'questi ion a the most Succ Tinos { the kind that ever took fsfupendous ' * ce in Our towd. The hall was|thousand doll suitably-and beautifully decorated | raise a few cents fo liquidate of twentyfive "Land the flooy was perfect, and the immaginary defi fency. Yes, Mr, 386 2 hy. Nowe 'the Victory Loan w. There are still many 1s who have neglected to ssors of Victory Bonds, 'are grateful for. Victory, owned the valiant efforts of anvarme, 'They have shared good times which have been good fortune 'of Canadians in period. following thie war. They i prosperity to continue but 'ave omitted lo to theif part iti Spsuring that there will be jobs ; prosperity fot all days to come. 'They-should- not let another day Pass--or another hour -- without discharging their debt to the soldi- "ers who, died that they might live; #o the warriors 'who are being re- "tored to civil life, "Let the slogan of the last days of 'the campaign be "Clean up the war job once for all." «he most you can scrape together is the least you 'can afford-to sub- scribe to the Victory Loan. ----ai | because she "has been cursed with|readiest to J; sides share the blame in 1 strike. a prevent strikes © Congress + Ghould authorize "the establishment . "The strike was caused by the re- dusal of Judge Gary 16 'meet the ""upions and by the determination of he: A. T, of Li to organize the steel istry. Wages were not a factor, "Tlie wotkers hours were too lang, A considerable elément" of rev- olutionary radicalism was massed behind the walkout. Radicals such as Fester und 'Margolist "are dan- "gerous 1o the .conutry." © "An eight Hour day with 2 living age that will "enable 'mento sup- tt their families' and' brrg 'up ren according 10 the of American Jife ought to cardinal part of our industrial 'the sooner the principle the. better i it wail be. and beauty present was a the former ones bei n, by the Oshawa Orchestra was |in order to accomplish the 'object grand beyond description. The [ihe most wealthy snd best men of large an lligent 'assemblage | the County volunteered assistance. awas of the right stamp and had a| The late John Adams of Scugog, delightful time, many being from |and Mr. Péter Christie were, elected Oshawa, Whitby, Uxbridge,Stouff- | by the Board to canvass, and ville, Markham and other places, | question if any othertwo men, in The proceeds were large, the major |that day and generation, could have portion of which 'will go to swell | accomplished so much as they did cent ¥ eo that "cost the the eight hou jected on orld w necessity the coffers of the Skating Rink |althotghiit was after many weeks Fund before they reported --over twenty. thousand dollars was the result' of Me. Drury at Massey Hall on {their arduous duties, The first \fair Monday evening: -- * When that|proved a world's fair -and far time of deflation comes, let me tell | eclipsed the most sanguine expecta the investors of the province, not| tions of all. while others followed the big investors, but the jah who|which were rousers. Now to can take only a few hundred dollars| fritter away in lots an heritage sq or 'more, there will be ne safer 2nd | splendid wonld be an act so incon= better investment than this Victory | servable unjust that Port Perry loan, 'Why? Every investment | will ever be guilty of. Your town that we-have will appreciably lose | at present, is not dying for build, value, Labor will come down, pro. |ing sites, and the last lands that duce will come down. The man |should be utilzed for that purpose with a 'holding in a house will find|are the fair grounds. the value of his house come down, But there is one thing that wiil not | Reach, Nov. 11; 1919. will not come down, and. that. is money invested in a Victory bond." ROUNDING UP THE SLACKERS ---- nin es Mr. Drury's short speech at Barrig on Monday night was noteworthy for an amazing change of front--amaz- ing 'largely from the fact that it i iz I There are slackers in every com- comes immegiately. oncthe heels of ] Byt one of the glibest crigics of the Gov- Canada has won, worldwide fame! ernments of the day, and among the every existing evil munity and in every crisis. Drury ald, in 'part; vested by youlin Victory Bonds to- day will 'be "worth tivo, : possibly During the present] three dollars in a few years; There Victory Loan drive theyhave been |is no doubt in the world we'are on very tesotirceful in framing excuses |the edge of a time of depyEssion, as to why they should not help the and for this depression no Govern- ment will 5 responsible. . 1 speak feelingly "because yon know the prosperous Canada by buying poinn 1 am in at ii present mo- Bonds, x ment, and you know the tendency 'Let the profiteets buy the bonds {to blame hard times on" the Govern: is one of their cries which in reality ment. The time will come not very far means "Let the profiteers reap the off when wages will have dropped d the value 'of a bushel of wheal rofits and corner Canad ah P Rnada's money will have dropped to one half the resources. value it is now. That day your Then there isthe farmer who says, | bonds will have twice the present "Let the city folk subscribe," which | value. It will be worth while *in means "I don't care what I get for| those years to own $1,000 worth of my wheat ; the futuretrade of Can-| ¥ tory Bonds,' '-- Orillia Packet. ada is nothing to me. There is also Ydcowned the vice of this unhappy minority, but i in times of peace they are bolder. movement for 'a greater and moke I shall go on wasting I" the city 'man who says; "Let lie ANNIVERSARY SERVICES fermers buy," which in the lust an- alysis means," *' have nothing at stake; production: and trade can goto pot. ~My money goes into} son of Columbus, will conduct the gasoline; till Canada goes broke." | Services. and 'so on and so on; the same Monday Eveging, Nok. 17, Rev: blindness to his own and his count- | K. 'Simpson will deliver an'l | y's intersst which Ireeps him int the [rated Lecture "in the. rot, 'and prompts him to leave| 'The Peacs every thing to someone else. propriate Musical. "Subscriptions tothe Victory Loan rendered. during. CHURCH, POAT PERRY an electiof, diring which he was A dollar n=] A not b ) footing ey them state that il we al the'sgrest way olw ilization, and weiha iligation: to-day that eger brought fom care of it, and ¥m there, but not d tron i entothe gages would was rot, sufle ol hours, "1t'y of {eod- and "cl 11 has been sh introduction in France, pro that a reduc hours a day mi ofa reduction | "Have you e ed, "that if we ar mum of hours i. also wise to. consideration need?" : SATE # 4 a ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN = Sunday, Nov, 716, Rev. R. Simp- ' iver Country." Bid fi we A n=. ) So 5 taking onteol: door exe or 'medicine take Dr.' Williams Pink Pills' and you will soon notice {the beneficial effect of this, tonic in every 'part of the system. Aonie L. Johnston, R. R. No. 1, Listowel, Ont, is one of the numer- 'ous sufferers from nervous troubles | bo has, found a cure, through Dr. t Williams Pink Pills, Miss Johnston says: 'For alopg time [ wasa Miss | ©: | covere sufferer from nervoustrouples =| with the result that I grew very pale _hag| and weak. Medical treatment did ke | not help me, and various medicines nd had no beneficial effect, until finally bie ¢ recovered my. 1 "1a friend advised me to try Dr. Wil liams Pink Pills. J began their use and took the pills regularly for sev- eral mo Lo with' the result that 1 'not only gained in weight, but have Aull health and strength. 1 cannot praise Dr. liams Pink Pills too bighly fo 3 | they have dae for ime." £ iT o build, up, he blood. thera i isone ; Bi "world n account g for Yack since i the iy per ceot, Blion, tht," he ask Rve a maxi- might be hoimum in id's great been a_fousehold The! Dri Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. ' eee, London, Nov. 7. Viscount Mil- ner. [Secretary for the -Colonies; Las sent a. telegram to the Governor of British Guiana denying that ' the British Goverhment "has any inten tion of selling British Guiana or any British West - Indian Colonies. This disposes of the dispatch fram London on Ang. 3.quotidg the Nat- ional News as saying that a sugges- tien that the British © West Indies be ceded to the United States in part payment of Great Brain's 'war debt was seriously. being 'con ] sidered, - DIED e| Warson--At Caesarea, on Wed: ¥ Convention, Lagriculture inesday, November'5, 1919, Annie Viacent, - beloved wife of John Watson, Sr., aged 72 years, | 1g is the 'Best Tnve