. ie "wee 6n { deli ha ess that' the pleasant eng ! ike the bri Lor 1 time fi a | gine D a spirits cho on Wedn fi onl Fehr ave "uttered their | in "ee gond "hi ,? and have id yo of death ; nr 'passed' be Bud ) soma' of them Je, Wi 10 Ri Te esi ASR oH 56 "den ode fing on {he very ish of - Se Among FE ve ay fished We BOs de vel len a r. Jas. Billings'e i. "Wan. Tribble, Hal: Wilkins, | Fab do by Boma Auge]. iota umbouops of the Barns a Jain Kola in srs. Josph and Alex. Hon ud Nigam Joo Hicks, An- drew and Henry Bolles, brothers; A. C. 'Rooks, Capt. J: 1. Basen : wl wit G0 gio VY All the patio sere. similarly affected and éach had, we learn, strong symptoms of Visi bat Je (mu lqrstand that the nad ig he qnt! eme in atlendance concur in it. Us inion. . that, the diese at the party A fn Rahn y by haging some Javons santas administered 1n some Tigo! food. 10 ingtr gh 3 EL 1m the HE EH ly ge cf ve RE ek no inconvenience trust the affair may--be thoroughly investi: gated 10:the.end, that if so hoirible a Se Wri 'arlarge party of innocent yodng dntlamen has been committed in tity er of the atrocity may be (Prong VR condigh panishment. HW We #htioh to th ndmok 'ofthose'wolate cméitiohed, We ent that five servants have died (rom the kame caves, and with the same Ll ymplome, ahd it is a suspicions act iit enh of those servants accom pani- al some of the guests in the capacity of per- Usiatval attendatiis. 'So far as we learn, nohe i of the skivante employed in the house uf Mrs. Hebron, the esteemed lady hostess, have suffered in any way. As a matter of | course, there ate many rumors in reaard to this mysterions and melancholy affliction, but at preset ive: fotbear to mention them. Our whole commu 1ty 13 greatly grieved and excited-by this sad affair, and the sud- den death ofiso many young persons, and othe dadgegads illfess of =o many more, al! Lighly respected, and members of our most esteemed miles, has cast a universal gloom overt ut eitizens. Ee ---- ARs on | A FORGER. CHT, Sapt. HW Mave. alias De- positon plias Livingston who obtained $75,- 000 doljars. trom the Bank of Taylor & Co., New York, aly last, by forgivgthe name | © of Cotnelins Vanderbilt, was arrested on | - Ww, adog: near Blackberry station, in this Sie Boaiven. | Ast 10.000; were * reco er AW. Fararn 1. ACUIDENT. --=0n a forenoon tha body of a man named Thomas McGuire « an employe. of thy Noro, Railway at Nawma: ket, was found nea that town eut nerrly" i twain, a train having evidently Thee over it during the prevjoue night. n hs afternoon an inquest' was opened by corner EB. Jackson of Newmarket, but the investigation was adjonrned till Wednesd y for hie Purpose of obtaining further evi- dence. i A WOMAN HANGS HERSELF, Hasuvron, September 13. An elderly woman named Spratt, residing at the corner of John and Wood stroets, hung herself last might. No reason can be as- signed for the act by gpregna who sav her last evening. Wit ™TE BLUE 3 eh 4 {BANK ROBBERY. ows, fi. 13. "The amount taken by thie robbers of ithe! Blue [Till Bank in Dore chester, Joris, was $53,974. Robbers not arrested, ' avons Sept, 12--The | personal fricns of Clannen he assert that 5 ne have bee quesHT Ty | > TelegtariNc refurth He Whi a of doing 3 enret 3 ~ Nm fore, Sept. 13 The Tribune s spect vs it ie rnmoredl that the President Ha A i in that of Me- | day Malcolm Melleville, aged on committe] enistde by shooting i with a revolver, "Tho subbasort 1a Sir Kvanitaid A om UI, ea UGE : "yi gas anltlie ; pibh Rave: ini » i intimated their desire to give hoe sofing. | er. The' Wed Bend, Wis, Post. relafiq Ing, loss ofa little, girl five years of. .agey who | . wnigmek swebiti home and ' was yne el ven A bi od 3 Laven Sage) was still alive, and wag : fonds, When ds 10 sustaln, lit ig her own' : A XT bort, Fall Wheat, bi 80 S) oe i, $1.25 @ ' bush, 11 ray Hood Peas, aa 4 Ae Clover Seed] 880013 bit, nH Oats, 306 @ 30. Fara Buttér A Yo % Jatiess Woon, of ® Philandia Lrwresborguof! roth. p94 108 ang ie) { Baretelon: H. ry a bis = lied igi Forfon 3 Xg& a ER d. § bingo pri] Experi ri "he will remain abroad another |" Ai dita chan, it A the wey 57 pn Lis Sh Frank P|! dai oto dhe } Toni Joe luca Whiten f° to yy | | Sheriffs 5 0) af most st fearful of all aiseases-- Yellow | than fifty peidtofrid, at- | ene nls as a Gato to who pio from Nervous ry. Saga icant ins i Re . of ee LM i hy kl lin, hg dh CY, x, a. "dond (free [a 1) i it, the prescription of oi 0h ni died r making and using the simple eT by ah id was cured of a lung affection and that dread iy ic) and -- (belies Tit FR Apo as it will cost them ing and may prove a blegsing. Please pA ARDY A. WILSON, ' | No. 165 South, Second Syresh Williamsburg, New Yo ort " INFORMATION, Neil Runranteed to a 10 fi odnoe a luxuriant if ow of hair upon at hal beavdless face, also a recipe for the removal bi Pimples, ual RU ln Rag hod A A ir, | 83 vag New Tou! } A Vi JB who Rn pY years ge, Te De: ait, vi EAS nd all he fleets of youth! can do 50 by uddressing, in rn ect 17-1y 'YOUN B, Nb Cuter Sere york lp TR HEC SOOTHING @ "SYRUP, CHILDREN TER THING, Greatl, facilitates the process of teething, by Softening the" gums, Fealadog all ivflammation--will alley Aun Paix ail spysmodie acuon, and is SURE T0 REGULATE THE BOWELS, Depend, pos ity mothers, U3 oil gies e341 yoursclugs, Relief | dnd] Health £p 'yonriIafants, We have put up and. soldahis article for years, and Can Say ine fs and, Trigh of. it py we have nevarbeep al vol a ef medio; Never has i Fn , ed ado Eff gore a (ire, when Ch we know of an instauee of dis. hth used iy oI Ai dog fap Ai ake in terms fp of fo ol medical jatter WE bo 4 fs F nee, Wiis, ' arcs or or pain ani 3 on raliel th be found 1m" fifteen twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. Pull direction far using will accompany nh bortle. ne genuine uplegs the !fapssi of CURTIS & RKINS, New York, is on the o wrapper. Sold by, Prugeisiy thrpughout the world, PRICE ONLY, 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. "OFFICES! 216. Fulton Street, New York. "208 a h Holborn, London, England. 11 St. B Paul Street, Montreal, ri. Rel Mbiertisements. tario Battalion. As the Snider Breach-loading Enfields are expected hera this month, ali arms be- longing .o sani Company, imust be refnrned #0 the Armehry at once." Weekly Dall will commence on Saturday, the 28th day of Septetnbel, 1867. +. JOHN BILLINGS, Captain. Prince Albert, Sept. 181k 1867. TESTIMONIALS. Greexnank, Reach, Sept. 4th 1867. | Mr. Wa. ANpERsoy, Deir Siry-- lu answer to your enquiries, 1 can only assure you, that I consider your Hair Dye superior to any that I'have yet nsed, musmuch ab' it does net communicate that douty appearance to the hair that others do, but: leaves: im in its natural condition, smooth and glossy, from what you tell me of the materials used I can cejtily that they cannot by Any means exercise an injurious ellect upon thie hitman hair, bit bn the con- trary are rather stimulating to if, increasing -| its growth and clensing it from dint &e. Wislfing you every success with it, 1 remain, me Yury erynibly teas es 5G By ROWLEY, MD: Se Thus, is to certify that I have used your Hair, Dyo for ome weeks and have found tha¥itis'mueh botter haw any I have before seen or heard of. Yours "0m BAILEY. Dhik Sm,--0ne applicniion ofthat Hair "| Dye that you put. on lasted Jongergindeed it; looks as goady as new yet) than either Batchelor's or any of the old preparations in | uge-- Unless peuple knew that I nsed to we of be | g 30s: "rt © Xoura' faithfully," 4 JoSEPH BAGSHAW, reenbank. Prins, Oyer and Terminer, and g mi MONDAY, SE PT 25,1867, | 5 Shrt' hove fi a EEE he n selves Se 31 oF, tice IEE "ii Por R. T. Porn; fice, ZWhithy, Aug, 12, 1861. Si BOTEL, | ¥ bleMutual I of Pen SEE : SFL wi of Station, ih from the Ri Daan eat Baie tive hoa aint) i Notice to Yolanteors of No. 5 Company, | strict attention to. b have ote dys hair they would, get suspect pron smnns asm on or te ; No EXTRA Charge for MILITARY SERVICE in defence of the COUNTRY. HA a Life Policies for the Uencfit of Wife or Children * : are Sectire from Seizure by Creditors. Jolley for £1000, by the Guaranteed Bonus MANE ESTER. They now off. t Wn st Reduction pt © WB 29w and their contents, aT Senet Houses and us ios Bausation. 'This a education the Pridish Ar Commercial College of Toronto, imparts, and it , ets t phir | EES i rR Li Bets cl ra lis ied ns of t ger keg inet / to the thoroughness of this education could not Fr fan, 4 Siento he letter from J. Shipe Dud of Trade : -- Vos y Lor ol hie Bopailas no, De 8150 ess (00 nedngly my my appre isha pode] ( ehithy prio tabs tem as yours is of the, Rreviest;in ren Speier! the ens Ly rig 4 a the former unie and ih) of |¢ teaching new haud.and the rs waste involved cree apprenticeship Your Smale sas tem od husiness bk plete emedy, this he puey ethid hE 0 by Lik Ee on ty thst your i ie display in their model iransactions, y ow by their down- Beartedions bw they fut 10 meet their' Tengageme ns, can l to the ex cal ency; of yoursyvs'em fiom per a ience, havin Ne pre nt time in the employment.of the. fiems 1. belong 10, three young, men who were educated at your establishment. 1 gy. w ishing tou EVOTy SuCCass Yelm entevprise, al 8, our, xe 1 1] Myremain, deur Sirs, y * WORTS. The first prize for Biiéthess Toe was awarded this Com LL Oollege at the late re Exhibi [ipa tg,' Gratuates |, Othas e ho pra rave & | ay orkog rid, or this one ed au Te Ni ed by a nites COMPO od eal § Dusi- Yoard men. Graduates are also, assisted to situa- § tions, it required, ; GL A cireplar i ¥ ak yblis| ed, giving a de- tailed' account ha Stem, regulations, terms, fo aud 'may be 'by enclosing stamp and ing. ' RE MUSGROVE & WRIGHT, aw Taronto, Ontario. ANDERSQN'S UNRIVALED HAIR DYE. The mntfacturor of th of the above Dye takes pleasure i informing the public that he has sug- ceeded j ndlisfo 2 a Hair Nye far surpassing trery hep yo er Far befarebiiered! th the pub- lie. Tt possesses several properties not possess- ed by any other Hair Dye. Ist. Tt édi be 'so hised ad thiake the hie al- moet any required shade, up 10 the wost Ldauti- fil lac god. It will not, lor the skin in the lightest deg! od, Tt commnientes a beautiful gloss to the hair, and renders it soft and pliable. Agents wanted in all parts of the Do- minton. Apply to WM. ANDERSON, GREENBANK; REACH. Greenbank, Aug. 23 1867. | i | | | "LYST 'LT Linf "uoqry eounig IY Rv 01 I ¢ " brary TONITL © "NOSg0u 9 I TOUSE I Pal INTING. FYE subscriber 'is 'prepared to undertake Jlouse Painting ip all Ug branches, and hy o yy pa a3) ald modermtion in charges he hopes to receive a continnation of that patronage which has beensgo liberally he- stowed upon him 12 the past. / WILLIAM SAMIESOR Prince August 1, 1867. Brooklm Drug Store. JOHN "DAWES, FEALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines Paints, Oils, Dye-Stafls, Groceries, &e "Best: VWineF and" Liquors Tor' tédicinal | purposes, 0% Horge a de fle Medicines giwagn padoas z on hand. _ Shawl Found. | ov ND by the undersig cried, between Utida | aud. Manchester, 8, Lady's. Woolen Shawl: The owner can have the same by Jroving Pro- perty, and paying charges of this advertisement. "T'. 'STOBBS. Pines Albert, Aug! ot 1807. § 33 Na FE (SANT FLVAIID = ; -- mew mveer LOE Agi 13 14 oO poi ine fog, annonce the arrival of a portion ol their' ic FALL Go0DS1 - 2 dem al poe Boy which will be found some of the BEST BARGAINS in Cheap Catto, Prints, and. Dress "Goods Ever offered 10 the oie this County. We-ate defermined to ki or Selling Good and Cheap Ogee. We prot minding in annou Recently bought by JR, ROSS whilé\in England and Frante,| consisting of fine Bid Cloth, Doeskins, and Fancy Trouserings; To make room for Spring Stock. Plain and Fancy Drg Goods, Shawls, Prints, Shirtings, Grey and White Cotto Prince Albert, August 1, 1 ¥ === Bb OULD op TREARSE, decorated large and choice lot Ra te Stock of COFAT hand, and for sale, Cheap) wre Fd UNERALS atte The highest price paid Remember the Place. wtpexanes Prince Albert, May 22,18 = Alf HE Department will be closed at T Ottawa on and after the FIRST3ULY. The Department of Crown Lands for jhe a of Quebet" and Ontarlo will be ed alQuebec and Tordnto' as soon there- | afier as possible of which" "due notice. with, e given. 26-6w] _ FOR SALE." '825 per ondred. T, BURNHAM, Lot Hi Vo Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance y havayow ol a) g fe he Uhige 0 tan ws by Hos Company: Our rates will be found "as fico--The old Registry Office Build- pet lt 2 MACKIES HOT (LTE "BRODK 'Walton Street, IRAE A 'Wai. MACKIE; Prapnetors 1 ! amis. or ip al WHZ CHRIS Reap. our apaaign . ice Paidf or INTERESTING | I: J. SOX = ir own business just now, and have leasurg| | ing the receipt of the first of our R - CURRIE & ROSS. ie - It {+ INCORPORATED, === |Captal, - R000. & thanks to hig imeraty he latest it double Sets of Plumes FINS keps constantly on hand, Alarge And m-- SEc"Y AND TREAS. HiNGS of every description always on *= sh for Butternut Lumber, pogite Beott's Hotel, at the Red White and = Hegel 1 will be placed An lot. of that. splendid 45 cont ug, op hand. el he t= The hiyhest Market Pri Wheat, Barly y, Peas, §ee. MANCHES] TER, Sept! 10, 1867. le ti ae hats en iron S £14 Port. Perry, July 10, 1867, "eitlier )y note oer due, 'baok ae. i count or otherwise, that all must To : 'paid immediately, otherwise they in Court fol? cok Hy I H E. HOGG, Box 75, Port Perry, C. W. OPPOSITE S PRINCE Goods, mowew, | (RAIVATE FUNDS,) also receiv ed a lot of Dundas| To loan on good Farms, at 8 per gent, eres LYMAN ENGLISH, h Bags, --much superior to anything sold' Barrister, &e., Oshawa. Iso abundance of SUGAR, Rice, Raisins, | Novew ber 21, 1866 Si PRINCE ALBERT : AND MANCHESTER AL the places ta buy your BREAD, FLOUR, OAT MEAL, CORN MEAL, SMALL BREADS of every description. First class Coufectionanes. Toys in great! variety Wedding Cakes made to order, He is also prepared to furnish Soirecs, | Tea Meetings, &c., on liberal terms. CHAS. HISCOCKS. Feb. 13, 1567. ---- WESTERN ASSURANCE : COMP'Y TORON NTO, C. WwW, VRESIDENT.... OLO. MICTIIE, Faq Pice-PrEsivex HON. J. MeMURRICH BERNARD Hal DAN, Esq JAMES PRINGLE, Travelling Agent, u Counly of Ontario THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE Insurance Company, ------ INVESTED FUNDS,...... INVESTED IN. CAVAT, 4,000,000 $950,000 1p ELL ENR BELL, 8 PE In Dress Goods, ECT Goody, i in Somat and Hats, andkge Stock o al -mafe ; d Vests, of their own anit iA Stock of fries, 5 Ciodkery, and Taidware. | EX Ag bis CL at cash prices. a] apchester pT. Jal 25, Vp cl a com immer - ¥ C. SMITH, Resident Secretary, , Prints wis, Tacto Mowrrear; i . BM. G. ROBSON, $ LQerpoa Tonil Agents Pring Bbert >| CANNINGTON CORNET. BAND: ; pu members of this Band ie this op- ortunity of informing the inhabitants of, Yea i gos - Jaoed Oelobrated Tech Ointment rice paid fo ra of Yor EN RET "iy Five Depavinent. INSURANCES rfrecTip ON ALL CLASSES oF PropErTY AT Cuknent Rates. FARM RISKS At Srkctairy Repucep Rares, sLife Peoavtment, $ stem costs al agé 30, $24.70 a year, ah become payable after 5 years, one- fourth of .the Premimus are returncd, witn ithe sum assured ; if after 20 years, half are re- turned § after 50 years, three-fourths ; after bly the sum assured is doubled, and the 'heirs may claifn $2,000. = Claims payable one month after™proot of Nori Ontario thas they will hol themselves in readiness for éngagements for Excursions, Pie- nics, Concerts, &c., &e. Charges moderate. « 8. B. FAWSITT, t Late of Dpdsworth's Band New York, Sl. REALS Po rp constantly a large qhan- are warate ed, P fy Lich Outment,, 'A bs ear, I For Spring and Summer use; and Froie| 7 IT in their season. ---- -- No. wi hithy,", COTT'S HOTEL. ALBERT, "1S SELLING HENS £000 COW HIDE BOOTS AT $1.90. Women's and Children's wear also very low. 5 Cash Paid for Fides. Hollands, Carpetings, Oil Cloths, &®e. = | Prince Alben, Feb, 13, 1861. iss Call and SEE these == We hay Cotfon Yarn apd Cot for some years past. Currants, Coffee, Tea Lites AROUND ! HE subscriber faving returned to { T bas got himself comfortably located Ruud thriving Village of |BEANCHESTER | Where he intends tarrying on the (G-Tailoring Business Bakeries 0 Ea, if branches. Garments entrust 0 bi y nothing will be left undone b; radi 4 w | neatness of fit, moderation in p iim and ayo ful attengion to orders--to obtain and secure s | large share of public patronage. The Latest Styles received promptly and regularly, & JAMES § Ma sneheter Oct, 18, 1866. SQUIRE. FIRST OLASS FARM FOR SALE. { The subseriber offers for 8 Sale the west-half of Lot No. 11, in the 5th toncession of the Township of Reach, Containing 108 acres, 85 cleared and J free from stumps. This farm is sitnated half mile west of M ianchester and is certainly one of the best farms in the Township of Reach. For further particulars apPon the premises. PETER CHRISTIE, . 33 PPLICATION will be be made to the Le ture of the Province of Ontario, at in *ssion. for an Act to construct a Railway from the waters of Lake Ontario in the Towabip of Whitby West or Whithy East, thro County of Ontario and the Soily of Siheonto Sturgeon Bay or some othe F Dyin Sha that may 'be conveniznt on the wach Lake Huron, "gg Fy on Also to empower Manic lities hotius or také Cock k in said iipalites to give a grint of wild lands towards the construction thereof. JOHN FOwr. RR August 20, 186 1867. MONEY TO LOAN. A" rs RATES SOF I INTEREST. MESSIEURS COCHRANE & COCHRANE, Prince Albert. DIVISION : COURTS, FOR THE!" ! © @ounity of of @ntario.. hd plckeringy " 4, Uxbridge,.. i 1, Atherly wimisiesse anol do Whithy, Sept, 3, 186 5 cents a ho aigbie. ¥, 1866. ~ -~ a stb i EA ae