Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Apr 1919, p. 1

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1 $a 'DR.8.J.MELLOW,M.D.C.M. Post (GrapUATE NEW Yous Pear GRAVUATE SOHOOL. 0- 18am OF PHYSICIANS A KURGEONS ONTARIO. CONONER FOR ONTARIO CO. BIIDENOB QuEEN ST., PORT PFRRY Dtfica hours: --8--10 a.m. 1--8 p.m and Evenings. Tulephone eonnaction over Bell and fndepcndent lines WH. H. HARRIS, B.A. LLB. BARRISTER, &c., Baceessor te and occupant of the offices of the Jate F. M. Yarnold Pext Perry, Ont. MONEY To LOAN. Private Funds at 4 per eent, Bhd Jno. W. Cronies ARRISTKR, SoLioiTor, CONVEVANCER, B &¢. Offe at residence, Bh Con Renah (ome mile west of Port Periy,)-- Moxky ro Loan. Izsuer of Marriage Licensas. YK. FAREWELL .O., LL.B, Covnty Crown Attornsy, Barrister, Cornty Rol: ut &e , Notary Public and C oaTEpIOT, 3 -Bouth wing Court House, hitby, Ons a I Phones --Bell 68 r 2, Tad. 900. J.B. Lundy, L.D.8 ,D.D.S DENTAL SURGEON [Stiecessor to Dr. R. Le. Grabum] i @;adnate, Royal Collaga of Dental Sar- | goons and Uriversity of Toronto, Office PORT PERRY, Crit TY A. MURRAY DENTIST Rose & Co., ooms over J D. McMaster, V. S. Office In Cawker Brothers Livery PORT PERRY, ONT. "MORTON M. GIBSON, ONTARIO & DOMINION LAND SURVEYOR AKD CIVIL ENGINEER ccessor to the late W. E. Yarnold, ntario Land Surveyor, of Port Perry.) WHITBY g Tlioiie 231 SMITH & SMITH LAND SURVEYORS AND CIVIL ENGINEERS PHONES -DAY 242, NIGHT 407 BOX 28 LINDSAY, ONT. North Ontario Observer A Weakly Political, Agricultural and Aawmily Newspaper 18 FUBLISHKD AT . PORT PERRY, ONT. brea THURSDAY MORNING atspm. Dillon Hinge-StayFence fdon't I aite, W CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION. {ARGLICAN) RRBV, C. F. STENT, B.A, L. Th, Services at 11.00 a.m, only, Services of Intercession every Thursday TR oom UROH, REV FATHER KRAXE Third Bunday 8410 3¢ sw, EE rr rr wef be t% Nf 3 ® pan FEE At Mannfactured by the Owen Sound Wire Fence Uo. Ltd., and am prep-red to supply this whole very BEST community with the wikk BE RCE produced on this Continent and at prices that can not fail to satisfy purchasers, The Dicron Fence is without a peer. Itis the BEST hecause if is] flexible ; it is a square mesh ; itis al perfect hinge stay. fence, therefore | itis dmpossible to bend the { in fact itis the best fence this stays | made in | Or any other couniry Before purc lasing a Wire Ferds fail to inspect (he Dives J. H. Brown, DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL MENTS AND MACHINERY: Seadkate IstrLe April 6, 1905. Diess and Mantle Maker JTISHES to that she moved to the rpoms lotmerly occupied hy he over Mr. Byers Drug Store where she is prépared to execute all or ders for Dress and Mantle Making in a manngt flinsurpassed lo: Correctness of Style and Charmmg Effet! Otit eas its are gousisient inform the ladies bas TAC AEE ¥ WANTED OLD RELIABLE Foothill Nurseries Thousands of Orchard Treks vel replacitig. WAR GARDENS call tor small fruits, early bearing fruit trees, Aspdragos, Rhubarb * platits ete: The detiand for Ornamental Stock iff towns and villages 1s large. Secure a paying Agency with liberal comthissions, Exp rience nol , necessary. STONE & WELLINGTON, Established 1347) Toronto, ONT | bara thanks to h n commencement of gotion Sale Season to re 3 Tumiions trons for past avait In g thétr acne rou, res to re a ill be spared entrusted to him su EY GEO. IASON, Port ssT'D 1873 R. H. SHORTT, est at current rate. PORT PERRY BRANCH THE 238 ra am B.A. ADAMS, Bell Phone No.41 H. G. HUTCH ESON, Bell Phone Office No, 6 Residence Ne. 4 ADAMS & HUTCHESON SUCCESSORS TO DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS | i MARINE | | { | | | ors INSURANGE LIFE ACCIDENT Roal Estate Mottgage Loans Steamship Tickets CARABAS RANK AS A HOG PRODUCER DENMARK. mw maddaaveaanesfdedacns 2 HOLLAND, ANVANAAMVARRATERNKaan 19 GERMANY, MEaRANRARNINNane WK : UNITED ox. aan mmetenn § ~~ COMPARED WITH OTHER 3 NATIONS ON THE BASIS mEEAND ammanne 1 OF THE NUMPER OF | : ANIMALS TO THE FRANGE, momma 9 HUNDRED ACRES OF SRBAL PAIN. mmamn $ LAND IN FARMS ITALY omen 4 CANADA, wae 3 Porry re RTS OF ra i cCaw, oe CARADAS RANK AS A SATRLE PRODUCER BENMARK. Fo OO OF OF 1 7 PY EF 0 7 FF FF 5 BF GF RE OF °F OF 1 87 57 BY BF ET 25, cnauany. FF RT IY RT BT 7 17 7 7 77 97 &F 87 1% 1 Ps SRT por F PT RT RF 7 157 1 RT 1 OF (FT OF OT PTL Prince [7 RF 57 [57 (7 OF 57 °F °F 1% 67 712 ITALY, RT RT RTT ETRY RT ETP" COMPARES WITH OTHER austaaLia JO (OF RO IO SOF OF 17 IF 8. Nations ON THE BASIS UNITSD fog po oy POT OT OT RT RY ena. FT BT OY FY RT RT. OF THE NUMBER OF ANIMALS TO THE HUNDRED ACRES OF CAND IN FARMS CANADAS RARK AS A SHEEP PRODUCER TERERREEE ERAT EERE IEEE RERTRREERREERER COMPARED WITH OTHER NATIONS ON THE BASIS OF THE NUMBER OF ANIMALS TO THE HUNDRED ACRES QF LAND IN FARMS AUSTRALIA, ITREERERARRERRRRR RR EVR TERERRE RRR EN RETR 58 GREAT EER ERERERAR ER RARERRE BRITAIN ba nRRRRUMPRRARE.52 ; (TALY. PEE ERRMERIRARE REAR ER RRES ARGENTINA mWmmMBERREERMRRY. PRANGE. TREE EEEERRERRRLS HOLLAND Wu mEwmmmRwuwE_ 2 UNITED 6s mwmwmmm.g GERMANY WiWmwmW_4 DENMARK WWW_3 CANADA mwW_2 ested | ty 'health, n 13 this, and Jet how frequently isthe i lure (9 6bes Chis simple' rule is p, Joa, a for the bok C th' contagion. Take for nfo, thous | n the early, unsus- posted 8 of Sosmiene sin- unguarded cough may releagé sal ui of deadly tubercle bacilli; by eth found, ar ¢Stsnm pio) was ie, but we new know hs Fi i = hens e Mug! 63 Hosp! tH mn, T il a doubt, for en. its potients have boen health and lives of use Thousands upon. thousands have mot untimély deaths dur 'past four years; never has of howe and conntiy callad for sueh 3 saeridee. Patriotism Loss not be nor end with war. We éifinot Si serve on the battlefield-- bit we can be as truly patiiotic in looking attor the welfare of our countrymen here" at homd, There is an enemy in our midst-- consumption. Lurking in upsuspect- ed places, it sceks but a foothold to drag its vietims down to deal 'Surely it is a true test of love of _oountry to devote our energies and our means towards xterminaling man Wa er, | ove | SDAY, APRIL 10, RIGHT OUR MISTAKES." 1919. [Tero :-- $1 "RR ANNUM IN ADVANCE: rr Ee WITOLE No, 7627 EE -- I T CROSS ROADS d to the Interment of } With the Executed n iN suicides were and Fhen Ere vere set. apart us the if the Clirlgtian dend, It those who died in dead nt rebellion against churchya resting pla was felt th thelr M ops Hi all cut themselves off froin , and hall Hp Fight to i ection with fiithtul " Ni Christians, They were belleved to have put themselves outside of so- clety, and ve forfeited their vight | | to share its dl Privileges. Tn those | early digs, before churches could be | built, it was the rule to preach and conduct divine services at the cross: = » = | Tonds. Wo de and afterwards stone | | crosses werelerected to mark the situs ation where (services would be held | Some of thi f have beer preserved to this day, memorigls erecteg to the dend, oridetications of thanksgiv- | Ing. Bluce cldes might not be bur- fed in the ch ftcliyard or other conse- | crated grou pity Suggested that the | next most holy spot was the ground near the oldievess, where service had onee heen held. or was then held. Fhey buried the rt suleides there, fhe: cause' they "Were unwilling fo quish hope for them. After the sake of greater publicity, (he bet and the gallows w the crossrods, and criming! | burfed beneath them after thei cution, The law decre should le with these der to mark @ doetesinti the crime Belf-mivrder And so what was once a Christian hope and charity, Tegal Ind init | badies to ma posed upon breach of the law of the country ah' immensely WROTE wESsace: WITH DYE ! Material for visible Writing Used by German Spy Was Obtained From } Silk Hosléry. i | A cleverly i Gesined method of out- | per -- in the early da¥s of the war by the fevest of a man in Pater son: Ni Ji, by naval intelligence offi | cers. ] The man, held ns nn allesed spy in. } a Juil fa Drooklyn,. is said to have | entne fram Holland and to have been cunpdoyed in a silk dyeing ustablish- His unique method nessages fo Germany so of sill fidsiely 'of a is sald that he had irs of these socks went in Paterson, seting of received a dozen | from German that his ou water and Pavhitele thiey fib CAR thi nti hraught out hy a spec which, however, the federal agen | suid to have worked, out, d wis to sonk them in ¢: the matter } p forth g coloring Theyoin turn, in learnin,, the secret, | | pened HIS! (biters and changed the | | dontents and forwarded 'the letters. i The Information thus received hy the Germans proved of little nde to them, But for a long time, it is said, there wns not enough evidence on which 16 convict this man, until one. day thibugh earelessness he left one of the Socks where a naval intelligence officer found it When confronted with this the man {4 said to have confessed to the entire project, ome Labor-Saving 'Device © women are making hot gr, home middle fireless cools home-made iceless refrigera- (the direction of the home fon agent. In eonnection project one woman found vestment. of 50. cents ii a and a wire dishcloth for s saved her ten minutes required to do the di q m or 30 minutes a day she figured this time. If ac L would give two weeks, of § dy, leisure, Was the in- 5 8 writer in Is muking he victims oes "H. G." spare Mr. Wells, e Heowrer- this description of "his fr pearance Into the is characters: hair assisted a p vell a pasty face Ner than long, with { agents In Holland and | { munities of our cofiniry ih | | constructed | aged, Freemont, O.--"I was passin period of 1ife boi the sy BE re Ee i rvsevesy oe Middle Aged gt the best remedy for m to be. taking it, and tt peared, "==Mrs, M, Ohio, Borth Haven, Conn. ~=*Lydia ble Compoun d had fai led when p is nothing like Iz o Ta ey a; ETE | LY | VEGI ad ER FIER The without aceoun pocket. marked, ( me,' Turning to a bystander he aged him pe the 1 "This Is all the m will halve It 'with yc out the seventy take Jt her oration ng her quest continues no. How muelt have you in We must pow divid equal she produced her id found to Th m Hdvew IDS UPON HOME Great Truth Revealed hy the Wap | Not Likely to Be Forgotten When It Ends PEN NATION DE "It the healt of the people had been looked ' after properly, Britain would have a aaiflion 0 fighting men, dt the front, You ot an A-1 nation with n C8 decinved reper Lope recent speech at Aln rica fhe sane 1} unfitne n the sel comment was wade: t | loss ihus represented uiuch a loss to the nation ind | and. econ: rally, The British statesman proposes: 10 | do more than tlk about it. Tle e | ihe abolition of the etl &béldt: condi: | | tions. of pre-war days will be the | greatest problem after the coming of | | peact. He uges a simile that 'will ap | 98 peal: to Pittsburgh: "With our chinery we tuke the atest can way we look nffer it it the Stoel is de fective through badly-ventilnted or Hi or insufficient fuel! The quality of the steel In the national fabric depends upon the home, If it is nuhealthy; ill-equipped, iH-man«, the quality becomes defective and it cannot bear the strain" o eyiitit the nation to bear tHe gt: fate, Yurdehi of debt the wird will tm! on it and the still 'greater 'burden He recuperation and reconstruction, Lloyd George warns the nationnl re-| sources must be developed sto the full. I'irst among these is the human factor. Just as today everyone of Us whi ex: pected to do his or her part toward the winning of the war, when the sense of common peril brought to each and all the sense of interdependence, Lloyd George insists that in the years ta come wo must eafiy, the saqme spirit into the everyday life of the nutio We must concern ourselves with the care of our fellow citizens, the steel In the national machine upon which we all depend. We cannot after the war withdraw ourselves into our pre-war selfish fcolntion. We must constantly keep before us and nct upon the fame enlightened split of cotaradeship we exact today from every fellow citizen. If we want {o remath 'an A-1 nation, we must see that we have the fewest possible C-3 men, women and children: furnaces The Useful Penny. Introduction of the penny transfer in the operation of the Indianapolis street car system. which caused the Ton pole Traction, and Terminal pply itself with' 8,000 | iu wif the, fr day, brought to the nithd of J. J. Mahoney, superintendent, a story of the eighties when Tom Johnson, afterward mayof of Cleve, tand, was treasirer, mul a Smeal roubles, whi I feel better and sttonger to om seMrgs FLORBKC aL SBLLA, Box 197, LIAR § the gaint 1s B. Pink) No: PER LABIA Ben EER box nnie "ER x YH oo & | i aa & 2 a £4 Bw Ww = , w AP M Ld recon the greatest seod] RE REESE AM MED) CINE C0. LYHN MASS, » fina Cavendisng famous, (Phoenix X HE wag neither Str ¢ knew that one t of the chief sec- at of the under Te family { in height, and J fists in proportion. Myles tes mint to get ni i ¥ wiih' shoulte # i were put in bag £1 4 In the-Zul one of the chiefs, wad pened' that the company he i fot of ¢ TUN to th in his keadl ti5 Britisin bags full of pennies when § arts with Wislied 0 éaptd i lye, Voly ed on a bank, There wis ga sreit | nnteers were asked for aad He IR DUCK THE COPOSITN,T TOE " N th k § covered entran came out ten nny re ted I 5 later, do ng the kicking reet car enix belilrid him by the seroft of { difpeted tg 7 bank. It Y LOVE = 4 bag after Y D BY FRENCHMEN y's. Glory Indissolubly Con- ponent reling, freely ag need Dorhoo vd been so downhear no one" to quarrel Midget Hag Sol it was eminence - after the latter's deathly in ¥ mained thst afohg KIS kind until his retirement to Lccome a hotelkoeper a quarter of a century ag Admiral Dot was Am born and purely a wative celebrity, 116 lived to be fifty-nine years old, wlitie Gen. Tom Thumb died at forty-six, nnd the Polish dwarf Borulwaski misced becoming a centensrian by two yenrs. Its Sort "Looking af that detter you have just pasted, tikes fe think son ive one thing in common with the kuiser." "What isi?" "A maled fist" "AMOUS MEN OF GREEN ISLE Country Has Few More Picturesque Figurss Than the Three Widely Known Myles Brothers. Y.ieut. Col. Sir Thomas Myles, M. D, --hetter known as Sir Tom Ayles-- who has been in America on a British medical mission, is one of the most pieturesque figures fn lvish life. As {medical students in Trinity college, Dublin, the three Myles brothers were famous for tielr encounters with mem- ners of the "heavyweight" division of he Metropolitnn police. It used to he wid of the Myles brothers, that. if hey found it necessary to beat up the wublin "finest" at night, they were guutlly assiduous in patehing them up 1 the micrning. So there was no hard selfing on either side. Sir Thomas was knighted in 1002 hen he wes president of the Collag f Surgeons in Ireland. It was a ouse surgeon in Stevea's hospita that he made the first examination 6: 5, Especially Its arvelous Cathédrall ¥ tz have especially: wlers, | refery praled most For Reims for hisgtorie, for and for Hers perhaps, had s more than 18 have never , iowever close t bins been' done of Relms that, reatest dptispe Here, in thig . the kings of im- crowned Here « VII to his cor- an who freed ees of news as to the ef- Wl bicep finally and definite from the menace of the Ge is again very uorer is at work w fighting men ; guished case; if the Metfobolitan Mu- f Mew York, Dan- Tachnt en working for nrodern flora with the very hams mers and anvils that once were nsed in armoring their medieval forerunners. To be sure, armor nowidays is not se cumbersome that when the tvearer is upset he has to lie fiaf on his bac until fomebody kindly stands him again; hut It bas (urned oilf that, tor P ctiedl prarhoses, adde nothing to the iy 2 detail of the separate pleces of old-time armor. © rh Greatest Jackplane®l ... £ machine so gigantic th tthe cures ature of thio earths, surfyes had to be taken futo cpnsidetatt in its con- struction, is being built for the Unit- od States army as part of the prograt for the "salvage" of war wae ne Jordy Work, It is a huge 803 fest long, which is to be the manufictuFe of glgiiftie, which in turn are for use in mous "relining" plant w nance department Is Tianieed Two Canine -- Two French war dogs, which' deserve the honar, ve oo 1 names and ninbers pos up the French army K of valor. The story is tl of the German ey, keeper stayed in the last momeat, np for, "return with © ? When they ad Rt

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