Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Dec 1872, p. 4

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Nm IE -- By = ie ED 3 aw gt TE bis a is 4 After an age of fifty years they both digg, also at the same place, a at the same instant, yet ome he LT ov hl wa ia] possible 7 Not ho keep our friends inf] ? suspense, the olution turns on a oN ' but with a little reflection, a very obvious point in circumnavigation, A person goile | Fit pa mn ! PORT PERRY. Lobe ro 5 a now inform | eround the world towards the west loses a cols ly that he lng moved " day, and towards the east he gains one. place Mh le Slam ail oce of Wanted to Purchase | : ares Hato class x Caer ant s , then, : Eon ng wiolerj which he feels ean Fully meet the - wishes: 0 om Thales IYI | pk Rint pont PERRY, i 4 RR ele a high sugily loth as to , te and Free. ny . . ; : fo ho ors 2 yo! FR | Moteraion in Fees |e at ian arm A = Shop hi i Hira as * i 8 Mai ri tok tal $1 00,000. Instalments re-payable | October next, must, without fail, id gn or 'before t ai . Wot for by the 81st : ~ oui] Soper arial, | © Jewelry, FeO "GIOT Wirt, | Met ale fo by the will di to the others: Fair Dealing, bs SD | Lands Bought and Sela | Pott Pony, Sept. 38, 1671, ema sy [le 12 exerping) : sails annually towards the east, be will te}. |: qud Attention to Business, 0G GOING CHEAP 1] Beveralgooa Farms for Sale. 11 : If wal | 31 Ti 1d il % A WILLIS, Soden 3 % fifty days in advacce of them. Oe; To Fo eeuee a incrdased shor of iil patron Aina ment som op et hat ee first class Fire Tosi bao DIG POR WEL ww Papa: therefore, will have seen one hundred days "i so Stock Is_chofes 'and | completé, eonsleti eting | = qT N X | i] Hor. 18,1872. ' Lg : E more than the other, though they were of Bureaus, Sideboards a by Hlader Pie Pictures frome an i ates P ini bora and died in the 'same place, and |at| Pictare Framijng and Bepairing Furniture the same moment, and even lived continu- | {oR °8 the best tern : Hodis a yi HI | ; wien Agricultural Societ p ally in the some latitude and reckoned UNDEEX Gin. all iu : a PERSONS HAVING 1 ty! : time by the same calendar. i or Cis hts soot ie ston} orris & Gos. (Celebrated 1A Lasarus, | ; ! dao os VIET Ena £5 Le pared 1 eat ey arent to 39 Ars hou, Funerals fully supplied, and a . Tig ] or, Store! PRIZE MONEY | r of your life ; Fagus dw ace d as dF Pe moer ya Jodied y w 08 o Ey Sa without doing exactly what is to be do ¢ a Sobosita th o Gio fe," 8 Erg > : ---- aioli fy / cordnace Shes) Doma Eth a by «du it and going straight through it, from. ; B R 0 0, K 3 IN. E883 Eg RT WD FT eas a. a n Cn ww io Rrtlied to pa : 4 beginning to end. Work, play, stu i Ww, HEPINSTALL, E T qf ; W. LA jo Yi 5 LE , ! ; WILLA scorn. - whatever it is--take hold at once and : | Brooklin, Oct. 2,182, i iA q i J ; Vioronita Hot, finish it up squarely and cleanly ; and them: : {i i Sign of the rH and: Mote Soott's Se Prince Aiamer. g # to the ext thing, without letting any ? n dmoments drop out between. It is woh. derful Lo see how man ous hess prop Firs oO 1a ass H e lear se epee con afrive (o make of a day j it it a" 2 provided when T= undersigned. dasirg Tm to return PRINCE ALBERT ! a 3 a : x fend a oh es the peel atiention ne the pute 10 'theif extensive rely. importedStock of | TO THE PUBLIC OF THE DRITISH PROVINCES | ] if they picked up moments tLat fhe daw Phils oe J hs Ci ik od tomers fof ie iiveral Spport gt WE 24 the nies BRANDS of PURE LIQUORS, eonsisting of -Brandies,--Gins, Hol. oF non ANH . yp el Ayes Tomb, Stones #pd-Monvagats, | while in business in this binve and would aldo land and Old 'Lot -- Wines; Port, Sherry, &e.yo-Rum-- Whisky, Malt and Old Rye Y ng mont. rerpiecifilly so seam thy Be be 4 lers lost. And if ever you find yoursel fo: JOHN WoTr. inform them, t! hat he has John, Bull: Bitters; fo. Ji | mien hte Me Tat pi ) where you bave so many things pressirlg Pet Rey, 0ct 43 167200) 46 1 A large and well seleste d Stock of Fresh Groceries of superior. quality; - : faused the business at 80. Maiden ad) 'aojromar puv™ 03 Our Teas can't be beat! Try thery |. We guarantee that for excellence i in he ot ba io an wi Fas pre] CER quality, and moderation in price, they cannot be beat in North Ontario. that { have' retin o kiow Ea » management of A choi: lot of T'obaccos, Spices, Pickles, Sauees; Soc. ls WOH ay et a Me nd PURE DRUGS? RY aod retail. Also the best qualites of Chica | ner SHR Rh Kr 1 o i oli SR Cs AT on : of the very first one coms to band, and you an baa. rest 1b fall into a ie and! OPENED A SHOP In fhe Sore recentlploccupied, bral. # Fiyon, £1190U SJO0[0) PUS SITNT 30 SPUITIV. 1182 03 [[94 Op pinoa ouy] si uj Sujqy A MOP 'S001 JO £39119A 14018 wOS[Y "puvy 30 PU® pojBiqe[a) §,[[9SSnY I9A L BITUVH HIEVM ' Te J SHA | Dye Stuffs; Paints, Oils and Varpishes. Thoroughly reliable Patent Medicines. eae bo deegived by ] fullow after like a company of well drilled Oppesite his late Shop I os or Books. ant Stationery. purions reaches 1 PRT 4 soldiers ; pgThough Work may be® hary Destroyadiby fire, aid Foul ain leith SUES @ "3 K Liquors, for. medicinal purpoish carefully selected. tod of the, genuine Hou mats | Pits il: ee; " : 10 meet when it changes in a squad; it is}s ¥:. [tiguanes of their patronage. |. 7) 118 5 ; . exer yibi g in Sock is Wf swporior quality and will be 'sold at the lowest remunera era pat Lebel Be Bric "Britt, , Govern yl easily vanquished if you can bring it intp I have a large quantity of nog Baal LS 4 R or b he aladdo wiite Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert, Wats PILES AND Orv Iaene ead he a0 A live. - You maydave often seen the anech - Baas & SHOES £2 2 8 gHisMiber he Bi po .'M. WILLCOX: fir phe Ey 3 dote of the man who was asked bow Lg SER -- Prince Albert, Deg 30, 1869. 36 Te reall rite aig on 4 lye Hnbels ish currency, - h had co bis life. -- i 4 Ed od - No representative. of mine will ever travel thro " 1 EY © ® > any pail of he British Provinces, or the United hroush d " My > 4 s the reply) BY rom Hiss 4 either to sell, oro take orders for my Pills and Oint- » Sid °F RB men, and as ave reason to believe hat utiempis f " when 1 bot tug todo, 0 go and| pup GREAT REMEDY FO! £18 Bib Uf '0, J D 0 N 0. V. A N. . Sri tery prouaiy bo made i decuive the public in 1h x persons sal pra falvely PRACTICAL = ° ferereming he he Si Sue hu wr doit" 'There is the secret-- the magid 1 SA PIE di : : t h ord now, -- Eachange. G ONS U MPTIO! N {on EES MORONALD, | i Rn | i aad hie 8 Taller, al which can be cured by a [wn Manufa cture, ® 4 RB Ei... PEALER | Cortinge ia a k € re 2 me th mp ae oR ger beter than men ; according to Plu- timely resort to this stand- fend NEWCASTLE ONFr ' dfn Gl mous CONSTANTLY oN HAND. 4 NEAR THE TOWN RL; hang ert not be defranded of thei tarch they can resist the effects of wing| 2rd preparation, as has been os worthless imiustiony ot 2 NO: anh : '1 wold asks a favor, 8 1 Pettis 5 avcordiog. iv Sri they grow| Proved by the hundreds of |ypeca® sive uo call ore prcinaipe Bee. My hrs, To i) si La BROCK STREET, WHITBY I se Enowiiat!s" hates 4 Hid dad ES ' ' -d testimonials received by the nu < PICHARD WARRINER" Marble Work, suitable for Cemeferies, jes i : to ILLS, AND O18TM at short notice. Also Peterhead and Aberdeen send n.e all the parficulars he ean collect rer od i the same, (hat is to say, the ome and adds, roprietors. It is acknowl- |Port Perry, Sept. 18, 1872. +: 49 | Granite. : i vendar who is selling fhe spurious medicin Piiaey, they rye dom sucked ky loony) POD (5 Parties will find it to their advan-| egies va Buggies a a on havi 'made from, best iy 'Work Eh aud pdr tows he an mm, dged b t on the contrary, they will run after lions;| © ged by many prominen tage to withhold their orders until called ate Leaner With neatness and di paid to. 1 foasio rable me. or the protection of the public, to i hysicians - tobe .the most | VE Ty Se LE : w RRANTED. ve © | natitate proceedings against such. evildoers, and. § nd rd 1; ugter, the talk . P Ly! .x ». ' { Tok ARRA engage to remuyierate very handsomely any person Cel ET Eh & reliable reparation ever in« ; he oo 5 £3 ]4 [lon Merino may give | win such information, the infor marily d A t ¥ bad ¢ gent, "be. roduced for the relief and A ; To Should ny person have reason {0 hélteve' that ry tio: te 11 re * been d cif tari T= Era Eiin= Castrol or of all-Lung complaints, ; i" St on guaaatend and oll mak wi Medicines, be wil 43 WEN treo Hh ledge of the natural laws which govern the] and is 'offered to the public, operations of digestion and nutrition, ana o a careful application of the fine ie sanctioned by the experience <5 Mt ; ng foot (which h . Janunaryi10, 1872. i! 3-re bi ih ) 20% {vhits en do m oes of dl ne YT a xed (0 the same. I promise 10 examine it and pend } 3 B 5 ey £3 : LTeplv. tuting Nbgther the Medicines are rind er oi pe| of over forty years. 'When felt SEP or Ja * RO Puram oor a Sab a0 she poracn from has b's resorted to in season it sel- eg pigs ud =You can get the best and che Teapost Pi Pump in the Province Heise EE be eal 1& sblab i; stv ue any hoary ost bite Gioy| dom fails to effect a speedy I ¥ sys} hx A ef, tor SL 8ave us man eavy doctors' lis," -- - i 6 8. 03 es : Service Gazalte, Made simply with Buil- cure in the most severe 2, 2ils a =k; sq ud At J. I rR Vv I N°? S gf Ointment, nett, without ut acti for which remit dEUS Bon CELI cusesof Coughs Bronchitis, Hig BO} PATENT PUP FACTORY I rin. ed--6 Jan 0 hy w 28S Ctoup; 'Whooping Cough, # JEmg ; a With great respect, "TL Sn ite, horde E PF 4 21 4 ah Influenza, Asthma, Colds, TO THE wy 3 ELV TI Be a Ay os THOMAS moLLOWAY L - Who - , Ozford Si flake 344, Serandy pow RE Yi ondy Moped Sore Throat, Pains or Sore- IN H A BIT ANT S ik, sEE \? J £2 = 'B oO: R BE L I A | London, WE. Ooms, en of dimetic articles, at theis worke n the finesd: i tho Chest {and Side, i.® T = = 2 CHE PRICES ; . an au, Losuen' Caseeite Howse: ins Com, laint, Beading Fr B Ee Oonishi | 1 hold Guide. aot the figs, Sooo Westar's N th R h or oy os wl SEE . Li HEE ghs Hi ng he, = dry up a orthern Reae $3 £2 Be . FORCE:PUMP- A camplele FT a Valuable Property for i : a ho 3m fC 3 "$lose and pling complet for 825. I - Couglf; and 1éave the cause -- EL 5 i 'sal first | behind, as ie 'the case with THE PLACE TO - £3 Ea Bil J {| Patent Swing if Pamps 80 gin for foot, Ca cough contracted between now wed Curis, most preparations; but it- i . : iis od & li 2 Conson Log Palme rs ry ote per foot. TE propisior ote Tor le hat excellent us Eh HA Niaur, = EE = Jsapess uh | als2t) rE i= ha i un i Common turned Bastion Pumps OH ols per foot. ! 8 medinily' opporia tl ED ran no better remedy than Johnson's 2 hung, na 'allays' irritation ! . = iors 4 man, Prince 4. oral 4 dig ibe thr thus ing the cause, of ||. { Ot Ea? deo! | lo' Yciniara Pumpéga complete Pam fc firom $3 up tb " convenient aes fort every. ay oo oka Hi, it shou! be used ernally 4 | the complaint. ¥ 'a by 2 & 29 3797 1% iow; } 4 -- Also yy other snp of amp at Se BRE Me Ti Pi) Biri be tied 198 ! ) Dry Geode. Sgi299To 3 : y " 45 | SETH V, TOWLE & SONS, Doses, Massy | God, ) E Jap 31a ns 8 = Eqially.. Low, Rates. git gay Fuster of us swe, with i pi fever, common cold, catarebl fe- FT SM Solera ality 111} Clothing, : 5 22 y q Yeti had 1on¥ eines no Building in the largest factories in Cnbada + and the better situation could bs dered for Com- 5 ver, and pasal dischirge of a brownish] | L N : Be and" Shon, 2 E87 Hovie reed Unived States, {Ho apbechiber Teele. ident that he can perfectly gatisfy all that will favor him | fort, Th Health yang Convenience. of land's ics SE color in horses, may be checked at oace ERS, 4 wi SO ne YS Hardware Zz iz )e ; | . | Altbrders fi fr Whethenby mail of otherwise promptly: attended to, ° ' PL East 4 a of Prince 'Albert, i a Ls Lice A Uetiofieays | AP Tinware, ares, % GED vido palin' on sop Ep Ade ©" | JOHNIRVIN, Bomeuta, }*ionn te the Target fold "ge Inthe. - re! o " i FOR TH : Stati 1onery, ! z £3 = 2 1pe A a5ié a \ For futher particulars apply to! ~*}) () i ( L § ix. ir IN TARIG, Patent iin Le, 838 i=a0107) Money, a Sn not oolysalieves, but cures that enemy tof | th cdhduct Sales anywhere 2s a ue h mankind, Consumption, as well as the nu Ai He their Sales in our hands may Gx; ge Numerous satelites which revolve round it Rie tho uimos: attention being given io REENBANE ORE Le Jog on NS ST oN' S tin. sap HI tiki. Aoi oa & t. of Money..: 7 We ofterto our enstomeny for. the comin, po o loud upon. ila iy _ NN Hirt mo distinct hi which inf. g 3 \\ 8tylé and: construction, enibrace the latest it % R= 'most useful improvements of the' day.| UNUSUQ a Rat i YARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, os. os Th . 0 of ntergst. FLO Li ald 8 hdd p aT icon : 1029 item 2 guivsii A 4 i gaze ld se | Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit iy 2 i buatiin the borrower. i e ap, Porp Perry. Te te Sora jr nah. aiid aly, | ws A | | 3 | | i : Also several Improved Farms, i ha D re TTT IT sia a ee ae. | + Which offered encouragement, was used by ply Sa . bo 1th, 1869. gi RY GHAR ES; i A -- FYE unddighot ke 5 ATER Wogleil er aol me. a miog #YOHoe ATI7ued ST. wp GE tate bas opened a branch of hi business : Whigliy ; oFICE 50 CHURCH oscast ar g a : ) ) t in the' rary a hi ~{ UXBRIDGE, | fis ae ond po. 2 Yoh lms ein a msi japrered, ve that a2 in : in the shal de qdot dents: Bronchitis, | if Town, is algo agent for all kinds of Ag- sore theoat, influenza, &e., The remédy | riouitaragimpi jm Ei fo lg SPE Sui 3,100. RAH we allade tois Da. Wisrar's Barsam|pAll © n. : Snr oe . 0, To saan RY Sh we oF WiLp Cagney, prepared by Sera W'. | Qctober 31 1872. + Fowwe & Son, Boston. shootX Egil | g 4 - 3 A \ 2 PZ esnibrotl @No MoUcR)in ioe : 12th June, . i yo ENE (Tet. 1 10m, Near Prince Albert, : 2%, Joxshl ELLOWS, anys HH aN { 'H \ 9y St. THEA 5 brsatmone: pd JET { Dear Sir: Having "used your chemical od Town Preparation of Hy pophosphites, which was tprreg Farm recommended fo me by a. Biagio, r= a odd years my health has on dati notwilbatanging every means possible 35 per mon Lic Pees t; hand. Sheuses none Sie bet en Copp " i] Ee Sl ITIAge viconses4) i Fi tt Tole | wr da uni it ogy JCEM rT ie ahd : Hc catr tie Toss abv} on . eT; Nit prom a ; : ate we wots ene wh EE : i HEE Agila : TH and comparis " ; fa Gils Paine WAL Al ol hy a de a convil i i offer. J FLT Se [roel 1 : tard angrrepy Pi x hil x S21; built iru for eo Homer ; : < 5 Sed gh go the good Pictures that are aa uy i Wake. , BORELIA | P.0.~REACH trade *¢ Tait 8 yin ip Boe gaa HOY;

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