Nd . a cose NEW DRG ST . PORT PERRY ! PE SAN DRS. 6. W. & R. JONES. April 22, 1868. MONEY !| id hai undersigned is prepared to loan, in sums to suit the'convehience of the borrower, ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY, (Private Funds, . | On good Mortgage Security, ata very. Low Rate of Interest. He has several Lots of IMPROVED AND WILD LANDS FOR BALE ON EASY TERMS. . : Apply at the well known Cheap Store of Messrs, R. & J. Campbell, Manchester, to JOHN HODSON, Varvator, &c. BOOTS & SHOES! Just opened---the contents of 28 cases, > GENT'S, LADIES' & CHILDREN'S BOOTS * SHOEN, ¥ n , | | » ~W:M. Wightman & Co's. Co 3 SHecostors hid d: ® Ww Cowan, Prince Alert, THE WHITB AGRICULTURAL WORKS, RE OA daa SPECIAL NOTICE! Single Reapers and Mowers, and Reapers and Mowers Combined. The subscribers would call the attention of the Agricultural com- munity to their Stoek of Implements, where will be found almost everything the Farmer may require, aud especially at this gd of the year, to their Stock of Reapers and Mowers, Of several kinds, and of the Latest Make. To which all the Latest Iinprovements found vecessary by practicable tests during the last season have been udded. Ball's Ohio Reaper-and Mower combined, Cayuga Chief xo and Mower combined, the Manney Single Reaper, the Cayuga Junior Mower. Of any and all of the above Machines, we invite a tnal. They are manufactured with care, of the Best Material §& Workmanship | And can be guaranteed to the purchaser to give satisfaction upon a fair trix, or no sale. | BROWN & PATTERSON. Na I SRR od * Life on the Ocean Wave." Fit = A. SINCLAIR Has just received his Winter supply of Teas, Porter and Ale, t..| Olard's Brandy, Coffue, Whisky, Jules Robbin & Co's Brandy, Sugar, . Scoteh Whisky, | Martel's Brandy, Currants, ¢ Old Rve and Toddy, Cherry do. Raisins, Port Wine, Jamaca Rum, ige, Shetry Wine, Holland Gin, Labrador Herrings, No. 1, | Matera do, - John Bull Bitters. Codfish, Grger do. Oud Tom Gin, White Fish, Champagne, 05 Wines, Brandies, and other Laquors, of the best brands, for Medical Purposes, which can be hud at the lowest possible 3 rice. Prince Albert, Dec. 18, 1867. 50 'MONEY! TO LOAN: _ The Subscriber is now prepared to lend any amoont of Money, PRIVATE FUNDS, On good Mortgage Security-- or Debentures, at a Very low rate of Interest. 'The borrower can have his own time to pay the principal. I also represént three of the Largest Monetary Companies in the Dominioe that lend money at low rates on Farm end Town Property. 0% Several good Tmproved Farms for Sale--at estremely low prices or trimming for $13. PERN Second Stree' wr x Silver and Greeabacks bought-and sold. A large lot of the best Cotton Yarn at $1.374, sold elsewhere at $1.75 to $2 bundle. Defendant nie of eT Sen in Se Comty of Noe 165 South Stree", Williamsburg, New York Apply personally to it ge wo With a complete assortment of every thing in the GROCERY, HARD. ue yest Jan Lot Sher ok ---- on nian, re A ae tutormation, <ORMATION. OT : ARE, and CROCKERY line at prices equally low as the above. acres. y AG lain editors' aid deceased are | : d to prod . : JAMES HOLDEN, $0 Soliciting a continuance of that So Niberto received, and an early visit from | - NELSON @. REYNOLDS, : wise ued {0 Rimi aren Cr aps Sud weed %t Pimples + Official Assignee, Laud, Insurance, and General Agent, Whitby his old friends and customers with many thanks for former favors. . ba KH Tannertf G0 Stanaes mod I jorder at tS same way be | Bote" o, fron s., on the skin, leaving : a j p . 4: * $ $. WN « s 3 N k, \ can | t } J ~ Office--McMillan's Block, Brock St. T. C. FORMAN. Suirs Often, © ib JOHN THOMPSON, 2a aie sof Glan i hasuiifal) : ) , 1868. Whitby, Sept. 25, 1867. 38 FINEST & CHEAPEST New Bonnets--for old and young Ladies. New Hats, do '® do do New Ribbons, do do do New Flowers, do do do New Feathers, do do do New Parasols, do dg do JUST RECEIVED AT CURRIE & ROSS' AMONGST A HEAP OF OTHER WW & BETIELL GOODS THE | IN THE MARKET. Prince Albert, April 8, 1868, PRINCE ALBERT. The Subscriber begs to intimate to bis, customers, and the public geverally, that Tie has Commenced Business AGAIN at his old Stand j and has laid ia one of the largest and best assorted Stocks Sherifi's Sale of Lunds. of Goods to be found anywhere in the New Dominion. Having purchased very largely at the late Trade Sales in Montreal, at prices for below regular quotations--he is pre- pared to offer every advantage to purchasers, and can confidently state that the prices will be found to be such as dely all competition from any quarter. PARE THEM WITH WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN PAYING : All wool Canadian Tweeds, guaranteed the very best, for 90c a yard, sold elsewhere | seized by me under and by virtue of, certain at $1.25 And a first rate article at 80c a yard, sald elsewhere at $1.12. Very heavy and wide Factory Cottons for 10c a yd, sold elsewhere at 124. And the best in store, yard wide, for 124¢ a yd, sold elsewhere at 15t0 17c. Wide fast colored Prints, 10 and 12} a yd, sold elsewhere at 15¢. And the best for 15 and 16¢ a yd, sold elsewhere at 29 to 23¢. ) Beautiful Plain and Check'd Wincegs for 18 and 20c a yd, sold elsewhere at 28c. Real Aberdeen Winceys, very best, wide and heavy, for 3c, sold elsewhere at 50c. Beautiful French Merinos at 50c. Beautiful Cobourgs and French Twills,for 18 and 20c a yd, sold elsewhere at 25 to 30c. k Lustres for 17¢ a yd, sold elsewhere at 2%. | Canadian Check'd Flannels for 50c, sold elsewhere at 80 and 90c. Beautifpl White. Blankets $2.50 per pair, sold-slsewhere at $3.50 to $4. "Very fife White Blankets $3.50 per pair, sold elsewhere at $5. - Beautiful Filled Silk and Wool Pailsey Shawls $8, sold elsewhere at $12. A large lot of those beautiful Velvetine Mantles $5 to $6.50, worth $10. Black Cloth Mantles, beautifully trim'd, $2.25, worth $4. Very Heavy Seamless Cotton Bags, $4.50 per doz., sold elsewhere at $6. A lot of beautiful lined and trim'd Buffalo Robes for $15, sold elsewhere without lining Prince Albert, Jad. 7,1868: 3 aud the public full benefit of the low prices at which we are enabled to sell by importing direct from the manufacturers. U1 DORINOY STORE. Manchester and Whitby, March 26, 1868. D. 1868, at 12 o'clock noon, Will be sold by Pub- lic Anetion, ay office in the Conrt House in PLEASE EXAMINE THE FOLLOWING LIST OF PRICES, AND COM- al the ght, le tnd rst Wich ts Bo mentioped Court of theGQounty of Ontario, to be directed, a vis: The Ens, half, of" Lat No. Tlirty<five in the Second containing about Sixty Acres. The East half of Lot number Sixteen in the Beventh coucession of the Township of Scott. BROWN & CHRIS ~~ Are now showing' their Spring Goods Which will be found complete in 'every. de- \ ¢ . | partment. © CUE Hg Fy ! MMAR § JIN 'Y i |} . We would call special attention to ; 150 PIECES Dress Goods 10c. per yard Facts aie Bi i Things y ind Sl wk _ AND IT 18 A FACT THAT GEGREE FLINT of returning thanks fe comm 3 il ot Sine a fact that he has Factory and putting in NEW MACHINERY, Cutter Bends of every description ; Bent Shafts; Buggy Seat Rails ; Bob-Sleigh Runners--heavy and light ; Iron Bow-handle Rakes ; Fork, Rake, Hoe, Broom, and Mop ery variety ; Barley Forks of superior make, He would Particulafly recommend his justly celebrated Revolving Horse Rake For which he was awarded the ° FIRST PRIZE AT THE PROVINCIAL EX- HIBITION ! Against a host of competitors. He can furnish Testimonials of the superiority of these Rultes from above 400 farmers. CHEESE BOXES Of all sizes and superior make. A large supply of Juperiop Sawn Shingles constantly on hand and for sale. CABINET MAKING In all {ts branches as as the best and cheap as the cheapest. OOFFINS kept constantly on hand and & HEARSE in readiness. Job work, such as Planing, Matching, Sawing, Our usual care has been used in the selection of Prints, for which [and Taming dese on the shot nptice, and at the public give us the credit of keeping the best assortment to be found in a General Store. BROWN & CHRISTIAN, Manchester, April 22nd, 1868, Money fo Lend! The undersigned is prepared to advance loans of money in low prices. G. F. feels confident that with his facilities he can successtully compete with any manufacture mg establishment in the Province of Ontario, (= OrpERs SovniciTED. AGENTS FORF LINT'S HORSE RAKE: Mr. THOMPSON, Hardivare Merchant, Uxbridge Mr, BAILEY, Blacksmi{h, Greenbank. Stouffville, March 11, 1868. 10 PRINCE ALBERT AND MANCHESTER Bakeries ! RE the places to buy your BREAD, 4X FLOUR, OAT MEAL, CORN MEAL, SMALL BREADS of every deseription. arge or ma ums First class Confectionaties. On first class improved farm security--as the rate of interest is Toys n great variety very low and charges are moderate, the best securities must be | For Spring and Summer use; and Fruits offered. in their season. Wedding Cakes made to order. [I= Seve al first class farms for sale on easy bos is also prepared to furnish Soirees, terms of payment. Apply personally,or by letter pre-paid with a description of the | security offered, to W. M. COCHRANE, ea Meetings, &c., on liberal terms. CHAS. HISCOCKS. Feb. 13,1867. Y. HEALS | Celebrated Itch Ointment Bigelow's Block, Port Peiry, Ont J bi BULOUL LEE IEE 15 LUBSLAIIL) = baat BY wines Part Perry, Dec. 4, 1867. SPRING IMPORTATIONS Se ------ () A ----t tity or his Celebrated Itch Qintment. A cure warranted. Price 25 cents a box, J. HEAL. Pinee Albert,Dec. 5, 1866. Tailor FOR_SALE Fer Sale cheap for cash or approved notes the property nt present occupied by Mr. W, M. Willcox, in Prince Albert, consisting of ' A Large Two Story Cottage R & J CAMPBELL With Woodhouse, Driving House and Stables. ° LJ] Allin first rate order. Also a thriving young orchard attached. The above Droparty would be exchanged for village property In shawa, or Will be prepared to show their large Stock of Spring and Swmn- | for farm property in North or South Ontario.-- mer Importations on the fair day, 31st March. CAMPBELL has been purchasing in the British and French Markets during sw mouth OUR COTTONS Were bought when they were at the Jowest point and we intend giving our customers LIQUORS. For further particulars inquire if by letter pre- al HUGH CARMICHAEL, Oshawa P, 0. Oshawa, April 1, 1868. 13-3m Special Dotices. ERRORS OF YOUTH, A Gentleman who, suffered for years (rom Nervous ¢ Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effets of youth- ful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send freeto ll who need it, the recipe and divections for making the simple remedy by which he wus cured. Suflerers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experis A large lot of choice Liquors always on hand, which will be | ence, cando so by uidressing. in perfect confidence. JOHN IB. OGDEN, 42 Cedar Stree!, New York, (= The highest price paid for Butter, liggs, &o., &c. "A call is tespect{ully solicited. R. & J. CAMPBELL. Ll] | | | { | i "L981 81 92Q "11eqly. evung | County of Ontario, C N SATURDAY, the, To Wit : Sixth day of June A. TTS efendants severally possess in the y undermentioned lands and tenements thereon, 174 Writs of Fieri Facins issued out of the County WELLINGTON MAYBEE, Plaintiff, (SONQJ FIVAIUD) ooe- 8. ROBERT BRADFORD, Defendant, oncession of the Township of Scott, THOMAS BOLSTER, Plaindifl, 'NOSS0Y 9 IN INDO 4048 IV NRT op 8. ALEXANDER MUSTARD, Defend 'LEFAIV TONITI "ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE AL persons indebted to : William" Thompson, {THOMAS BOLSTER, Plaintiff, wisn Ri JAMES CONWAY, * Firet puvlished Febiuary 13, 1863. mf : Ap. | Brock, (Li6t 63rd Con.) 26th March 1948, © SOCTHING Can Say in Confidence ; never been able to any of any other medicine Never has " satisfaction by any one who used it. allure deligh'ed with its operations, and speak in terms virtues, We KNOW" after years of experience, Reputation for the fulfiment of thas we here Ln almost every instance where the infant is suffering from warn, 1 J F. CHAPMAN. Cumriar, Mrs. Winslow's SYRUP, FOR CHILBREN TERTRING, Greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening Ak the gums, reducing all irflammarion--will allay Paix and spasmodie action, and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS, Depend upon it, mothers, Rowil} give 1esl 10 yourselves, u Relief and Health to your Infants. We have put up and Sold this articld for years, aul in Ct of it what we have ailed in a Single Instance to Effect a Cure, when imely used. Never did we know of an fustance of dis- the contrary, nf commendation of its magical effects and medical inthe matter * WHAT WE DO or in and exhaustion, relic will be found in filteen or wenty minutes afler the syrup is administered. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. PERK Sold by Druggiais throughout the world, None genuine unigss the fac-simile of CURTIS & fs. Bs is on the outside wrapper. PRICE ONLY)25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. OFFICES :» '215 Fulton Street, New York. 205 High Holborn, London. England. 441 St. Paul Street, Montreal, Canada. To Comsumptives. The Rev. Edward A. Wilson will send (free of charge) to all who desire it, the prescript',on with the directions for making and usin', the simple remedy by which tie was cured of ung affection and that dread disease Consur ntion,-- is only object is to benefit the affiie' od and he 8 every sufferer will try this prescription, a8 it will cost them nothing, ar", may prove & blessing, Please "Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, 823 Broadwa, No w Yor]