AL SURGEON | Snocessor to Dr. BR. L; Graha n] 0s Afres. The afi ves strapped to 80 't e weapons could "front their ngers, ured they became. EE Ts HUTCH RSON, Bell Plione jess combatants had re- than 17 wounds. On be- It sung discovered "that jal had & Ioaded revolver d you pot five your fires prefect of police. sa fight with knives," ex: wv, with a gasp, and the .sank. unconsciqus: fo there rit of a vens favarisbly given in pmber of the Camorra Is led In to scttle a dispute, WAY occasionally what awise have been a brutal guet. If a Camormist fh at the hands 'of a foe bounden duty of some of the Camorra to being almost invari the relatives of the de- jt Is absolutely unneces- to take any steps In the opsty enough, the sym- iople is much'more with these cases than With 'ghe reglly. likes to: study. ng that if he had had e former would yever | ide: and it {$ quite r people are prepared 10 protect him from the written law among the 088 among whoni the "exists that, in an ofich |yonie next week. TrEArY must be ral of the vendettas is the re: tl on the part of its dying victims hi bo hod the the Boca (tows nkham® 3 Vegetable Compound Ww advertisod ifthe newspapers, and in tic a marked improvement. 1 wand 3a vad ig use and noy free from Fo and able to wl al work.-- Mra.2 8B: Be Zouanssy 908 Buffalo, N: X. - Portland, Ind="T had a displacement fad go badly from if at times I could not be on foal J sal Tun down and sow To i my ousswork, was nérvous and eo down at night. I took treatments from a but De bin not help ms, "NM; Pinkham's V Aunt recommended lo Compound. Lured % A end row I am shone and well again and + 'Toy own work end. 1 Conipound He - Essie, 936 Wes ES Lydia & Pinkhon' TAL OSEPRINE Raca Street, Portland, Ind, Every Sick Woman Should Try TYDIA E.PINKHAMS 'VEGETABLE COMPOUND ~EYRIA EFHRiAR MEDICING CO. LYRN, MASS. "weil," flere was a shrug in Kate's volce. "I've dane my best. I can't help it if she isn't popular. Besides, I think You can't do anything for a girl like that." Emily felt her face burn scarlet, So they wefe sorry for her! Sorry for her! - Why, she had thought the pity { #11. on her own side. How dared | they? The voices below were rumbling on. "They, say Grant Sturgis is coming I haven't seen him they soy he is perfectly stu and an awful Deart-smasher, There's some one to set your cap for, Kate. He has: loads and loads of money." It was right then, in anger and the close the name of those who huve | spirit of revengd, that Emily conceived ply wouzded them. SION EPI MRIRIINSLRLIINNN) BEING CLEVER, CAD By HILDA MORRIS prigtit, 123, by the McClure Newspa- a per Syndicate.) ly tras a very clever girl. Dvery'| always said so, from her ador iit; who taught her the alphabét, sociology professor;in the unis 5, She was pretty, too, or rather, a Butterfly cousin, Kate, once. re. "she. would be stunifing if ve herself. a a chance." That tmily.. Jo any ectual irections she never rself half 8 'chance. She had | t the slightest interest in boys except as teachers And hu- oings withe worth-while. minds. gnty-two. Emily was that gaom- | g womfukind, a girl who had Jd any sort of love Affair there had Bec bts of Hed § young her Sihshes ho world ha ) go farther thy rere acquaint it Emily had pever given, them ghtest encouragement. : her remarkable plan. To think wa# tH pct with 'Emily, and she loft no time in. writing orders in to various city stores. Within a few days mysterious boxes began to arrive for her; the con- tents of which she kept secret. If Kate wondered about them it was without a great deal of interest:Bpoks no doubt, or some mere bf those Im- possible tailored skirts and flat-heeled shoes that Emily always wore. ,.There was to be an informal dance at the Country club one evening 'a | week later, Rather to Kate's surprise, Eniily sald that she thought she should like to go. "Could you get a man for me?" she | asked her pretty cousin. "Oh, yes, of course. There's Bithett Brown; will he do? I'm going with Murray Jones myself, but when I get there--1 1 can fell you, Em, there's just one man I want to flirt with to- night, and that's Grant Sturgis. He's the best looking and richest man In Eimville, and all the girls are wild about him. « } want to cut them out.' "You, doubtless will," he Xn y encour- aged hed, with an odd, ttle: smile; Kate was so Interested In her own dazzling toffet that she never stopped to wonder what Emily might wear, Indeed, she went oft with her escort before Hmily was ready, and did not see her until after the second dance And when she did seé Het she wad Ant at all sure that {tf could be Emily. "Who's that girl over 'there; the stunning one in yéllow with her back towards us?' 'she asked Emmett Brown, with whom she was dancing. "WEIL, you ought 'to know; it's your own cousin. tonight, too." She 'duke mighty nice | "Tt @dnt occur to me," she said, "I'm softy, Kate, if you mind becausd 1 monopolized Mr. Sturgis. After what you told me, perhaps it wasn't quite fair, But you séc--" "What?" "I happened to know that you all thonght 1 was an unattractive sticls, and 1 wanted to show you what 1 could. do." Kate's amazed look slowly widened into an appreciative smils, Well," she said, "I guess you show: ed us. Every girl thete Was with envy." "And what's more," Emily went on. "I had an awfully good time, In fact --Mr. Sturgis and I got so very well acquainted that--I shouldn't wonder but what 1 may decide to marry him, es he wants me to." "Oh, Emily!" murmured Kate. "I always knew you were clever, but this--. My, I guess clever people can' do Just about anything they want to; can't they?" 0G CHOLERA DANGER Haw to Detect Disease and the Measures of Centro'. Spraying to Be -Effective Must Ue Done at Exact Time -- Have liverything In - Readiness When Season Opens -- Write Depart- ment of Agriculture for Up-to- , Date Spray. Calendar. (Contributed by Ontarle Department of griculture, Toronto. HE symptoms of hog cholera ditfer Somewhat according to the virulence of the virua and the resisting pow: er of the hogs in any particular out { BFedk. Owing to this variation, two forms of the disease are recognized-- the so-called acute form and the | chronic forms. #'In the acute or severe form, the foes sicken and die quickly, appear- ' ing to be well one day and frequently dead the next. In the chronic or lesd severe form, -the hogs may be sick for, better. When cholera enters a herd, the hogs do not all become sick at onde. a gaod, Emily ga Just then and | one o 1 missing, as of hers oflow gown reve. led a most bewilder- - ingly lovely throat and shoulders. Her! dainty feet ere satinwclad, and she "danced divinelye. More th "Seireln that, he. -- ee een ee Br Amar syread, It. Wilt at Once be.seen; shay, one way to keep the disease healthy herd is to take all steps ui cessary to prevent materials Sontaty ; inated by sick hogs frou com ' contact 'with the healthy Heid. + In Canada (by order of the eters. inary Director-General)--If by any: chance the disease gains entrance to. a herd anywhere in Canada, the laws: ! of the Dominion require that a veter-. { inary inEpector . be notified without: delay, Failure to make this notifica= tion means loss of compensation f } waithals: slaughtered RCE. the. i and liability to a heavy fine! D. H. Jones, O. A. College, Guelph, Order Everything Early, Spraying is something - {hab San cans not wait. It must be done at a dels nite 'time.! Failure fo do it then: means faflufé get clean fruit. Ex. = perjence ghows there 18 no one factor 80: important in obtaining a good crap: g§ spraying. Therefore apply busi=i niess-like forethought to it. timate ; at once how much material You will need and place your 'order for this not later than March 1st with defi nite instructions to have it shipped. fo you by the first week in April. If you have to purchase a new out-. fit find 'out the make you think best. and have it shipped Just: a8 soon as possible. 'Run no risk of its not be-: ing on hand:when required. If the. old outfit is to. be used do not fail to: overhaul and test it out in March or. early April. Don't leavé it until the. first day of spraying. I you have to; send it gway to be repaired remems: Bar. thet. nany others will be doing! J the same and if you postpone sending: antil April you will in the rush work have to wait your turn and hot get it back until after spraying, has begun. This often happens. What discourages and annoys you | most when spraying? Is it not delays! and 'poor pressure? With proj foresight and a little knowledge the mechanism of your. Tidy pump you: can almast entirely pre- vent this annoyance, discouragement, ' and loss of time and money; so , Journ to do your own repairing as far poasible, pack your own plump clean your own engine. If, however, you have no mechanical 1 ability, get. a handy neighbor to Help you. Work with hip yoursalf to leary. Al: you can. i Be determined that fais year you will do your spraying right, that you a. weeks before they die or get 4 will have a good working outfit wi no leakages, good .long hoge. attached, sod nogsles 'or a #pray gun, plenty of mal spray E endur to guide 3 everythin dy to pa thi first. well as. intellig can't po intelld are, ready and follow carefully. --L. Caesar, College, Guelph.