"On the day that the prince of Wales {entered Denain and attended the serv- fee of thanksgiving in the church there | 1 lingered behind after ofl the cere- were over and talked with the tants. They had been badly treated. They were full of the stories {of thelr legitimate woes, One old man {suid to me: : aki uld see the English doc- knows!' int of women nd pitiful lt n who had been gassed by the Boches in defiance of all the laws of humanity. There was one little fel- "llow howling with terror. He did not wish to remain with the military. He : had only known the German soldier, "Well, 'then take him away, poor ttle chap,' said the major. 'Bring him back three times a day to be dressed.' % "Then the major and I talked of the successful Canadian attack and of the condition of the town when it had been taken. It was not a pretty story. It was, in fact, a terrible indictment against the Boche. ° " 'They starved the civilians. The only meat they gave them in three years was three dead mules. And all the time their own officers were living on the best.' " "Then there was shortage? "Oh, yes, there was a shortage; but fhe German officers did not feel it.' . "'And their other supplies? Your fine, for instance--medical supplies? | "The major laughed. ! «Oome with me,' he said, 'and I'l! Bhow you a field medical cart that we captured just as they were driving it ®ff. It is one of the most wonderful things I have ever seen.' "We went into the transport yard fd here we found something like a Sgotch cart with a closed-int top, bear- dng the Red Cross on its sides. The major let down the back flap and we saw a series of drawers, like an en- fapged card-index file cabinet. He pulled ong ont. i "Look at that,' he said. "There you dave most of the drugs we have been short of for months--and have them $n profusion. Morphia, chloroform--- -anything you like. It is the most per fect thing of its kind I have ever seen. Xou could sell that carts cargo in Eng sjand for its weight in gold. It con- some of the most valuable and " ¥@rest gynthetic drugs in the world. It 48 treasure trove. . . . Like a souve nir? He) ¢ a case of a 3 2 supply of rare drugs could t up practically to the front line, 'what must the German have had "in his rear hospitals? What, then, can Be'liis excuse for amputating the limbs of our wounded prisoners without etics?. Can it have been any- g but wanton cruelty? * "That fleld medical cart is the evi dence I"--Boston Transcript. Too Much Arithmetic. Uncle Mose Lightfoot approached a rk in the drug store and inquired: = "Got any three-cent stamps?" "No," the clerk replied, "we're all gut of threes." pause dis letter ought to go out to- might." ¥ "We have plenty of twos." : "But dis letter goes out of town." & "And we have plenty of ones." "But ona won't take it." ~ "Couldn't you put on a two and a ™ . . © "Hub? i "Or three ones?" © AS the old darky ambled toward #lie door he scratched his head and an- 1 "Maybe 1 could ; maybe I could; but "If ain't got no time to be foolin' roun' ng to add up."--Youngstown Tele peas Railroading. Clyde Foster, a south side young- "has béen much impressed recent- y warnings about the care of his th so that he would not "catch" influenza and die and be taken to 'cemetery. His father is a railroad in, 'and when Santa Claus came ' 'received a fine ¢hoo- "He was proudly exhibit ¢ "Dat's too bad," said Uncle Mose, | hrs ad Pus the HE PEOPLE OF ONTARIO are accustomed 10 ac- *eopt their food much 'the sate ps they breatlio the air They read isolated items = about food shortage; bus sueh a thing as this affecting their own dinner table never: enters thelr mind, and it is the responsibility of The Observer te bring home to its readers a realization of th® facts, as un- less something is done, in auother year, they will not ba reading about the hunger in Belgium but the hunger in Ontario. The following should be memorized by every realler of Tae OBSERVER. Under the Presidency of Mk. J. W. Woods, a" Confer ence of all interested in food production was held in To- ronto on Monday, May 7. TIBET QPEN TO CHRISTIANS Officials Have Invited Missionaries to Enter Freely into the "For- hidden Land Those Qisciples of Christ who inter: est th lves in foreign missions are sroused over an invitation coming to HE Lag