Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Apr 1867, p. 4

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uve: than, at that time, 1 doald have Smiazined hor capable of exibiting. - hon 'he bit me after death returned 1, with calmness. + A terrible suspicion fitted across the beautiful countenance of my Eliza. «The Ides of March, or at least of Sep- tember, are come,' thought she; but they ye not yet gone. My Agustus is loosing Ins senses after all." 1'perceived her suspicions, but thought it better to make no observation. < And what become of Jack ?* asked I, with indifference. ¢ Alas," said she, with a little treamour in her tone, ¢ nothing has been heard of that poor deg from that day to this. He took Beechwood road at full speed the instant that hus unhappy brother was despatched, "and mortal eye has not since lit upon him. «Yes it has,' cried I, with a jubilant shout, and leaping a foot or to into the air --'yes it has my Eliza. Don't be afraid. Zhis eye has lit upon him. I see it all now. There has never been the slightest ¢ hance of my going mad, It was Jock that I met, the ae I heard in the Vijlos was the lal- shall new ter animals death-knelkh., Don't be af- proceed to kiss you my oy rad. Tho next half hour in that yewtree arbour was by very far the shortest thirty minutes in the month. 1 subscqontly walked home on air, upbonrne "by Cupid's wings. As | akse(l Pow derha Cottage, I ®aw Major Jazer walking in his garden, and a sudden yearning for revenge took posession of me. In an instany, I bad vaulted over the litle gate, und savas by his side. To say he started would be to give but a feeble idea of the jump he gave. ¢ Ha, lial cried 1 maniaeally, ¢ a beanti- ful moruing, is it not? (It then being about 9 o'cleck pm.) lLiow nice the sun shines, don't it?' ¢« Yeo-yo-yes," stammered the major, 190k - ing lowards the door. ¢It shines dashed uicely.? ' Majox Blazer,' returned I, with fiendish mulignity, you lie, nud you know it. Tt is evening, sir; nay; itis night. Boo I? ¢ Ye-ye-yes, sir it isni abt. 1 saw he was looking for a weapon, and got between him and a spade that was sticking in the flower-bed, ¢ 1 am come to tea with you," exclaimed 1 with enthusiasm. ¢I cannot touch wine or even water to-day, somehow, but I farcy I could touch tea. I don't think it would give me those strange spasmodic In twitehings that other liquids do. 1a, na The major's purple countenance had changed to alivid whiteness. He could scarcely keep his legs, they trembled so as he edged backwards. His fingers were, however, vpon the door- handle us 1 made my grand coupe. + Do you observe anything in my cough, major, besides ils being mueical 2 And 1 coughed as much as possible in imitation of the canine species. ¢« Do you know, Dr Carvem says' In another instant, the door was slammed with the utmost yale in my face, and 1 heard the major putting up the chain and calling for his pistols. ¢ Ha, ha P shneked I, ¢ you're nothing buta fat coward I' And finishing wiih three deeided barks through the keyhole, I hurried homa. The Longest Month in my life was thus satisfactorily ended, and it has since borne fruits of the mest agreeable character; 1. do mot .£o much refer to my marriage with Eliza, as to the inicreased respect with which 1 am treated by the three magnificos of. Tinyton Parva. Before I was bitten by Jumbo (as wus Supposed), I was a sad dis- abvantage in their company. Then I had found out my weak point, and was not aware that such doughty individuals as they pos- sessed such athing: But now on the slight- est approach to hectoring on my part of any one of them, I have merely to cough in in a certain sifnificant and dog-like manner, and they change colour, and are civil vpon the insjant. They remember that I have seen them all in their white featuers on-ip that Lovjges, Month of my Lile. Brooklin Drug Store. e. JOHN EY AWE s. EALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, &c Best Wines and Liquors for medicinal DUrposes, (7 Horseland Cattle Medicines always on hand. ict Farm parm for Sale, That First Cl Class Farm ONTAINING 125 Acres, of which 120 are cleared, being part of Lot No. 12, in the 10th concession of the Township of Reach, Situated on the Centre Road five miles North of Manchester. There is an excellent STONE HOUSE. 30x40 with a good Kitchen attached. There is also a capital Frame Barm 35x75, and a Driving House 30x40 ; with other nec ry. Qut=Build- ings saitable for farming operations. A good thriving Young Orchard, and waterand a good pump. The land is in a high state of cultivation, with good fences. TERMS~-- $8000 $1000 down and $1000 in twelve months--the rest to suit the purchas- er's convenjence. Interest 8 per eent per annum. Apply--if by letter pre-paid--to JAMES JOHNSON, Greenbank P. 0. 6-2m HALF A MILLION Money to Lend. m undersigned has completed arrange- ments, whereby he is prepared to lend $500,000, of Private Funds, on mortgage Fecurit , ata low rate of interest. The borrow- ve his own time to pay the principal. oom gent for two of the largest mone- ha. olso Ager in Canada, that Foe money RECEIVED ¢ JUST A superior lot of FRENCH CALF SKIN Which will be Sold Cheap for Cash ; also on hand a large Stock of Spanish Sole Leather, which will be disposed of on the most favorable terms to cash purchasers. Having a large number of men constant employed in manufacturing Boots & Shoes Iam prepared to offer inducements equal if not superior to any house in the trade. Also an immense Stock of Boots and Shoes purchased i in the best markets, which will be sold at a slight ad- vance on tlie cost. You will findit®to your advantage to come and examine the Stock. 2 Cash for Hides, Tallow and Hemlock Hark. J. WRIGHT. PRINCE AL BERT Ax» MANCHESTER, } October 24, 1866. NEW WATCHES ! New Clocks! New Jewelry & Silver-plate, - AT W. HEPINSTALL'S BROOKLIN ----e CS -- N.B. All kinds of Watches and Clocks neatly repaired and WARRANTED, BROOKLIN, Dec. 26, 1 1866. 51 R. WILSON, BRUGEGIST, OPPOSITE SCOTT'S HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT! EALER in Droge, Patent Medicines, Dye-Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Trusses, Hair Tooth and Nail Brushes, Combs, Sponges, and Soaps, &e. Special attention given to the preparation and dispensing of Physicians prescriptions. Prince Albeit,Jan. 22, 1867 T. COURTICE'S nih 2. it Simcoe Street, --~------ HE" Guns, Best, and Cheapest Stock in Ontario, in SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, &c. A large assortment of WHIPS aud SLEIGH BELLS--wholesale and retail, Come and see! A whole Set of Harness, complete, for only $18. Other articles in Dloporiea. Prince Aibert, Dec. 5, 1866. NOTICE! A. SINCLAIR EGS to inform his friends and the public generally that his FALL STOCK B artived, consisting of FIRST CLASS TEAS and a CHOICE LOT OF GROCERIES Wines, Brandies, and other Liquors of the best brands --Porter pe. Ales. Wines, Brandies, &c., for medical purposes. (=~ He would say to HOTEL KEEPERS that they have only to call and examine *his Stock to be convinced that they can do batter by buying at his establishment than at any other in the County or out of it. (ZG Come, see, and be convinced. A large assortment of FISH will arrive next week. f Priuce Alber, Qct. 17, 1866. CAUTION! has 41-Ty I HEREBY notify the public generally and intending purchasers' A Attiealarly, to be cautions with whom they conclude Bargains, before 'they call at the 'Where they will find on hand a quantity of first class li ork 5m lo yea ta per cont mest | Yanuluarsd onthe fries of the chose motel nd ft igs 310 ge god ae Np Commision Charged. Prince Albert to get yourHorse Shoeing done. {Te oh bi a and gold. A Work Warranted or mo Pay. v JAMES EMANE es RG en . Prince Albert, Dec, 26, 1866. & Notary Punic, Land mee, General Agent, dc, fo. Whine 0 ) Brock Street. et. 3,7 ws "39 Ne fost 2 or Stolen. ' 2 somber cf ot BORBLIA os Cabinel Warerooms 19 Aug 3s bis o id place still wor his o in the pednioes er Zi as Sofas, il Dining and Bron a ed Sureanasbodses he ' House and Sign Painti one on orion Sale an e.. Ac oice lot of STEEL ENG. Framed a £ { speciat ft Notice: qo of gobi all; {aos ready- A AL RA g { ; - or Lumber and Produce taken in exchange for work. Borelia, Oct. 24, 1866. JOHN NOTT. ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY: Cutters and Sleighs !| Vines Sor . Carriog e #22 Maker! AL NUAse, | A AN py, TH J" J. EE HOGG Wholesale and Retail Agent for the above Nurseries, is now soliciting orders in this and adjoining Counties ; for the Sale of FRET TREES, ORNAMENTAL TREES, oy Grape Py Shrubs, Roses, Strawberries, Hedge, Plants, &c. MX TREES are well grown, stout bodied od healthy, and are, giving general satisfaction throughout the Province, and when the selection is left to me, I w ill guarantee their succes he fruit grown in the Toronto Nurseries is indisputably the best in the Province of Canada, I would call particular attention to the fact that since the establishment of I; rovincial Exhibitions, I have not failed to carry off the First 'rize for the Best Display of Fruit,--except in one instance, and that year I did not exhibit. And in the case of the last exhibition in Hamilton, in_the Fall of 1864, my productions were considered of so supcrior a nature, that the Judges in addition to the First Prize awarded them a Diploma. All orders gent to the subscriber will be punctually attended to. J H E. HOGG, Port Perry, Feb. 5, 1867. Buz 75, Ton Perry, CW. HARRISON MAW & SON, (OVTRACTORN «BUILDER PORT PERRY! ARE prepared to Contract for and pnt up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood Brick or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, with all the most modern improve- (Z~Plans and Specifica~ JOHN H. MAW. ments. Parties requiring good work dene will do well to call. tions made to order. HARRISON MAW, Port Perry, Dee. 5, 1866. Ir. YOU. WANT A GOOD =H STOVE Ne. 1, Tinker' s Terrace, Prince Albert, where you can have your choice from the largest and best Stock of Cooking, Parlor, and Box Stoves in the County. SYOVE PIPES, EAVE TROUGHS TIN and JAPAN WARE, of every description, FOR SALE BY C A. E. MCCAW. (% Particular attention paid to all kinds of Jobbing. Prince Albert, April. 19, 1866. Furniture W Warercoms WW. iH. DP PARK, Cabinet Maker & Undertaker, PRINCE ALBERT. AS now on hand a large and compete assortment of Cabinet Furniture, which he isselling Cheap. I'he Stock consists of Chairs, Bedsteads, Sofus, Bureaus, Cup- boards, Stands, Dining and Centre Tables, of newest styles, Every artictesf House- hold Furniture made to order by first class workmen, and, warranted. All repairing promptly attended. (2% A large Stock of COFFINS, and COFFIN TRIMMINGS of -every "deseription' kept constantly on hand and for sale. Directions relating to funerals wall be promptly forwarded to the Cemetery without charge. All orders in 'this branch of his business wil receive prompt and faithful attention, at very reasonable charges. A Hearse formished when required. 0% The highest price paid in CASH for Butternut Lumber. " W. H. PARK, Sign of the Red White and Blue. Prince Albeit, Sept. 5, 1866. FOR EVER HE Subseriber takes this method of returning thanks to his numerons customers for their liberal paironage for the past SIX YEARS, and begs to intimate that he is constantly prepared to furnish them with Wagons and Buggies! And that he is now ring FIFTY Sets of his PREMIUM IRON RO W made ip the Intest Toroved Scotch pig ¥ +-Woob.?, Parties desirin urchase would do ek to cail and inspect his Stock bef 1se- Whee, cor Li Mit his Stok for Cash, he is aotermined not to be 'underso 7h oh any ne See manufaf Manchester, Jk 10, wu i EFL 'ly I P. JOHNSTON, "WATCHMAKER, AND JWELER, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C. &C., King Street East r k- WIOSH ANW A, (ITF Watches and | Jetoclry Neatly y Repaired. Oshawa, Jan _ 25, 1865. '™M. 0, DONOVAN, PRACTICAL i ge THE TOWN HALL, {BROCK STREET, WHITRY 1 A GOOD assortment of Buggies womieniy on half 'made fon best material. Work made {0 order with neatness and disp paid to rep 8 {% ALL WORK WARRANTED. 14 THE OLD STAND For the cure of Paid. both Pxternal and Internal, The greatest Pain Curing Remedy vet discovered, Pain cannot long exist where this Remedy js faithfully used. Give it one fair trial and you will use no other. Tt is acknowledged by those who have used other remehies of this Kind, to be the best and most valuable of any known, for the diseases for which it is recommended. IF Sold by all medicine dealers. PRICE ONLY 235 CENTS. Tt 1s the largest bottle of medicine of the kind in Canada. Manufactured by the proprietor, two doors cast 24 af Magis: s Hotel, Prince atvyt, © Vv. BARBER 2 & PYE, hrchitecls, Dalla, Building end Land Swvegors, VALUATORS, &C., &C., OSHAWA, C. W,, RE prepared to farnish Plans, Details and A Specifications, for public buildings, private residences of every description or in any style of architecture. Plans of all kinds of stairs bridges, tombstones, patent rights, mills an mac! hinery , can be bad on the shortest possible notice. Mr. Pye is recently from Manehester, England, "| where he has had experience in designing, sur- eying, and superintending. ; yn Pe may be io pa Beading Oshawa, or may be had on pplication Room, Us| a, OF may ha plication Ww. Hn Py E. Oshawe, ug. 30, 1866. 84 Insolvent Act of 1¥64. Province of Canada, N the County Court of County of Ontario, the County of Ontario. To Wit: In the matter Philander Ilurd, an In- solvent. On Saturday the 18th day of May next, the un- dersigned will apply to the Judge of hs said Oourt for a discharge under the said a at Whitby, on the 13th day oh March, 867 PHILANDER HURD. The undersigned, Official Assignee, gives notice also that he will at the same time (or As BOON thereafter as Counsel can be heard) apply to the srid Judge for His discharge from the office o Assignee in this matter, and that his fil ac- count is open for inspection at his Office in the f Whit; Town of Whithy 5 AMES HOLDEN, Official 'Assignee. Official Assignee's Office, 10-8w Whitby March 13, 1867. 1.9404 10PI0E) § MY 19A0--JOH 'I0[18], O[qUUOTYSE 'X49 ad FARM FOR SALE. ACRES CRES of excellent land all 5 cleared, with good Frame House and Barn, thriving Young Orchard, and a good well of water there on--beiug the cast-half of the north-half of lot No. 5, in the 2nd concession of the TOWNSHIP OF REACH. JOHN 8. M. WILLCOX, Whitby P.O. ® Whitby, 8 Sept. 19, 1866. |Good News for All! IFE-LIKE PICTURES taken in all kinds of weather, at J. A. CLARK'S . PHOTOGRAPH CAR, UXBRIDGE. ° The subscriber is prepared to exeente, in the boss style, Photographs, Ambrotypes, Melenco- types, Carte @ Visites, and all kinds of piotares a to the profession, at his Car, west of | Orosby's Store, Uxbridge, cheap and warranted to suit customers. Pictures copied 'and photo graphed, or enlarged to any size desired. J. A. CLARK. Uxbridge, Oct. 11, 1865, VIicr ORIA Sewing M Machine. AGENTS _WANTED |: $10 to $15 per day. OTIVE Agents wanted lo canvass ad sell ASH new J Lip i Victoria Family |Sewing Machines. Price only $15. 'The greats est invention on a Pele principle, is the mos simple, and warranted for three years, being the ag vd cl 8 Rhea ) Piching ov ever futroiieed nada. Do not chasing some cheap worthléss machine, Irs fy a Jou ¥ iavgia aL ouminty i a} ih yin i fae 0 th in OE e wi ere is no |e ino can hi) itin all kinds of 29 I Machines gent a Jece; t of ais hee pr istered Jetter. Jeni isgions or or wil dy bere NE saney Ra rn Fm © | GATES : aie No. 14. 2] y : eb COM KEROSENE" AND. GAS STOVES | Toa and Coffee Boilers, ov Gi ts, OL aan ti xg All the s. Cook) 2 Jor pat 0 3 family wd be It as ie Witney yf evogene Oil, on less trouble; "a at less 3 expense, than any otherfuel 1 co., ing Street Ei Toro! [gg ses rp Qlrealat; A Jikan) dischinlia the KEROSENE LAMP HEATER COY, 4-8m . 206 Pearl Street, New York. | Borelia, Nov. 28, 1866 | tion; and, fron their Edeh Article a oom fk esha Common wi TI hg Eo ro dy MANCHESTER Where he intends cawying on the 0G-Tailoring Business rE et "ihe Ere hothing willy "left un Ie A neatness of fit, modern iE charges, Amn a or megane tor obama it monees of public 1s oy The Latest Style ceived tl; ant Liest Styles ressived promptly JAMES SQUIRE. Manchester, Oct, 18, ove Insolvent Act of 1864. ProviINCE oF CAN, IL the County County of Ontario, rt ot. the T0 WIT: unty of Ontario. In the matter. of Alexander York, « Townikip of Uxbridge, an hol Be 0% Tuesday the 16th da day of 0 April the under- signed will apply te the ge of ie sald urt for a discharge under the said Dated at Whitby, on the 6th Ei Feb. 186%. 6-9w] ; ALEXANDER YORK. HE subscriber Vege. tq, inform. the generally that he has opened o SHOP, J« Joining Jewett's Hotel, BORELIA For the manufacture and sala of Gentlemen's , Ladies', and Children's Boots and Shoes, Nothing but the best material is used; and none but first class workmen are employed--so shat he can, with confidence, 'warrant all 'work going from his establishment. Remember the ,place--one "door south of Jewett's Hotel. D. ROSE. 4a Grovesteen & Co.. PIANO-FORTE - MANUFACTURERS, 499 Broadway, New York, | m-- f TH SE PIANOS warts the Highest Award of Merit { at the World's Fair, ov¢r the hest makers from Londbi, Paris, Germany. thie civies of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston ; also, the Gow MepaL at ahe Mechanges' Institute; for FIVE SUC=- CERSIVE YEARS 1 Our 'inhos contain the French Giand Actiorf, Hap Pedal, Overstiung Bass, Full from Prawe. and all Modery Improvements. Every Instru- ment Yarwyot Fr iy B_years. Made under the supers vision of { GROVESTEEN, whe a8 n a ba of over thirty-five yems, and is the maker of over ddeven thousand piano fortes, -- Our facilities for Tbligsing eimble us 10 sell hele Instruments from $100 10, $200 Cheaper than aus i clask pinjfo forte. TT Whitby, Prince Albert, and PORT: PERRY! TIE Subscriber begs to intimate to the travel~ Ing, community that he continwes to furnish a Covered Conveyance between the a en tioned places, every lawful day, leaving Whithy aftex the arrival of the forntng Trains, and reaching Prince Albert i e to connect with the tage for Manilla and the North. Leaves Port Perry and Prince Albert'after the arrival of the Manilla Stage, and reaches "Whitby in time for the early trains, east and Nest. FARES REASONABLE X39 Paghese and Parcels at shine isk of the owner, unless booked and paid for. G. R IN, Proprietor. 12 Whitby, Jan. 17 1866. BR. WOOD, PROPRIETOR OF TIE Ottawa Cancer Infirmary, BTARKS STREET AND MARIA STREET, OTTAWA, C.W. CANCERS CURED By a New. but Certain, Speedy, and near. ly Painless process, and without the use of the Knife. The cure will be guaranteed, and, as, proof of this, no pay is required, until the cure is com- plete. The moment a cancer is discovered, it should be cured, as it will cost less and 48'more speedily cured 'than when of longer standing," © and there is nothing to gain, and. everything to lose by delay. What now stems' & harmless lump in the breast, neck, eye-lid or elsewhere, or small wart or sore on the lipgmay, ina few tort short months, become a hideous, digkusting, destroying mass of disease. If required, refer- ences can to given to parties who have been cured many years siece, and who are now sound and healthy. All communieations promptly answered. No money required in sdvanee, and done until the cure is complete - « «40-1 THE SILVER! SKIRT MORE DURABLE ! oh MORE rLasTIq | ty MORE assur te And will keép its Shape and "tlain ils, Place better than i other 3 it. il oh . This new and beautiful s stylé Fo (Patented March 7, 1865) was aw: he, GREAT a ol Ture Fam, ie in od [¥ork, Ty ) Silver' 'Medally The highest premium ever given for a Hoop, Skirt. The Stecl Springs are wound with a fine plated wire (in plate of § Sottow F Sovering hi will not wear off or soiled, a le skirt be He gol i ithe t fear of ar. aad po ws good ae ; a ry THE COMBINATION SILVER SKAT {This invention combines with the ordi |i hn the sin our SILVER ttom hy used in Jthe silver skirt, > ® She sam pr cannot wear off, while the ad w with_gotton. No lady, having dnce worn onb ts, will be wil! se he 1 lowe oops of a 4 or 'Kinds bey Wied 'best materials are used in their nsf " ir cutpability ahd nea A ° are destined to become 2 loz A FAVORITE, SKIRT. Manhfactired'and by the Silver Skirt od Wire Manufacturing Company. 80 & 82 Barclay Street, New York 32-17. T.8. SPERRY, Supt, mi BF

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