hon. members bad a fively time of§t on the 24'h over the peritich against Mr. Wilkes, member for Centre Toronto, TkLe petition was presented on the 15th day from the spening of the House and the Opposition demurred at its reception, declaring that the 14 days 'allowed by the Act Tor the presentation of such petitions having expired ere the petition was pre~ sented that said petition could not be act- ed upom. The Government side asserted that the petition was in time, us the day of assembling did not count, and therefore should be received. After a liberal display of parliamentary fencing the parties clinched end the Gov-- ernment was flcored, there being 76 against the reception of 'the petition and only 72 for.it, Mr. Wilkes, of Centre Toronts, todesily asked the Governtnent if it was intended, during the preseut session, to introduce [ree postal delivery in cities and towns. We wonder if this is all that cities wish? It is not too much for the rate~ pavers throughout the country to pay postage even on newspapers but our city Trieds, who get nearly all that iy going, must hove their postal delivery free. Mr. Bodwell moved in the matter of a prohibitory liquor law for the Dominion, He certainly placed the matter in a strony MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS, The revised lists for the distribution of these funds have again been placed in the hands of hon. members and have every ohance of keeping theit eyes ou the paper for some time to come. Some of the muni- cipalities came out fat on the better terms. Thorah is credited for $22,000 of railway al'owance and Scott for $1,680, The for- wher for its bonus to the Mid'and, and the fatter to the Nipissing. This may be all good as far as il goes but we would like to know why the township of Brock und other municipalifies 'which contributed towards the constraetiot 3F railways shoild not have qa fair share 1: the allowance Tor taitways, Brock gave $50,000 of a bonus to the Nip- fesing and what advantage is it to Brock, ab a township, that he railway company got a graut from government? had no grant been given Brock would not have given ane cent mcre and those portiona of the road on which no grant was given ve- Teived a8 mich benbfit from the grants given to ihe other portions as those Helped portions received. Uxbridgé qd Brock each gave $50,000 for the same "oad, a ment aid, that thropgh Brotk did receive Governmen aid. No one, we think, wil) assert that the fact of "the portion ihrough Uxbridge getting no Governmétt aid in- jured the people of thé township, or that the portion passing though Brock getting government aid was any special advantage to tlie people of Brock, inasmuch as it was the entire road and not any special munici- pality which would be effected injoriousty or otherwise by giving or withholding gov- ernment aid. So that every municipality which has granted a bonus towards the construction of any railway has a perfect right tn receive in proportion to the bonus given irrespective of government aid to the whale or any portion of eaid roads. The scheme is slill in a most eiiile state. "Fit aT NONQUON. Dewart's Hotel, Nonquon, with nearly all its tontents was destroyed by fire on Sabbath last. Mt. Dewart, was on his way home abou! one o'clock in the day and while yet a considerable distance from the house he observed, to his no small alarm, that his preinises were on fire. Ere he reached the building the fire had made such: pro- gress as precluded all idea of saviug the buildings, he accordingly turned Lis atten- tion to saving his chartels, but could not do a great deal in that, and all speedily fell a prey to the devouring element. By sawing the thed in two Half the hed and nls and bark atiiched vere saved. Denar loss in chattels aifiount to some §400, of which 8300 is covered by insurance. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Dewart in his loss. AUSTION SALES, light. [le stated that besides petitions from Beveral munitipali'ies, several other petitions containing in all over 8,000 names had already buen presen'ed to the House since the commencement of the session. -- After referring in eloquent terms 10 the de- atructive eflrcts of excessive drinking on tne Aonncial, physicial, moral and intelleet- ual condition of a Inkge portich uf the com~ munity, the speaker quoted from the report submitled to the Ontario Legislature in 1871 by Mr. Wood (Brant) and winding up by asserting that the quantity of inioxicat- ing hqnors consumed in the Dominion is over 3 gallons every year for every man, woman and child inthe Dominion. The speaker tertainly drow a preture sufficient ly black, and the tisloritin® is thal it con- tains too much truth. A commities has been appointed to examine and report, re- commeniling a course proper lo be adopted ander the circlimstantes; This is the proper way 16 handle the subject and the only ore which €ah ever prove effectual as a remedy for the evil complained of. eres erie =e A FLEASANT TIME, On the svening of Monday last one of those Lighily interesting and not unprofit. able gatherings which réully deserve the name " Social" as being perhaps the best term which can be used fo express what is meant by a highly rational, comfortable, enjoyable entertainment, 'tock place at Taylor's Hotel, east of Columbus. A pimber of Masonic Brethren from Mount Lebanon, Cedar Dale, and Prince Albert met on that occasion for a special purpose and finally sat down fo supper 1ogether. After doing ample justice 10 a supper got up in first tlass style alike creditable to the skill ant enterprise of the worihy Lost-and liosiess of this well appointed Hotel; the intellettual part was tuken up, The cloth being removed the usual loyal and patriotic toakts were given and respbided to with a vim and discretion whicli showed an entire absence of blaster and puld¥es. Parties evidently meatit all that they said and wished fo mak® their remarks beneficial as well as enjoyable, and they succeeded adinirably. 'The re- sult was an unusually pleasant and inter- esting lime. : There was a liberal amount of capital singing and everything went off to a charm. Tne toast of tho host and hostess was a brimmer and proposed witli uch geod taste; Several of the guests spoke to this toast all corroborating thie well merited expressiuns of praise expressed ty the pro. poser of the toast, as to the excellence of the supper and the capital style of the hole géi tip. TN The worihy fost wiape a suitable reply. ied to this Assembly, from| * God Sate the Queen" brought all Brome res Gorhrations withid wis provinioe 0 sanding an! closed thé Sresionies EEE et Aa Grr tegen y pen ys : 5 : wii ly ssembiy has i the. provi of| We would fain give the names of a aos ind 0° re rt 1i8 | number of those hs contributed ep large ly to the interest of the evening by their speecties sd their song, but this would occiipy more space than, we dive at our disposal: [rm : i (EN An Impbitant Avetion Sale of Farm stock Implements, &e., the property of MF. Thos. Savage, will take place on Thursday March 27th, on lot i0 in the 2nd con. of Reach: There ate lois of fine Stock &e. to rell and panties will do well 10 attend the Sale. (See posters). Mr. J. C. Pilkey is Auctioneer. 'An Auction Sale of valuable Farm Stock, Ito the propehy ot Me. Solo- mon Solletr, will 1ake place on lot 2 in the 61h con. of Reach on "Fuday March 28h 1873. Mr. Wm. M. Willcox is Auctioneer Parties will do well to uote the time and attend. Mr. E. Major will sell by anction on Lt 15 in the 14th concession of Reach, on Thumday, April 3rd, a valuable stock of Horeesy Cattle, Sheep, Swine; Wagbns, Buggies, Chntets, Sieinhs, Plows, Harrow. A lniga assortment of larming Implements; Potatoes, Thrnipe, &e , the propery of Mr E. Donsvuriys Parties will do well to at: tend. -------------- A --e. # Masson Warbrobe.""--A. W. Ro- berts ls out with his ew advertisement. His fine stock of new «pring Gods impoit- ed direct from the old country is opened out and most invinng both as to style, quality and price. (Read his advertisement.) CoNTRACTORS, THIS I» FOR YoU -- Parties wishing to tender for the ereciicn of a frame School House in School Sec- tia Ne. 8 in the towaship of Cartwright, will had something to suit them in our advertising columns. The Triisiees of that section have advertised for tenders. (See advertisement.) ere Ae EASTER FAIR AND ANNUAL SEED SHOW, The Manchedtet Easter Fair and Annoal Seed' Show Will ba held on Tuesday April at. Some good horses will be sold by aiiction on that occasion by Mr, Willcox who will also be prepared to dlient jlo any one wishing his seivices ss Auctioneer.-- Bring along your cattle and Seed grain and let us have a big fair. A LANENTABLE CAT BUNT, Mr. James Borland, a farmer living near Bowmanville, was accidentally shot on thé 20th, and lies in a precarious coadition.-- He and, his, brother were hunting a oat which iad bien commiting depreddfions in the barn, and James went inio the barn 10 drive thy cat out while his brother Wail iam stood outside, with a gun, to shoot hd animal when it appeared. The gon was discharged while James was looking down through The fot the barn, and the whole charge lodged in his face, piercing through hie lipe, tongue and nore, an faging away the right eye and some teeth. The 1ip¥ and tongue ard swollen frightluily, and unless inflammation can be prevented the sufferer cannot recover. 2 WELL DONE SPAIN. HUMANITY HAS GOT ANOTHER HOIST. Madrid, March 23 -- The Assembly met yesterday with the understandi vote should be taken on thie bill for the abolition of slavery in Porto Rico. Con- trary to general expectation the House resolved to contintse the debate, snd sub- seifleitly by ah udanimous Vote, passed the bill for immediate emancipation of slavery in the Island cf Porto Rico. The with cheers. 'Tie bill provides lat the mancipated ae xi Porto Ricor shall portion throngh Uxbridge got no_Uovern- : that the f announcement of the result was received | INTERESTING TIMES IN TI ' BRITISH PARLIAMENT. - fbo ¥, March 20, (evening) -- The House of Commons wcniad an angpoal apecistly to-date Il the benches Yeig filled with members, aud the galleries crowded with spectators, When Mr. Gindatone rose fo make his statement he was Irom all pants of the Chamber. He said. he was now able lo acquaint the House withthe fact that he and his colleagnes in office, with her Majesty's permission, were prepared to carry on the Government as before. Ha explained fully that it was" only Set the party opposite had unconditionally ref 10 form a Ministry, that he and his [friends had consented 10 resume office. Mr. Gladstone added that the. Queen had given him permission 10 read an extract from statements he had made to her Majesty. -- . It was to the «fect that he did not suppoge * that the efloris of the gentlemen of the Op- position to defeat tte Governmedt wero made with the deliberate intention | ing to organize a Cabinet if it shou required of them, but the summary refa given when occasion arose he considered not fully in accord with the exigencies of the case, nop with Parliament usu Top Premiet's statement was ftequen lerrupled by. applanse which was warm and long continued at ihe ¢| Mt. Disraeli explait.ed the i he thought proper to pursue since ; he had. ding of the crisis. He confessed that the differences Between himself and 'the Irish Catholics were insurmountable. The hew Cabinet would require until Easter to get into working order and even then it would® have 10 deal with financial eatirgstéed Hindle by its predecessor and wonld probably be out voted every night in Parliament. A dissoltition of the house had been § Sut wliy dissolve iLe 1wo sitting on Opposi= tion benches. a He and his fiiends had much diffiesity §1 forming a policy on so short a notice ang 1 was not 16 be expected that they could ap peal to the country without a polie questions more important than that oi ; Irish University Bill. There ters than questions on which it had been Trdpossible . 10 friature a policy, even in opposition such as the Central Asia dfficuliies, the new rules introduced into International Lex by the Geneva Board, the payment of the award for the Alabama claims, the com- mercial treaty with France and others of equal magnitude. All things considered, he felt it to be his duty to dibline the 18. snopeibility of. organifing a new Goverii met. The Queen: hereell had #hygested a dissolution of Parliament. He had Je* clined io advise such a step, and stated to her Mujesty that in his opinion there was no adegnate reason for the Goveipment 13 resign, and it might return to office without the alightest loss of honor and 10 the great- ert possible convenience of the publg ins terects. Mr. Disraeli closed with the re. mark that possibly some of his sopposters in the House might be dissatisfied 10 whieh there were lond cries of ¢ No, no." ' - = S-- et -------- 5 i THE HAP : ARE BEIAISET men In a emall village named® Bai du Dore} (the name in future should be ¢ Bai du Guerre") on the thore of Lake Huron, livé wo families of the pugilistic persuasion) : and there amiable propensities appear to permeate the whole lump. The dne family is hambul.Johnsdn and the other Price, they live immediately opposite to each other.-- Each family owhed a gander, und these ganders appeared to love each other about as well as the families do, dnd whenaver' they met they had a tussle. About a couple of weeks ngo these amiable gandors wen trying to felieve each other of their feathers when some of the young Johnsons and voung Prices seving the fight emt to telp their birds and very soon got into eath oiher's ears, The mothers of the raspect- ive families s00n came out and pitched intd each other. The human gandere seeing the old human geese engaged, vonsidw:kd i time that they had a hand in; and thos the fight soon extended from the ganilers to the children, and then to the wimen, and firally was taken op by the men. . Old Johason undertook to thrash young Price, but getting badly beaten a desire lor re: venge keoms 10 have taken possession of his mind, which unhappi'y resulted in the death of the elder Price. On Monituy night last, as the wo Prices and a fiend. niin: McQuaig, Warner ahd andiher party w8| geting out their sleigh at their own stable, they «vere pounced npon and. besten wii sticks in. a dreadiol manner, The ide Price wos killed ob the apart, his skull { smashed in, whilst Mc@naig was also . ly beven, Tre younger Price esthped without serious it jury, Five men; nape! James Johnson and lis son, James Best and Aithur Best, sore-in law of Johnson, and John Kerr, his bired man, wete lodged in gaol there on the 18th. Unperwoop, March 19.-- Last night, dt' the clodé of the inquest over the body of George Price, the jury returned a: veidiet of wilful murder against James Johnson, ahi against thar Best, James Best, John Kerr, drd Edward Johnson as accessories. Warner will probably strvive the injuries he received though rot yet tonsitered bus of danger. The other three are improving. Frm the evidence taken befote the for sg inueales yesterday, it appears the parties who committed the murder' stise hy Prices on Friday, Saturday and Sie previots, oh i BORN © At Utica } wife of Mr. \ .. mafa{go ET eins At the residence of the bride's mother, on thé 1588 inst +R the Revi. , XW, ni s i [ Brock, Miss Jane Bai ot § : To Contractors WEA DBRS ag to Monday, April 21st., for the of af. [rf ty _ Fiame School Meuse. For Section No. 8, Township of Dagtaright. For par apply toany of the dndéft 3 BREAST Lysau, EDWARD BRYANS, J eine Cartwright, March 25, 1873. To Contractors. i ENDRRS willbe received £4 under T signed u sl Satnrday, "hoi agf ; iil Seis No. 6, Township of id a farleolais apply to either o the dnder: WILLIAM PHILP, Y enjoy all political rights accorded to a citi: 47 ~ JAS. WILLIAMSON, » Trustees. ,. DANIEL BROWN, : Caitivrighty Maseli 12,187, * Rid oi Wednesday, the 19th fust ; the oar stan Le, Frame School House, : © Ve : < » ~~ v | ( ' «4 * F i»

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