GREAT BARGAINS SELLING OFF. -- ah ---- agein separated. should go in favor of having the séctions |. No township however ever dreams of doing [away with the separ~ ate sections knowing, as they do, tha the _-- ee POSTAGE ON NEWSPAPERS. Now that the fst 'session of the second parliament of the Dominion is about to a i retired to bed; but the dne who had got the worst of the fight arvse quietly, and obtaifiing 8 buteher knife rushed upoh his dpponent; who was in bed, and stabbed hin Degredation must nearly have touth- ed bottom in the blustering capital of 'LAW MAKERS. 1tis all very right atid proper that netied- sary laws should from lime to time be en- SAINLFIRLD MARCH PAIR. The Saintfield Monthly Faif will b8 field on Monday,§ March 10th. The large supply of choice catile with which ; 2 change jwould create a world of trouble, | assemble, the newspaper press should now fatally, The other shanty hands seeing Ontario. - According to their estimate [acted for the convenience; protection and Sidi ; : Tithe Sabscriber thanks his many customers for | lote of strife, jealousy and vontention ; and | be eal attention of hon. members to wis wat dois used Jon thie ssashv, of each other, the ancient sage who |guidante of the community bht that is no ha fait is og ty supplied 5avy joatly the encouragement given to bim since he came | 10 crown all & vastly {ndteased expenditure | the great:Wrong which 1s being perpetrat- ied him hand and foot till morning, when| op lated the public thorouglifares |reason Why everything who fancies him: Bnd sectted fo it the oh to Port Perry. He now respectfully informs all who may be &nxi0us to invest their money to {he best advantage, that for the next six weeks be will offer the balance of his Stock of Dry Goods, Réady-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes Hardware, Crockery, &c., at as great a re- . duction from former prices as his uniformly small profits will admit of. Heavy Woolen Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Dress Goods, Boots and Shoes, © y and Hardware, wil be cleared off AT COST PRICE. BARGAINS 'Will be feos in all classes and dis- criptions, of Goods. Intending purchasers will find it to their advantage to call and examine Goods and Prices before purchasing elsewhere, as the subscriber is determined to make a effectual clearance of his present stock soas to make room for large Spring Importations. Terms, strictly cash. : ADAM GORDON. Port Perry, Jan. 23, 1873. ---- Ge Dubuvie Whsecher, JAMES BAIRD PRINCE ALBERT, FEB. 27, 1873. ASKING A LITTLE TOO MUCH. The friends of class education, those who wish to rob our Public Schools and hand over the funds to pamper cur se- called High Schools, those who seek to deprive the children of the sons of toil of the benefits of a good education in order that ihe chicks of our pinfeathered aris: tocracy may get all the chance that is go- mg, those who would starve the intelli- gence and dwarf the intellects of our country's hope--the offspring of the toil- ing multitude--in order to pamper and will with less efficient management than now. Who does not see that by placing all the Schools in the township under «one board | of trustees who shall hire all teachers, 120k after and provide for the wants of all the Sohools, and likewise discharge all the duties of trustees for a score or so of Schools, that a large portion of the time of such ily be taken up with ed on the sons of toil and the country press in tHe matter of newspaper postage. Tt is not so much the amount as the annoy- ance all round. I'he entire press of the country, but especially the country . press ought unitedly to approach the Ottawa government asking a remission of this un-- just, unpdlatable impost. Should the 0 | to repair the Manchester school, but they such duties. These are some of the duties but what of the annoyances and the additional expense. The peoplelof Manchester may say we pay as high a rate for school pur- poses 4s those of Prince Albert and our House is not as good as theirs, neither is our furniture as good, and we have not as high a priced teacher, we won't submit to this inferiority. The trustees go to work bave not well begum ere they are beset with representatives from half a dozen dif- ferent localities representing that all of their School Houses stand far more in need press unitedly approach the government we feel morally certain that the request would be granted. That government can have no desire or intention to perpetuate a wrong on the people of Canada by con tinuing the imposition of a tax upon know- ledge, by adding from 15 to 20" per cent on the family paper of our toiling child- ren. ° The enemies of the Ottawa Government will doubtless throw every obstacle iu the way of the removal of this obnoxious tax their trail. But what do the education: perpetrated. place all the schools in each townsh under a township board of trustees. of repairthan the Manchester School House; if theirs were only as good as Mancheste® they would be satisfied, and if their de- mands were not complied with at once they would appeal to ;Dr, Ryerson who would soon bring the trustees to lime; and thus the poor trustees would be everlastingly on the trot with both hands in the township treasury, while representatives from the several localities would be continually en autocrats care for these things, if the hither- to mum, long suffering people do not now speak out, this further outrage will also be The sly onee are now worm- ing a bill through the House which will do away with the separate School Sections and But the. iniquity does not end here, the enemies of our Public Schools, and there- fore of our common country, seem desirous as they know well that a more popular measure could scarcely be passed by any Government, or one equally well calculate ed to increase the number of their friends and secure their undivided support. The inveterate enemies of the Govern- ment, especially those of them controlling the cities press will pooh ! pooh ! the whole matter and strive to throw every possible obstacle in the way by telling the country that the Government cannot aflord to dis- pense with the revenue arising from post- age on newspapers ; not that they believe what they assert but in order if possible to prevent the Government [rom obtaining that large accession of friends snd much increased measure of popularity which it would be certoin to secure by the remission of this abominable impust.-- But the opposition of such wil be com ip they took him to a tree and hanged him till he was dead. party who was stabbed ts dead and a number of the men who took patt in the hanging aré in Belle. ville jail. eel Aen DOMINION PARLIAMENT. The Dominion Parliament will as- semble for despatch of business on Wednesday next. The Session will be highly a important and we hope a prosperous one. The business of the ceming Session will be of more than ordinary importance to the present and future of our rising Dominion, and it is sincerely to be hoped that hon. members will Jay aside all the clap. trap of political partizanship and lend their united energies in shaping aright the frame work of the glorious destiny of our noble country. There is suffi- 'cient first rate legislative talent and statesmanship in our dominion parlia. ment to pkilfully manage the affairs of this or any other nation, and it is to hoped that the business won't be ob- structed by party hair-splitting, but that hon. members will place their country first, and if party must mani- fest itself let that be last. It is to be hoped that the Govern- ment will early introduce a measure sweeping away forever the news- paper postage, and by so doing, per- form an act-of justice to the press, merit the thanks of the sons of teil to whom even the pustage on news- papers is an: object, and show their desire to let the channels of knowledge flow unobstructed. THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. Our Legislature have bees working like at noon day with a lighted lantern hunting up an honest man would search in vain, at least amongst the officials f that city. First we hear ofa Committee of the City Council commissioned to negotiate a bargain for the purchase of the Furniss Water Works for the uge of the eity j but ac= cording to their own tale the negotia- tions fairly flatted out for lack of funds to muzzle and bribe the parties neces- sary to secure such a price as would leave a margin for the "boys." Ong of the principle actors had only gone a little length in feeling his way and already demands were made in way of bribes amounting to $10,000 in sums varying from $2000 down to $500. And wisely concluding if the litle way he had gone would require $10,000 to grease the track, it would require more than the price of the Water Works to buy off all those with itching hands,and he gave the business up in despair. The matter came up before the Council, a general expose was the result, and all the negotiations fell through. Again a few days ago a vole was taken of the citizens as to wether they would recommend an additional grant of $600,000 towards the con struction: of new Water Work and the grant was voted down by a majority of 245. On Monday evening last at the meeting of the City Council an attempt was made by several of the city fathers to get a committee appointed toexamine the citizens on oath in order to find out whether or not somebody had bribed all the elec- tors to vote against the $600,000. If this is not the depth of degredation, and insult to the citizens we would like to know what it is. ------ 0 ---- self gllted should flood the country with his trashy effusions. We bave a copy of a bill before ue owing ifs paternity to Abram Farewell, and such a mess of trash has sel- dom seen the light of the 19th Gentory.-- The thing is about as long as the Moral Law, containing 64 mortal sections one half of which ate worse than useless while any of {hem ate perfect oddities in their way. : 6 re-enacts the stupid system of having one third of tke ratepayers of the polling sub-division sign a petition to the council praying them to grant a license to the partly applying. ¥ Seot. 7 provides that no tavern license shall be granted until the applicant shall have furnished two such as the council will accept firmly bound in the sum of $1,000 each payable to the corporation, if the party wo licensed should fail to observe and conform to the provisions of the act, which by the by, dre something like Draco's code, can't be conformed to. Seme of the conditions are that the tavern- keeper, « ghall remain sober and of good behavior, and keep a quiet and orderly house, not per- tilting at any time the drinking of any spirituous liquors,, in, upon, or about his House." (These are the identical words used.) What does he get a license for ? Sec. 8 and the following six sections are confined to the duties and obligations of licensed agents who shall be servants of the corporation and stall be permitted to sell liquors for and on account of the cor- poration and for which services they shall be paid, but they shall only sell for me. chanical, medicinal, and chemical purposes td attend- ance of maiy of the most e. ive and spirited buyerd in the province. We até pleased to notice the still increasing energy of the stock breeders in thal locality in reg~- ularly increasing the # rte of all coucerned that Maire be established and maintained on 4 basis as make them reciprocally profitable, and secure the regular attendance of ' those who are their chief support. ORANGEISN; The Grand Orange Lodge of Wesleri | Ontario met at Orangeville on Tuesday and Wednesday 18th and 19.h inst. About one hundred and fifty representatives were presént; and business of great interest \b, the order was transacted. On Wadneaday, the brethren marched in procession to St. Mark's Church, where the Grand Chaplain Rev. J. Cary, preactiod 'an earnest a imp ve n inesday night the following brethren wale elected Grand Officers :--D. Bolton, hy of Grand Master ; W. Parkhill, hg, ot Rings Deputy Grand Master ; Major J. Byanil; ; of Toronto, Assistadt Deputy Grand 33. Thomas Keyes, Esq, of St. Cathérines, Secretary ; Capt. J. Orr; of Toronto, Assists. ant Secretary ; Capt. J. H. Bessy, of To= ronto, Treasurer ; Major John 'Hoe y of Rosemont, Lecturer ; end Rev'ds. E. J. . Fessenden, T. Rumpf, D.. F.. Halchison; and J. Carry, Chaplains. The post meeting of the Grand Lodge will be hel in Toronto-- Sun. AUCTION BALES. Mr. S. Brethour: has ingtrudréd Mp: J. Shepard to sell by auction on lot 24; in the 20d Con. Georgina, on Wednes. day, March 51h, his excellent and valu. able stock of Horses, Catile, Sheep, Swine, Farming Implements, &c. Pare ties will do well 10 note the date ard altend the Sale. An auction Sale of valuable Farm stock, Implements &c., the property of Mr. Samuel Scenes lot 31 8th Con. of : : i inishi i letely powerless if the country press, bees during ihe past week and have had a A BONUS, d wine | . 1 satiate the enfeebled intellects of our fu. of putting on the finishing stroke and giv- P ely Sa A ) Ing 5 : J . and wine fof sicfamental purposes.-- | Cartwright will Wednes. ture codh sb aristocracy are stiniog heaven) E. 2 further snubbing to our counties | Which is most injured by this tax, be true liyely Ume§lit The Bill igiving work: The Municinal Council of the town of Listen to the 18th Section--No person Ao "12th take Le at ¥ y : councils. 3 "| to itself and to the common terest, and | men a lico gn the work they produce came bg. Municipal Qounell of the S0NR 2 lata sell, give, exchange or furnish any|o'clocks This will afford an excellent and earth with a view to accomplish their design, and they appear to long for the time when the educational funds of Can- ada shall be distributed on principles sim- ilar to those of the midnight of the dark ages when the would-be-better class re-- the limits ot the High School Districts As the law now stands counties councils have the power of defining the limits of the various High School Districts, In every instance the councils have wisely cofffined the School Section' in which such schools with one united voice ask the Government to remove this tax. Whatever is to be done must be done quickly and unitedly and success 1s certain. The 'entire press of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia is al ready coming to the front on this question to up for its 3rd reading. The bill as it stood gave workmen whase pay might be in ar- rears to the extent of $50 the power -of re- gistering their claim against the work they produced. Hon. M. C. Cameron came lo the rescue of the poorer class of workmen, whose case the Government Bill never Peterboro are submitting a by-law to (he electors of that town for the granting of a bonus of $100,000 to the O. & Q. R. Co'y. 'The amount is regarded as ex--- cessive in comparison to that granted by the County, but the chances are that the spiritous liquor to or for any intoxicated person, nor to any minor, not to any wo- man, nor to any soldier, sailor, or Indian, at any time or on any account whatever. So that if a man goes to buy liquor--no opportunity for purchasing such Stoc and Implements as are wanted on alk well regulated farms. 2 Mr: Wm. Lucas is Auctioneer. (Se¢ Posters.) DIED, ceived all the educational loaves and |8r® established. Bat this does not saiisly ; v ._ | touched, and proposed to amend the bill b w i : person under 18 years, nor apy woman| 4 yicyesid lot 9, in the Bil : Mari fishes while the poor were denied the | the greed of those who would take 'all, and surely,Ootario won't be found lagging | oiving workmen a lien if there were $5 By-law will hs oassled, whatever will get any--he must assert | posa, on Friday; 31st inst Joh ochish, aged P pied even th | hose who educationally and otherwise bekind. owing to them on the work. It was amus- | THE PETERBORO COUNTY BY-LAW. |(hat (he party for whom he is getting 'it i 53 yeait, crumbs. ! 1d live off bl ---------------- ing to heat the nabods of the Houeo siand-| ] ed ep ry BOUT I 14 ss m-- Those iaveterale ciemies of sur Dollz would live o the pu lic crib, those who AN IMAGINARY GRIEVANCE ing vp for the larger sum and sevking fo he by-law lately voted on and carried | not tight. : 9 : consider that the children of the sons of toil EXPLODED, prevent the poorer class of workmen from | by the electors of the County of Peter-| The 19h Section forbids under the 4 Schools accomplish their purpose slyly but | have a right to be satisfied with any scrap a receiving any benefit from the act, boro, granting aid by way of banus to the | usual penally, the selling, furnisbi IMPORTANT no less surely. A few years ago the rate- | of education they can catch ; but that the The numerous enemies of the Narrow | (ye find Deacon, Oliver, Paxton and such | O, &Q. R. Co'y to the extent of]giyi dn % 5 Arn > a fi o payers of each School Section could, by | young aristocrats must have all'the educa- | Guages are about as anxious to air their | urging the aristocratical $50; but the Gov- | g150 000, is about to be tested in the I ie bain et bis ¢ ; Ton " 1 . . OU, 3 Ai Bi A # majority of votes, at the commencement | tional luxuries, but the fathers of those | grievances, real and imaginary, as the | ernment was not 50 doll as not to seo the | courts, C. S. Patterson, Q. C bas been | a. 45 roakes itoxioation Vitalin Auction Sale ! of each year say whether the School for the coming year should be free or have a rate-bill. This was all that could be de- sired, the people bad the best right to know which of the two ways suited them best, and further than that it always left in the hands of the people of the section pay for the luxuries to these others. order to secure this iniquity an attempt being made to get tlie law so amended as children who get only these scraps must In compel counties councils to: diwmide the whole territory in the county into as many High School Districts as_ there are High Schools in the county, and then every mendicant is to hawk his sores ; but of all the bogus complaints hitherto urged that by the grumblers on the cordwoed question met with a fearful disaster last week from the publication of a statement of the num- ber of cords carried by the Nipissing.-- That statement shows that for the past 13 is fo absurdity of the position and adopted the amendment ot the Opposition, and even went a little beyond by leaving the amount unlimited and in this way the bill was read a tinrd time. The next #ubject of discussion was the now famolls Timber' Limits. The gist of this Timber discussion was whether the commissioner of Crown lands is justifinble instructed to move for a Rule Nisi to quash the by-law on three gromnds. 1st that the amount of the existing debt of {he County is not truly set forth in the by-law. 20d, that the by law was carried by illegal votes. 3rd, that one of the returning officers was not Jurnished with of the law, and any person found ii a state of intoxication at home or abroad may be arrested by any person or persons who find him, who shall deliver him to any peace officer and said peace officer shall deliver the offender to some justice of the peace iho shall cause the offender to tell OF Valuable Real Estate; a mean of compelling to a certain extent | ratepayer within the District will months the Toronto & Nipissing Railway a a Sd aeipally elit of Volors, Rho supplied the liquor or fine bim $20 IN THE FLOURISHING the attendance of those cliildren for whom |be taxed alike for the maintenance of | bas accommodated tHe public in the mat- | ljament, and in the entire absence of any| The Rulehas been granted and it will and costs or send him to prison from free schools was the greatest object.-- Parties would say, "Well I bave no ob- Jection to a free school if all the children will attend but there is no good in offering a free school if those for whose benefit it . is made free do oot take advantage of it;"' and by this means such pressure could' be brought to bear on the parties chiefly ben: efitted by the free school that a better and more regular attendance would be the result. The Schools were passing on quietly and comfortably and the working of the system improved year by year ; but the aristocratic School law tinkers pre. fersed'a change and obtaining the ear of the legislature got the law so amended tliat the people were left nd" choice but the High School. shameful injustice nnless the people step extravagantly costly house. possibility gain The Government will certainly be induced to perpetrate this to prevent it by petitioning the legisleture against the iniquity. It won't do to allow it to pass with the idea of having it revoked, for the very day the amendment passes ifilleen or twenty thousand dollar High School Houses will be contracted for and if the amendment were sgain sel aside the whole district would have to pay for the Wouldnt it be a piece of transparent in- justice to force men who cannot by any the slightest possible ter of cordwood ta the extent of 1,410 cords on an avétage every pooth. This is a very material accommodation and all that could be expected of that company--in fact all that they could in justice to other forwarders give to the cordwood traffic. The demand for other traffic was very gieat and their rolling stock was tased to its utmost. - They are again making a considerable addition fo their rolliog stock in the parchase of two additional locomotives and 70 freight cars. eee ener. MODEL FARM, benefit from these Schools to pay as much, and in many instances more, towards their maintenance than those who reap all the benefits which such an institution is calca- The special commission's grazing on the strength of the Model Farm isabout over lated to confer. and Guelph is said to be the favored lo- information as to even the approximate value of the property he was selling, no less than 3,200,000 ucres of timber land, thus giving away a large portion of the countiy's best wealth to enrich a lot of greedy lum- bermen. Some of the speakers, both min- isterialigts and opposition, handled the sab- jeer well bat to hear some of the would be orators talk timber puts one in mind of a circomstance which took place once at the ordination of a certain Presbyterian minis- ter. Mt eo happened on this occasion that an unusually large number of the Rev. Brethren were present eo thal when it came 10 the laying on of hands on the head of the brother about to be ordained, one of the brethren could pot get sufficiently near to touch the head, so stretching forth his cane he places it on the cranium of the young hopeful saying # that will do! that will do! timber tg timber I"? So the timber orations of ome these worthies sound precious like timber to timber. Friday the 21st was the day of all the come up for argument in May next.-- The by-law has every chance to be quashed. To make matters worse a fierce by-law feud is raging in that county--the north against the south. Io the mean time C. S. Wood, M. F. P. for 3, Victoria, taking advantage of the Railway feud in the County of Peter- boro, seeks to encourage the secession of the northern townships by the introducti into the Legislature of a Bill in which the fcllowing 1s part of one of its clauses :-- Aod whereas 1t bas been made to appear that, since the presentation of the said petition, manifest injustice has been done to certain townships in the northern por- tion of the County of Peterboro here. inafter mentioned, and it is just to remedy 10 to 30 days. Such are a few of the enactments of this Draconian code. We wonder if it never suggested itself to this modern Draco to politefy ask the Government to probibit the manufacture of the stuff, and thus save all this rigmarole of vaworkable nonsense. ANOTHER LAW MAHER. = Mr. Bethrne, & late import to the Legis- lative A bly ap to have a paternal care and regard for the somewhat sensative aerves of old ladies, male and female who have the misfortmue to reside in ciliery towns and incorporated villages. In proof of this he has recently introduced a Bill into the Legislatare with a view to taking the wind out of thai¥sweet musical instrument Town of Port Perry! -pfpe ~ MR. HARRISON MAW Hating deeded the following property to us lo 5 trast, for the benefit of his cre: itory we Shalt - offer the same for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION! ON SATURDAY, - 29nd FEB'Y, 1878. AT 1 O'CLOCK, P.M. AT FOY"'S HOTEL! IN THE VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY. * PARCEL No. 1. supply of cattle, and 1nproving the quality. Thid is as it t to be, ¢ there is no gains wiflibat paiiis" and its only by the united ang combi eilol . . ) Take, for instance, a resi- the steam whistle. If Mr. Bethune gets the schools must always be free. Well a} cality, and F. W. Stone the favored in| days of the session-- Budget Day--Hon Mr. [oo "od ig expedient to grant the |}! whistle. I ] Horse. dad Leck ron Barty Serie abe. the broad backed tly-dri ._ | dent of any of our sections in Reach, say a| .. . i Crooks presented his maiden statement. It 3 4 Sige 8 his way of it the inhabitants of cities towns | House . on Perry t, containibg Nl he broad-backed, gently-driven, easily resident of the Nouquon. That waotion ie dividual whose farm is to purchased for vas maiden bowever only in matter of time, [ PTayer of the said petition : and viilages will hear that pleasant music shout footie of a A om, on 2 ridden ratepayers went on without even telling the legislature to mind their own business, they swallowed the the change without a grimace. This went on for a .. little ; but the people bad taken the late " dose so quietly that the "tinkers tried a second twist. Hutherto it bad remained no more, as the 1st and 3rd sec. of his bill forbids the blowing of steam whistles for any purpose whatever, whetler con- necled with railways, factories or any thing else, within the limits of any city, town or incorporate village in tue province, under a penalty of $20 for the first offence $50 for the second, and $100 for the third. (Rather expensive music.) the Model Farm. - Fortunate Stone! And Guelph may prick ep her ears at the idea of becoming the sgrizeltural metro. polis of the province, unless it may, like Mimico, esperience the truth of the adage : There is many a slip between the cup and the lip." with kitchen 18x20, attached thereto. PARCEL No. 2: House and Lot on Perry Street, containing about one-fifth of an Acre, more or less, on which is erected a new Frame Cottage 18x24, with kitchen attached thereto 18x20. PARCEL No. 3. Hotge and Lot on Perry Street, eontaining not in amouat, for in this it ia @ giant in ite way as it shows that the estimated expen ditare of the province for the year 1873 is $2,771,028. It is abundantly obvious that the Government is determined to make hay while the sun shines, and they are certain- ly putt it on preity thick. TWO MILLIONS, SEVEN HUNDRED ANDSEVENTY-ONE THOUSAND DOL- The clause winds up by setting forth that any number of these morthern town- who choose to join together may give aid to the Lindsay, Fenelon Falls, aod Otta- wa River Railway Coy to an amonnt not exceeding the sum of sixty thousand dol- lars ; and ths County Council of the small, still the people have come forward like meu, put their hands into their own-- not their neighbor's pockets as our High School worthies are begging the Legislature to allow them to do--and have built them- eelves a comfortable School House and have paid for it. Now they have hired a com- in the power of the Counties Councils to | Petent teacher and ate taxing themselves -------------- LARS for the actual expenditure of the pto- | cote of "Peterboro shall, within at Those parties whom the ne Toast, with Micaen say. whether our Schools should be- super ats high figare to maintain an efficient | ONTARIO AND QUERED RAILWAY. AU i iss Yeo of Erase is Yemat three weeks after" & petition ender man fois token mnder ba special. Sate attach to. BE school ; say a tax of $14 on the $1000 rata- | heaves will they do with itall 7 The late] the third subsection of section five of the |Won't thank him mu es PARCEL No. 4. intended by county or by township super On the evening of the 18th inst. Mr i f i irty-| ithin the cities follow the example of ; i 4 TC pn. lpn: th igs of Eo ory, Br Ch 0 ATS i Spr bl, cnr, Dhadegbn Ah "HRA ces. the Countizs Councils who knew be!- | ip oir Hien, Te Public dy other --- brought the merits of the 0. & Q. R. before NE inery im full force and effieiency could res shall have been left with the clerk | would be guardian of the late sleepers off Fowdry, a teh than any other legislative body in the | whe; 1d 1d Joe gand | large and intelligent audience in the | not use any more thar $1,816,866, bat the | or the said Council, submit a by-law to be that city had passed a law similar to the PARCEL No. B. Sia} where we would ask, wou the justice e course of his | blatant economists, who, letting the end I i one asked for by Mr. Bethune forbidding | A Frame Cottage, 30 36 wits Kitclien, on the land what sort of superintendence was best | of making the inhabitants of Nonquon who Town Hall, Lindsay le 189 sou iy fom he moans, anatohed the helm of ai | voted on by the aly Shelled re y rgd] hi ws within the pi ste Wary Shishi wih of h of tr aers ofa i i i p address, which occupied over an hour in |L. : A bi - such townships, an Il pass the same if | fact \ 3 .S. McCaw. LA suited to their several counties preferred | can receive no' partiole of benefit from the vers or. Fowler stated. that the faire dn a Oy om, Jaatng) = aly aa 4 nt ant she do 41 limits to use tho steam whistle under a PARCEL No. 6. Pon Perry High School, turn in and assist nalty. The whistles being Pott Perry in maintaining it by paying as township superintendents. But this did | something must be provided to not: suit the educational autocrats, the heavy difficulty in mak. ) silenc you know, find no cent more A Lot of the South side of Queen ing "away with -over 50 pex a fn SEL SE Si Ra other acts and things that may be neces- toute by Lindsay would give a mueh larger ; sary to give effect te the objeet of the local trade to the road than either of the : : much per dollar ratable property towards it 8 than the Sandfield government asked.-- i Ii let the workmen know when to leave] tion of Mr. John Diesfeld asa Jewelry > cho! aw mast pl bo. Vn ketad, and as the inhabitants of Port Perry, while the othek iid routes under 4 aeideraligs, tout Job Se eld' Government could run the petitioners A : and refurn to their work. So the em PARCEL No. 17. out Counties Councils enub dy and told 0 do not pay half as much of a rate fo- by Williamsburg, Port Perry anc By | muchine well on $1,816,866 in 1871 ; but The 20d clause provides for fhe con. | 1oyers agreed and each of them id= Lot on the Sou tide of Queen Sirest FI # that 'they are unfit for the position which | oo a0 heir Pablio Scheol ss the former do. and that south of the ridges. It would be the present Government has the cheek 10 | gruction of a branch of said railway to)ed his work with a gong of the largest frontage of 80 fect by 8 depth of 165 fost, on whieh are ask $2,771,028 for 1873. We are becom- a great feo le and learning to spend like lords. alk f division Hl swpius 5 why ust give hon. members planty of rope and they will soon make the surplus beautifully less -- certainly wo} enough to quarrel over. oa' longer than either of the lutter routes but being through a level eountry would be much more easily construpted. Bat in con- sideration of the divergence from the direct Jine which coming to Lindsay would oo- at present occupied by Messrs, Rolph and no The above husiness stands are on the Main Street, and in the business part of the place. ie 1g pienso fe Tome [ry Tn STEER the town of Whitby and one to the village of Oshawa. iit § eee MANCHESTER FAIR. The Manchester March Fair will be held It is needless however, lo single out one section more than another, the injustice ie the same all over: Ifany section consider that they have material to supply a High they occupy, and not even. worthy of making 8 choice .beiween county and township superintendents, but in future they must appoint county superintendents, imeusione, and the following morning at a. m. there burst over the city such an infernal racket of gongs as shook the very windowpanes, made the 'nervous stagger and awakened all the sleepers of The good nat unity swallowed | Scbool let them bave ane but let them py | Co) yo company would look for a bonus Let our estimates Increase at the rate of that were alive in the city. This dose|bevmviaest | co 0 : ho, "ao ays fo ho ory nd. bot ek to 'sma 3, CV poe Go po nw, | 0 Tov, Bh 1. Ths | L080 clr a, | TATED \ and open poauth," say pothing. o aol tee pe But who have HE Lindsay weuld be expeoted to give. soon toueh bottom in the matter of 'surplus. | gontinue to vise in the estimation of all and She disscu whale & He A ye For ieulre EE Ie A kor, Gung th 18 bore fom bot who Wve ul thar "LL 0 ening th won ro Ea evr ind he ng e151 P| hou in wos orn hi neh ie while, _ co--, people willing to "ewailow any educational | ? Intion rect ding liberal I ic Ae of nD To thy are established, the sellers and buyers of ah Broliersi. Public School, to assist in maintaining a school 10 feed the" pride or ambition of another section who monopolize any. benef! Lashioh may be derived as outsiders cannot participate. 3 ee er to ion of the road on condi- N EXPENSIVE TRAM: go ® istion be srceted within the AS ExPES i corporation, was curried by the meeting. 5 J. 1: WATKIS, AUCTIONEER. Sa ? gal powers that be, unless the people whothank stock, parties lo whose energy and enter- providense, re still ail powers) sviat sheie prise agricultural countries are perhaps . ; protest and b 1e¥ | ore indebted for their prosperity than: fo e don'l.cara a= lu} ong PaTly other elass except it may be the tiller of 'dose which may b& administered, and not : ASH ate he rrer The late firm of Lewis & Nixon of Pro-| Port Perry, Jan. 24, 1875, ree - tun notoriety have proved a pair of rather, JupeR LYNCH n CANADA, or her we go in for the party expensive customers. Their late Proton | : l A mj refused Es eee A $600,000 BY-LAW KILLED, - Oa Friday last the citizens of Toronte voted on the proposition to grant $600, 000 additional for the purpose of con- structing a new Water-works for the city ority of 245 voted it down and this In. the shanties io the, township of Ab: binger, two of the hands had showed a bad spirit to each other for' several weeks, every occasion, on the night of the 7th quarreling and: threatening each other on | a million nmenl, coals dollars wasted by grit extiav the country quite as much ae i a a a Laing uld judge "Pp! : government has so far d an expensive toy compared with the late inst. the strife culmivated in a brutal fight and one got well pounded, after. which all Eh HAE ny Ae ; coalition ont of John Saeid, "eopte wal song weiryes opened... 55 sd gy v . the soil ; and those parties who are insiru- mental in establishing and promoting such fairs are publio benefactors. . The prices at the late fair were not such as met the views of sellers, but they were all that buyers could to give, and they were at least as high as those given in any other market similarly situated, they were ail that buy- ers could give and save themselves. exploits have cost this province $798 in hard cash besides a large amount of, time and labor. Only think of $399 for each besides whatever casual advantages as on- ly such tricksters know tow to secure: We admit they did not pocket all the cash, but they caused the Sosy 10 expend that nt their | t interference with the Do hie Anchite:. The above Sale has Been postponed until Bat-* urday, March 8th, to take place as above mes" tioned. y X INO. & DJ: ADAMS) Port Perry, Feb. 26,1873. a] > T S fon LY