apie ALLIES WILL FEED 86,500,000 PEOPLE - Task Contronting the Supreme Beonomic Council, UTTER FOR SALE 3a good <hape, : be 14 Jone. light and neat. C.C RELLETT. SPRING TERM Opens March 3rd in Shaw's Busi- ness Schools, TORONTO. ONT. Hind merges into Summer Session from Jute 3oth. No compulsory vacations. Free Catalogue, Write W. H. SHAW, President, Ga J MORRISH | ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Port PrRRrY, ONT. 500,000 TONS A MONTH Food Requirements of the Nations to be Supplied. March 18.--Hetbert C. Hoover in an interview yesterday said of the food task confronting the Supreine Economic Council : Paris, "We have to feed 7,500,000 pec- ple in Belgium, 20,000,000 in Po- land, 13,000,000 in Czecho-Slovakia, 13,000,000 in Roumania, 12,000,000 or 13,000,000 in Greater Servia and 20,000,000 in Finland, Armenia and other countries. Up to the end of May 10, 1907. emer THE OBSERVER Has a Goon CIRCULATION, and is Misceisassots Exresiiehnd, 29 Testing three grain mixtures for Grain production, ..... 3 30 Testing three grain mixtures for Fodder production..... 3 The size of each plot is tt be tivo rods long by one rod wide. Any person in Uhtdtio maychoose any one of the experiments for 1919 and apply for the same. The ma- terial will be furnished iti the order in which the applications are re- ceived, while the supply lasts Each applicant should make a setond choice, as the material for the eR: periment selected as first choice might be exhausted before his ap= plication is received. All material will be furnished free of charge to {each applicant, and the produce will, of course, become the property of the person who conducts the ex- periment. Each person applying for an experiment should write his name and address very carefully, 'arid class of peo-| faves a favorite of schemers, and cligues ; it is the Oldest and Best Esta lished founded in 000,000 to $300,200,000, represent- ing about a million tons of foods, the largest part of which has arriv- 1857--the most original and best in| 4» its locai and general news depart ment and is printed entirely in the ir. Hoover then mentioned what Port Perry. eh ar amin ALTC IE Hot he considered would be the food paid in advance, $1.50 will bere quirements of the peoples to be charged | supphed : The Poles, about €o,000 | OB PRINTING - {io 70,000 tons per month; the | I i THE MosrT MODERN STVLES {Ro 3 dhe § AND AT Low PRICE | loumanians, 50,000 10 00,000 tous: | X ic | February we shall haw nded constant] ing in favor. It is y we sha ave expende Bhs ven Ei Medio in| from the American Treasury some- aud should Rive es name of the ce rwhere Ca 'and of the more a , C. a IT Ditestor. Ontario Agricultaral College, Pysiph, Marea 1919. D0 You WANT PINK GHEEKS ? | They Oan Be 'Had by Keeping the Blood Rich, Red and je Greater Serbians, 40,000; the| { 18, y ' ! TTT TT { Czechn- Slovaks 00 to 60,0004] Pure ¥. Several sims froin | Beloium eta Eo a y MONE y ; $300 t0$10,000, have Belgium, 150,002 tons, and the Every womas every girl wants been placed with me for immediate in other liberated peoples, 60,000. | pink cheeks ley mean not. only vestment at lowest rate. | { { beauty but good health. When a HUBERT I. EBRBELS, . RS | woman's blood is scanty or anaemic, Barrister, Port Perry {172 MILES IN 74 MINUTES || er color fades e looks debilital- a a ee. | MADE BY NEW BRITISH |ed, is short of breath and her heart | Ce Ay | PLANE. {palpitates after slight exertion, 1 ARTS ¢ 3 HE 1! times this trouble is accomp- ort ntario SEIVeTr| Paws, March 18Maj, General | "Ome l . i ohn BE: B. Seely. of the British | 2"ied by severe headaches, or pans ---- War Off Sead a ¢ {in tke back or sides. This condition ar ce, on unday few {rom |; lv duet ak, watery blood, le.) id : ¥ {is entirely due to weak, v ry blooc (The Official Paper of the People / { Fe lkestone to Paris, a distance of and can only be cured by making FOUNDED IN 1857. | 172 miles in 74 minutes, establishing | blood rich, red and pure. For this LT a new record for the flight, it was|PUrpose there is nothing that can Only Paper Printed and Pyblistied in ined tarda Ti : equal Dr. Williams! Pik Pills, . learne y-da ) : i ihe wind oy 4 ie _aupane ha {which act directly upon the blood, oo jo 'd being 1t. jand in this way bring new health PORT PERRY, MAR 19 --- km {and strength to weak, ailing people. Em 19,000,000 DEATHS { Mrs. Anderson, Hearst, Ont, says: T K'S { IN GREAT "Before coming to Canada from THE ST. PR AINMENT RE WAR| { England, 1 was a sufferer from | San Francisco, March 18.-- "The | anaemia for upwards of a year. 1 "It was a dark and stormy pig ost of the war in money alone was had been gradually been getting i find howled abd the ' nie 000.000.000 51 i paler and weaker. 1did not realize he wind howled and th ral 1 ,000,000,000, or $11,000,000 »| pat T was 'sick, but felt constantly down in torrents. Nothing daunt- | more than the total property |tired and worn out: I had no am ed however the * Presbvteriar {value of all North America," Seécre- | bition for anything and grew so Church was filed to the limit of its| TTY of Wat Newton D, Baker told | White that ty brothers used to call AQ Lhe AMY . J : . {me 'snowball / Hs stage my capacity. 12 gathering at the Commercial Club | mother decided that she would get h . 3 the Lad ;|here to-day, following his arrival | Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which are Much credit is due the Ladies | qin Gen. Peyton C. March ior 1a favorite medicine in England as ¥ | h, Chief X eu Aid Society and: their helpers fof | of Staff, to inspect Army posts well as in Canada. On the day l the excellent ment and service at the supper in the school room, and |tle numbered 7,300, 000, and the hmahare. Mire Robens and Mr. F. W. Ref | eterr tot who had charge of the preparation | | into the proposed League of Nations, Secretary Baker said: Monies of the programme, the numbers of] "Unless suchan organization was a 4 ciently rend ; which were tfficiently rendered and | formed, under some name and under | some constitution, anarchy, heartily received. bred by "The deaths from wounds in bat~ wii i 5! "he said. commenced taking them 1 fainted on getting out of bed and mother urged me to stay in bed fora few gla ? advice, I looked mote like a corpse than a living person. I remained.in bed for a week, taking the pills reg- vlarly, and then I felt that 1 was able to get up, though not to go about. From that on 1 gained {strength daily, aod io a little more The Port Perry Quartelte, in its | disease, hunger and despair, would [than a month I was feeling as well usual good. form, delighted the audi. | overwhelm the earth. las ever I did, The color feturned h th {AD ator | "No child born in a civilized na [to my cheeks and lips, and my ENCE with their impersonation of}. : friends were all surprised at my { tion in the next hundred years will - > : toothache sufferers, and a sketch) ; ? ' rapid recovery. 'Itook no medicine ; . : | escape paying a considerable portion | but Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, so they enlitled : "He was Never Known | rf '(vi det oe 3 : serve ul 8 i of the debt this war has brought [deserve all the credit for my restora to Smile." A piano duett by Misses | about tion to health Merle and Alita Ferguson and s | ae pia ca get Dr Williams! Pink ills through any dealer in medicine 2 . by Miss C. Ross and Mr. S. Ford| EXPERIMENTS or by mail at so cents a box or six were well received, as was also an | WITH FARM CROPS boxes) for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- adiivess by Rev, W. Elliott: aan Hams: Medicine Co.; Brockville, Mr. Fred. Foley of Bowmanville | re members of the Ontario Agri-| i ss 5 {cultural and Experimental Union . rendered a number of excellent] pleased to state that for 1919 It is not only inrportant that vital selections and 'was: repeatedly re-| (hey are prepared to distribute into seed of good quality be used for called. | every Township of Ontario material seeding, but much depends upon Miss Gertrude Elliott and Mrs. | of high quality for experiments with | {0 variety of seed chosen for plant | Grain, Fodder Crops,Roots, Grasses, : Clovers and IS oe The receipts of the evening was| lovers and; Alfallas, as fellows, $127,00 S. Ford accompanied the soloists. List oF EXPERIMENTS FOR 1919 £5 | No. Grain Crops. Plots nl i 5 I" t Testing two varieties of Oats 2!guide fo farmers in deciding what | oy, { { Boxes will ind : and full particulurs iu writing of their The Peterborough Review speaks | ,, pocri ir : urch, alter w he Boxes will | for the remmindrg twenty-six feet. he nat f th ities if ' eter ; vs oh i] 2 Testing O A.C, No. 21 Barley varieties to sow, Circular No. 16 of | in be «61d in Hall They drew it fo T. Hazen's mill in ar held bythe, ry EOF E JACKSON, AUCTIONEER. of matrimony as "love § « { Emmer ci soe svycuna in 2 the Experimental Farms, issued by Fo 3 4 . 4 __ | day of april, 1919. the said executor will ; Fx Testi ieties of. Hul Admission {35 cts. Darius Miller's woods, and he saw-|94Y 2 th ts of the A sow.in Port Hope last week| 3 eae 1%o Yanctiss of oul the Cereal Division, has been pre-| Children 15 cts. is with boxes | ed it into planks. One of these said a I Ts entitled | % , weighed 830 pounds and brought OS ALICE rv aakean pasa ?| pared, This pamphlet, which is|f ee aco hese fact. n° ria thereto having regard only to the claims Ho NK =K EIS Mee gi0z 4 Testing two varieties Spring distributed' by "Abe > Publication i planks three inches thick and thirty-| 50005 GG then have had notice, 102, Wheat «vu. Li. aiivak dee IStEhY y / Doors open at two feet long was a stag ht for| and the said executor will not be liable Army estimates of £287,000,000{ 5 Testing two varieties Buck- Branch at Ottawa, discusses the Rev. R. J- Mr two good men. A remarkable thing for pero whose chi Be Sha wot | are to be considered by the British wheat', 7. Lol vd dais . 2 | merits of the leading varieties that Ww. J about the hewing of hit id ft 2 150 Ww! % Parlisnrent. 6 Testing three varieties Field have been tested during a series of ta accnracy. ht 4d rot Bas Dated he 1 day of March a : J Peas, ' 3|years, The best kinds are arranged Port Row. yes ' € 13919. Rr Ww. XC It is announced: that' ihe season | 7 Testing two varieties "Spring approximately in order of merit for ort Roxan been cut mere tly with a saw. wil a) ah sow x just closing has been very satisfac- RYE «iss cnsinnsamunnnsny 2 he different: parts jof Canada, 'rat trapping sea : oe the Betate. t to the lumbermen. 8 Testing three varieties Soy, . Ai 3 a 3 tory Soja or Japatiese Beans. . 3| Spring wheats are divided into four One of the princlpal functions the Dominion Experimental Farms system is to develop and Lg. of prove the relative values of sorts of grains and other field crops, Asa | well known writer and Jecturer on WHAT RABIN? friend of the Page recalls a ser- , 4 Now wha | the robin ? 'mon he bnée, heard from. the Rev. Evefybody ki 5 oh A boy er. "Provin i RN. Graal D. B, Lg > few, . ur ot t caitig Hose . 3 4.28 vine. pi 'to hurry oi wn line Els o efh sere for nts saw & bin ad BS | from Toronto to Port gles new. They want & new Bible, it. 1 Re 2 the Fobin which by-laws wife passe re | Prey wants newer New Testament 4 pi Ive 3 fq the outbteak of the war, Se They want new hymns--anything 7 E on the grou iq fad ba posed line, as now surveyed, willlund everything but a new heart. FOR THE YEAR 1918 i them in his bes ¢ld the robin | pags through a urt, Unionville if 70 g are one of that kind, when it up and fro out of his|and Matkham. Ton Marfan taht © doen = Ey mouth; Refrie tat worm li ill Port P yo genome nig 5 AT a RECEIPTS oaths 2 4 Mone line wi run to Port erry via your knees and thank God for what | Balance on hand.....! SCP, will cut dow A ito_plants in Brooklin and Myrtle, and another you have got. Maybe that will be, Rents. vedio a night: The 'does his! line to Uzbridge via Stouffville. something new for you Orillia ilway Tag. ,. . wofk and then! soil; Mr. : Fi chool Grants....... Robin comes orf] dicks] A glimpse 6f farmidg in "Upper Packets Taxes;,.: iii. 0.0 1 Noni, comes Er Canada" in the early days fs given W. S. Stamps pa , well, Taxes............. in there and out--and |. Cp followin 3) t % 5 in oe r y § Mie Cilknsons 5 fiefs him Hits J 30797 Liscences in a 4 om sostd Owen Sound SumTimesi-=A core 5 tells you that a will destroy | iion 8 the Ta oy respondent of thé Port Elgin Times | J one hundred un day, take "Evbryling ihe way "of Tats advocatds the esta Nihment of Jocal Salaries u. i. sala . it from hith thal true." --Jack Prodice wasn Ble] Y have stations for cleaning and grading Stationery and Printing. . Miner: at the Conference | 14 oats at 15 cents per bushgl, 1|°F seed grain by the Covernment Charity Rates oi of Game and A % have seen fatmers' wives bring Ib throughout the Province. He argues | prouyc nnd Bridges... . : $7 baskets of eggs to the store and that it shod p the. policy of the Schools... business a row} Te z RETRO RIE EA e BOAT 1 x 3 ; di i 1 a You ¢6#18 not get enough cash out vin real : La seed is a ppatently pr lonto. So much depends on the reported in the press thi of the eggs (& buy a postage stamp, ,i apres bas 146 | Lf there was a balanée even of five Hurality of seed that a premium | = Roel ou hare cents left over a due bill had to be|be pit of it, and every possible en- Road Machine... .... shels see y which hd sold ut $15 4 accepted for this. 1 lave seen a [couragement given to improve it. | (RRIIAR SREY ooo ten represénts a total of long row of bushel baskets, each Boost W. S/ Stamps Road Drag'. ii isan ans heaped with eggs, lined Gp in a Uncollected Taxes FERRER AL Ln RI SIR the rate of $121 an ac turns, however, are apt to last only so long as few people koow about them. gl -- 5,000 FACTS ABOUT CANADA FOR 1919. Thousands will welcome the new 191g edition of "5.coo Facts About Canada," edited by FragkYeigh, the the Dominion. The booklet is a unique annual epitonie of the trade, finances, manufacturing marine, agricultural, dairying; TOE, for- estry and other Facts , and a striking revelation of our national growth in a year. An exira valuable feature this year is the chapter on War Facts, containing the awthorative totals that people want to koow,and that tell of Canada's part in the War in Condensed larm--in fact, this popular publication bas been well termed a pocket Zz elopedia of Canada, or the Dominion in a nut- shell. Copies may be had from leading newsdealers of by sendin 2% cents to the Canadian Fatts Publishing Co., 588 I Huron Street, Toronto, re AUCTION SALE It will be seen by thie posters that Messrs. Brown Bros, near Raglan, will sell all theit surplus stock of High Grade Cattle by auctich on Tuesday, April ist, at ope o'clock on will be Lhe auctioneer, Barrie: Examiner ; "There is afd store. You can guess the price oh Tost or rm $1782 19 fatmers received for these when 1{t0 Pe amovement on loot at Ditawa V 4 R: D. BURNHAM + tell you I have seen a coopéf go to raise the sessional indemnity of 0 5 } Auditors. z pet x members from $2500 18' 83500 or WM. J. JACKSON, oo Fn / Scigog. February 27th, 1919, into the store and buy a bushel backet full dollar. Oxen were relatively dear-- $100 for a yoka of well-broken ones £4000. With such a proposal the ratepayers will have little sympathy. If the members think they aré nét --but good be=f steers sold around | getting enough money for the time $25, and when 1 got $40 for a1 500] devoted to their sessional duties, pound one I thought I had robbed they can réatedy maiters by ¢drfing the buyer." withont counting, for a Be FISIGRRR SI OR COMPLETE BISPERSION OF Holstein Friesian Cattle down the long-winded speeches which are largely made for election In his summary of the post office airs : ot . purposes. Failing tis, sitting returns, Dr, Coulter, the Deputy ; . memberss will have no trouble get- Postmaster General, gives some] . : s ting others to take their places if interesting statistics, There were they donot feel like staying with 12,622 offices in cperation in Cana- TLR x . i og da on the 31st of March, 1918, 216] their Jobs ata palizy $2500 per ses. having been opened during the year SH Rana TH te and 366 closed because they were MARRIED 35 PURE BREDS rendered unnecess. k 1 CR? a NY. Ny nia Arbrep Prentice--In Toronto, on 13 CHOICE GRADES . routes, The gross revenue of the ; ; Wednesday, March 12th, 191g, Department for the year was $26,- by Rev. Mr Schutt, Flight Lieut, 847,205, and the surplus of revenue! Norman P. Aldred, of Cincinnati, AT THE FARM OF over expenditure was $3,298,836 U.S, youngest son of Mr. Wm. Lt) > The total number of rural mail Aldred, Scagog, to Miss Lucille IM. Gr. HU CHE NSON Gelivery routes was 3.674, serving Prentice, of Toronto, T I : x 173.150 boxes. The Postoffice Sav DIED Ho ings Bauk had 125.735 accounts, in| Jounston --~On March rath, 1919, Lot 17 CONCESSION 10." 1 which there was on deposit $41, at Guelph, Donna McKay, widow 4 of the late R. W. Juhuoston, aged 283.478. S47 81 years. CAVAN, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRI Many robins- and crows are to be seen now, so we may hope for an early spring. Brown--In Port Perry, on Monday, March 17th, 1919. Sarah Ann Jessop, rehct of the late R. Brows, posters that vensMile-ls- g sold his Friday, March 21, 'o'clock, All This is secure valu- the premises commencing &t will go at Auction €S. able Effects. Household Vocalists The Concert 'held in the y yp It js rumored "oh a Jurge Ten plant capitalized ar $2,000,000 will be constructed in Western Ontario for the manufacture of the flax fibre which is now sent abroad, Ore--1n Port Perry, on Sunday, March 16th, 1919, Jon Orr, in his 81st year. SALE AT ONE o'CLOCK P. ™ S1oxE = In Manchester, on Monday, March 17th, 1919, William Stone, in his 75h year. Reach Township, March 14th, Included in the sale will be the herd sive, Sir 1enjbr. oe veld Rag Apple, 17602, a son of Rag Apple Korndvke 8th, widely known as the greatest bull in the world. There will be 15 of his daughters, also his two-year-old son, Rag Apple Korndyke Pride. William Linton, of Aurora, Ont , the man who introduced sweet clo-| Busu--In Friday, on 1919, Sarah ver into Cavada as a crop for culti- widow of the late vation, died ont Febittiary 16th, aged Ann Town, ames Henry Bush, in her 75h Rey : . | Gab 75. ai 7? This is one of the outstanding herds in Central Ontario, Por Rowan NewsiL. Abatis fortys Only two cows in the berd are over six years old, Jt in- : SIX Veirs A cludes females who have given from 9,000 to 15,000 Ibs. milk he six years ago there came ashore on Long Point jist eastoF the old Tights IN THE MATTER OF THE in dairy centre test and who have tested up as high as four f Louse. 4 wessellnden with ouk logs, ESTATE OF SARAH ANN |per cent. Altogether there will be 30 Cows that ave in milk } The vessel with its cargo of hewn PHERRILL, or will freshen this yen, te oak was gradually covered withiy +4 of the Township of Reach = Ailing sand and an occasional stick A Real Working Herd The kind that will give results in the hands of a practi- cal farmer, or with the man who wants to make big records. in the County of Catario, Sp'nster, Deceased. i OTICE is hereby given, pufsuant to N Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Section 56 that all per soils haviug any claiws or deus against the said Sarah Ann Pherrill who died on the 29th day of April. 1917 are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to A.J. Russell Snow K.C. Nu. 4 Welkington Street East. Toronto the executor of the estate of the said Sarah Aun Phernil tieir nawes amd sdiiesses was appropriated by anyone who was skillful enough to take it. Last summer Lundy Rockefeller drew one of them out of the sand and water. It was forty.eight feet long and sound as a bel. A few weeks ago he and Derwood Brown went over for it, but were able to bring lome only thirty-twe feet of it, and had te make a second trip Tf you are thinking of starting a Holstein Herd there is. nothing better muywhere than individuals 10 be sold in this sale. < Bernid for Catalogue to M. G. Hutchinson, Cavan, Ont. Sale absolutely without reserve. Ne postponement, four times. this price. HR that muskrats will bel year, us the weather that none of | them co Te Clove says, Dr. MeGibhon, g Testing seven varieties Flint classes, Following age the leading ' » cAs-one-of thef ~~ and Somnt-Huskiog. Corps. | BOFLS : : © in the House. Root: CrOPS be Red y vipe & -1912 over 2 million doliuts Lo Testing three varieties Man. | YErY early, 'Ruby; extrémely early 'been spent on plumbing repairs BCS sh i reas SA ANA 3 Prelude. The specially early sorts the Public Schools of Toronto. | 11 Testing twa vaneties Sugar though not as productive as the lata} Mangels... oo .00 0 iviion 2|zipening, are recommended for W.S.S. make saving easy. 12 Testing three varieties Swe- northern areas. In oats the Banner \ avi 5 s pay well. ish Turnips .....o0vvvins 3|is placed frst. Manchunan leads Ya Sevivgs Samp rey 13 Testing two varieties Fall in ey barley, Duckbill in Turmips........covoeriie Pine row, Success" and Champion OF PRAISE FOR ForaGE, FODDER, SILAGE AND Hay Crops. 15 Testing the planting of Corn at six distances in the row.. renaiiiy such great kc mothers ssdo 17 Testiog (wo varieties Sorg- . Once a moth- hom... Tab. | 18 Testing Grass Peas and two Ne varicties Vet {19 Testing Rape, Kale and in} Cabb i BEE Sienna anew r 2 Geessseane 14 Testing two varieties Carrots 2 3| If Hamilton had haif that num 20 Ls 3d "135 Testing Fertilizers with Rape 5. in hooded 'apd Guy Mayle ia hol less. Arthur leads in peas and Navy in beans. Flex is classed as seed and fibre. Novelty is the best 6 a TH 16 'Testing three varieties Millet 3 of the forsser std Lionguistb of Ae latter. Toronto has forty-eight once in a while a murderer might be brought tojustice, to the 'Toronto News. Organisa- tion and cotton wool, says a cynic. | pleasure purposes. . "The organisation ot women Ths, | relped them to develop," according |. frozen out. Food, to and the rats. will be fa it herself. a a week at d minimum of $24 a week is paid, it fol-|o