Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 14 Jun 1866, p. 4

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he i cu lg ; -- -- rn sh -------------- ee a casas sine --- ------ -- «AAR AHO Maal Ee Ay 5 i gd peta 1801 RE TR i hi to aol nm woe 3 " i} i ( SECULED To THE HDMAN bbl giorno smiokl dT 3 ry # or ert havi - ¥ pe oy. n fion' or the a. uf bifid atoa0!) sq 104 ted in Fe re ee or another, tot this di RY wo 1 . : I~ i oY det. pia whrfu i at bud thugs are | ) n ul d tEBY notify FO Jalil 4 "Fi gridglady, to b © BR ADW AY g ide ; y ns, cautious wit cone ore 1 atthe. at : mere "Bren i ith Fashionable Tailors, w ees at : ; be pes "NEB. bi ¥: R ! ramedies happey to cure, they leave behind 'PRINCE ALBERT. gl o Prince NT Rl | | Sng A ; bo THE &, READ RELIEF, : thein the sels mo rm------ -- Se ToRNAN: : ' LEY, tot suddenly eed with pein ide 5 i iii a a 8. R. WILSON. re they fan sce GEN jy CARRIAGE AGONS ands IES, &&M = shri gi i Ap Taio, a Ln material hen that o wink the busine phir vario 2 : ness, the use of RADWA NT EADY RRA P atts pf the k are made. of the. preu ses ifn r omy wn Soom ; will afford IMMEDIATE BASE : spoonful of it administered in a wine-gluss 3 warralil every Rrticle to give entire satisfaction. ges atid Wagons pt pi A. uate the treatendd' disease. © gerd a id : & by 20 --1f suffering front' shy" shite painted. PAINTING done f trade, « HORSE 8 oe ae i a nd daupateh. = - matory, neuralgic, "rlisutmatie, ty a 8 a orse S EM ANEBY. : cc 0 other disease, whother Rhe at or; os % Brie Albelt , Apnl 4, , 1668 nl i Bt aS gin, Cholera Morb, Canada Cholera, Diar- go = 3 2 ) rhea, Bitlis €hie, a J BOR B I A = 2 Eo will fis a arte fo ee READY RELIEF willjuidkly curuthepationt, ABIN NET W ARERQOMIS" of sweetendd water as a more beneficial effect at once than any compound of lau- danum camphor, rhubard, &ec., and if the pain be,not forthwith removed, as well as the violence of the discharges Witninishéd in abolit twenty minutes, a repelition of the | ROOM unl dose" of Ready Relief is cenainto produce 4 the desired eflect. You have only, in ad- ® ROOM PAPER, in ® witliont 'dccasioning Toss' of tind, ching dition, t ly fi ked with Read ROOM PAPER, . o i Reliat tothe bo acts aes Pein oo " BA WS 208 T ga | lle, of fue usd of Shue er plies. Tos dado over very quickly! $s ke rH ary at "a Tt ve STOVES, ww STOPES, na ins 1% Sickness at, Stomach, : Your ate satisfiod from 'the "stait that the Rn. Wh L R08 5 v STORE, aie a Js stl porting a Dino. yr busin: sipionos ever, STORE Pip 2S. = i Melancholy, Fits, Toothache, Loss of Appetite, Relief is bound to vanquish. the diseuse. uo itig in the CABINEL LINE, such as'Sofus, re, Dining aud Breakfast Table ES or So, Genérnl Detlity (Cotdiivsiof the Extremities, Even in biliovs cholic. the same treatment |: 3 ards, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chi as, &o. (ZmHonse and SignPailling and Papi ts a au, Siwbllen Joints, 1 Nérvoustivss, aust \otuiinite' just us mosesstally , and 2 : wun ©, Li Haluging dono wh Ui. Shoidatiotics,, (5 A clvico oy of STEEL ENGRAVINGS fof [ER ESSEDwr i mn te N ) N a - - oy hy of a should fnflamuion of 1he bowels be proven Sale Su fPramed to order. aq oo © AND Tip. ivvaD: WiRE, 0 meal, boii Aut in Sor aig Et ) s LEN " BR PING os Couy olds, unza,; DI I, the Ready Relief given internally and ap- P " Special Natice. : ¥ esta ony KETTLES S: inflammation of the Bowels, Stomach, Kidneys, pliedjexternally will prove a perfect remedy, v P 3 7 wr 2 SHEET ZINC | or Bladder, RADWAY'S READY RELIEP ) A number of COFFINS FINS bf all ehrendy if adose or two of Dr. Radway's pills be Jade gis fis To, ogether with a : y of other articles in will afford immediate eubo and quickly' cue house furnishing' line too thie comiptni an ie willbe, sold at ihe Atl--RUunING, TiiB SPINE -- I ffifcted PR Pray ; 5 Fe with [Spina) diflienlties or with Diabetes, In- 4) i i EI Pagkies li ein the vil rk Sly fd a CARRIAGE "FACTORY. Er hn cholera-morbus there is nothing can excel, free of Telly 20.UND. % Doiboln 10 hire, : ' hein - "under any circumstances, Radway's Ready | ; a AGENT FOR TOMB STONES, {7 Particular attention paid to repairing, continence of Urine, Irritation of the Bidder, Relief--price but 50 cents a bottle. Sold | ry HE subseriber at the commencement of the Summer Campaign, began the. and Produce taken in exchange for wrk. gu cow on 2 ig a old gi i 1c | Punsiyels oF the" Slctcrvafitile Badacr, by Druggists. 1 phblie Yat HR de wyesil pains in securing the best materi ory [pt Pore ia. Tage 0 1665 ¥ 24 i ci kei in "ile and made Pe Jo o 1 hi Sniili -- d " h 3 HE uggishness e Kidneys, \ N. B.--In the East Indies, Caloutta and | affords, and having ad some years experience in the business, Le Ii y+ Sos " AY vf TN sta die y opposite | @ ny Tieur Albis, Falliog "of in Aol \ South America, Radway's Ready 'Relief is supply superior extensively used in the treatment of Asiatic Ww . ge "#8. Colora, and Yellow Fever it is the only re- a go ns, Ca rt ia ges Amp lements A medical agent that can be depended upon BT SHORT NOTICE AND REA WADE PRICES. | SE with absolute certainty -- let every one keep a'boitle near them a cure will always tlie Spine for ten or twenty iinates, twies a day, will hire thie worst cases: We have over EER . | 1000 well, authenticated cases, | Wire R Er UFarin 'for Sale !|diliem, al I HR the Globe Hotel. and. other uterine difficulties, RADIWAY'S | Hi! [ Srogklv Rep, 2, 1s 0B ROBSON. READY RELIEF, rubbed the catire lengtivol Partfes In wasit of'any thing ini his line may rely on potiiog a handsome and substantial article, the contemptible and childish hint at So y a jealous rival, to the contragy notwithstanding follow, Rapway & Co. _ Particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing. and General Jobbing: 2 i pu Subsitiber akan this method of returning thanks to his numerous customers for jon, hus effect 87 Maiden Laie, NY. GEORGE WHITE © their liberal patronage for the past SIK YEARS, apd begs to,intimate. (has be is POR Sale, by mivie rivine contract, the rear sl 3. oF constantly prepared toffurnish them With half of Lots No, 13 and 14, iu the lst MH who, by-exposure to hard rie BE CAA H!ar!if )) 1 A story Ts Told 1 + Method at whose Piinod Alben, Apri i" 1866. 8 F) WwW nd B 1 concession of the der Ti a op OTs at Bits house an itinerant preacher was passing the a gon S a 1} | ggie ) TOVWNSHIR QF "MARIPOSA. | use of ere ury, huive contracted painful disea night, who, when bed-tims came and fami- 5 anil livse sdifpring from pr ) ayers were suggested, in mearching far rs Brn SE And that he is now preparing: FIFTY Sets oe Wis PREMIUM IRON § WOOD SEED. HAR-| There are about 75 acres cleared on Lot 13, - forth ry io' the folat or Habe ible, finally produced a couple-of torn : : {58 ; zs OWS made in the latest improved Scotch styles and about 60 acres on Lot 14," The stamps | "71°F § jo'nts ' ug od )/ Veates SP hat We Parties desirin urchase would do ily - call and inspect § hia 8 Stack before urchasing elsc- / ily be ie \ or Paralysis, We rakness; Colginess in, Torres of the good book with the naive re: HELP ! wh Has ed I is Stock for Cush, | pu that remain could easily be removed as the mark,-- ! HELP! bib the Cony Thor, (ith ie sd by-any-other 70 Gf it has been cleared six of seven | tremities, und ull pains aud-aches, la I didn't know I was so near out of Bb. BY Pa All Work Warranted. WM, STEEL, |Years. The land is equal to the best in | and other infirmitice, will rt] les. MURDER | ; Manchestef; "April 10, 1866. 1 14-1y | the township, and from which there is a | 1}, use of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. - : beautiful view of Lake Scugoy. 6ih.--If the camihunity is Sg ti For further particulars inquire (if by letter MONEY TO LOAN. T Soy & RATES OF 5 OF INTEREST. MESsIEURY COCHRANE %&° ROCHRANE, Prince Albert. any infectious disense--cither, t-paid i Y pastra yu THOS. SPEIGHT, Sr., Typhus or, Typhoid Fevers, 5 ; - Markham. READY RELIEF is 'the best disinfeotant:iu/ 3. ROBSON, or M. the world; and w rare proventive; to those wis Prince Albert. se' it, Wgainkt attacks of these matadith. a' 3 1] cases of Intlannuafion of thie Towels, 'Hilious' Colig, Painters € "olie, or any active inflamma, tory discase, the READY RELIEF will ithwed Alately afford case and comfort. It possesses nl , © WANTED Air ee : Rall * Officer ~Here you dose, (what pre you doing 7 Ar PORT PERR / Thief --I am trying to get a pair of Dynes & SxeLL'S good boots,and PORT PERRY UNION 3 HE und d begs t to thein- Tf ¥ have not got'lime (v wait until they can make them, they are so busy, } 18, ndereoned begs ani vicmity "that he | marked" ges over wll 'preparafithb of LIVERY §' ST ABLES Well, a li nd Tl A il in has leased the premises lately, Sear HHS by W. | opium, morphine, veratrine, and other opintes Officer.--Well, go and leave your measure, a guarautee they wi 20), 000 BUSH. OF i 18 D, Hepburh, asa Hook and Sh 3 oe | niacin, and narcotics. 'It lulls 'pains, by imparting <i V] 4 get you up a pair, right away, which for cl Bop workmanship cannot be surpassed. ROOM, where he will receive Sonnpumelis of | strength and vigor the system, and arousing C MACKENZIE, Proper. The public FOR WHICH THE goods of all kinds, on C the vital gies to a healthful action, instead « supplied with first-of 'Horses and Car- per-centage. : h 5 noderats Tad A Y I L. A SALES i ' of paralysing the perceptive faculties, and Togs, ot mylerute D N BB 9 & & iS N BE H ighest price wil ill be paidi mn Ca sh. oa crm 2 on hig ast ad making them insensible to pain. Let 'thove Terms reasonable. Accounts of merchants and | who would Jive and enjoy health nse RADE Money to to Loan! Would add that they are now prepared t fact di A pare o manfacture every iscription' of r 1 Jf If others collected on commission. Also Agent for - yp x or Sho Gents' Ladics' and-Misses' Boots and Shoes, at 'the shortest possible notice, G R 1 S T I N Gx BR I Y- iG 4) 1) 0 S i the Western Fire Insurance Company. WAY'S READY RELIEF. TEI I Lo Ti $1500, on ufiencume | al bE best nyaterial. Ao E. 8. DECKER. Ythi--To all who ate sick and'in - A ILL, have our prompt attention, -- GRro¢ ERIES, CROCKERY, &o., for| Oshawa, July5,1865 26| the RELIEF. It can do is harm, and will AREW ELL & MCGEE, 8@ Mending punctually atiended to. Please give us a trial, and we will Sule Cheap for suri dog ... Rérsons w Whitby, Prince Albert, and | dd ot Cash or any kind of Farm Produce, | Port Perry. hiv il Barristers and Solisitors, STOP--opposite the Town [lall, Kent J. D. Oottingham, z 1 . Sale B ) Pa do you m wp nd an 2h Jue th M. 0. D o N. ov aA [A N i: Salt and Plaster for ( h rd Hl fr Rotts 1 Sli world ie : Fae they 5-1y| Guarantee Satisfaction, shaw. | Prince Albert, Feb, 7, 1866. } Pe. MA RSH & T ROUNCE. a Covered Conveyance between the above men- your th sweet, yoir htikeg 'sirong, y DENTIST, SR, : 3 PRACTIC A L tioned pl very lawful day, leaving Whith; Port Perry, Feb. 1, 1866. iy Nien th Morning Trains, ani spirits Mos Your appetite 00d, and bert in time to connect with | digestion regular." A dose taken at boing FEET Baiiaced Ca Tia e Br M a k e id > the Stage for Manilla and the North. Li --Pgeth Scaled and I I 5 inh ji OE Pairoe Albereafle: the arrival will insure calm and pléamnt sleep. 3 Ey Fed fo 'A.. -B ARRET Bo : "Teeth filled with Gold 3 , or C t. "i e Manilla Stage, and hes Whith, \ Family Teeth Tonerted in Gola, Or ee N EAR THE TOWN HALL, ol Inld ee) Re, eS at ot et, iby in pd aly JN uy SE yea? en work entrusted to him will receive prompt BRO GK STRE) ET WHITBY i EARST, = PRIZE FARES REASONABLE! doin in all cases where pin ar u r a I% Baggage and Parcels at the risk of the | nesblekdsts (111% HE [5 LH 1 d ay, that xi mot ME 4 Pleats walt ¥), 2 ' { Qvaer: ples ny i Bi gh £1 It is the cheapest medicine in the world. tention pa regulation of D assortment of Bug, wenn on' ome rom beat material. Work: Wilts, gn 171866. Ns Dotgle contains more mi 0 i children's teeth, which should bo an WBporiant made 10 order with Lora, icular paid 0 Sepairing, 4 2 dlls biibg a upéiiof re | consideration with every parent, For at that ' y f hie time of second dentation the identity of th ery WORK WARRANTE Sl bk N WW ¥ i PER EE UR) ef ol ® 6-87. 0! OSHAWA.) || pistes ol aa So te, wl ios aad residence BORFLIA hw One Terms a es Vaan at cash price, G re en Mm ou nt ai n a ~at ft: ti tificlsl Teeth! RELIEF! wil do nibre good, and cau be used Brelia, Sept. 6, 1865. 1y35- y bo Dhad ip : ain r hy fo avacus aus ac ion - for more purposes, than ten doltiirs ex ended a fy -guaranteed. Copies doue reasonable. * C. D. Mg 1D, for ne other mn clin in In teetl 3 v 4% H [Orewa Tout JO/ 1666. y uhh -BENPIST, WHAT MES. WESTCOTT SAYS. Is wouLD most regettlly inform the nbd | {ve {READ WH! 2 : j : : FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND iki § y v SAY THE SAME : RY cx ALBERR(. VW Ms DE yA ng PRINCE ALTE! is nl 37) BJ lod " MRS, "WESTCOTT, "4 "" AP REN IEE --Rev. Dr. Stiont, and JT. D. AN EXPERIENCED NURSE or Wi ESTOHESTEno PORT PERRY ! MARSH § FAINT Griggs, Port Hope; Rev. J. T, Burns, 'Whitby ; Picture Gallery|. : Gaol adn PRACTICAL Jos. Gould, Esq., and J. Bolster, M. B., Uxbridge READ WIA ir save #rodi w In Mr. Hurd's bulldivg, bitants' of Port Perry; B% i ver' Cowan's' 'Store. : KER £3 { JOWE LER ! | Farms for Sale. a i 7 ete ied ; 4 2 | . YT y ven justructions in th Westend A ia opencd a shop 1 OIRO AN TERE Shon re murapemisine tii, br REE Ce fn tha san pe procure (iho sho WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY.) 7ywnship of Reach, a os eh Tm and will warrant all work executed by him. Toutainins 100 cia sachs, o. B°6% novi i ; his possession over one Reliefiil ne i 0 > iy Wan Lay LE PEPER pn at wegen cor | So SRD oi Frnes 8 id Mostly free from IDs; the two lots being ol 5 i separated b line. On the , OF, ado. a ' : he 13 : bere 18. use, ult Shey 1 Wetneu he ¢! al id ploture. moments {he most severe pul ulled, PAINTINGY Trin Y i rely] SSPE il Ee Oapenter of Means, H fio Cts y : rt. >) - ; ; tered. al A ac wal an Thea Chisrearipio. | ERNE WAT C HMAKER, od Ee rw his situated on the I nce Albert, Feb, 11 1866, § A] nD JWELE R, tween Whitby and Beaverton, Possession will - . o mo sno feed bus J32QLOCKS, | PANCYO: op Hing Breet East s be SX Woh g Rey o oe pits IT : [ihe HU : RISON MAW, ene bg Builders and = = and o fs E WA HOY REMOVED : "oi Brgme hin Old. Stand onodoar + (ABuilding Fiot "for Nals! a Ie Brith vee on. All' Garinents- ~made" fa 4 : MLA hi 1 Late Latest. Styles' ; ge ranted. ietiA Fear AINE EC TORONTO; O: W.? INCORPORATED]... Bibs hie LW 1881. Capital, - $400,000. 1¢ | |B S05, adi Lo Ju 'BULLBN{ E ! 2 Si 14] Eo gE go 20% SR ie [A 8 gp NID RA Trans do Pp OR op up Rare RE prepared Yar og \ J ng! 8d Simcier Fashions just re- A ; au onal -L ado 10 order: ; Kk x. 4o00. Wi : of 3 bo Travelling Agent ik T, YOUNG. + | tions, Y rnd i i : j) J; BULLEN; oy of Ontario | Port Perry, May 16, 1866, 203m' Port Pry, Dec. 20, 186 1y Prince Abert, March 28, 1806. 12 *

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