arson agricultueal, ! SS AARARAANAA Ya Making Maple Bugae. | A correspondent of the New England | i Farmer wiites lis views tpon the profit attached to maple sugar making, thus =~ ¢ There 18 no season of the year so profitable to the farmer as in the time of making sugar. Let an estimate be made, and see : Tn a good ceiason a second growth maple will roake about 4} pounds of sugar. Five handigy trees, at 41 pounds per tree, will give 2, pounps, which, at 10 cecuts per pound, would give $225. Cost.--One man can tend 500 trees with ease, say, one man one mouth, $15 00; 10 oords of wood, ut $3 per cord $30 00 ; other necessary expenses, $20 00; total, $65 00, which, deducted from the income, leaves $160 as profit for one month's time. I think my figures are not far from right. Every one that can tap a tree ought to do so, because we must be independent of all duties as far as possible. To make-sugar you should have a good sap-house and a convenient wash-shed, an arch and a pan. Sap boiled in a pan makes 5 per cent. more engar than sap boiled in a kettle, and saves 124 per cent. of wool. The sirup should be boiled as thick as it can be conveniently, and when done down to sugar, it should not be verydry ; putitin a tin can made for the purpose, and then drain about the first of May, when you will have maple sugar of the first quality. Tin buckets cost too much to commence with; they are liable to get bruieed aud cannot be kept from rusting.-- Bucket-pails are just as good, with half the cost, and last just as long." v Sowing Timothy and Cloyer Seed. " Finding trouble in sowing ttimothy and fe clover seed by hand, will some of my brother farmers inform we, through the Ruralp where I can purchase a machine that will do it up right, and at what price ? Also, information with regard to the quanti- ty of seed per acre, and in what proportion of clover to a gravelly soil Aiter sowing, would you harrow it or uot?"'--RuraL, February 15. Canoons's Patent Broadcast Sower will do the sowing of grass seeds admirably for you, if worked with suitable care and judg- ment. =It weighs about six pounds, and coxts $8. This is the hand machine, there being a horse machine for $35. It is pro- bably on sale in New York. The quantity of seed per acre should vary somewhat. Land before it has been crop- ped, and very stony land, does not require so boutiful seeding to get a good sod and large crops of grass or hay. Then, 'again, judging from the advice given through agricultural papers in different States, by the best farmers, some sous and perhaps Jocalities require much more seed than others. For instance, one finds 10 pounds clover and 4 quarts timothy per acre to be the best, while another finds 25 pounds clover and 6 to 8 quarts timothy seed to the acre for seed or hay much better and none too much for a permanent grass field. On ~guch land, here in Maine, 20 to 25 pounds vtover seed and 4 to 6 quarts of timothy | would be seeding well, yet there are but few who seed so well, and ly have coarse grass and coarse hay, on new seeded land, instead of thick, fine grass, making more hay and holding out longer, which they would have, if a liberal seeding down to grass had been pursued. The pro- portions as above are good for pastures, mowing fields, or for seeding purposes, and then for mowing ; still, for all but seeding purposes, a greater variety of seed would be an improvement in the durability, amount, and quality of product from the same outlay, without any greater exhaus- tion of the soil, probably; while, on the other hand, there would be an increase of fertilizing materials for other crops. Would not harrow in the seed except with a light, fine-toothed harrow, made on pur- pose for such work, but rather * brush" it in. Rolling is preferable when the land is in sutable condition, being previously well pulverized. 0. W. Truk. Chalk for Warts. W. H. Bennet, of Warwick, R. L, says that by rubbing chalk frequently on warts they will disappear. In several instances known to him in which this simple remedy was tried, it proved successful. We have known slightly moistened pearlash to re- move warts by rubting it upon them. Diptheria. Nearly all of onr children have suffered with sore throat, with two marked cases of diptheria, but thanks to two simple remedies, the most valuable of which is a gargle of warm water and salt they are now out of danger.-- Editor Illinois Farmer, Caution to Persons Cutting their Nails, Another instance of carelessness has re- sulted in death, It appears that Mrs. Mary "Harrison (widow of Mr. William Harrison, late of Radwinter) a short time singe used a 1azor for the purpose of cutting her great toe nail, when she slightly cut the quick. = No a | y. Um i doa t just issued from the Bureau of i drape ok bec, the tollo are wil to bt the arious kinds of Timber found in Canada : : 4 White, Yellow, and Red Pine ; White and Black Spruce ; Tamarac ; White, Rim, and Black Ash; Grey, Red, and Soft Walnut ; Smooth and h Bark Hickory; Iron- wood 3 Red Wild Cony Basswood ; Beech; Red and White Cedar ; Hemlock, Fir, Pop- lar Chesnut, Buttonword and Whitewood. ~~ For turniture and ornamental purposes the luxuriant beauties of our Crotched, Wavy, aud Mottled Blick Walnut are well known, both here and fu Europe ; also the beauties of our Bird's Eye and Curly Maples, as well Curly Birch, Crotched White Oak, and Red Wild Cherry. The superior qualities of our White, Red, and Yellow Pine are fully; ac- knowledged in the markets of Europe. Our Oaks, Elms, and Tamarac rank high for shi building and general purposes; in fact, all our woods are susceptible of being utilized in the arts and manufactures. Canada exports annually about 30,000,000 cubic feet of imber in a rough state, and about 400,000,000 board measures, of sawed lumber. The revenue Werived by the pro- vince during the year 1860 for timber cut in the public forests amounted to about $500,- 000 or £125,000 currency. Sad Ravages of Typhoid Fever, The readers of the Sun will remember that sometime in the month of June, 1861, it became our painful duty to chronicle the sudden demise of the late lamented member for East Northumbberlund, John R. Clark Esq. In our issue of the 25th ult., we had to notice the death of Charles, youngest son of the above, aged nine years, and again it has become our melancholy duty to record the death of two other members of the same family, namely, the second youngest daugh- ter, Catharine Margaret, who departed this life at seven o'clock on the evening of the 7th iust., aged about eleven years, and Jo- seph Pearson Clark, eldest son, on the morn- ing of the 6th inst., about 27 years of age. The above have all fallen victims to Typhoid lever. The second visit of this fearful dis- ease in ite most malignant form commenced about Christmas, and so constant have been the new year, the lights have not been ex- tinguished in the house for one night. The family consisted of the grandmother, aged 84 years, the mother and ten children. Nine have been prostrated by the disease, three have recovered, three have died, one ap- pears slowly Apbivachig convalesence, two are still contending with the malady, and two have as yet escaped its attack.--Co- boug Sun. New Goods AT LOW PRICE J. W. MORRIS Has just received a large and complete as- sortment of r Fall & Winter Goods which he is Selling Cheap, Cheap, FOR CASH! All whe Should:G all at Once ! Borelia, Oct. 16,1861. : § 44 particular notice' was taken of the ci stance at the time, but a few day's after- wards it became so painful that was obliged to have medical aid, 'It was of no avail, as mortification set in, and she ex- pited on Thursday evening. The deceased Money ! Money ! £3,000 R. Weovb aunonnce to the public that he has effected a purehase of the WATCH, CLOCK, AND JEWELERY ESTABLISHMENT OF G. H. FORD, in the Excelsior Block, Next door to Mr. Hiscock's Bakery, in Prince Albert, where he intends prosecuting the above business in its various depart- CK HARDWARE W IT Under the Together with a large STORE HOUSE, two doors east fiom Mr. Sutton's Drag Store, |° pote 43 i NT i 4 of HOLESALE res ken the new premises. the Corinthian Hall, and'opened an extensive assortment of I ¥ M ' HE Subscriber informs the inhabitants of Oshawa and, the surrounding country that ments, and will sell Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry, &c., as Cheap as the Cheapest labors of the former Jioptieter, Mr. G. H. Ford, he trusts that al Having been a practical workman nearly forty years hmsell, and having secured the work: entiusted to his HARDWARE! In all it fons branches. He particularly calls the attention of the public to his impor- Fhe ne RODGERS AND OTHER CUTLERY. Skates, Wire, Fenders, Mechanics' Tools, Circular Saws, Iron, Steel for Sleigh Shoes, Counter Scales, Guns, Pistols, Paints, Oil and Glass, House Furnishing, Papier Mache Tea Trays, double handle Hay Kuives, ENSUING DIVISION COURTS FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO ! : 17, "* Z. BURNHAM, . Judge. W. H. CARD, Dentist, FER Dentist, (OF THE FIRM OF CALLENDER "& CARD,) WHITBY, C. W., OULD intimate to his numerous cus- tomers, and the public generally, that he is still the vigils, that since the commencement of Want Bargains| A care will be performed satisfactorily to all parties. (J All work warranted. Every style of Clocks, Watches and Jow- elry repaired on short'notice with neatness and despatch. Ladies and Gentlemen call and see for selves. ' fa Albert, Feb. 5, 1862. B-ly Of BE = - Q Z n = 9 FE < (48-1f) AT A. SINCLAIR'S. AND SPIRITS, e will Sell Cheap for Cash. (7% Bottled. Wines, Brandies, Ale and Porter for Medical use, kept contantly on hand. The Subscriber has just received his Fall Stock of Teas, Coffees, Currants, Almonds, Raisins, Codfish, Crockery, Table Cutlery, Coal Oil, and Lamp, NES h Hernings, White Fish, Oysters, Lobsters. Sardines, Prince Albert, Nov. 13, 1861. TEAS THAT ARE TEAS WwW whe! VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE OR SALE 200 ACRES OF FIRST- Rate Lanp, handsomely eituated-- being Lot No. 8, in the 8th concession, Reach, half a mile from the Brock Road, and one mile and a half from the Centre Road, both of which lead to Whitby Town, a distance of about 17 miles. There 1s on the South Hundred, 80 acres eleared and under a good state of cultivation and well fenced. Also a new Plank House, and a good Frame Barn and Stable, and a Young Orchard of about 90 trees. The place is well watered by never failing springs. On the North Hundred there 1s about 85 acres cleared, a Log House and a good Frame Barn, also a well and a never failing stecans of water ON the place. For iculars apply on the prem as PS a BM Reach, March, 19, 1862. ises to ARR. 14-4in Hawkers and Pedlars. FVHE following persons have been Li- censed to exercise the calling of awkers and Petty Chapmen, according to the terms of the County By-Laws : India Rubber Packing, Wire Cloth, Ro Allin's Book PIANOS GOING VERY CHEAP! rivals every week. STILL THEY COME. CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT ! 1 fact eve 0] particular notice : you can buy Sioves with ready cash as cheap at Barber's as wn any other Establishment in th pe, Having imported direct from England ai meen = ec C.R.JARVIS. : CR. J ARVIS. 1 Oshawa, Feb. 5, 1862. A NEW AND EXTENSIVE STOCK OF AND av 'SM009 QNV PIANOS 'MELODEONS i $0003 FOR SALE AT & Music Store. 1 A Good Melodeon can be had for $38 ! B&~ Who would be without one ? Call and see our beautiful Stock. Fresh ar- D. ALLIN. Osuawa, Feb. 5, 1862. 84f THE BALL ROLLING ! : Samuel P Barber OULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC GEN- erally that he is now receiving his Fall supply ot Cooking, Parlor, & Box Stoves, Which he is Selling on the most Liberal Terms for i ALSO STOVE-PIPES, Tin, Sheet-Iron, Copper, Sheet-Zine, §e. 05 Sheep Skins, Rags, old thing convected with iis line of business. Cash customers take r, and most kinds of Country Produce taken in exchauge. e County of Outario. Prince Albert, Nov. 2, 186. 49-1f 1. G. J. Hubertus, to travel with two horses. 2. James Philpot, to travel with oue horse. WM. PAXTON, Jx., County Treasurer. County Treasurer's Office, hitby, March 4, 1862. 1 FARM FORSALE HE EAST SEVENTY- 5 THREE acres of Lot No, 21, w in the 2nd concession of Reach, Fifty acres cleared and a small house and barn on it. Terms Cash--Price $1,100. JOEL DAY, Carden, Carden; March 12, 1862. 13-3m Farm for Sale ! EING the north-west quarter of Lot No 3, in the 3rd concession Mariposa, con~ taining 50acres, (40 acres cleared) and well watered, with good frame buildings thereon. Terms Liberal. Apply to the subscriber on the premises. : ' JOHN McDOUGALL. Mariposa, March 10, 1862. 13-3m E. 8. DECKER | LICENSED AUCTIONEER!! LL ORDERS MADE TO ME, IN. person, or left at the Observer office, Prince Albert, will receive prompt attention, Bills made out and attended to free of charge. Blank Notes arranged for decimal currency furnished at very chep rates, i hihi 'E. 8S. DECKER. Prince Albert, March 28, 1860. 15-u E. CASH'S P & anning Mill "mp FACTORY! gor SIMGOE STREBY, PRINCE ALBERT. HE Subscriber respectfully informs the inhabitants of Prince Albert, surround- ing villages and country, that he is still I [e Carriage 2% Factory! ! CUTTERS | CUTTERS ! CUTTERS! B60 Cutters to be given away, or Sold at the 'Smallest Remu- T ALL WORK WARRANTED, Prince Albert, Nov. 27, 1861. : ONTARIO AAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAAAA ARAN AAR AAA AAA nerating Profits for Cash or Approved Credit !! HIS IMMENSE STOCK BEING MADE UP OF THE VERY BEST MATE- riaL and manufactured by first-class mechanics cannot fail to give satisfaction to all. ntending Purchasers will find it to their advantage to give us a call. EMANEY '& WHITE. 50- = f DONOVAN, WALKEY & CO., Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, 1. OUPTERS, &c. BROCK STREET, WHITBY. All of the above work exectued with neatness and despatch All work warranted. Call and see specimens. Remember the address. : Whitby, Sept, 6, 1859. *39. DONOVAN, WALKEY & CO D. FORD, CABRIAGE MAKER, : nd the United States, he feels confident that he can sell as low as the larger houses of 'Toronto. + Observe the Sign of the INSERTING TEETH Upon the most modern and approved me- thod of the art. TEETH FILLED with the most approved material, and warranted. Do not be humbugged by the would-be Dentists, running around through the coun- try, but come to responsible persons, and get your work done by those that have perma- nent offices, and not be cheated by those quacks that are running around through the country, here to-day and away to-morrow. Dental Rooms over Mr. Carleton Lynde's Store, Dundas Street, Whitby. Whitby, June 5, 1861. Marriage. Licenses ! R. LUND, BY AUTHORITY, --Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Commissioner for taking Affidavits, Conveyancer, &ec., Clerk Third Division Court, County of Ontario. Office:---QUEEN-ST, PORT PERRY. Port Perry, July 17, 1861. 31-tt Encourage Home Manufacture ! G. W.IRVINE W OULD respectfully announce to his Friends and the Public, that he has now in operation, A FOUNDRY In the flourishing village of Uxbridge, where he intends manufacturing such Agricultural Implements as the country may require, of the best Material and most approved Pat- terns. As none but the best workmen will be employed, the workmanship may be relied on. Threshing Machines ! Having engaged Mr. M. W. Forster, who 18 well and favorably known as a machinist, to manage the mechauical department, par- ties ordering machines, may rely on getting them made, not only in a' substantial manner, but with all' the late valuable Improvements. Plows, Cultivators of various sizes, Road- Scrapers, Straw-Cutters, &c. Particular attention will be paid to the Manufacture of the most popular patterns of Plows, including the Eo Iron Beam. He will also cgntinue to keep constantly on hand an asso: nt of Stoves, Pots and Sugar Kettles, All of which he intends offering at prices which he feels confident will merit support. 3 OLn Iron, Brass & Copper raken IN EXCHANGE He takes this opportunity of tendering his grateful acknowledgments, for the very libe- ral favors received during the past winter, and hopes, by strict attention and just deal- ing, to merit a large share of public patronage. Uxbridge, April 15, 1861. 18-1y GOOD NEWS. Courtice & Rolph I AYE just received a yeni of New Goods, comprising W Sri and Gut Whips [just imported from England.) Horse Nets, Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, and Harness of all desbriptions, all of which will be sold at the lowest renunerating pro- fits. Please call and examine for your- selves. Prince Albert, Aug. 8, 1860. 34-tf CONSULT THE Old English Physicians FOR Dyspepsia, General Debility, Fever & Ague, Old Ulcers, Scrofula, Erysipelus, Fistula, Piles, Kidneys, Debil- ity, Infirmities of Youth & Old Age, &c., &c. rr No Mercury Used. Dr. AMOS & SON, 48 East Genesee Street, three doors west, of Ellicott Street, Burraro, N.-Y., RE THE ONLY PHYSICIANS IN THE STATE who ure members of the Royal College of Surgeons . May be consulted from 8 o'clock in tho mom- ing until ® at night, in every stage and symptom of diseuse. Tlie treatment they adopt is the result of upwards of thirty years' extensive practice in London. YOUNG MEN. . There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys in solitude, ofien growing up with them to manhood, which, ifnot reform them in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial iness, but gives rise 10 a series of protracted, lasidious. and devas- tating affections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences, until they find the nervous system shattered, feel strange and unaccountable feelin nd fears in the mind. Sel one of the most formidable enemies 10 health, for nothing else in the dire catalogue of human diseases causes #0 destructive a drain upon the human system, drawing its thousands of victims through a few rs of side: do 25-1y yea iv wa (0 an untimely grave. Jtde- stroys the nervous system rapidly, wastes away the en- ergies of life, causes mental ement, prevents the proper development of the system, disqualifies for mar. riage, ty, business. and all esrthly iness, ai leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind, pedis. evils more 10 be posed 10 chsumption and a train readed than death itself, YOUNG. MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. AMOS & BON take pleasure in annonneing thut they have invented » most in) Ea by en Come test by the eminen lelpbia and New York | instrument ever invented for the cure of only 'Weakness, or any disense of the cansed by the ior abi Mail or ess. its of youth. N. B.--Dr. AMOS ental bot rice $10 by & SON, in order 10 satisfy the as to the merits of this instrument, pledge R. WALSH, Horse Farrier! I NOW IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD), and will be in readiness to attend to all who may favor him with a call. THe is well acquainted with the mode of pricking, und trimming ; and can treat successfully any discase that horses are subject to. Cuaroes MoperaTe. Residence Prince Avrent. Prince Albert, June 6, 1860. 251f. mrtotes praetor THE OLD STAND FOR EVER!! UNION HOTEL, MANCHESTER. T= undersigned begs to acquaint the public that no expeise has been spared in fitting up the Hotel lately occupied by Francis Rusnell; he trusts, therefore to ro- ceive a liberal share of the patronage of the travelling community. The best brands of wines, liquors and cigars. Roomy and con- venient sheds, good stabling, and an atten- tive Ostler,-- Hugh Moore. N.B. Meals at all hours. CHARLES McCLUE, LProprictor. Manchester, Aug. 3. 1861. 34 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP, Tx Partnership hitherto existing be- tween Hurd & Billings, at Prince Albert, and Billings & Hurd, at Poit Perry, has been dissolved by mutual consent. JOHN BILLINGS. P. A. HURD June 1st, A. D., 18b1. 5-1f HEATHER BALM OW IS IT THAT THERE IS SUCH A DEMAND FOR THIS MEDICINE ? Facts answer the question. Because by it the blind receive their sight. Because by it the deat are made to hear, and hence they become to know the use of the organs of speech, and the hitherto dumb are cnabled to speak ; and because by it the lame that were unable to lay a foot under them for many years, have been enabled to walk by a féw applications. In one instance, a complicated case of Chronic Rheumatism and White Swelling, of fou ars' standing, during which time the legs 1 to be kept in a horizontal positicn. 2 nights and T days of those four long years were spent in extreme suffering. Reader, think of the joy when in one hour and forty minntes® ap- plication, by the proprietor of this Medicine, the patient was enabled to walk as well as ever, and free from pain. Alike in cases of Piles, of from one lo twenty years' standing, i i operations and ever be thought of had faile This given perfect relief in a féw days made a complete and permanent cure in from two to six weeks. All Chronic Dis- eases treated with the same success. Extraordinary Cure of Deafness, Toroxto, May 16, 1861. Having witnessed the examination of have much please in adding our 1 beneficial effects of Mr. Ge and energetic treatment in his . mute, who is sated by iis parents 10 lave dumb fron. binh. The subject 1s now 4 ni dect d pe hat of a + hee 4 yur nen and after thiee weeks of untiving zen the hands of Mr. McLean, he is now ei wet only to hear, but to artiewlate distinctly th bet, and pronnuiice some a progiess he has alicad continuance of the reatment w beneficial resnlts. 7 i simple, consisting terial applica Balin." composed of ve genmble i consider perfectly safe, nnd in other remedies have fuiled, have proved en cessful, \ produce f M JAMES McILMURR H.C. % WILLIAM HALLOW ELL AT. MR. C. 8. Ldinbmigh. Toiosta, November, (539, Mr. Grower MclLyan.--Dear Sir -- We the under- signed. being fully convinced of th Heather Balm, fiom the © cures it has made in our recommend it 10 the pblie. . BH. Hewwd, President)]. O'Donclioe. Alleman 4 3 . He sen bx ge. 1 temey. |B O'Donchoe, Auction ern ff \! u om " Nes. | John McLeod MP1? W. P. Howland, M.P. P, J. Hillywd Cameron, Q. € 1A, N Geo Douglas, Superinten: ent West Circuit, W. Re: M., Toronto. [, James 1d Meth. Min For further particulars see my Family Herald, which can be had of me or any of my agents, GEO. McLLEAN 83 Bay Toronto. JAMES HOLDEN Wholesale and Reta Prince rent, LEERT. 35-11 Toronto, Aug. 14, 1861. ROYAL MAIL STAGE Bou Whitby daily, connecting with the Notthern Stages for Manilla, Bea- verton, and Lindsay. This is the shortest and cheapest route from Toronto to either of he above places. Thisstage leaves Crock- 's Hotel, every morring (Sundays ex- cepted) on the arrival of the trains from east and west, and arrives in Prince Albeit in time for the stages going north. Returning, leaves Prince Albert on the arrival of the Northern Stage and arrives in Whitby in time for the Trains going eastand west. Good accommodation, and careful, obliging drivers. Sept. 28, 1858. Meat! Meat !! HO WANTS FRESH MEAT? The Subscriber wishes to supply the wants of the people in this hue." His Butcher Stall will be found at No. 47, Noith Street, Port Perry; a short distance west of W. 8. Saxton's Mill, where he will keep a N. RAY, Proprietor. 43-tt ood ly of the above mentioned article. e wil emtinue his usual route (D. V.) wa | through Port Perry, Borelia, Prince Albert, and Manchester every Monday, Wednes day and Saturday. He will also visit Utica and Epsom every Tuesday; Souya and Harper's Store every Thursday. JOHN MIDDLETON. Port Perry, April 15, 1861. 18-1y NEW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING RENTED « twelve ounces, and water sufficient to dis{ was 66 years of age.-- English Paper. T 0 INVEST ON REAL EST, carrying on bi in the above line a : i ; ¥13 a re ay Jie. x mg e----_ tod 3 ¢ £4 ), J iq - by returning the mstrument in good order, the premises latel occupied by Mr. Water-Proof Glue. (<r At'Low Interest. £1 | Opposite Jno, Heard's Blacksmith Shop BROOK STREET WHITBY. ee , Unger, two doors east or the Anglo-Ameri- 9% Apply 10 en oe Sainte a sac EIT 458 | PINE SUTSCRIBER io rotasning Hin shames Shams fo bi eign and the Pisic gone Forse pice Sb QUICK CURES, | con Hotel, where all kinds of Tailoring i 1 2 A ] 18 customers w. a ar- t 2 3 - ak : wl €e 1nost fashionable and Fine sbreds of India rubber, dissolved in JOHN BILLINGS, ao poron drs T erally who have hitherto so liberally pateonized hum, wauld say that hi intends to oe Kidney Diese of end, Tirol Rowe Approved Styles, with neatness and de: - warm copal varnish, make a water-proof or it. dent that by leaving yeur orders with him, | ake Whitby his permanent residence, they will find at all times 'a superior class of | a'secret habit of youth, which produce constutionai er | patch, and hopes by strict attention to buei- " cement for wood and leather. Take glue, ¢ | you will find the workmanship and material s ne o A: yi 9% rit bility, Sesvist vai ge im and, in the end, de- | negs and punctuality to all orders to merit a - September 15, 1561. 40-41 | Such as cannot fail LIGHT ANP HEAVY CARRIAGES i r "liberal share of public patronage, ' eA Tes EY y ¥ 1 ey oo. R HEAT So give universal - satie- ---- ua. COUNTRY INVALIDS. Orders solve it; then add three ounces of resin, --.. |faction. Repairs Prompti y. \ Tu Foil IFAW i Merchants Cloths also made up,-- TS sam ; Attended to. "7 e901 Constant) hand, which wall suit al. of mers. They will do well to call | Persansin any part of the werld may be successfully | All "work done on th a and melt them. togethet, after which 'add BLANK DEE ND EMORIAL y on hand, which wall classes cpsto Ferronsin any pa Hid ay be 1 1 n e most reasonable oor panaiof verpontina: ois should be BAY $ ALL WORK ARRAN TED. ee oF pours Caan on Brook Sires, where you will ind a| 1st ed sh, ene OT {%~ CUTTING ATTENDED TO. £9) J. BULLEN Prineo Albert, March, 28, 1860. 15-tf (5 References given if aeired. n Superior class of Work, manufactuced of . cast. Csi 41-t, Whitby, November 21, 1860, materizls and by the choicest workmen. b FORD, Propristar. Dr. AMOS & SON, 48 Fast Genesee Btroet, Three Doors West of Ellicott Street, done ina water-bath, or in a carpenter's WITH AND WITHOUT DOWER, glue-pot. This also makes a very guod water-proof glue, it7 For Sale at this Office.' Prince Albert, Sept. 25,186 iA ddress 43] ~ ?