Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 12 Dec 1857, p. 2

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al 1 El th TT th 5 BPS Ih RN CE SS Br BN 4 5 o ar =A Sta gD 2 4 2 EE ---------- NOTICE T0 CORRESPONDENTS. ' 0) 'TARIO OBSERVER PRINCE ALBERT, SATURDAY, DEC, 12. Niriancton Address to our Readers. In introducing to our aur vealere the first num- ber of the 4 Ontario Observéry" we think it recessary 10 stale THE CAUSE OF IT BEING Fs- TABLISHED, THE MEANS OF 17% SUPRORT, THE OBJECTS TO WHICH IT WILL 'BE DEVOTED, and THE MODE IN WHICH IT WILL' BE CONDUCTED. As the increasing imporiance of the 'Coungy + of Outario. and the rapid progres¢ of Prince Albert, Borelia, Port Perry, and the sirround- ing country has become developed, the want of a first-class journal, devoted to the. interests of this neighbourhood, has long been felt. To supply this desideratum, the Ontario Observer is established, whereby the claims of a large and influential district will be fully and fairly represented and advocated. In propoition as the business of of the County of Ontario bas been extended, the necessity for an organ specially set apart to supply the trading requirements of the public hus arudi- ally arisen, Ij is, therefore, ut the fequest of many of the gentry, inerchants, tradesmen, and others, that we venture upon this' under- raking, for the purpese. of opening a 'medium in which to publish the business and other public announcements connected with this district. An extensive subsctiption list has already been obtained in the district we now Rave the honour to represent. Politically, our standard will be that of Re- <form; all measures relating to social progress, and real, substantial Reform, will receive our cordial and warmest suppoyg. With a General Faction close at hand, and amidst the existing ised position of political affairs, we re- rain, at present, from declaring our adherence ' | shall, from time to time, saws rapid and are mere conventicles up- held for Purposes, in place of carrying out the grand and fundamental principles of vational education. The subject of Educa- tion 'is one 'of such vital 'importance, that we publish anjiles pon On the subject of Religion se deste to ay |*™ but little in this notice, believing that while it is the province of the press to elevate the mo- tals and refine the taste of the unity at large, it is the duty of the priest to build upon the moral foundation thus laid, by scriptural teaching and example. "We do not, however, Widh it tbe inferred that we are careless on a subject which so immediately concerns each and all of us, when we state that the columns of a Newspapef is nota in which to hold religious -- by p will receive cur' w amet advocacy. power "will be madé to sustain the rights of 'pper Canada, and to abolixh the present dis- parity in our representation compared With Lower Canada. With a population larger nu- merically than that of Lower Canada, we have not a proportionate yoice with them in the Le- gislative Assembly. h, ' The interests of Agriculture being £0 imme- diately interwoven with the prospe rity of this rich and luxurious country, it will be our aim 1 13 atk is "P 'ry effort in our | vantage taken by the C Government, and shake to its foundation" the edifice they have vainly endeavoured to rear. Mr. Gowan comes amongst us a Government agent, having neither stick nor stake in the county, holding the « flatéring unction to his soul" that the electors of North Ontario are content 10 be caught in the trap so wirily laid for them. °° ? That Ms. Gomi apps in thie Vablisasuits of disguisé, is plainly apparent from the fact that he forced himself upon the electors with- | in {ut being solicited, and even befyre There was a certainty of an election taking place. How came it to pass that Mr. Gowan was enabled to go throigh the county, and put certain indi- viduals in possession of the fact that an elec- tion would fake place before thé | present month has expii ds; and himself fo conymence a per- sonal canvass before apy * official declaration had emangjed from the' Government announc- ing a dissolution of Parliament? How came | he in possession of this secret, otherwise than | from the fact of his being a paid emissary from the Government to support them in their prac- {lice of empiricism? Tt is patent to all that the | Government intended to take the country by surprise when in an in unprepared state, and; by to stimulate its advancement by di our columns the results arising from sc, entific | research and practical appliances, Experience has tapght us that a journal, to le successful, she Ald not be' conducted nia | Higzardty "oF parsfinonious' Spirit. We have | therefte riadé arrangements whereby we | thalt be enabled 10 furnish our'edders with the. fullest and latest intelligence connec ted | with the County we 'now have the homor 10 | represent; a carefully selected digest of wéne-| ral news will also be tion. Local interests will espécially clit our strictest attention, and Al éventsthahsfiring i in the district of North Otarib will be found in| ouPcohininis. Whils® Pursuing "any given course, or upholding a' particular fon of ro- vernment, it is nof dur intention to exclyde the | views of those who may differ from ps in sen- timent, proy iding the opinions communicated to us are not in We antpgonism to the line of belie y we bind ourselves to purspe. We court to any section or coalition who may the future Government ; suffice it to say, that we are opposed to the present Government, and shall ever discountenance abuses, from whatever source they may emanate. Acting £ upon conscientious and independent principle, we consider that the actions of those who hold high publie positions are open lo fai and jm- partial 'eriticism, and; as such, ard 'amenable to the equitable law of censure, should the trust reposed in them be betrayed. The ini- ice of squandering the public nioney if ta institute Government pairojrage-- which means, to enrich office-bedrers at the "expense of the country--vwll ize waiched 'with keen and scrutinising cbiervation; and, when discovered, dealt with socordinig to its deserts. The great and fundamentsl pririciple: s of - Heol government, founded upon the solid basis of proaress, with a due regard td 'judicious re- trenctiment while promoting the | trie aa id ing interests of the equusry, will ed rit ine; BUT, Seisen 1g one foot of corruption shall rob it of its purity, we shall assail such procedure. To the advancement of the interests of our country, whether commercially or politically, we shall direct our efforts. With the prospect before us of Canada, at 'no distant period, be- coming a giant among' the! nations of the earth,' it behoves every Canadian, whether such by birth or by sett} to exert his influence in bringing about "a consummation 50 "devoutly to be wished." With an individual and col- on of public impart, and should value the opinions of correspondents bin subjects of general interest; but anonymous communications cannot be admitted into our issues. The state of the Toronto and New York Markets will be transmitted to us by telegraph up to the hour of going to press with each number. "To Advertig. rs, the Ontario Observer 'will | become a valuable medium, as a large sub- ing inhabitants of the C ounties of Unjario and York. 'a eirculation has likewise been ob- tained in the City nf Toronto, where a talented correspondent and an active agent will seek to promote the micrests of this Journal. To the city meréhants, thé: Ontario Observer will be | iin eligible sdurce thiduh which to give pub- | licity to their bitsirless annddiicements. Having thus iftroduced' the" Onilayio Ob-| 2orvel to' our readers, it now' remains fi "for us to solicit that ambunt of patronage which will enable "us jo carry out the arrangements we have made tb supply a Paper that will not ouly be generally read, 'but sought after and ac- fully prepared 10 redéem the pledues we have | public, fully confident that the result Will hdt anly be satisfactory, but flattering to outiéle ps * "Tig not in mortals 10 command success, Bui well do more --deserve it." ---------------- Political agitation and railway excitemeny now the attention of all classes in the lective anxiety to the prosperity of this extensive and enterprising Province, great results will follow, tending fo ameljoraie the rondition of the masses and to increase the wealth and moral dignity of the country. We believe that the Hudson's Bay Territory ought no longer to be cut off from civilization, and that it is the duty of the Legislature of Canada to use all legitimate means for the in- corporation'of this extensive territory with Ca- nada. "3 Education is a mediim have access to commerce; through which we greatness, social np. Itisa Mubjoct i in which not only indiy idpals'are deep- ly concerned, but upon which depends'the rise ar fall of nations; a subject from which ema- * wates all that is bling, though emb diversified opinions and having for its retinue u traimrbf conflicting systems. Were we to en- quire ito the ekternal ¢auses which have re- tarded thefprogréss of the human mind, we should 'deubtlets find them existing in the na- ture of thesd vil governments which have : ot gil) vailed in the world; and in --. 4 Fieviaed lwthe w which Have on incorporated with them. The watehword "of the tyrant is, "keep:the people 'in ignor- ance." Everin the mildes and most enlight- : rad govern! Sede Rt. the in- County of North Ontario. The destiny of nat only this county, but of the whole province of Canada, is in the balance ; upon the people will soon devolve the duty of turning the scale, either i in favour of needful Reform or to return again fo the micnstrous corruptions which have | become so flagrant during the term of office of the late Administration. We ure on the eve of an important epoch in our country's history ; a general 'election is at hand} the country is pregnant with political enthusiasm} each pass- ing day} increases the alarm of Minlsterialists and their allies, as the atmosphere cledrs to egho and re-echo the' glorious cause of Reform, for the suppréssion of intoleranée, tyranny, and 2 | disgraceful binati "tomb tions that hold thé" péole i fersiie subjec tion, in order more readily wo (Perpetua selfish and and inte has obscured. the vision of the populace is now | ginning to dawn upon 'us. Passing eveuts | have cast {their shadow before them, and a ray of hope js ow hovering around us ; experience ja disseminating her radiant influence, and the | wink is béing removed from the eyes of the people, who'a¥e how rising paramount in demand of their fights nd privileges as free Canadians." The' batglé-oty has gone forth eo kg inent p s hroug} undecision respecjing the md=t sprcessful pi dg Another hin- drance, also, is the sectarian sy:jem which has been introduced and propagated in our ed- |, istiutions: ithatanding. these many have un 10 sud fio, and the length And bread{h of this Pro- vinoe; the standard of Reform 'ia taised to a higher alfitiide than éver before 'attdlined, and shouts Bf Victory till spoil follow as the lies of success in this imparint Mruggl ns The Reformers of North Ontario, however, didnot assume an actual defensive position un- til Mond:.y last, when a Convention was held at Thompson's Tavem, Cenirp-road, Bek, for the purjose of ting 3 cg jo contest the county in opposition to Mr. Ogle R. Gowan, who comes before' the as a given in each publica- scrjption list has been secured among the load- | knowledgbd for its faithful records." 'We are | given, aml musi now leave the issue with the | "But 'the migt whicl ch | disappearing. and the light of open day is bi | comuizaiice of a particular vice, on Sondition (of Mr. James Beatty ly 12 their own into | the field, secure a Tetum of their own sup- | porters. It is therefore plain, upon the face of Yh, that Mr. Gowhn isn G agent, Gowan. | Now that a real and liberal Reformer is in the days of Mr. Gowan will shortly be i wR i The whole of the leading Conservatives stand aloof from him; ; the Presbyterian Scotch will not recog- nize him the are doubtful and wistruaifa) of his fidelity; and the Catholics hunk repose the least degrop of contijence id is well know to the electors of North Ontario. He is a tried and faithful ser- vant of public, and is Jin eyery c worthy the confidence of ; constituency at the approachyng elgction. | We Wold) there- "Tinioth rbgld Coleman, Béq.,'M.D., | had ne 1 1 Tooling of a a fd Co: for he Uni tin, and fe me' iter Sitrohoe 'Counties of ndrue. ia view of the John Doherty, Qsmociate May we'not ind Coroner for' he Uniied Co I C pe Yorky2 ible ssl by: the eff FoR Pe. ore and +e may see lis a Government Peter Stan, | 1 to "i an icin pl to. sore with the ¢ ils that retard Coroner for" ihe United Counties of Stor- our progress as le--a rnment that | mot, Dundas, and Glengarry. will ieavour to make the Union of Dpper ** John Stuart, Bay, Surgeon, tobe Rie: aod id Gri Th Ro oeieg a bet of the Board of Governors of the King. Cont and not for localities; that will ro- ston Hospital, in the room of the Honoura. ble John Magaul v, degeased James MgCarroll,' Ksq., Assigtant Sur. |a§ veyor of Customs, to be #Surwyer | in Her Majest oms. : "Pre John Parker, Req. Preven. tive Of Wy to bea Colle 'ctor in Her Ma. jesty" 's Customs. gard ke as Juljects of the realm and not as' se 1s that will hold Religion Fo bétweén each man's conscience rg his Maker, and' too' sacred to be made the subject of political i that will enforce economy in grers branch of the pub- lic service {'and that will not be dete by the fear 'of losing office from ihering to ions that gained publi¢ 'confid At Smyrna, Topuz & Co, , had sas- pended ; liabilities £40,000. e Times' city article of Tuesda evening notes a steady flow of bullion to the Bank, and a better feeling pre- vails, although some additional failures have. occasioned regret. In the Stock Exchange money was readily obtainable st 6 a 7 per cent. yo weekly returns ofthe bank are hencefo th likely to show a cousidetable improvement. n the discount ma: ket there were some signs of relaxation. The gold taken to the Bank, within the Week, amounted to £930,000, e funds were buoyant, and Consols closed at 89% for money, and 90 a 90} for ac fore, in all sincerity, urge the Ref to rally round him, and ue their influence to se- cure a combined effort to render his 'election doubly sure. The question to be decided at this election is, as is stated by Mr. Gould in his address 10 the electors, « Shall. the pre- sent Ministry hold bffick, or not?" ' Let the duty at the Poll, and evince, by their votes, their disapproval of the present ke doc biog by re- jecting the Government nominee, and return- ing, with a triumphant majority, their fajthful and tried friend, Mr. GotLp." The lowing Proclamation has been issued by the Sheriff cf the "County, in frecking to be returned to Parliar?=n{ ° tiider alee colouts. * hoesli ' But we will trace a little of Mr. Gowan's | political career, and endeavour | to find his con- sistency, if any he posseses, Ap fhe last elec- tion Mr. Gowan (being at the time the solyi- | nal Grand Master of the Orange 'Sobjety. +4 Came forward 4s a candida for: Norjh Qntatjo, with {the united" support" of 'the Conservative and ! Orange party. At thie ime of the election he was editor of the Patriot, the ofan of the | Orangemen. - On his defeat at'that election, he transferred" the Patriot into the hands' of Mr. Jimes Beatty, the publisher * of (he Leader; who at that time whs a a supportet bf Mr. Hincks, and the staunch' opponent of the Orange party. "Not content vith disposing of thie « plant' to thig Stiichny' of his own party, he also handed over his subsciiption list to Mr. Beatty. Having thus far betrayed his bes friends, he exetted his influence in sup- port of the Leader; which, at the time, was supporting Mr. Hines, ney ring ¥ the Con- servatives, sending forth Tulsothe | praise' 'in aid of the Coalition Government, opposing thd Superintendent of Educafiod by "miitilating his letters, and publishing others from 'Bishop | Charbonuell. These effusions, published 'in the Leaderin its attacks upon the School Sys- tem, were handed to the subscribers of the { rate Patriot ; the Patriot then being made {up of the Leaders composition, with another bedier:ce to Her Majesty's Writ, fixing the days of Nomination and Blegtion :-- PROCLAMATIQN. North Riding of the County of Ontario, To Wit: Public Wojice, is hereby given to, the Electors of the" arth Riding of the County of Ontario, that, in 'obedience 10 Her Ma- Joay! 's Whit," Pil me directed, and bearing date the Twenty -eighth day of the. month of Noyemper, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifiy- -seyen, | require the preser.ce bf the sald Electors at the village of Vroomanton, 30° the Township of Brock, in the Caunty (ita. rio, on the" twenty-first day of the month of} Devember, 1857, at one of the clock, in the afiernoon, for the purpose of electing a persop to-represent them in the Legisla- tive Assembly of this Province ; and tha in case a poll'shall be B8idndbd, and al. lowed in the mamer by Law prescribed. such poll will be opentd" by thé 28th day of the month of December, 1857 ; in the Township of Brock, in-the Township of Uxbridge, in the Township of Scot, in the Township of Thorah, in the Township df Reach, ip the Township Scugdg, and in the united Townsliffis of ata gid Rama. of all which every person is hereby re. quirdd to ake notice, and govern. himself accordingly. Given under my. hand at Whitby, this eighth day of the "month of Deceriiber, in the year of opr Lop; qne 'thousdtid' eight hundred and fifiy-seven. head attached. Thus, Mr. Gowan nat only | sae crificed his own principles, (if any he ever | possessed.) but also sold his party. He then | | went hot and stro n support of the Coal ti-| tion Governmeny, although himself not in Par- | liament. When the Ggyernment was con- | | demned by almost fhe e edtire and incensed populstion. of the City of Totouto, for endea- vouring to fix the Seat of Government at Que- bec, they having placed the sum 'of $200,000 in the * Supply Bill of 1856 fr that purpose, | Mr. Gowan was the only wiz 16 be fond who, | would stand up in defence of, "andl beh apo- | Izist for, this base aot oh the part of the Goy'-| {ernment ; and at the great Mess Meefing held bi in Torthto in 1836, on the siject, he divided | {the ming withi only twenty followers. Mr. | Gow it Was also the ready jpol'of Mr. Bowes | lin his advocicy of Separate Schools for the Ci atholics,' and also again an apologist for the Goyernment, whilé endeavouring to estiiblish nunngries in Toronto and Hamilton. ! Such disgrace sful conduct ought' to rartkle in the bo- som of evory true' Protestant, and prévent him from giving the J ast dedred of tolerdnee {10 a person of such two faced-pretensions and | danger srous tendency, rotten hie, Proceeding onwanls, we discover Mr. Gow- an finding a ready excuse for the votes gjsén by the Orange members of the House of the subject of ,establishing these ; and, before rangemen of Kingston, when Mr. Benjamins vote was called in question re- specting the establishment of a nunnery at Hamilon, to be called the Sisters of our Lady Loretto, he had the andacity to assert that, had he beh in the House, he 'sliould have voted | precisely as Mr. Benjamin did. He also de- | clared himse If _yilling to give the Catholics write' schools, or to argh them he Ingorpo- ration of -Nufineries, provi they supparted se NELSON G: REYNOLDS, Returning Officer. re ---- A ---- REPRESENTATION (OF SOUTH 'ONTARIO. This Riding Is now being acii ly canvass- Reformers, then; come forward and do their 0. Opposil E! Londen: --E. Leonard, o. THE GENERAL ELECTION, itjon; M. "Ministerialist. "whv'eannot be eYhssed with either pany have nd letter aftached, Brant Eos--Dayid Ci Chtistie Bi D. _McKer- Brant Wes est. hy Biggar, i 'George Ss Wilkes, ni., Wm. Matt WE, m. rifle. a Bootk;, 25 George Sher- te ol A. Yielding, F. Powell, Ar Gibbs, R. 'W. Scott, all Ministerialists. Carleton.--Hugh Torney, o. ; Ww: Powell, mi., E. Malloeh, m.: : Cornwall. --J)ohn S. Macdonald, o. ge Walter Lowry, 0.; John Crysler, 3, Sivas m. 4. Ss. Smith, 03 F. Burton, --- Durham West Hong Mure, #1= M Fecters, m. v ALF Elgin East.--G. Southwick, m. Elgin West.--A. Fo wg 3 George Mac- beth, m. Essez.--John McLeod, o.; A. Rankin, m. Frontenac.--Henry Smith, m. Glengary.--A. D. Macdonald, 0. Grentillp. -- Wm. | Patrick, a. Shogo W. L. Macke J. H. mand.-- Tackenzie, o:; mand. MeKjpmou, wm. as White, 0.; 6. K. Chishglm, m. Auli Su €. Baker, 0. ; Isaac' Bucti- " iy Hastings North.--G. Benjamin, m.;, Win, "Luke, o. Hastings South. Lowi Walbridge, 0.; °F. Davy, m. Hur and' Bruce.-- --John Holmes, ¢. 5 3 w m. © Cayley, ui. Kent.-- Archibald MeKellar, o.; E. Larwill ne Kingston.--John A. Macdonald, m.; John Shaw, 0. * 4 werd fauljon. Hope Meuse, 03 3 Mateo m Cameron, m. Lanark North.--Robert Bell, q. fair, o. Leeds and Grenville. - ~D. Wylie, 9-3 Dr. "Church, wi: Leeds South.--W. n. Kilborn, a 3 WoO, "Tet; tn. y PL Lady Addington.--D. Roblin, m.; Mr. "Hooper, 0. Linvdin--W; H, Meritt, ¢.; J. W. Q. Clark, 3 W. Carling, m. Middlesex East.--Josiah Blackburn, 0 ; Mar- cus Taibpt, m. Middlesex: Hest doh uSeaphion), a. ; James + Dauoll, 0. : lanald, m. ; 11. D. Mira, m. Mr, Moye. el by tw candidates, Whitby, and Mr. 8. 'B. Fairbank ks, of Oshg~ wa, for the honour of representing th this division of the county in the ensuing Parliament. Mr. ! Rgwe having been a resident of the South ve | Riding for 'more than thirty-four years, his personal qualifications and political prinici- ! Ples are well known. It will be seen on re- ference © our advertising columns, that Mr. ! Rowe is defermined, if elected, to act and voto, not as the thick and thin supparter of any party, but as an independent member of a dé- | Prine liberative assembly. From the Whitby Chronicle of Thursday we learn that Mr. Wm. Laing and Mr. John B. Warren have dédlined to come forward to con- test this Riding. The Reform party expect to be able to bring forward Mr. 0. Mowatt, of Toronto--and Messrs. Peter Taylor and True- man White likéiwise have hopes of being nomi- nated by The Convention. THE pops WHITBY AND LAKE HU- Hon RON RAILWAY. This long-asit: ated-question is about to be decidéd by a Pol to be takéft on Wellhesda next, whel every municipal "efé; 10k will have an gpportihity ¢ of expressing his! bpinion upon the subject, by an opgn vole. No fairer or more legitimate plan could' be adopted to test the feeling of "the 'inhabjjan}s df this County' in reference to the propriety of con=inicting this railroad. * We therefore: hope that! ebbry | per- son having a voicé in'the question will exer- thewselves ; an equivalent to an unblush | that no appos be made to others for the main- tenhneeof such illegal establishments. At the Saugegn eléction, in 1856, Mr. Gaw- an is found canvassing the Division in favour t renegade Oi man, and i Ee ge 'Catholics far in in opposition to Mr. Patton, a liberal and --. ent Conservative, In short, Mr. Gowan is at the present time a paid apologi:t for the Government, having received an appointment from the Catholic Commissioner of Crown Lands. (Mr. Couchon.) to settle the' disputed * squatters' claims," in the counties of Huron and Bruce. at a salary of ten dollars per diem. The holding of such a situation under Goyern- ment y although the emolument may not be weighty is still found sufficient to secure present chase, or to form ahy kb Yess be called war to y With aman 1'we; stom who has betrayed them, and sacrificed, aver ind ovet again, his own principle and their i hotrican nominee, or hired servant of the Governniey and, as such, quite willing Nowat the to" repudiate' the Corruption a the Orange party of this County extend # Lim help 2 hand in the prosent contest ? We 2 levied agai p with yhat success a « brief future" will un- folg. The choice of the Convention fell on Mz. Joseph Gould, of Uxbridge, who has con- sistently represented the county since the last election. © It will be peen, on reference to our advertising colymps, that Mr, Gould has ac- cepted the invitation, and is now before the electors as a candidate to soliit their suffrages. Now that matters assume a niofe tangible form, Mir'Gowarr may-yet find Cates dF regres when 38 decor Biol thy ek oo rot pice, from which there is but slight hope of escape. Tha gry for Reform, which is winging its flight through the County with electric ra: say they consistently canriat ; and neither are dps dn Although coming out on the preserit plaka big ilu y. for its construction--and making a stalking-borse | Canada. of the question--we say that jf is a mere pretence, a delusion, and a spare. >No man of principle, whatever his political creed, can extend a helping hand to one who will ell his birthright for a mess of pottage ; no real Conservative 'could fot a nfomient re- coguize Mr. Gowan but as a traitor from their ranks; no'consistent member of the Orange Society can tol 80 base a decei niditv. will nickly overthrow the mean ad- aceNs Bret Rial Shas eect see semaine on who hamoroved himself tba utterly unworthy 18S seme sont eben an ve eise his p hether for or against the project, by veconding his'vote on Wednesday, next. The Poll will be opened at the follow: ing places thronghout the County :-- pet, lob ah pont house nearest ones' tavern, 'in the pancession. Mara® and 'Rama, at David MoVeizi's "kein, ic} Seach Na HERE House in section a. 2. Beott, at the place where te Myniipa Elections are ely oe hel. Thorah, at the Te own Fill. eb, A ti, fh ee Whithy Township, at the Town Hall. Oshawa Vi * House. Town ory hth dA ee Towh Hall. FUE NEW EL SINITRY. ol, 'A Macdonald, At Attorney General for Wa ii pJnspector General. = : ar 8 Ofion, Toronto, Dec. 5th, 1857. lis Excellency the Governor General has boen pleased to make the flowing ap. 3 self to be put in nomination asa Candidate Ni --Mr. Clrvie,o; 3 3 W. Dickson, m. ; Fy, 6 Simpson, Norfolk.-- Walter Powell, 0. mb riand eet Me ts Ontoro Sowth--N, North--Gi ; Oliver Blake, o. at --Jekin R. Chk. ota 1. ridg Asa Burhan Raw Fa netihe Capt. James Roe. Jour, x Comnor, 0 ; D. Mutbiceos m.: DG. Mill ford Foul My, Sion, o; Dr. Cook, m; Mr. Van roy » eorge Wri Perth Daly, nn P. R. Jartis 8. Conge: FroorMe McCann, m. Rd yund-_Dh. a: Kenfrew--J Supple, Rett B. Fel Ent i AIT. Laws, m. Simcoe North--T. D. McConkey: o.; A. Morrison, m. Mr. Stevenson, m. Simcoe South Sms geek y,0.; W..B. Robinson, son, mr. ors Wo, Matticé, Ir. a: A. McLean, m. George Rowe. § 4, G. Bowes, m.; W. HL. ation J "HB. Robinson, "m. Victoria-- Waterloo North--M. H Foley, 0. Waterloo Sowth--\\'m Retake od Welland--Richard Thompse Wellington North--'| Bg "Alla Wellington South--Iavid Stirton. Dr. Clarks Wentworth North--Wm Notman, o.; Robert Spence, m. Wentivoreh Soufh--N; O'Renlly, m,; John Heslop, o. York North--Joseph Hartman, o. York South--Awns Wi York West--Gr oige P. Gilbert MeMicken, m. James Webster, m. John Duggan, m. mon, o.; John \W. Gauible. "CITY ELECTION. - The linyass for Mir Brown goes on with unabated v igzour. The meéting of his support - ers, on Saturday night, was large and spirit- ed--Ward C litees were ppointed the utiribet nnaniuity and good feeling pre- vailed. I "wad atmcunced to the niceting that, if all probabiliiy'" Mr. olin Beverly Rob- inson would be a lidate, and thé of various gentlemen were teken as to the effect which that would have on Mr. Brown's prosgegts, TL wa' ihamimously the opin that 'ng injury would' result from the new phase in the canvass--that Mr. Brown would rot be deprived of any of his supporters by Mr. Rébinson--nd ihaf he had | numbers enough to mike his' elegtion sure. The following is the "reply published by Mt. George Brown ii arlswer ta the requisition wl warded to him, signed by upw: ands. of 1,000 electors of the City of Toronto, to allow him- and for the representation of. the City in the Pro- Several | - B. | Rev. W. Allington, Lanark South.--James Shaw, m. ; Col. Play- | % MINA' TION DAYS. ORL NC. suns ses os .. 10th December. == | raised the advocates of them to power, I accept your invitation with uch plea- sure--and, whatever the resglt of 'the appeal to the polls, L shall always remember with lively the high pli 'you have paid me. © Thave the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your most obedient servant, GEORGE BROWN. Toronto, Dec. 8, 1857. HURRAH FOR WRIGHT! The Cony: ention in Eest York, which met on Saturday, nominated the late member, Mr. Amos Wright. "We re- joice «t this decision, not"becanse Mr. Wrightisa better Reformer than his competitors, but because he has gone through the haid fight of the last Tour years with honour, and we like to see 4 fidelity rewarded 'with the attach- ment and confidence of the people. Un- der other ci cumstances, we should have been glad to 'welcome any one of ihe gentlemen whose names were before the Convention. There is not the slightest doubt of Mr. Wiight's election, but the ministerial lawyer, Mr, Duggan, is work- ing, and our friends may as well be at the jolls carly es late. TEMPERANCE CONVENTION IN MIDDLESEX. Ata temperance: conv. ntion in Mid- dles x, h Id lat-ly, the folloing rcso. lution was pass~d :-- "Mr. Ni| s"proyos d, 3 con, d by the "That. whereas Mr. Josiah Blackburn has pledged himselfus ready to advocat, measure (or the rosiriction of the licensed snip of intoxicating drink, and the advocacy of prohibition, whew demanded hy public 10 the temperance body, should he the nominee of this wid that we urge all parties desiring the down i re wid the spread of sobriety 'und morality,' to rally 10 his support.' Mr. Talbot, his opponent, had only ion, according Pe vot sin fhe convention. NOMINATION AT KINGSTON. DER sta 10. Attorney*Gonera¥ Macdonald and John Shaw nominated for Kingston. Show of hands -in favour of Shaw; 'Macdonald callud for a ml ONTENAC, Solicitor General Smith returned with- out opposition: HAMILTON ELECTION. ' Mr. Buchanan. ping the show of hands at the nomifiition Wednesday. 1. Kington .:.uevisee.. 9th'D c>mber. Lcnnox'and Addington Ja December. London .,c.eeeeeeds Dic mber. "oronto ork Dc fiber. No th Oxfod . 4th Dee mbor. + 12h Dee mb r . 11th Decrmber. wees 12th Deccinb er. «12h Dee riiber. 1% st Northumb» Trland West "+! "do. Nor"h Wen worth E's burhim'.... i) ockvill ... i 1h Dee: mb. r. Pec] hDie mb. South We! ington ans gr Decenibef. North * do." | -.... 16th December. Hu on and'B nce .... 16th December. East Midd!ésex .... 19th. December, Prince Bdwaud .... 23rd De cembef. Eambton ...eeuee.... 16th December Montreal..veeueeevs. Hth December. Fi J POLLING DAYS. eo 18th & 19 h Dec. :o 21st & 22d Dec. :{8h& 19h De. 20 h & 22d Dec South Wellington: ; ¢: {8th & 19th Dec North do. i... 23rd & 24th Dee Rast Midd'esex ....28th& 29th Dec Prince Udward .... 30th & 31st Dec. Montreal, \... 21st & 2nd D. c. Kast York 23d &24thD c. Norh Wen'wo. h.; Toron'o «ouuiee hee Lambton. ...... 0 - 2ed & 240 D c ARRIVAL OF TIilj «BALTIC. aH Tha anak New York, Degember 7. The United States mail steams! ip " Byltie," from Liverpool, 2, pm, qu the 25th Nov , arrived at 11 this' am., with 70 fos and £90,000 on freight. i Dang te U. S Minister to China. "rp «City of Baltimore" arrived out on the morning of the, 25th. 4) Tlie « Anglo-Saxon" left for Portland on the 25th. In London, on Saturday, the recovery one mito pounds; F. 'Blass & Schom- liabilities not stated, sri A] 'rom. Bremen the: reported of H. Overbreck, and Cassen- burg and: Meyer. Jaabilities in each nsions were pointments, viz. :~ case only £20.000. her passengers is Peter Parker, Ju * The failures of the day we: ¢ llerman, Sillem & (fo, liabilities heavy. Carr, Josling & Co, in the North of Europe trade ; liabilities £300,000. Alexander Hintz & Co, Colonial produce dealers; > liabilities large ¢ ; all of London. Ennis. tan & Marsh], American Vision an Bot: dealers, Livétpool ; and, Janat ormly, Spinner, Bradford. A despatch from Hamburg anpounces the formation of the Discéunt Guarantee Bocicty with ten million marks panco capital, the object of which is to réleve the commercial distress, The whole amount was subscribed in four hours. Rumow's were current of a probable funding of exchequer bills. The London papers of Wednesday re. port sales of Illinois Central shares on the previous day at 13} a 14 discount, do! 7 per cent bonds 75 a 77, New York Cen- tral shares 73, Erie 8d mortgage' borlds 66. Generals Wilson and' Havelock' kre 'to be raiscd to the dignity of Baronets. y A boiler explosion at a cotton warp fac- tory in Huddersfield had killed nine per- sons and wounded many others. M. Fould, Minister of State, was on a visit to Londen; supposed to have reference to the financial crisis and the situation of the" Bank of France, and to confer with Lord Palmerston in reference 16 the diff)! culties of the Danish principalities,' ' The Courrier du Bus Rhine finnounces that the :Héad quarters of an English re. cruiting establishment will be 'pai at Strasburg on. the 1st of December. The Nord says the conference of Paris has been put off1o January.' The Bank of France was gaining specie. A meeting of Paris distillers had me: morialized Governmeht 10 taise the import duty an foreign spirituous liquors, on thé ground that "they cannot compete with foreigners. The Government replied that it would be degide] by an enquiry. SWEDEN. A despatch from Stockholm announces the formation 0 Society of Credit ani Mutual Support, and to maintain the publio credit. The subscription ai Suite] to four millions. CHIYA. An extra mail from China had reached Suez, with dates from Shanghai of Sept. 27th and Hong Kong October 5th. A violent typhoon at Macao on the Ist of 'October, had caused some damage}, ol chiefly to the native shipping, Lord Eigin-was-at' Thong of a man-of-war. SE SPAIN. It is said that the Spanish. Mexican ques- tion Till presents danger. Lord Howden had gone to Madrid to urge t the reception of the Megican envoy. PORTUGAL The yellow fever wis still raging at Lishon. The Bank of Lisbon was about to raise its rate of discount, which had stopped at 5 per cent. ie RUSSIA. Prince Gavarin, Governor General of Kutais and Mingrelin,~had been as.assi nated by ong "of the Sovereign Princts of 'Mingrelia. - Letters fram St. Petersburgh report that the financial 'crisis was beginning senzibly to affect Russia. Gold had become very scarce, and exchange on Tafidon had fallen. - > AUSTRIA. Letters {rom ienna report a continu- ance of the finguciul and commercial crisis: The prices of raw produce declined daily; ail money was ¥o scarce that manu- factured goods Totind Dut few wholesale i y te ae parchasers. WASHINGTON NEWS. Wasnivgroy, Dec. 10. On motion of Mr. Ranks, the 'spenker was authorized to appoint the' standing commiiiiees; gird in' grder fo afford hin an | opportunity to do so, the [louse adjourned until Monday next. On motion of Mr. Warren, a committee was ordered *to be appoldted 10° refioft whey the new Hall call be ogeyipied. SENATE Mr. Douglas 'gave notice' of his intention to introduce a Bill at an early day, to enable the of Kansas to form a Consfitutifn and Hovernment preparator ta their pri. Io fo to the ni r. Foote gave notice of a Bill making grants of land to actual seitfers, : The i then LiL intd Wlletnivo session, sol MARKETS. vincial Parli at the approaching elec- of mercantile confidence made furtheb tion: 3 F : li hy notwi hstandin the sctious PRINCE ALBERT, Deo. mei REPLY. * features of the Bunk: et ! 2 i : ate o ENTLEMEN,-- k for the h -| ' Loans on Governmeut securities w ere ; oy Save Sow Ee Ly readily obtainable for short Perigds at | © 18 34 #0: large-a -n of the most re- | lower rates. a 6d | he entiak of my. fellow-citizens | About £400,000 of Australian gold 25 0d 10 hecome'y ¢4 for the representation | wn; gold to the Bank during the day." ' 08 0d ander aay chews ot. but he gratifying On Monday, the tone of improvement '9d 0s 104 tation "hohe engl was more distinct than at any time 'od Fo x : , tnex- fwince the first turn became observable, || ol mine. Fil easure, | There was n continued absence of furs A : :f the bad rving that, while the requisition | ther failures, and 'an additional amount | guid fhe reads asd scarcity of money { wheat I Midtn 04 of: my: old | ot yillion of £ 160,000 was taken to tlie and the only articles which fetch e ind" in t long list the B ik. ready sale for cash. ay i oho ds has while hak iffles, and | - On the. Stack Eaehatige there' wasan : i. ; ig same 'outs, have, i years increased supply of money, 'and short Clty Seine from me and those with whom I ps loans: weéré obtainable on Government big Toy ponents 34 , as 10 the best means { carrying out |seeuriticy at 7 per cent - At'the Bank | he Re EEE t ends. | the 'was less heavy tv « gy 0d. 2, 6d . barriers raised 4,860 | The. Times concludes : that the panic | Oss J 0s 0d 1s 6d nd o icon ark as So, bas entirely passéd away: a ore 2H 2% 6d" 2% 94 a Doing brenght ; a common | Heavy failurés at iamburg: are re, NEW. YORK, DEC. hig of 'alarm at the legisla- ported, including tlborg do Cremer, .in ) « ruinous financial Jolicy icy of the last | the Swedish trade, with liabilities'over| « © [8¥ ELECTRIC a ER) It wauld, indeed, have been la- Flour market hea prices on Seon 000 bare ol a4 65 i wnper." fine state ; extra ditto, 4 75a. 4 90; superfine Western, 455 a 4 65; $675 ont dita 4 ab60; Canadian flour Sychangel. W heat: market better.' Sele 30,000 els, at 97 for. Chi- cago spring; 100a1 05 for Mil wankee clut a hi, 3

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