matter how careful a man may preventing weeds from going on his land, most of his work | be for nothing if he permits #eeds to be constantly brought to his farm from the outside. Amothcr jm- i point regarding weed control to destroy pernicious weeds before id have gained sufficient headway do serious damage. Farmers shoud ever be on the alert for the ce of new weeds which are being introduced and for old weeds (are developing noxious tendencies. When a plant shows any tendency toward becoming a troublesome weed it should be ealled to the attention of someone ip auth- ority and every effort made to keep it under control. Weeds may be brought to the farm in various ways. The principal source of introduction is through seeds. "Many of the purchased grain, clover and grass seeds contain weed seeds as impurities. How ean the farmer purchase clean seed? In mo permanent way will the quality of seed offered for sale be greatly im- proved except by greater knowledge pnd alertness on the part of the con- sumer. First, the farmer should know what constitutes good seed; second, he should know fairly closely what grade seed is worth; and, third, Hie should be willing fo pay a fair price for if. Laxity on one or more -r >< Z| v SAENCI 5 rE CE | A +» the Cro ng of hens 4 decreased from 8,000,000 to 3 ~1000 in two yams, Those having bees are warned '| the Government against taking son winch rr honey.