Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Apr 1919, p. 2

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even Has A GOOD CIRCULATION, ued is} ants growing in favor. It hee Avertising Medinm in the Count; wile Shanipon oi a : ricultorists an the more con- ge ctical class of peo | A is not a Faves ite of schemers, i Li and cl + it is the Oldest and Best Fstal ed founded in 1857 the mast original and best in its "loca: and gencral news Gepart uient and is printed entirely in {he | place of publication Port Perry. | "Hou per aunum in ac pda Brig.-Gen. "or $a advunce, $1.50 will be harped jon' PRINTING -- THE MosT MODERN STVIES {ham Palace; 1 | daily press of N Ww PRICES | AND AT TOY {vis rnette extensively published in its | {10 robin egg blue taffetta silk, trim- MON been Placed BY me for immediate in. | - westment at lowest rate. to do him hor HUBERT I. ERRE Barrister, Port | columns, Y Several sums from | 8 its 'surroundi TY. hers and hav i { North Ontario Observer (me ofc Pager of tho Puan FOUND claim him mig exceptionally attained fully should De liable to prosecution, The | S1S!ers marri farmer who is deceived by his pre i v Bo 3rd vw Bro. Thos, Cook The sergean » re specific. tences almost deserves to pay {hel PORT PERRY BOWLING {4th i" w ~Bro. Jas. Davey They aYs hi ened, fithat price of lis credulity: cLuB Trustees-- Bros. H, Roberts and W, | back i Canada dy's saying It is the right of any person who ANNUAL MEETING J: Oke the Ys was has multiplied out a selection ofl oe | Auditors-- Bros, Wm. Davey ard| Wait till 1 get The fellow grain, to sell it for what it js and ylie annual mieeting-of the Port W. J. Oke. who says it b won't be in Perry Bowling Club was held on Piel a bomb-proof ji "Y" went charge any price he sees fit. Against these well intentioned, legitimate transactions we have nothing to say béyond warning the farmer, that at the best be is likely only buying an old variety, and that exceedingly few of these amateur sclections are ~ everof value. The Audit satisfactory a be in the best The followi x £ What is advisable is that in every Pres. Dr. "hefore buying a variety that he Vice-Pres.-- p Treas,--W "As tung as he will buy ill sell, and the efforts the cereal stations of the improvement of W..S Short, MANAGING White, F. W, A special 'ablets. | Council was 'held at the Treasurer's |. ab ie dealers or by mall Bt a box from The Dr. Med Ca. Br i 4 patie. Distinguished Military Accomplishment i B., Barto DS. 0. The Port Perry man, who lately | Mm lvance, if not received the decorition at Bucking- . $300 to $10,000, have | military accomplishment and delig His military ci Tuesday evening, April 15. Hon. Pres.-- Jas, Carnegie. Sxips--Dr. Purdy, Jas. McHouli, H. J. White, WeEite, E. H. Purdy, Jas. Lucas. Lawn CoumirTee,--Jas. Swan, H. W. Livke. MemsersHip CommitreR.--H. J. PORT PERRY | COUN cit ee fixing the rate are wo charged to owners of adjacent pro- SAMELLS--JACKSON Surrounded by only the immedi- ate relatives of the bride and groom a very pretty event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs, William J. Fu IL. McBrien C1 HJackson, Scugog, on Saturday, | April 19th, 1919, when their eldest | eoghter: Vera G., was united in arriage to Mr. Charles D. Samells laf Scugog. The knot was tied by J. W. Totten of Totten- The bride was very prettily, { becomingly and charmingly attired \ i Ls 11 {the Rev, S being honored by the ham. Canada by having his } did not und not know' All are proud of his; Limed with georgette crepe and shell | blood. It wi hit I pink beads, and was given away by |Usm was her father. Miss Flossie Samélls,) cold and dai 101, and our town und "| with linaments sister of the groom, atlired in blue! gy cl som ngs are proud of 'its i : silk mull, scted as bridesmaid, while e every reason to ace | Nr. Allan Jackson, brother of the 7. | bride, accompanied the groom. i. reer so far has been] Miss Annie Dobson, of Manches- reiiel, but di In those day of rheumatic ical science matism is a d that with goo man or wun hity in deed and darir and eminence | ter, played the wedding march. They were received by Mr. Totten who, proceeded to unite them in great justified, and all con- o compliment. ge, Miss Tza B. Nott, {2nd 1 | --Bro Wm. Davey Millbrook Reporter :--They were discussing the McGarry bill on the street corner (6 compel theatres to play "God Save the King." "I's all right," declared one commenta- over with me ors' Report was very Fm not a rel nd showed the Club to standing in its history. ng cfficers were elect. of he boys. kiddies back tor. "All they want now is 10] (he * Y's" help pass another law to make the} oot me to wri S. J. Mellow people get up and stand stilli shout ma while it is being played." "Yes, added another. . 'People seem to think that th H. Carmichael: m Graham. + Pickering News Minstrel Company will present their show in the Masonic Hall about the second week of May under the di- rection of the Methodist Sabbath School, the proceeds to be devoted {o the payment of the new organ |. that was recently purchased and installed in the school. There are more reasons than one| why the dachshund is unpopul : Litile Robert, says the Argonaut, wag calling at a pelghtins house, year. S. J. Mellow, E. H Jas. Lucas. CommiTrEE. -- H. S. Taggart. meshing of the above i All 1h 4 35 mills. Mr. Davey it was oy and Spare takes ina ; house." Collingwood's tax rate will va quite prepa at 40 mills. /'s" all right. serious attempt to obt So far there bas been no grandlathers ght to be the "of middle life every elderly as well as fedical science 48 trouble--did al } rooted in the iL that rheuma- (8 applications, | ve temporary were thousands is," Now med- ds that rheu- blood and d blood any y y age can defy ist _Iduring the month of May. oJ worms ponsible for | Bout ad losses to apple growers throughout Eastern Canada owing to the damage they inflict on the developing fruit. Investigations carried on by the Entomological Branch of the Federal Department of Agriculture disclosed no less than nine species of fruit worms which feed on apple foliage and fruit, and the adults of eight other species were taken in apple orchards. The adults of the fruit worms are strong flying moths which are found on the wing during September, October, April and May. They deposit their eggs on the twigs of the apple tree These eggs hatch about the time apple buds are beginning to show pink. The young larvae feed for the first two weeks on apple leaves and blos- soms and drop to the ground very After July he only saloons ap the coutinent will be in Quebec--proud and happy Quebec! This winter, for the first time in {1 thirty years, Gravenhurst has been { shipping ice to outside points. A _ "There are 22,462 millionaires in |¥ the United States of America," Most of them newspaper men, no doubt,-- Packet. An Owen Sound paper, under the heading * Live Stock for Sale," ad- vertises a second-hand bed and matiress. One big New York Hotel has opened a cigarette stand which will sell only to women and be in charge of women clerks, at. I w, but the en a friend and three] anada, and | with them) Ty th en I'd just] gratulate bim on his prowess and ois my AATF A Rrdrow eserpes rab and their reconded nn Sor - mes I "over there." LAI will be delighted | Ti rift i Ca% Butletin No. 17 of the ntomologi- ni : e grooms gift to the bride was Pik Pills oo Er sid abtaibable f b Sixty-six Catia Soldiers have {and blessing, aod this PORT PE RRY, APRIL y g . & . : is co cal Branch, and obtainable from the A 2 S24 1919 to know that his gallantry' and efi | la beautiful set of furs, to the best lieve th 3 hall Sa y : J SU more widely known, Publications Branch of the Departs lost the sight of both eyes. The|'ieve they sha enjoy. 3 aa ciency Has, at least, been highly jan a tie pin, and to the bridesmaid h cali i P ec : ) a FAKE GRAIN VARIETIES : bi Tr general lise p(Cshee! 1 of Agriculture 4t Ouaws: The blinded men ave: being tigined for E ppreciated by a brother officer, who | And plamst brooches. robbed rhetimatism et oA useful ocoupations. i 1 " (x periment al Farms Note) ds : In During the signing of the register | In proof of Dr. Willi 'methods of control described in this P The Midland Argus says: Sev. Each year mii iets ar hel ly presented him witha magni several musical' Selections = werel a ar this troulje bulletin cover both cultivation and | Don't be content with being good. eral of the local motor enthusiasts : s are (he ' al = sele $ Yat victims of Dlaisibie agents who are' ent' gift of $10,000 | rendered by Miss A, Dobson kdale, Halts boy ; spraying. Parasites are shown to | Be good for something as well. That have drove io Toronto dung he . 3 Dutions), op am a TT. v . PR Yr wo Wintel Sago ralueiin nAtar: ast week or two and with the ex | ¥© nclud selling so called new varieties - Miss Jackson will be greatly mis-|{a bad attack of r have some value in natural control, |is the spirit which will make Fort jee tional a I Reni oe vi greatest Canadian 'fireachers, snd Making extravagant claims they] RESUMING HIS PRACTICE |sed as she was very enthusiastic and was. in bed for over] months, | but these have never heen abundant | Perry grow and prosper. p: agp port| there are many Whe wit sonal des Him 3 : .: most of the time I not sleep | enough to appreciably diminish the i i the roads exceptionally gocd for| Pre-eminent. It is impossible te charge a corrésponding price and Dr. W. A. : 3 the | BF at help in all church and Sun- Loi enjoy rest 'day 'or ght The g apprec y Pickering calle its Board of Trade {his time of the year." There are measure the extent of the abbey (te fait o Bat rf, W. A, Sangster, who ior ihe gz <a : ; g iA number of fruit worms. " " B * that Dr. Herridge, preaching Sa! only too often the farmer who natur-| eC a0 lt The call] G4 SE bool work 'at the Foot ap+|irouble also affected my nerves, The Chamber of Commerce. And ia fow.. bad. patches""also in The! Rfter Sabbath af A ay. sad ally desires more prod clive varie of his countey er Thiok where | POintment, being organist at both {which were very bad. T tried sey- ea the town of Orillia calls ts munici- fammar of the Argus" city dior erted on Canadian thought in the ties if obtainable, pays an exhorbi« |, am VOT ae HETE| ervices for a number of years, and |cral remedies but didinotSgetany Premier Clemenceau favours a| pal building "The City Hall." g : ¥ "| course of thirty-six years. He has fant price for a su od} - valuable and skillful 'denial ser i atric ory ' help from them, and then, acting on | national work day of eight hours . -- Packet, Tndoubtedly proved an inspiration to = Supposedly ne f w smmand of | RIvays ready 'and willing todo any- in £ The Montreal Gazette, on it : : -| many Canadian ers -- statesmen prolific sort; which 'is. either an « v command of Ning. foc buildiig up. ChRSt. and the advice of a Iccads Be 3 aon Itis probable the wonderful old . . hi = : i Youth's Companion :--Every te .! professional men, business men and the € ft and x . . " T € a = . variety camouflaged with a 1 y ane Friis dom end that the pill hel tiger himself works twice eight at editorial "page, 8 uary 8 lsible man was glad when the United! Sorkers. . Dr. fiortiags, Das held : . la late terrible war, Fao, ha he pills elping 1857, as the dale of the execution 4 so rm to a strong be n the power g mame or else a selection : Me. and 'Mis, Samells left aniid | me, and after aking sight boxes I the very least, fM f Scoits 'E States government picked out fifiy-| or the pulpit and the spoken word. qualities are entirely unknows Be €3pobiite 10, danger; has howers of confeiti and good. wishes | #1 glad to say 1 was able to gO What a ready phrase in man of Mgcy Shusen © ae YEP | eight anarchists to be deported, but in ok. - Being divisible into classes, {1 Sol jous at Lhe Front, ha i bout again as usual, @nd am now RE Bl 5 Y | Homer nods. it is not so pleasant lo learn tha £ interp: eta of his duty as ng divisible into classes, th Xs ak 4 : for a shorf trip, 'and in due tim TC . mouths "Red Tap" is getting to be. 3 : minister of the gospel. His studied Scat. aud their oo 1. {returned to Port Perry looking "as enjoying the best of ith with : Ti (bership fee: of the Peter. | England has two hundred and | reading of the scriptures, his appre- gent d thew claims ean bel = oo lw (here he will iresime | Wilk setile on their own farm at the | plenty of geod, rich = which | That which is denounced as 'red IE InEInUETsing eler-jes: 6 Anes ma ciation of the religious value of foud grouped conveniently as lollow : tice. His record as a pro. | Head, Scugog. Their many friends | which, makes me feel an alto- | tape is generally a necessary system, borough Board of Trade has been |!Wen y an anarehisy ready to] music, his sense of "atmosphere" Furst Sihose who lake a2 fessional gentleman is' his best} Wish them along, happy and pros- | Gether different person. I earnestly | (],0ugh sometimes overdone. increased to $10 a year, but more send back to this country. Tir Filo to Sangresatona, moran yielding, prolific ariety : E : pérotis Tife together advise those sufterin from rheu- : 3 members are being enrolled this | balance of trade appears to bef ipo peautiful. Dr. Herridge is not Bauner or 0. A CN Jat rec rT dation, a Kuowis g any x | matiem, BY d indie Anche retailers have decided to year than ever. against us. what is colloquially krawn fe a 3 ; thing of his superior abilities profes - - {troubles not to delag. msing Dr.| adopt the spot cagh system of sales. . "mixer," and he has ever upheld the give it another name and in € y vp S RL ¥ : i : : sionally cordially welcome him back MARRIED | Williams Pink Pills mysell, | fuck of the success of the depart- Ji When "the Bishop of Liverpool, | dignity of the pulpit, the solemnity it as a pew variety. De Totten Idaves next week1es bi {T/am sure they will find a cure : a : P Arackin which theatre or restaur=) oo cpenit his Jeiters a few. noms of the church, and the roipund "Those who at ollife y niet aES IVE . + i" 3 2 s v J 3 Second--- Those who are sellin X } : : A very quiet but impressive mar- | through their use. 3 mental store is due to the fact that| ant patrons can leave their cigars 2 sacredness of 'the message"; yet : : > "1 Port Hope where he has secured a 1 iy eu. | before the purchaser gets delivery hou cits th ings ago, be found in one of them a| there are hundreds who have Tears. variety that has bee mujtipliec i : iage took place at the residence of| "You can get Dr, ams' Pink very I when they enter with the assurance £1,000 cheque. Withiu a few min ed to love him zs a man. From time from a peGuliar-plant or 1 xt table office in wh lo prosecute | "1 a ihr. Mrs. R. P. Nott, | Pills throngh=any medicine dealer, | Of what lie requires he pays foc it. |(hat they can be obtained again, 00 gis ew Min-| {5 (ine efforts have been made te oo sis profession ae ' | or by mail. at 50. cents a box or six ] = utes he had a still greater surprise, | entice Dr. Herridge away from Ot- ordinary heads found i e gener t Rosa street, Port Perry, on Satur-| 08 $ 5 fron Dr Wil "After seeing tlie fine girls of| clean and eutact, has been design- for £10,000, These gifts, Dr.| tava by the offer of a much larger crop, The producer, thinkir - ea G0 han her 1 en 2:50 irom r. Wilt |p gland and France; not 'one of the | ed. Why not another for the young | ihm Si Url income than he has received there, ; I ' : liams' Medicine Co," Brockville, : ) dv o} Sl Rep | Chavasse announced, were 10 assist | but he has measured his work, as all « 3 valuable variety, offers it { CHURCH OF THE youngest daughter, Iza Beatrice, | Ont. boys in this district brought home {lady's chewing gum asks the ort fy, aor clergy of the diocese forall great artists do, by other than : before its qualities are known ASCENSION | was married to Mr, William Casper | Se a bride," is the boast of the Ux= Hope Guide. which he recently made an apiieal financial standards, and bleh He was £ Those' who are offetir - Ria $ < ahd dl 8 e a 'N } 2 Tz ed in the pastorate to whic © was tated stom Fotonto: ¥ Sart 1 yorough township. nly the am-| TO 3 ' : Protos remain abnony mous. only, a wonderful variety that was| . i mister the Holy v8 fo vg Pl A speakerisent from €anada by | dear charmer away." Packet. that in the death of Professor draw RalE Tymou the frodt, and a wife a leader in Red : i nn in the C he | mediate relatives were present at y e the Presbyteiran Church in C i Cross activities at home, Dr. Her- ! duced Dy a % ¢ | rommunK in the Church ol 'the A {the *Y™" to speak to | troops in ; ie play urchin Canada) Qnpe of the first matters the re. 5 : 3 proguced hy" a 'Secret process. on Sunday next. April [the ceremony The 'bride was be-| ' Newmarket Express ferald: -- has lost its foremost preacher, as i ridge has been a real inspiration to selection "or else has been gr hd ORY mingly woed in plum colored | the campaign that owed ' the the Hon. Howard Ferguson stated 1 {high di ti turnsd soldiers, Lage toaitend ois | Cansdions'dusing the var, Newer 18 v sian oming' © d colore b ON. py erg 3 " i . i from a few seeds found ir ta, 0131.00 8.10 E ! armistice, "was billeted in an esta- h ist i Well as 2 mam 91 ugh istinetion | hyying clothes to replace their uni Ba whale ie ne ns mins tale sera ilk, -trimmed in creanr crepe de in the Legislature this week that outside the pulpit. Professor Law |g Jt } mons that ha ¥ of the ancient Pharaohs | ph minet in a Belgian town. in the i: orm, an ey now have it brought 2 | TexCext Tes anp. Save oF chene and lace, The many presents 10,000 tons of peat is, now yendy wl fou his. heolog 0, the Bible ROL] | home to them that $1 A fourth class might be made a HonaMAbe iCooKiNG to the bride from friends away an early hours of the marfing LBL ted, us a 5 : : Cs a re oy oe pirertirenarriror uel wi trmeiory ar Stray To be Wel by he vTunior Guild" [wear are both valuable "and useful. en ya ou cia Sovernment's efforts to de- EE f Germany: 1 is, but make extravagent claims for "i the "ch th of ae Ascension The # ris couple left for their door. As it ger lie arose and | yoo he peat industry tn Ontario, : FOL ey 0 eked i and ravient, as wel ax a on iy its yielding ability. This is welll g 1yrday afternoon, May 3rd, from {home to Higliland Creek on Tues® Is adeitied fit ns, one of 16 poland Landing marsh may War Savings Stamps pay well, [many other expenges, was by nojjeave no stone unturned to illustrated by (he Alaska or seven- | aL 2 : them a sergean a condition | f means contemptible pay after all. and assist Dr. Herrldge to withdraw htt is 3,00 10 6,00 in the Parish Hall, day with. many good wishes for iL ho vo ind {yet uncover wealth of greater econ: |= Boost W.'S. Stamps. ; his suggestion, to temporary in- headed wheat. a o be dange rouse 2 ; ia ides ,| disposition, it is thought, that he X he aeentiis. ihe first cash is 3] : their future lrappiness and prosper- | iopeared thatio pare I Wi Jel thin that for which ut is Odi .nationitidedt Tasigan Fam ue wp main eas promoted by Soros ie The A ann Emancial chark alo i btatiite | PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH |jiy. Rev. Thomas H. Bates offici- I becrs pill a rat ready known 846. a head in 1914 to §270. The the Cana fen ea : Commission at sdierenty of 5 Autrew's sre Due The ig. Cis obiathing Xba gum > $ 3 te i 3 A resent are: "Buy less abroad 2 alone in their des a or- tet money by lalse pretences. He per Services next Sabbath, April 27th, ated & 5 {had been removi ng a fancied | According pid English period | C. T. C. suggests the best way of r ald f Y > read ang ridge shall be retained in the posi- 5 y 2 + 41 17 od Cia Ph ical, two ladies were talking of a meeting obligations is by exporting make more for export. tion of influence that he has carned aps does the 'least: harm of any {at 11 a.m. snd 7;p.m., conducted hy | grievance in bi What the | : shy exp g : INSTALLATION OF | naval officer who had received many : : : BuvW. SCS it through the years in Ottawa and Beyond the confusion created in the | Rev. Thomas H. Bates OFFICERS | plan of the party id not appear, 4 : ta : Bats Y more and importing less. ny DVv. arps, Canada. gomenclatire ofl varieties and tl -- - AI List it was not sg 'to a sleeper { ng als and decorations. Batis Some Se ploney which be takes 'from the Rev. D. Silcox, the veteran editor At the regular meeting of Old Eng- 1, 1kened after m t [ie getting (remendously fail" ex- 2 ¢ A a 1 Ic S0.E = held Tues-| ¥ 2 {claimed one of the ladies. "He i farmer, of the Canadian Congregationalist, land, No. 9, 5 0.E.B.S,, held Tues. { "Who are y manded thie | a 5 In the second cise the agent may | Toronto, very acceptably occupied day, April 15, the following officers | oo seems to be putting on flesh eyery be acting in the best of faith and | (he pulpit of &i John's Presby-| V&'e duly instal led by District | SA Y.M.C.AL replied fhe] 98Y" Well) what can you expect : with the conviction that his claims] erian C 1 Sabbatl a; , | Deputy, Bro: E . Blow, of Whit | = {my dear? answered the other lady. a i 5 h : i : 1s Ho ierian hurch oft Sabbath evening F yi 10¢ cupant of the i 0 shivering inl : Tiie podr nan Nias to Rod toom 2 wi e justified Ty the resultiog|iast: DY i 5 5 { ' W i ? crop. Perhaps they will be, but the Past President-- Bro. A. B: Cawker|a™ atmosphere ntended for | somehow for all his medals," : 0 a COm e e § Ue 5 Yarieti e lei hat : t | + Mr. and Mrs. H. Carmichael | president Bro. H. Roberts pyjamas. | y : La : - 7 4 Jatietiss a) degion tha oe bee { spent "the holidays at Uxbridge Vice. President-- Bro, W. J. Oke "Like blazes § 1" Dr. w. 2 Senne x re pon is way and have} 3 hi : Ha . Tha pn 5 ractice at the old stan ay ist, Ben found worlhless in compatative | 1p. davghter, _ Mrs. Dt} Chaplain--Bro. A.W, Allin Jie x 3 i Jin} a aber EREAFTER Ford One-Ton Trucks may be bought : . Mellow: Tre Wy > : proofs, 0. se all four | ublic ownership is undoubtedly : . : tests with standard jetics. i | Treasurer-- Bro. Geo, Davey PE ? : y Hi fay comp s The third eo at 2 ugh is the Mrs. John MacLachlan, of Oak-| Secretary-- Bro. T, J. Widden insisted on sh s with him. altractive in theory, In practice, s : lete with bodies and cabs, ready for the road. > 3 5 3e ong', 15 3 5 : ' |" : st al You're ¢ 1 'el every i i 3 * Teal out and out grain fakir and {ville: was i attendance ut her | 1st Maw'ng Com--Bro. H 8, White You're all r [the Jeader's | everywhere on this contivent at The chassis may still be purchased separately. A least, it works badly. The failure of the United States Government to manage the railways either cficient- ly or ecopomically is grotesque, and of the telegraph system the Buffalo Express says: Postmaster.-General Burleson announces an increase, of 20 per cent. in the price of telegraph messages. At the same time, the service is much worse than it was under private control, which was} sufficiently bad: It looks as if an- other plausible theory had broken dows the first time it was tried, NZ.s Apri agent he But, in most cases, the Ford Truck will be sold as a comp Ford job. The body as well as the chassis will J planned to give Ford service. This radical step in the production of Trucks is bein faken i igre fhe utmost haser Fond value from the Fo ck; to give the ord value in ev gt "lo protios beer bodies ror fool of ' ALE 5 gainst Dn in the % * .r aye : " Twelve British military columns in operation in Egypt Far

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