Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 Jul 1866, p. 4

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€ / CAPITAL £3,500,000 OR $18,500,000. "Good Sheds on the. premises under which to "HENRY GRIST, PARLIAMENTARY, PATENT AGENT, mgm OH! HE WAS S0 SMART, , A gentleman, ore dvonioz, was seated near a lovely woman, when the company around him were proposing conundrums 10 'each other. Turning to his Foal he said-- 4 Why is a lady unlike a mirror ?" She ¢ gave it up.' « Because," said the rude fellow, "a "mirror reflects without speaking, a lady [ without reflecting." " Very good," said she. ¢ Now answer me. Why is aman unlike a mirror 7? ¢ I cannot tell yon." « Because the murcor is polished and the man 1s not." rr ~-- WHAT ARE SILVER AND GOLD? What are silver and gold compared to good health ? What will not a man give, that he hath for 'his own life? To keep well and so preserve his life is every sen- sible man's first endeavor, and never was there a time in the world's history when a man might do this with more ease than at present, for Radway's Regulating Pills render almost all other medicifi 's superflus ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER, AT R. WiLsons DruG STORE, ous. They preveut the occurrence of a serious ill health if taken at suitable times, and they promptly remove a disease when it boldly attempts to. fasten itself npon its victim. Being very cheap, (only 25 cents 2 box,) they commend themselves to the econ inicul as well as the more indifferent. Being coated with gum so as to be tasteless, they are the favoyjtes of the delicate and fastidious, as well as of those whose pa- lates are not so discriminating or particular, Being mild in their operation, as well as effectual, occasioning no pain and no grip- ing, they are preferrd by all who can appreciate a really excellent medicine. As an aperient they are without a rival. As a tonic they cannot be surpassed." As a purgative they are perfect. Asan alterative they are unapproachable. As a counter- irritant they are admirable. As a stimulent they are all that could be desired. As a cudorifie they are inimitahla P-t-=y Rape o aero ai@ In brief, and hones:ly speaking, a never-failing remedy for bilious attacks of every kind ; for nervous disorders ; for maladies arising from a depraved con- dition of the blood ; fof rehumatism ; dys- pepsia ; for yellow and typhoid fevers; for erysipelas and kindred complaints, no pru- dent household should be without Radway's Regulating. Pills. They are better than silver or gold to every man or woman who properly values good health, Sold by Druggists. S-- = ---------- A SrecimeN Fenian.--One of the Fe- nians imprisoned at Montreal, and now re- moved to Bedford, C. E., was a soldier who had been drummed. out of the 17th regi- ment at Halifax, for theft, was afterwards condemned to the Nova Scotia Penitentiary for larceny ; and was pardoned out on con- dition of acting as hangman, in the execu- tion of the murderers of Captain Benson. This ex-hangman and jail-bird of course joined Sweeney, from pure love of Irish liberty | Not a doubt of it.-- Freeman. THE COMMERCIAL UNION Assurance Company, 19 & 20 Comxmuii, LONDON, AXD 885 & 387° Sr. Paun Sr, MONTREAL. T= Company affords perfect security to the assured, and offers the advantages of a mu- tual office, with fresdons from all liabili OHN H. BROWN Toent, Manchester. REMOVAL HE subscriber begs to inform his numerous customers that he has removed from the ghop lately occupied 0 him to .the iy. and of the best material. FORMAN & WILSON, Fdlshionable Tailors, y PRINCE ALBERT !! 1g Ni Forman, Esq, Princ BE 8 won. ---- "April 17,1866. or i iL = . = B- [en ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER, : ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER, = i= 0 =r i ROOM PAPER ETA VI WOOH brasimn Lee PRINCE ALBERT. PRINCE ALBERT CARRIAGE FACTORY. HE subsenber at ihe commencement of the Summer Campaign, begs to inform the 'E ublic that having taker especial pains in securing the best material the country affords, and having had some 27 years experience in the business, he is prepared to supply superior . Wagons,Carriages& Implements 20 SHORT NOTICE AND REASONABLE PRICES. P, want of anything in his line may rely on getting a handsome and substantial article, the Bi Me Oe childish hint at counterfeiters by a jealous Pi to the Sous potwithotaud ug. i and General Jobbing. jctilar attention paid to Iurse shoei ext % GEORGE WHITE. Prince Albert, April 18, 1866. HELP! HELP! Officer.--Here you rascal, what are you doing ? Thief =] am trying to get a pair,of Daynes & SNELL's good bootsfand have not got | time to wait until they can make them, they "are so busy. Officer.--Well, go and leave your measure, and. Ill guarantee they will get you up a pair, right away, which for oho work uauship cannot be surpassed, DAYNES & SNELL Would add that they are now prepared. to manfacture every discription of Gents' Ladies' and Misses' Boots and Shoes, at the shortest possible notice, pa Mending punctually attended to, il S110P--opposite the Town Hall, Prince Albert, Feb: 7, 1866, M. O. DONOVAN, Carriage Maker! NEAR THE TOWN HALL, BROCK STREET, WHITBY I on hand. made from Best material. Work Particular attention paid to repairing. = . t 5-1y GOOD assortment of Buggies any on A made to order with neatness and dispatch. omer 0 mst DTIRRLPS) Money to Loan! N sums of from $400 to $1500, on unencum- bered farm PW AREWELL & McGEE, -- ere vad SUGitEES, OULD most espettally form th abi lately occupied as a hotel south of Mr. Gordon's Store, where dle is 2A shured;to S supply the public with first 'Wagons,Carriages,&.c. AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. CQonstantly on hand a Jags supply of those ex- cellent Revolving Horse Rakes ! Such as manufactured last year. tore Carriages, &e., while under repairs, JAMES*PARKIN. Manchester, April 18, 1806." PRINCE ALBERT, And vicinity, that T have opened a Picture Gallery Over Cowan's Store. Havin given instructions in the Western States all last summer, and Javiog a Shorough knowledge of the art 'of Photoprap fe tures cannot be surpassed for fe nd a bility. I feel confident 1 son Bt best galleries ind Canada, wo nge ike J. D. Oottingham, FR, DENTIST, HER, EETH Extracted. 2 Teeth Scaled and Reggloted Teeth filled wit | Gold gd or Doment; Teeth inserted in Gold, Silver, or Rubber i work entrusted to him will receive prompt ttentio » Patients will not be expected to take any work that is not satisfactory. Departmental; - ; OTTAWA. Transacts business with the Crown Lands and other Governmental gh Takes out Jujenla for Javensions; Ob; Incorporation Fat REA ie Hr Bet RmrERENCES, 'Commi of Coot Lands ; R Hon Ei Danii Con i R. & Son, Sawin, lw thong Bn py J a: Landon I : H. RB. BARBER, fees Dn Sd Drie, OSHAWA, OC. | H, Park's Furniture Moe in the best' |Good News for . All| Uxbridge, Oct. 11, 1005. uble CLERK THIRD DIVISION COURT, Daxtioular nttontion ond to to ih be re; tion of of Ts n wi every "For at that | used by the bestoperator h Eagle CE to make my Dictares he me of second deftats Tadd id the common run the. identity of the | #0 mouth puthvis formed for life. deport dey EERE on ( dn Cash-- produce at p Brelia, Sept. 6, 1865. 5 3 yd Sly3-| cot Be tor goin % Childe, aig $3" You who know Sod pictures and want them--CALL | Tou who don't know 890d bi if 'tures when on see them--come and see them. 3} alt Sti Building Lot for Sale. VALUABLE Bi HA TALDA Wrig Boling Tot sions ness S04 yan of the flouishing village ol a hor terms GL c os H&L pnscornl, [rE Btu ken wi sll kinds of & an onccot 0 mi ECE and bmg EP I HOS] +|0 Watches and Jewelry Neatly I {Gana wal Tdn« an) Bo HAyor? ead Lie ir sors Bilt in [HARRISON MLACW, Ge' 'SONS, NTARID CARRIAGE. E._ CARRIAGES, WA iow at understand the ; and BUGGIES, & NS, usi ' As all 'the various rs of the .w matle on the premises and runder my own supertendance, I can Pa every pe hi by ive entire fot ction. Carringes and 'Wagons repaired and painted." PAINTING. done foi oie eral Jobbing done with neatness and despatch. HORSE SHOEING and pi r "Pints Revolving Horse R aXe MES BMANEY, Special Notice. a Sef COFFINS of all sizes, ready- tin done at my shop, will the freed UNDER TAKERS. --Hearse to hire. work me pd living in the ho villages, go voi je Ci 0 JOHN NOTT. CaLL AT THE BROOGELIN STOV 'DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. FOR THE CURE OF ALL DISGEDENS,OF FRR (1 Prince Albert, Aprild, my "TIN SHOP! Y | stomach, Liver, Bowels, dn neys, Te Ww Bigiter, Nofsous, Bissapes hf HERE will find a large. assort- He: e, Constip ny J B 0 RR" =] L 1 A ment 4 a B 2 ° Costiveness, COOKING, Indiges= 0011S x oye AND PARLOR pie = DUMD STOVES, S70 ' pian il= 3 758 hie hn will working at his eo Teer lace of Rebineats vasufiotnring every- STOVE PIPES, * fous favet; Inflams=, , thing in the CABINET LINE, such as Sofas, Centre, Dining and Breakfast Tables, LBOWS, mation of the Bowéls, Piles, Cupboa ng) Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, &o. House and Sign Painting and Paper TIN, | and all derangements of ig ne Hanging done on the shortest notice. (A choice lot of STEEL ENGRAVINGS To PRESSED, tern 5 | Viscora. Sale and Framed to order. AND JAPANNED WARE, PRESERVING KETTLES, ONE TO SIX SIX BOXES ARR | 84D IRONS, vo |Warnnted fo feet 8 Posiive im Together with a variety of other articles in DR. RADWAY'S i 'the house furnishing line too numerous to. I mention. All ot which will be sold at the lowest living prices. ARE COMPOSED OF VEGETABLE EXTRACTS (= Particular attention paid to repairing, lining old Syehsjjfie, PREPARED IN VACUO; Washing Machines re-zinced and made | Superior to all Purgalive, Cathartic, of or Altera- as good as new. tive Medicines in general Ih ALSO, AGENT FOR TOMB STONES. constantly prepared to furnish them with ROWS made in the latest improved Scotch styles. Good Lumber and Produce taken in' exchange for work. HE Subscriber takes this method of returning thanks to his numerous customers for Wagons and Buggies! Parties desiring to purchase would do well to call and inspect his Stock beforé purchasing else- Borelia, June 20, 1865. their liberal patronage for the past SIX YEARS, and begs to intimate that he is And that he is now preparing FIFTY Sets of his PREMIUM IRON & WOOD SEED HAR- where. Having Ee his Stock for Cash, he is determined not to be undersol d by any other manufacturer in the County All Work toate, WM, STEEL. | Manchester, April 10, 1866. WHEAT! WANTED AT THE PORT PERRY UNION MILLS ! 20,000 BUSH. OF WHEAT, FOR WHICH THE Highest price will bepaid in Cash. GRISTING/BRY GOODS I ILL have our prompt attention.-- ROCERIES, CROCKERY, &ec., for Please give us a trial, and we oi Sale Cheap for Guarantee Satisfaction. [Cash or any kind of Farm Produce, 07 Salt and «Plaster for Sale Cheap, MARSH & TROUNCE. a Port Perry, Feb. 1, 1866. A. BARRETT'S FIRST PRIZE PHOTOGRAPH BROOKS ENe-8Y., 0: OSHAWA. Photographs $2 per per dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed. Copying done reasonable. OsHAWA, Jan. 10, 1866; ~ © 1 the Stand-- directly opposite the Globe Hotel. THOS, ROBSON. Brooklin, Dec. 20, 1865. COATED WITH eum, Which renders them vory conyen jo SES for ohildre! ig ay irs cial: oh oe ority of Radway's a Pills over all other. use, is the fact of their wonderful in AEE 2 being highly concentrated. One to six of will act more fhoroughly, and cleanse the all canal, without producing eram, Tig, ete., than an; thas Pills be » Pargative use. THE GREAT WANT SUPPLIED. Itis a well known fact that Physicians Farm for Sale! [oR Sale by piivate contract, the rear half of Lots No. 13 and 14, in the Ist concession of the TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSA. There are about 75 acres cleared on Lot 13, and about 60 acres on Lot 14. The stumps that remain could easily be remayed as the most of it has been cleared six or seven years. The land is equal to the best in the township, and from which there isa beautiful view of Lake Scugog. For further particulars inquire (if by letter post-paid) of THOS. SPEIGHT, Sr., Markham. G. ROBSON, Prince Albert. 39-tf purgative as a substitute for Calomel, and that would cleanse the Alimentary Canal of all diseased and retained humors, as tho- roughly as Lobelia will the stomach, with- out producing sickness at stomach, weak- ness, or irritatiowof the'mucons mefbrine. In Dr. Radway's Pills, this very im- sortant and essential principle is secured, A dose of two to six (according to the sondition of the system) of Dr.' Radway's Pills will produce al the positive alterative change--from a sluggish or torpid, to a nealthy 'action of the Liver--as the phy- sictan hopes to obtain by a dosg of Blue Pills, or Calomel; and. will, as, thorou ighly cleanse the Stomach, and purge from the bowels the diseased and retained humors as the most approved emetio, or oathartia without occasioning inconvenience oF. ick nese to the patient. Professor Reid.--College of Pharmacy. THE GREAT PURGATIVE. The celebrated Prof. Reid, of New York, Lecturer Chemistry in the College of Pharmacy, styles dway's Pillsas the Great Putgative," and fhe only Purgative Medicine safe to administer in cases of ex- treme Debility; and in Erysipdias Smgll-Pox, Typhoid Fever, Bilious Fever, their action being 'soothing, healing, cleansing, purifying, instead of griping, irritating, debilitating, and nauseating. "After ex- amining these Fos writés the Professcy, "I find *| them d of GREAT YURITY, and are freo from rt and other dangerous sub- stances, and prepared with eare. Huving long known Br. Radwsy as a scitititlo gentleman of high attainments, I place every confidence in Lis remedies and statoments, "aro "LAWRENCE REID . Professor of. 7 Chemistry. " Dr. Sydn Sleyens ne' Trea ent ure ydny Cb oars. * savant of the Seoul; pep- sla--Costiveness--Scarlet Fever --Lead C oi &e U. 8. Ixvaup HOSPITAL, NEW YORK, DR. RADWAY & Co. sc1.d youfor publ Tooult of my eatment with your Lilie Senile fe or M. Markham, Oct. 3, 1865. Volunteers ordered to the Frontier | AND J. BULLEN REMOYED From his Old Stand to one door South of the Red White & Blue. All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted. £7 Spring and Summer Fashions just re- ceived. J. BULLEN. i Prince Albert, March 287 1866. 12 GENERAL AGENCY. iE HE undersigned eget to announce to the in- habitants of Oshawa and vicinity, that he basdeased the premises lately occupied by W. D. Hepburn, as a Boot and Shoe Manufactory, which na intends to open as an AUCTIO. ROOM, where he will receive consignments of goods ofall kinds, on Commission, at a moderate Peron CTION SALES in the Village and ak oN to on the shortest notice.-- Terms reasonable. Accounts of merchants and others collected on commission. Also Agent for the Western Fire Insurance C Companys S. DECKER. | is Carn _Tuflammaticn of the Dowels. John C. 26 | Chapm ed thirty-four, was ceized 0) the Seht of the 22nd of October with n,m ation of the bowels; was called at 10 2.3; he had then beer puffering over three hours; had not pPASER, fe for six Gays;- te him six of your Pills, an EI, ed he Heady the abdomen; in a fo w minutes the pai Bh Chad; he fon iuto a calm sleep; at 4 A. A. Jie kad i Te Tart Oshawa, July, 1865. Whitby; Prince Albert, and Port t Perry. WM. DECKER,- PRACTICAL ATG 25. JULI HS Removed bn Lo gramges laely oon ed byt ee, Dror, hn i te Victoria Block, two WATCHES, CLOCKS & 'JEWELRY. Fr fret Sr 2k er By bis: (f Remember the Vitara big oly early wh Wide the rr : 16 TTT TL J. Ne, JOHNSTON, Ba cle] GOLD AND SILVER BANCY GOODS; ; 5 &QCy vay TAA. ; Hi ort alt pated to do | Weaving, ulin, Frosin en 3 we with their otk nay Ted ha iruting, well on tha depen ang vel done 0d Cash paid for Sheep Skins." H. Burnham, Office over Mr. Bigelow's Store, Commanding. C. T. YOUNG. 20-3m PORT PERRY, C. W Port Perry, May 16, 1866. Joi Hel vi bug ALT = Vor Builders and' | Gam] A'C TORS, ~" "PORT PERRY! oe ARE Rieracd lo tot act bo "and ut up Buildings of all kinds, . whather: 'Wood, h off in the latest styles, with all the most modern improve- ents. Periied siquiving "work done will do well to call. (Plans and Specifica Port Perry, Dec. 20, 1865. 50-1y / Ropuivedy, HE to the travel- ing Gussie 4 hat dot continues to furnish a Covered Conveyance between the above men- tioned places, every lawful day, leaving Whitby aftex the arrival of the Morning Trains, and reaching Prince Albert in time to connect with the Stage for Manilla and the North. Leaves Pert Perry and Prince Albert after the arrival | 3p of the Manilla Stage, and reaches Whitby in 1h for the early trains, east and west. FARES REASONABLE! ve more pills, and for five dag gave iat} ee gil per x ¥ © is now. woll and earty., In all 8 of er Sie) of the bowels, } succeed in oy all danger by a single dose of from six to eight in six hours, In lead lie, 1 ore the pills in large doses-- six to eight, and a teaspoonful of Keief to a wineglase of water évery Ou! Toit always cules, 3nd Case--David Bruce, aged . on Nov. 36th; found iat he Las With bilious fever for wen {y-1! pr « six of your pills very ose ar ud inks of bonset tea. enty-fcur Yours de a is now at a Eindpg urns, a; cea Baggage and Parcels a te risk of the ( scarlet fever; gave her two had Fi y sae for , called at c] hooked and paid f "four hours; applied th A ROBSO SON, "Proprietor. J oy ave Pagid dy vith, at a Ey Whitby, Jan. 17 156 2-1y Rolief as Jeink. In thirty-six hours the was playing with her bro and sisters. I have p your : LE Ra. Lassi, Soupesst 038 ver, y English Pink Dental Rubber; New and | witnessed thé m a oy Gy ind hve beautiful Vauleanite Base for Arti- tho only tray purasive fing ot lise are a tifiolal To Toeth ! Spleen defivements dian CAL ERE nd OC. D. "WAID, > ETE Fi SURGEON- DENTIST, hem luabis, ne TURN nD. PAINS, Tybrivge. STEVENS, 3 LL Dental ees performed with the Suppression of The Mer Menses, Headache, * utmost skill and in to give sat- 088 ng no charge, and at prices which defy Di RavsRENcEs.--Rey. Dr. Short, and JI. D. Ewved my rage Tor Hope ; Rov. J. T. Burns, Whitby ; uld, Esq., and J. Bolster, M. B,, , Uxbridge aie Far) for Sale. HE subscriber offers for Sale Lot No. |" 15, in the 13th, and Lot No. 15, in the ©~ ~ 14th concession of the: Gili of Reach, x Contaihing 100 acres eich, Between 80 and 90 Cleared on each Lot, Mostly free from stumps; the two lots being 3th concession line. On the Joparated by 'by the 1 9 | lo in the 13th concession there is a log house Sis Qrcliard o> 8 fhe e in the rivagh toy ity fie x e barn io are. is fable rh are situated about thre¢- bi By Dr. owt go Se { LET D a ind A TR ea Fp. aA Pills weil enable AER i ie Fi yori mile eapt of the Vi of 1d, artery ofa. situnted on the vi ng fo By nee SEE Possession will BOLD BY ALL PRUGGISTS. or terme, &o, "Pricé 25 cents per Box, i» Sarl to Sheqeoptietie oi J on he Er tfield p.0 HENRY ROBINSON. Svintfield, Feb, 21, 188, Agents. For Sale in ig Alvert by R, Wea 7 Diuggist, and T, C, Forman. have long sought to discover a vegetable , M 4

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