AMATEUR ENTERTAINMENT, ] © A Grand Amateur Entertaiment took} | place in the Public Hall, Prince Albert, on |= 5 and ey. pm nege oy Ban ney Jone the Evening of Tuesday, 21st' inst. ~The. ORDON'S Store Albert, in conseqionce of the rush. of grain [ts sorermr , uceeeded in bringing bis Isbors | was crowd wilh. reopoctible 404 Sapuefac] Mamohester. |PUKio tess markets, makes. out ug it mont clive 0 A Gnocessful terminstign by the | PPI€Oistive agdience, which, togethet | ory in ay lor om . { = nym hd winter the most cheerful season of the year, |ing time. to . members to" di. f'a class of Direct ories of the with the tasty manoer in whieh the plaiform bai is Himoelf 6 Base, § tome and have ibom pro- |, oT a cpt ri and. the 'Hall in general was stranged, [fa eh, for that of | himself bs : ie . Te Rw ibe Sto us| get et The at ions ct omy on de up apperncn, ud seme 0 en er, 8 ad nn igi of brs ve determined 10 commence selling Goods on' Y ages at lot, The loaded sleighs com- . The document is. certainly most encou-| either continent. A work which "in pofot | promise a pleasant time, which, by the by; iokion _ 8 wa 4 Sg been assailed by this unserupulous vil. & ol Dry Cag Pan Toll each be wd ing ia and the enipty ones going ont, the raging, ag it shows the finances of the Do- | of magnitude ow "satabtishuests would | was 'more than realized. The programme enue Vis Lota prod 3 nd fie »" "Boots and a gi 4 i . ¥ ; ¥ 4 he | Tain who, to use his own ¢* Shoes heerfal countenances and merry laogh o' | inion to be in a sound condition; exhibit-{ dare to udertake: and fewer still would | wasa somewhat formidable on; but préved, | 2 ; - Ne should be dreaded as the will bo aad lo the extent of in|° : AEE hain EO eX ha i anaied ha intimates that I ran away from Madoe,| sh dread * tardy' ye the | Ing, a8 it'does, that the Dominion can live | bave the means to accomplish. The Do-|on its presentation; ty be neither heavy nor tl | : assin, nnd avoided as a pla $5, ated they en ie, produ " pa BAIT 44 lay etek labor, ht it earns and lay up money a | minion Directory and that for. the Province | tedious, the interest was fully" sustained he adds "another lie lo" those he bas al- » 2 En ready been. guilty of concocting. Itook| This contemptible paltroon has : the epartare w gift of the value of $1-of $20, s gill ! Ttis showa that the total liabilities of the | °F O8tario are now before us, and we have |ihrougljout; without the slightest s§mpiom are from that place deliberately, i ith disgracing 'm, Wurth 3250-01 1 32, 3 gi worth 3s 5- for the all-powerful dollar, gives a life and | pominion, including amounts due 10 the Rakes ul i. x Sraie" them Somewing of flagging, from the introduction to that [x announced m: Nave severs] nor * Cbinks if 1 had ~ chaser 'iho may purchase io the extent of | "7 "2100 0 the community ut large, which | ghbarate Provinces up ull July Tat, 1870, mit of examining se extensive works, - Ser iusming Tiutley.-4Gioi "Save: thet wavks: De a d° Tie Hf pect fox mpsell ny Wiles or ov von | 'ther o great desiderata: in|" een. © many warm 'hearted and' tru@ friends, [net cto bl or Shawl wonh $7,|one could wish were of longer duration;t $116,000,000 near] that sinking 3 ey FTN ny rm hear ; I would not luded tos : sa abe r Shawl wont $7, a ay Sa -- po 4 ard hi et [Roffod | 3 are constantly kept in The 'opening Quartette and chorus was fwhop I liave had the the pleasure of re. Conable win wpa) rt = As the Subscriber's Stock of Goods is) - ol Sof ol: | 000 nearly, consequently ihe. net debt of | view--fullness and "These | °aPitally rendered by Misses Scot and | visiting more than once, and to day I eovld | A sensitive regard for my wife's position, large, aad varied, The above forms an ex- dir to of his jniercoutse is of short the Dominion was, at that time $78,210,000 | works as well as pH amount | Cation, aud Messrs. Diesfeld aud Archer, | return to Madoe' without meeting a men | caused me _to-endure his lying oe for ott shasics to purice desiving to por- | duration, its 'lodirect effects are carried | nggrly, Itmay be replied that three years | of useful information no where else to be| Mr. Fountain's Shall ever get mar-|!® his 1gueh Salieri. 4 o ny ay" some Hime, until nr: oe " to bui, found to comprise a lot ofrich Dress Goods ; hroughont the greater part of the year, by | before, viz':-- 1st July, 1867, the Dominion | found are of much more. practical utility, | tied, 1 wonder 7 was capitally sung. » ny ort ; e will be ~ Be oe of Sittuey a tor 'my own / a large lot of Black and Colored Silks, Pop- | ihe indireot business whieh it creates, not | debt was only $75,729,000 nearly. . This is | especially to business men, than any oue| Miss Harnden's « Beautilul Dreamed" $88: Who, 9 leave, h charaele| ; which intimately concerns my Hing, Fronch Meri ? all. wool Sulgens ; to the purchaners of grain alone, but to |"° doubt true, but the purchase of the North | 10 aware of their importance can imagire. | wan really beaatifal. | o L wife, compelled me to sxpose Dehrt- " ¥ . -- . . his : gd nr Seat & : 5 2 his wh of Factor i ping moat parties doing business in the locali West Territory cost about $4,760,000. So Das b Hr men will Jd it ole to their| Dr. Brathwaite and Mr. John Adams. Api etn, pals and reith, eon 'When the Shinings, Cloths, Tweeds, Full Cloths, hn ng Business in the locality: | nat really our income has exceeded our |itErest to take advantage of the dered quatations from Shakesp the prospect of further exposure of bis| editor of a paper, taking ad¥antage of hia® * Beuvers, Winceye, Shawls, &c., &o. Also, | [0 fact, the purchasers. of the grain do not | natural outlay by more than two sud s ielormatigy culle ih so much labor and An instrumental, piece styled « How. i¢ sity? sha 0 rai poste at Taat,| colun ly pad aga eter hi ohiitshioauly out Ready (always iad I profitable; they not anfre- | 30srIer Millions of dollars, EE nen hor. Phe | besutiful thy magic voice," was given with | by distortion of my statements, and abs | iv self. defonca Ake. relorence was nesens: ; : lished at a very low figure considering the By 0 ) : @ans. The Stock of Boots, &c., is large | quently lose, and 'that heavily too, but bad pny go me ro Wo po amount of who pir the indispensible | 100 effect by Messrs. "Adams, Diesfold, |scure bits, to fasten the lie, upon me, -- sary, to strip the: masks from the bypo. autl of all sizgs and qualities, still they will run the risk year anor year ; | year, they 'have had $28,485 10 divide | €O8t of ébtaining it. The Dominion Di. | Biokell,.Oukley and Hunter, and Miss Mc-~ | Willing to' resort to any subterfige, for pb TR Coho e le ive the ; ra oe ; : : ive tory is publie t $12 Direc.- | Dermot. the purpose of propping up: bis Jame at- [ public a trathful ) ir dis. - Whi Sek 11 Dots la ners than vavilly and again enfer the market as determined i 'Whom in'the 'matter of seizares Ry Pubs har rel ec | "wr Yournan's «One Legged Goose, | tempts at ils ignorantly and & eful conduct, and the motives actuating aay, Barger oflred to puichasets| usever ; and weir hey lose by it or | Tho expenses of the precious Marit} pT -----r deta {vues Ratier,. 1s wis wall due: presumptamely sta hat " nied pol 2 aie lock welenp Ind ot In vpwards. | i dq : re ] . aj i h ton i i he ® ke Sugars, very ear Also Fish, and |"%'he commonity gains, aml the sellers (expedition cost the Dominion 35159, ¥ Ce Caddy, Bdge Mie ay Yee his silencerds to be interpreted as proof of compliees, from tbe scorn 'ant indignation; { kery, Coal Oi!, Nails, &e. get the advantage. Splendid fortunes have . The fourth heat of this race ~ibe best | yv1a Mundy's_ianocence and my condempation. | which every " right thinking" person must, . (3 Ladies and gentlemen wanting good | been lost in Prin Albert in the AN IMRORTANT ACQUISITION, i ~ ' X aye. ia ; What' a bright . proposition to emanate | entertain for such unprineipled chara ww» "wrgdins, please call snd examine oods oe u purchase x tL. aunti rcs Bie was starled on the 16th inet. | "iss Haraden's « Lite' Noli" was from an editor |--it must be original.-- | He ta'ks of my disgracing ** the fawily" § g ory vA before purchasing elsewhere; ae of grain, and very iderable, mounts | The inbabitants of this section of coun- | -The usual spread was made in 'the open- neatly rendered -- Chorus bj Miss Cantlon, Why did "be not state thix. ingeaiows (1p| by. my mérriage, butenless posesty, ben A : seat Bargains may be relied on. bave been lost at Manchester in the same |iry have reagon to congratulate themselves op, puch a Sally; Guards of Honor, Salutes, | yng Masars. Archer and Diesfeld. - |proposition in the reverse order ? <The | crime, I fail to comprehend his messing, 3 . ADAM GORDON. | way; but mill the buying goes on yesr|on the acquistion of a very important © Governor's speech contains a fore- | 4) Campbell gave a traly capital | reason is plain to the most superficial mind. | for with all due deference; [ claim that m: i 710g 8 ¥ q ty Jmpo shadow of a large amount of legislation and Ligon) " . 2. ~ a 4 h i : 2 i di + . 2 Read a + . > aso 10 the Subscriber after yout with" unusual liberality 3 ahd aiidition to the Wiaff jwthe per that of a nature which will require all the eading" entitlad *+ This Bridge of Sig will please pay up forthwith and consider | notwithstanding all that Bas been losi, the | so of Dr. Martin, 'late of Lisdsay, so statesmanship and legislative ability which | © °° The Delhi March," a iano solo, was this the last call before ---- "le well knows Mr. Paxton is much more | name, and the record of my family, wil likely not to write, than he is to write, no { bear a favorable comparison with those of malfer in whose favor, and thus be' hopes |* the family." As to dissraciog my wife's .n Manchester and Prince Albert markets are | ell and favorably known as a most skill: | ihe countey can bring to bear.' The trim- given with good effect by Mrs. Alex. Camp- to escape by making another delinquency | connections, [ re 0 munify" than "a skillfol "faithful physician. | fisheries will prove a delicate question, and | **" Cloaks," made ihe Hall ring agai. | poor Mundy. To d:scond to bissmethod | acts, for which they liad not the slightest { Brother Jonathan settling this question. -- Scott. and Cantlon, and Messrs. Archer | made the Havements alluded to, and failing | they are ashamed to bave their names ap- . : °. || and Liesfeld--all i joined i to do so over his own signature, (to use | pear in this connecti it is a wholeso === | many of the buyers would have been much | icers himself with child like coofidence| LS 2I°PIo" Of an intemal gurency wirl | BO Hes nll the singers joined.n the n sg (to use |p tion, it isa me | TOO FAR. bushel of wheat, we admire their courage | his medical adviser, and--under Provi |iroduction cf better system of weights and |'N® 2ceompaniment on the organ. After all bis sweeping assertions, 'and Soniavt, gE 3 t-- all the more for continuing in the field ; lor | dence--the future health and even'life of | measures. ' Dr. Oakley gavevan extract from |base insinuations I certainly expected, in| With boly horror, this ranting. hypoerit Our big brother, the Toronto Globe perpe- ? ! ret 1o state that they = [abo 'the best in the Province. The com. | [0] and successful practitioner. There is| ming vp the affairs of Manitoba and British bell, an argument, for 'his defence. A a ; "Ef Ttarin Woserhyr : {or ihe many advantages arising from the | "00 lt lander. in any otber | Conada wil require to do something more | A O8Pital Quarietie and Chorun, styled of proving a thing, and to decide this mat. | pretext, except to gratify. their personal " * require somo attention. The Election Hill |*H0%u% This was a capital pisce aid had his own Billingsgate) I stamp-'Mundy * a | indication, and warrants 'the supposition, ed Dickens" + I'ckwick." answer to my challenge, that he would talks about my disgracing ¢ the church," trates the following joke in his issue of the Lig TLE v8 ; | bave willfully ahd shamefully disgraced v 28 vinity. Ta mouioh IdOBEOU IG GF isid verlainly nothing more desirable in & com | Columbia will have to be attended to The, Me. I. Davis' Yéndeting of wie' all ing man will" cately at "straws, and so will | themselves and her, by their barbarous f ity i oar grainsbuyers | : : JAMES BAIRD....cooomsucrimminnensns EDITOR | presence of a good grain market in our profession or calling may be retrieved but than stand end gaze on Jehony Bull and )' was given by Misses | ter, 1 challenge Mr. Paxton to deny having | animosity and con'emptible bigotry. If PRINCE ALBERT, FED. 23, 1671, | ™ideand while jt must be admitted" that fio" pio'it iy fatal. The: sickly patient de. CARHYING THE JOKE A LITTLE | better off to-day if they had never bought a (and he ought to do so) into the. hands of | will again be dp; also S®Bill for the in- | ® fine effect. Miss Hannah Currie played foul mouthed" calumuiator and detractor." | that they are beartil 7 ashamed' of - thei while they individually have lost, the. fas- | the farmer depends upon the fait and| The following is the. Gi 's closing Miss Annie. Scot's " Fille du Regi- [come to the point, and endeavor to sub-|and accuses me of layi my : iol is: far: 2 » = ying my * regkless mers and the community at large, have |skill cf the latter. " All that a man batl, | address to the Commons whioh is far. from | ment" was excellent. ge stantiate something tangible against my | hands on all: thatis sacri ei M 18ih instant :-- y B : a te life being unimportant. = - <- Mt. Al 9 h Shirki © 1 have dis; 4d "the ch 99 Tags " ; ofited by their enterprise. It is amusing | Will he give for bis life ; consequently ] i . r. Alex. Campbell's sung ¢ Thethree | character. Shirking the real "issue, he! isgraced . ¢" the church," 'it is not "Nourd ONtAnio Jv Dress (hat « Gone if hear tiivon pin 200s, who ps there can be no mare important acquisition | Gentlemen of the House of Commons : Fishers." makes a futileattempt to cover: his igno- | the first time it has been disgraced, for » nd ) ol ; 1 have given directions that the public | Messrs. Diesfeld, Adams, Bickell, Oakley. | minious failure, by assuring his readers in | Mundy and bis "respectable" accomplices " jamroms con chia Snfversally approved, snd riok 8 cent to establish a market, arrogating | 10 ® COM®UDity than a thoroughly trained ALA ll you. No wit and Hunter, and Mise MeDsrmot gavo a the most dignified manuer, that he is not [got the the start of we. For one who * certain? W thomeolves the rod of Seivg. liber, and skillfal physician. Dr. Martin's re- | iearn wih satisfaction that the revenue for dise IncUumental Jpieco styied « How | soing to descend to my level, and. then |mskes 2 grofemsion of religion, and yetis Our. city colemporary cannot be in ear. abliilg aude orisha because, forsooth, | O74 1¢ ® capital 'one. We. copy the |tho past year dae ii excess of what was | beautiful is ito Rose. talks of Billingszate not being taken for | guilty of ly ne drinking and slapdering, nést in making the above assertion, which | 8 8) Jecausey y \ : : -- . : ._ | estimated gnd thal thé piospeats for the cur Mr. Etbels' Essay on unsu ful : : 10 tall id : y soy errno a lon dlr ore following truly fluttering notice from the | ran, year are so encouraging that roiwith- | men iran. eps, Rese his coenslul | argument, 1 ask any intelligent reader, to | 10 talk of my Widgracing « the church? is hot even founded on fact, otherwise he y i + % t i a pile of brick, with the certainty of making presumes a great deal more than he has Lindsay Post of last week : standing the extensive public improvements compare my communication wil bis ignoble | Simply for exposing him, is tfié 'very quint- . ? which are contemplated you will probably ; 2 atiack on * that testimonial" or his'glowing | essence of. absurdity and: liypocrisy.--- 30 or 40 per cent ou their mo! it "DR. MarTiN.--As will be. seen by | bo able to diminishihy tixation of the coun. | Major Forman and * Miss K. Monteith account of the burning -of our effigy, in| When Mundy 'and his associate Chas. any authority for doing. He asserte that Bipot ou their money, or it may | his card in another co'vmn Dr, Marlin has tty. The estimates for the ensuing year | Ung an excellent duet styled « When ye | which barbarous a he aiid his respect: | Paxton carried their pProselytism to such FB be, invest a few thousands in. a | returned from New York laden with hon | will bp submited 0 yon, and 1 feel assured | 8398 awa Jamio-- Mies Caddy on the piano { jo» accomplices imiontalized: themselves | 8 degree, as to involve the kidnapping of | # Mr. Paxton's conduct is universally ap- Railway or a Bank from which they expect] oF and taken up 'bis residomeo- at -Port {thal you wil be of gpinion that the supplies gave the accompaniment. as ruffians avd blackguards, and decide | ie daughter of a minister oi plowed." tho-Globe knows anything w | F070 0 EY TE Belo de practiée oFiie profotsion +1 Hick Ji Wl bejusied 1s ot oe cle mame oe See Un excallont piano | which sucprs mest. of-his favorit: Bik | denomination, from her pasents. goof, ve o ania, Be esides IF] d of a di f igton , . : ita ; : x : T Ao ELE all of that which hie-spoaks, he must kgow doubly interess on their monay, bevides their | University Dr. M. nog 8 ars before fhe | PIes God Save the Queen?" brought all to ingsgate." He must place a high estimate | Yenture to affirm, that they disgraced not that Mr. Paxion's conduct is not approved & of, and that he has cone nothing worthy of approval, Neithéf would a Reform Con- y H ! ; : ; on this siyle of composition, or upon 'my.| only « the church," but our comn d. full share of the direct udvanieges fo be de-- public as > cadue of Bellefue Hospital Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate and [their Teel and closed proceedings. caine P y oucicommon pr yeulion name Paxton as' a candidate. The Globe, HBWever, brings in a saving and manner, c ) : ami liaruoter, when.ho assures nearly every | festantism, If these are icharactistios. M r men of the House of Commons: | The heagly, we liad almost said bb Fy Whey, 4 ly: every | lust nM ° etistice. of . {ied fois We Wie § ing Jledical Ce go en York, JU the.gte + dy these » nw ns a Welty: matene | owes neo ad 8 a Monet man lie'meets, that I am "not the. author | their shristanity, 3 for one, prefer re i g i ? ; f that letter, and attri it to' ining oa tsi é ale of "lie ehurels: i 10 witness thuse close fisted money hunters | poedic surgery, and special graduate, for Sere So igase Wu lve i a high degree of faction on the part of oe ET re te g rr vine S08 Jule y r he. hn > . faunting their mock. liberality while the | diseases of the chest... The, doctor's nu-| bat the result of your deliberations may, | '0 audience. Port Perey, : Having playa the 'role of | my interview with in iid ¥ merous friends in town and country will re. i' : : + with the di blessi rove conducive | Itwould be difficult 10 conceive of a more lagiaris lime ¢ Wii fork 7 ni Pp wat bora--14 11 ho is paminatod,? (aye. veritable Shilock is a paragon of generosity gre tolearn that be has leit Lindsay snd [in h the ivime Blessing, prove 0 yey apf god i oh ororye a mote p loging ¥ FE be o igen we with & oe fabrication, - whieh, for witfal Br TE " ' | compared to them. A man; who wil fool will envy Port Perry the presence of* one | happiticss of the country. ' Everything passed off most _scrweably aud I . 'and thi yr it a ats. i gtten. has 1 3 that's the sub). and follows it ap by & eon-f. CLL LS fa to' be [ow better qualified than ever to treat sue- | 'Immediately or. tha speaker taking the | #1] expressed themselves well satisfied. en and ¢ rai lis my own, und 11 declared on the memord s (1), night, of Slugion winch in 00 event would loljaw ;--- | B17 Fist He TVRRY WRNIE N06 J 10 Bef opi ey orion ils that © ficsh is' hair |oHAF Mr. Meronaic was an hie font ng 100 | Weihope 10 aco several epleriaioments of | 1°17 oho Prove to the confraty, which | (be rowdyism, that. the: Dr: A a a . His election is sure." +, {the better for if bas no claim on public con- | 1» (We Kays no donbt in Dr. M's, new ing alot ehers mates : UM" | this nature ete the season eloses. Bo on he bis velaim for" his. 14 righteons:aer." Ts ted tap "Dre Our colem finds little diffionlty in. fump- | sideration ; but the grain buyer who from [sphere he will speedily be in, possession of ir John oie satisfactorily aiid the], The commiltee much indebted to _ or bis a xis osld w ui te Ta honorable mo, compared with. ing ala conclusion, but he ought 10 know | eaeen 10 season riske his money while the | 3 Jirge and lucrative practice, snd would Sa . Mrs. Moggridge for Ler generosity in fur is subject, nkeupt | the base rufians wlio would perpetrate' Bo : o his y while the i y and House adjourfied. shi 6" Charlie," if he had to depead solely upon [+0 cowardly a deed. The U thatit is quite possible to overleap the = i 1 cordially 'recommend bim 'to any of cur h ° i nishing a piano--to the Church of England bi bral 4 ede 1 he | bo va 2018 ONLY. CORYerm x 4 certain totbe the gainers by |. : On the 16th the Manitoba sffairs wers | fo (he use of thei ell is own brains and educational qualification: { sation | had with other--in<law mark, and we can tail our city friend tha |" 4 friends n Port. Perry: who may require the | °° and discussed. with 'cbnsiderable be use of their excellent organ and to, "001470 doubt be a literary curiosity | the dav in question kre tis Thaw on ¥ though it were even possible that Mr. fibeir enterprise' ate the ten tof whom ohitf| services of a thoroughly qualified' medical vit ind dan Mr. MeKenate int ty fh tke many kind friends whose valuable as- literary curiosity question, Was one, in which [ v } A tle accuses me of trying to save 'm was'informed by TEL » sistance contributed so mueh. t n / y. own ormed-that, pots Uncle Chatled,) Paxton could steal a march npon the .con- | praise is due. Such men 1eally deserve [adviser. - A., alter which Sir A' T. Galt" intiodused | eves of hei o ie aus: character from scrutiny by blackening my | whose grinning pists is 100 , kh veunlion. and. obtain the nomination, hie | the name of public spinted, they are liberal SERIOUS LUSS, the subjedt of the Fisheries. The mate: | $26.65. 5 veighbor's If this had been my object, 1.| petual to be sincere, had declared if ha ( election would even then be an impoasibil- | in the true sense of the term. All are ready ol was talked over in'sober earnest, as became fol ave sksomplislied bel sore in had frown about the Dr's intentions, te { ftyct Weare quite prepared to admit, the { 0 Ll go into] We regret exceedingly to learn that the | a subject of so grave impcrance. Mr. Mills AN EXPBNSIVE PICTUKE. from oo Nat Tout deviation') would lave puta bullet through bin. ~ a, good service done 10 the country by the v + salon 3 dou ; Bhs te t rom the truth stead of gently | The cowards, when fully aware of his a Globe, pnd we feel satisfied that it will | "© PUIchase cf grain unless they. expected | Stallion being imported from England by | 100k the' Gavetnmant over the Fngéts fof]. i .. |bioting bis spiritual attachment, | intentions; why did they 'not chargehim: ¥ brie HI 10 gain by It, still th very tigky nature of | our enterprising {ownsman Me, Joh Bent- their recréntey in tte affuit of the milor of The danger of becoming @ good artist is (I could haya stated, that be has frequently | with, what. they are pleased 19" {arm his i, i Oy the enterprise defers mere selfish money ||, : Scott at Fort Garry. uf "vividly exemplified ju the case of a Mon- | been seen in a stare of beastly intoxicatio J villi is ; T---- nt udu, <a oo. ii banters from having anything to do wich ad Si ts Even Sores i its Owshe 17th tho statement 'of the public ireal astist, who wt Paint a goose apd and whe) Side the Res: 0 that be ae he nd i meat epenraeyy ax. nd if all fo act as these do those vil- RT ? . 7S accounts wasHaid on the table. * This is' a ug [actually been known to descend so low, | neice t | in" the i nor strengthen ite own influence by hazard- huh igh py right up ga Sy passage from . England to this: country prompuitade worthy of commendation and sgoceedid so admirably that the original js as to barter his worthless newspaper or ey in liety pace he he ntindy ing atstoments wholly at. vatiance , with | | goes and thus the main. slay of the | "10 i0 covsequence, we suppose of the will furmeh abundant timo forthe due téu- |/0 Faplures over it, as is evinced by the | risk. I could aio have inlormed hiv i i ve » or banishmeot from her vative I fact. At this Sage hie rconsings 4 villages would be cut off. 'While ali, men | Pitching of the vessel, it became 'mad and | sideration of so important a devumeut. | following paragphi~. . | peaders that je bat bagel , fanuied 2 re. endeavor, to. extort From hk dwn ee hirt, at least il the | 40108 © lefilimate business deserve! well | had to be cast 'overboard. We heartily TTTTTROOALTT An action hag bosn en'ered in the Court- |i genet dl. U al to refute or Map, & brie esp on his shitl, of the com munity for the many advantages | sympathise with My. Bentley--doubtless * ----- house, claimin. damages 1n. $10,000 from fields: refute my / ¢ ~ fight commences, and in ihe. meantime go candy ime ithe conlest; lest he becomes ex- bawetdd:-ere the day of battle, Mr. Paxion's constilvente woald like 10. know what he bas done for she Globe, which has merited to- convict | {4 3 ! : : . r pial f i. 'me of perjury, referring ed vo to the." 8 mia ey i doe Th oh sl ey | Phe oF ni or ott 2 erg fk he 1 fe md | their business necessanly brings to a. com» a thousand d ra Won't cover his Joss.-- | One: of those cosy entertainments |8n artist in this city pach os in- charges, lie st : sestion ' ing nature; 'are called Soctal, 'was held | prominent citizens, The pase exciles a | Which I will" now explain more fully. ; place. [fihisis true Mandy sense, aud all sincerely rejoice to see them Jia ine oe 8f combry Ne Bester ine Presbyterian Chureh, Port Perry, | good deal' of comment. . . | After losing every dear | had, I ater. | and the select circle are the only ¢ right. S ukio iu the enterprise. p : ; "| on Monday evewing lest. The numbers meee eet elie mined to protect the hard thinking"' people in this: populous wil Semen Comrie PEE Sot {ob Sia oS | tee £2 Loh auton en i... BA LF Sd pt Pet Sprig deus uolbing lor Sis constituents or WELD... wum caomng sommme. [EOI CE CIDE Mo decidedly u | rangemente were excellent. - The thiilty | = It is intemded.thata publis. meeting of | <1, 'wad "being "perfectly insolvent, '1| 2 60% darkness. "The two hundred: { , cbuatry 81 large, to entitle him 10 the. benef: \ bis eitha . public benefactor, 'deserves well of tbe | Wives and fair daughters of our. Port | the Reforniéte of Soiith Ontario be held ai [could consistently and with a clear con. | OP™® > Persons oo ened 4 that tee : ot the Globe's awkward joke. wi} After the neual farce of guards of h community and ought pot fo. bear, all the | Perry friends know how 10 getup a good | Brobkiin on Fridey,; March 8d, atone | science, take thie benefit 'of (hat act, If e-l 1 pe towed emselves to be } 1} mtg ni -| royal salutes, and all this sori of IEA ' "| tea and never fail in doing so. ~The sr~ Sokiule'p an.» Sharon's th a view of organiz- | (bis explanation 1s 'not 'clear, his brain i by & peiiniless adv ita \ ou THR SRAT OF WAM, (whatever they may men) héd been ho Ten. moreof , choice dorses rangomema were 8 gresabic and pleasant, | ing for the coming algation. must be aul mu ad, or #9 be prefers, a i 4 be chatusial try impor -} wal lh 1 PRG EL through 'with, ea the olosing day--14ib'l were sinned at the same time and. in: the | 20 the hearty joke an ¢ eparice | mum pREPRAT our oF any, [lo '0.he truth, willul perversion constitut- | TERE MY oD Mago; ! rryhing ob contr an 0 Go LET CHC OTC es shipeed she mos mend, te fave evidenos ofthe ms HB OT andy mn apo dus, | wesultof ihe present arm. tliog. whether '] the Chamber ¢ the puzpase of sanchionitg | all of them died on the pssssge save one 3°00 'e€!ing of the c i od en Ho nro, W péferén aa belt 3 people. 8 belt and in peace, at. ddywar intensiedf 0 po during the session, and of |acd it died soon after landing. Tea being over, the'sampany' wie, %s sok | Which 'isthe' bi for ans nally satis | denfold in which the i nie shall he tending the members back lo oonsti- pp {to the uteh, ig ordet lo partake of the A inessage wes read from: atey. | 10 defend Limon eg 1p kf : : : sencung 118. mym ere . : second part of the" entertainment-~the on was ron rma- | of CH 'oonveutedinia very devils and the. #aYAG* | vents to give an aoroudt of | al was done up in | Howe jn: Hoo, Mr I {parrioe, hohe. : 'invader shall: dncréase lia -atrosities ob | oh jp, in onder. that the shesp good style.' {The staff of speakers was 10 ast with "Boe or Yi ebogall; ota te ieatoud | desolation argu: hut wiassind. 4 hef| and the Jaiter dy ) 6s. in thes sale, insteaotive and interesting address | the interns! economy of tho fonds" | lengt, hey. ea hist 0 oT : infamous barbarian Attila, king of the Huoe| som hind ; ssonte thei celebrated. Perfected Spectacles and | es Wore given. ©. 4 «. i i -------- e axe kc. '$Y who-styled himel( the score of God and |e greater umber Eye Glasses which have Stoctadies tai + Rev. Mr. Jamieson, the worthy pas-| ~~ HARP PRAOWIOR. | wadaie vimpious, boast Hhat. ties never; bitsy, {ye ssmente | Public in the-Daminion two years. and arslton oF the. congragation, occupied the}: fiat i wigain:grewion the path where his horse had | Ay act 1g.amend tire TOP! admitted to possess 8 Mr, i ned. its fungiions, with . Asadden, and whosa ovly aim aud ambition | nraglices atele the weasitoe read de and-algsitelian o | Common sichoe! Amend: 4h So od a. co one Rar i. rr av 20 excellent |