OF INFLUENZA. © authorities have stated, "There is no knowing how far-reach- Jug the results of the influenza epi- ie will be." m the nature of the maildy it da feared many cases of tuberculosis will develop. If you have not fully fecovered from the "flu," or you are run down in health from some other cause, seek a doctor at once. Con- sumption may have developed, but even that may be cured if taken in time. A case in point has recently been brought to our attention -- a farm laborer with a wife and five small children. = He had not been feeling right for some nontha, not sick enough to go to bed, or, stay indoors, but always tired, Hix daily work about the farm had become a task to him. So of his own accord he went to the Muskoka Free Hos- pital, to try mcd find out what was the matter. He was found to be suf- fering from tuberculosis, and was immediately taken in and put to bed. "The doctors say thls man is making a good recovery, and that he will EN shortly be able to return home. & . 5 The Muskoka Free Hospital for rp § Cosgumptives is now appealing for ald in fighting the Great White Plague. The money you give will | help restore to liealth Just such de- £ serving cawes as this, bringing happi- | ne untold to re-united families, { tributions muy be sent to | $iry William J. Gage, 84 Spadina | & , Toronto, of to Geo. A. Reid, | Becretary-Treasurer, Gage Institute, | i | | 323 College strect, Toronto, Fu Feeding Laying Hens In Winter. In order to lay well a hen requires | a surplug of food above body main. tenance, 'That is a hen must be in | good flesh; not thin, A .good laying i hen is seldom very fat. The yolk of | an egg contains considerable fat. The | white is mostly muscle forming food. | and {he shell largely lime. There | must be a Supply of these over and | above what is required to - tain the body. In summer a hen eats tend or green shoots, some Ww generally some ground gral 1y. worms or insécts, picks gravel or old plaster, and 50 fakes exe se, If she hunt all day for these, at € does not lay very well be is working hard getting sc thing to | eat, 1 1 We are feeding now, at the 0. A | College a grain mixture of about the | tollowing: en parts of. cracked corn, two ps s of barley, two parts yor good on one part buckwheat, | {and three parts of feed wi This | {is fed in deep litter nig mor ling, the hens [ull crop. | During cold weather ito feed a mixture of ne for buckwheat, A ben wil {better on such feed. A {two or three kinds of ives | |variety, i 1 AL hoon, © wast h { {seraps, such : cabbage of | {other vegetable {with the table {foundation for scraps are Db state. Dry 0p in is very We. use {equal part | a dry mash which is hoppers. | This is' in 'front of the birds at ail | times We are Asix Government ) Standard Hog feed, e have used } in previous years, ver sfully, { rolled or crushed oats i These ground grains ghould con. | tain fifteen to twenty per. cent. of high grade tankage or beef scrap. @ Where milk is given as drink no BL 'meat scrap would be necessary. b "% Pe sure to supply green and suc- 'eulent feeds, such as waste cabbage, roots, clover leaves, or sprovied vats. There is an art to feeding. When feeding the whole grain night and morning watch the bir they are very if somev the a f the ditter <lean an W. R. Grisham, O. A "Mopping Up." i Washington officials say that de- |} mobilization of the American forces overseas will require two years, es- | pecially as "it will take more than a year to remove German wire entan- glements in France alone." It is estimated that ten years will be re- quired to make Belgian lands pro- uctive, "all vegetation having been illed by the poison gas, % | A Yoyal Town Crier, Ross; in Herefordshire, still boasts a town crier who latterly has been ending his announcements with the words: "God Bave King George the Fifth, Bmperor of Indi Defender of the Faith and of the Empire; send victory to all his allies, with utter ? confusion to his enemies--and to the t bottomless pit with the r and : all his weary Willies!" Otliers might use stronger terms about ihe Kaiser; put "the Town Council bas decided that the benediction must be elim- inated. | | | | | | | | | Case of Spiter Spitten. Every one has heard the old story of the bitter bitten. In Kitchener recently Frank von Neubronn pro- +" liested to the Board 'of Health % |against the lax enforcement of the ¥ prohibition against spitting on the | streets, The board requested more 2 | diligence on the part of the police and von Neubroun was the first man apprehended. He himself is a mem- ber of the Board of Health. Ten-dollar Annie. «pen-dollar Annie," a Winnipeg washerwoman whom the police de- clare never fails to steal $10-- neither more nor less ---- from each employer who has it, has just been sent to jail for her latest adventure MORE DUALLY THAX statistics reveal the start- at 2,462 of consump- hu Er y yoap: vie has SHEL human lite all the wars of the universe. between i at his trade il Ain | down pletely, he hadi An exa proved: but a short time y of disease tor imiires, all of whonx By, Thajrma King strech west Tovonts, by whom Eo re LE AS #4 (I Pas 4 CX X Laid SSIS 3 Ho NOSE NIN SS 2] SK of OK io 5; Arouse and Face t pe PEOPLE OF ONTARIO are accustomed to ac- cept their food much. the came as they breathe the aiv % They read isolated items about food shortage, but such a id . 3 a . : BC thing as this affecting their own dinner table nover euters LE their mind, and it is the respongitility of The Observer oF to bring home to its readers a realization of the facts, as un- less somathing is done, in another year, they will not be 9 reading about lve hunger ir Belgium but the hunger in Ontario. . The following should be memorized by every reader of Tor OBSERVER. Under the Presidency of Mr. J. W. Woods, a Confer- ence of all interested in food production was hold ih Tal ronto on Monday, May 7. MIGHT LAND UP IN MORGUE At the Best It Would Be Haspital for Man Who Yelled "Hui rah for tho Kalseri® Two men talking on the rear platform of an East Tenth street car were discussing the poor service and bow long it would take a person to get any place by 'depending on the city ears, when one of the men said that he had heard of a quick way to reach the city hospital. He explained that while he was down town, a few days before, he had overheard the conversation between a to your right and go one square south. NE There you will find a recruiting eta- ir tion. Go in there amd yell: 'Hurrah g ie for the kaiser I' and when you come to 4 NLL Rf a Joe alae Ts a1 TPE SHORTAGE The man who told the story said he due to. WAR thought that was one way of reach- ing the eity hospital in record-breaking time, but his friend did not agree with don't yqu agree with me?" asked the first man. "Don't you think 4 i: " the plan a good one?" seek 209148784 LBS. the plan i$ all right," replied | = SC ------------ 2h AR roi. PUBLISHER A br a---- Crimea -- -