Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Jan 1919, p. 2

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foust, HW the pron 4 e! the Conn scrvative and practical class of peo. 1, 1s not a favorite of schemers, prsien and clig and Best Establish its Tocai and general news depart ce of publication Port Perry. ral per annum in advance, if not _ tended departure from our town. paid advapce, f$r.50 will be say JOB PRINTING -- THY Most MODERN Srviss AxD ax Low PRICE 7 Several sums from MONT +. $300 to $10,000, have been placed th fie for immediate in- vestment at lowest rate. HUBERT 1. EBBREL Barrister, Port Pe Mors Ontario Observer, FOUNDED IN 1857. a Paper Printed and Publishod In Part Ferry. | PORT PERRY, DEC 26, 1918 STATESMEN PRAISE S. A. | Give Strong Endorsation of Salvationists' Million-Daollar Drive His Grace the Duke shire, Governor-General Sir Robert Borden, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and many other Do Salvation of Devon Prime Minister leading citizens of the the Army's Campaign to raise one n heartily endorse lico dollars: for demobili ation and The to. the raconstruction work ir detters promising support praising the work of Army dy Salvation The Duke wishes for the succe Shield Drive for $1,00 Canadian home and overseas work of the Salvation Army. 1 hopethis Drive will be gener by the people of C: Sir Reb send my y supported cess in the on Dollars tion Army tor: for its Canadian home and ov The eflort rSeas [= work. of the Army in aid of the natio purpost is worthy of est apprecia- tion, Sir Wilfrid « Laurier : honor to acknowledge your communication, that you are the high I have the receipt of | making a special ap- Salvation the § peal for assistance to the Army: 1 work done your association, can festify to for 'many Wears past by and. 1 will bel Diappy to contribute my mite Sir Thomas White: Glad to learn of the demobilization and recon. | struction program ol the Salvation Army. THs excellent work on the Canadian and all" Allied fr greatly apprec ment. In assisted all other organis their war campai aided in tbe flotation of our Victory | Loan N. W. Rowell; I success in your ated by the Govern- Canada the Atmy alions ns and malerially | wigh reconstruction millionsdollar cam paign, The war. work of the Sal vation Army is deserving of all{ good citizens. appreciation of it when overseas. J. D. McMASTER, V. S, The following. from = Cornwall most prominent and influential off cial citizen speaks volumes for Pert Perry's latest citizen in the; person of Mr. J. D. 'McMaster. who comes to reside in our town for the purpose of practising his profossion as a Veterinary Surgeon. To Whuon It May Concern: CorNwaLL, OxT., DEC. 19, 1918 I have had the pleasure of know- : D. McMaster, V,S. ever commenced practice in nwall about five years ago. Ile bas proved himself a most 'worthy citizen, and it is with ex: treme regret that 1 learn of his in- I wish him every success in his mew surroundiogs and sincerely 'hope he will make as many if not r friends as he leaves behind "ie aed < WECIATION, and is an favor, { I is 'ding' Medinm in is the champion of the Agricullurists nud of the more cou- it iv the Oldest ~founded in 1887 --the most original and best iu ent and is printed entirely in the (The omeisl Papar of the Peale.) fo of Canada Drive and | alvation | informing me | {Colsw | plements, &c,, Estate | necessitating the sale to start sharp you every | demobilization and | 1 beard nothing but | MUNICIPAL E ELECTIONS Acclamations Prevail A JUDICIOUS. PROMOTION Mr. H. G* Hutcheson who for thei past twenty years has so ably andy CARTWRIGHT efficiently filled the important and The Council of 1917 re-elected by | acelamation, responsible position of Manager of | Scueoc. two of our The Western Bank and later, Standard Bank of Canada, has been | Crozier, monetary institutions, --~ Acclamation, --Reeve, PeterHood. Ibe | Councilors --Geo. Sweetman, Jas. Jonathan Alldred, Frank promoted to Manager of the latter | Dowson, Bank io Oshawa, All knowing any- | : ReAcH thing of that gentleman's superiof | Acelamation =TReeve," W.. F. business abilities; energy and alfa] Weis A Deputy Reeve, John John: ad ison; Councilors--W., W. Holtby, bility, will readily concede that he! yy. Cook, Geo. J. McMillan, is justly entitled to any emoluments Port PERRY and preferments in the gift of that | Acclamationn--Reeve, Jas. Stone- house ; Councilors Jas. Ward, Jas Swan, Allan Goode, G: R. Davey. ETHERS Ah LT et, TEN DOLLAR CHECK TO EACH BANFF SOLDIER KINGSTON, Dsc. 27. The town phenominally prosperous and popu- | | lar monetary institution with which |e his been so long identified, and [tive people of Oshawa and its | srondiags are certainly to having bank | e congratulated on located in their midst a mas greeting to every one of its sons | manager possessing all the essential fou difcations dollars One to rereive the gift is Sergt.~Major Pennie of the Royal School of Artillery here. Banff has a pastmas-| 3 population of 4,000, and has 1,000 poy 4 ; requisite to make {banking a pleasure by transacting financial business with men io War service. rr ------ -- {ter x { his profession, While patti- ally, Port Perry is losing its bright- Orillia SPacket ys the world est bright light, Titerately, socially, going tobe the better of the bitter {and all that pertains to good citzen- | discipline of the war?' Are Can { ship, 'we Have the satisfaction of /adians, as 8 people, better to-day knowing that Mr. Hutcheson is stilt thanthey were, five years ago : 1s 2 i there a higher standard of honour? n a resident of our town, s there a nicer { regard for truth? {Is there --_-- - a keéner relish for righte DEBT OF GRATITUDE ousness ? If the answer. is yes, " CN ' here is the evidence Will those rom the Indianapolis: (Ind) News December 27.1 {who contend that the war has béen Henry Parsons. Port Perry, Ou. | ® Tegeveraling process give us the tatio, editor' and: publisher of the evidence. Or are we to wait for the ' a example and influence of the re- North Ontario Observer, the oldest | turned soldier. for the change? paper in that 'oldest part of Canada, | Would it not be better frankly {10a letier lo a relative in Indian- | to face the fact that there are as { of the no marked apolig, e says Americar signs of regenera soldiers in France : | { halihilled ncle Sam's | i churches; "by 'Your happy reference to 1 braves and their gallant and noble deeds 'over there is well timed and | disregard for the Day of Res st, and require ateral ORY } quired mo collateral to 'convince by a measure of luxury and self- the most skeptical tt at they weant | indulgence surpassing anything busigess from the start until the | heretofore experienced Ultimate enemy collapsed; and we can assure | good, one doubts not, will come out you that Canadians, and the Empire | ot the horrible experiences of the { as well, are aware that they owe the | past [our years and a balf but as 8 of | even blossomed, 'Star-Spangled Banner' a debt yet fruits of regeneration have not gratitude they never cau repay." pd A Bracebridge ben has a record {IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE | of 74 eggsin 74 days and 121 eggs lin 124 days. Bracebridge Birds are making the town famous, It will-be seen bythelarge posters and of this week that the Great Auction | Short~ in other columns of our issue | A Missouri paper says the armis- tice terms should have been anended Germany to furvish America with 200,000 hired girls. Sale of Clydesdale Horses, lo 'require Pure-Bred Yorkshire , and uvp-lo-date horn and Grade Cattle, Sheep, and Wh Im: The motorist was a stranger and the property of 'the Murray it was evening. A GG man approach of the date James has been fixed for Wednesday, said he, 'your 'beacon "What 2 gasped the astonished driver, ed has ceased its functions." Jan's then to lake place at the home- Cor. §, is shrouded in This sale of | gnmitigated oblivion." "I don't nojordinary importance, for the late| quite--=" The effulgénce of yeu "My "Your stead, lot 24, Brock (near |illuminator,- 1 say, Creswell) will be a lamented James Murray, was noled| irradiator has evanesced." {for 'the superiority of his horses | dear fellow, I--" "The transversal | cattle, sheep and swine, they being| ether oscillations in your incandens- {always dn great' demand at bigler have been discontinued." Just] figures, The listis a long one, then a newsboy came over and said: "Say, mister, yer lamp's-out!" at 12.30. Don't fail to read the . In Major Cameron, of Beaverton, posters and advertisement and be in { friends of the Hearst Government in attendance shatp. on 'time Mr | North Ontario have a candidate Jackson will be Auctioneer { whom theycan support with a clear AR conscience and every assurance thal | GREAT AUCTION SALE he will worthily represent the con | Mr. Adam Dawson (near Can- stituericy, The Corvention made pt TE ire | nington) has the floor for Jan, 29 a wise chioice.-~Orillia Packet. ny PORT PERRY XMAS FAIR PRIZE 'WINNERS the day fixed for his Great Auction | Sale of 30 head of Reg. Shorthorn | Partic- | and other choice animals. { {ulars later. i a HORSES and transaet- The Campbell Flour Mills Co, Ltd, West Tovont | FIRST ROBIN OF Single Driver, 15} and under-- R. ing such DCSE BEER 1a) ma) be The Campbell Flour Mills Co, Ltd , Peterboro THE SEASON| Gilbert, 2 John Murray, 34.1" © fans ic : Howsam & Howsam, Winghan APPEARS IN Greenwood A good attend is 1rquested. D. C11 ST. CATHARINES ; N. H. MAREOW, President. . C. Thomson, Orillia Roadster, cover 15% hands--1 W. Malcolm, 2 Cowie Bros, 3 Wilson Bros. Single Driver, open--1 Cowie Bros, 2 John Murray, 3 A Greenwood, Lady Driver--i1 Mis. J. Murray. Gents Tarngut g Hay, TA Murray, St. Carnarives, Dsc, 27.--The first robin has made hic appearance, aod like the good, sensible fellow he is chose St. Catharines for his initial bow to an appreciate public, Jas. Adie, Manager of the C.P.P. tele graphs here, saw the redbreast dis porting himself in his' back yard on Thursday afternoon, December 26 The bird looked a trifle cold and lonesome in the snow, so the kind- hearted telegraph man wentout and fed crumbs to the fearless little har- binger of spring. [This is doubtless The Globe's alleged 'early Spring Robin but is ticketed for the wrong station J Heavy Deatt Brood Mare--r1 Wa. Johnson, 2 J J] Ormiston. Heavy Diait, 2 years old--1 Wm Johnson: POULTRY Best Turkey, maic--~1 J. McKenze Turkey, male, 1918--1 and 2 Jas. McKenzie. Turkey Hen--s Jas. McKenzie Display Geese -- 1 Mrs Norman Taylor, 2 Mrs. Frank Crozier. Pair Geese---1 Mrs. Jas. Parr, a2 Mrs. N. Taylor, Crozier. A happy New Year to the readers of the Opsaaver; one 2nd all. Tlhicre were 110 German toys op Canadian Christmas trees last year. || he 'Boston elevated railway sys- ew, saderelaig operation, has piled ~ Drat the insurance companies { 10 1bs in priuts---s Hie G. Wi of Banff, Scotland: sent as Christ~| 'on active service a cheque for ten KILPATRICK. December 27, of Prince 0, on Friday, Beph Kilpatrick , in his 178th bore a name-- that was synonimous wi is progres: land of his h ghly respect Vi High-Grade Cattle, Shropshire Sheep, Swine, Implements, & sive. and good | nativity ; and ed for his man He was an Aung} staunch and Conservative, fllent qualities. 1 faith and a ent Liberal- all gee dst There will be sold by Auction on lot 24, con. 5, Brock, on On Wednesday Jan'y 15, 1919 son, Me Lewellyn ick, of Kendersley, Sask. Three sisters and a brother also Survive: Mus. Dunnet, of Caledonia; Miss Lizzie Kilpatrick; Vanconter 3 Miss Mal- issa Kilpatrick, of Port Perry "Mr, George Albert Kilpatrick, of Van. couver. The rcmnins of deceased were entrained to Port Perry on Monday Pine Grove the Mr: interred in Rev and Cemetery, Stent officiating. last year. Deceased and resided nearly all his the family homestead | Prince Albert, hi was vering and - : industrious, need a suc- wom JF GLYDESDALE HORSES, SHORTHORN & The wayfarer turns in his a and waits. y "Left--turn!" rings ont the crisp® ¢ommand close at hand and, withy wheel-like precision, a column ef marching men in the familiur olive drab rolls into view around the corner. "Yanks, sure as I'm alive!" exclaims fhe man from the States as he falls nto step and follows along the side sulk, Yes, Yanks--Upecle Sam's own doughboys on thelr way te Beriln via the western front, and out to lmber up and get s breath of fresh sir while a new engine ls being hooked up. On they come, alert, keen-eyed fel ~ Annual esting + \ 1 | tion, as is abundantly evideneed by | almost | totally neglected week-day religious | services; by an even incraased | Op Monday, Jan, 20, 1919 Curbamigh! Agen rs. Frank| ONTARIO PINE GROVE HORSES Seindsioue MACHINES & IMPLEMENTS CEMETERY Bay Mare (Clydesdale) 5 yrs old Lawn Mower COMPANY Brown Mare Reg. Clydesdals) 3 yrs § H Binder 7 fi. (new) 2 Faitening Crates TR . | Black Horse gen phrpose Eyrsald NH Mower 5 ft, (new) D= Laval Separator [The Annual Meir Fike Ontario | Bay Horse, driver. 4 years old Mower and Pea Harvester, com- Meat Barrel ine Grove Cemetery company 25 HIGH GRADE SHORT plete % 2 1 will be held in the Town Hall, HORN © TTLE WH Hay Loader Beythes: Webi Hass, snd other Roan Cow 7 years old MH Hay Rake; 10 ft, PORT PERRY Roan Cow 6 years old MH Seed Drill; 10 hoe HARNESS Roan Heifer 3 years old M H Cultivator at Two o'clock in 'the afierncon,| Grey Cow 4 years old MH Disc, 20 ins 33s king TIE for the Election of Officers and | Red Cow 8 years old NH Laced Roller 28.11 Single Flakes transaction of other business that | Grey Cow aged Manure Spreader. Corn King ban Boaleh: Coliurs may be brought before the meeting. | Red Cow 3 years old PH Ensilage Cutter, 30 ft Cargicrs 5 i 3; 1 Stable Blankets (ew) ; yrey Heiler 3 years old Fanning Mill, Honey 3° W. 11. McCAW, President. | Rog Heffer Breais old Fanning Mill, Toronto ER FURNT JOHN. ROLTYH; pectetaty, Roan Héiler 3 years old Set Wilson Scales, 2000 Ibs HOUSEHOLD IRNITU mm bedi Red Heifer 3 yearsold M H Two-furrow Plow Exicasion Table { Red Heifer 2 years 61d Tworiurrow Plow, Dick K ichen Fable Agricult ur Ijeeting Jersey Cow ajed Walking Plow. Fleury 21 Centre: Tahic 2'Steers rising 2 years Dubie Mdaldbourd Plow 5 Kitchon hain 10 Calves, Set Harrows, § sections Lak lion Ded == 5 "and OTICE1S HEREBY GIVEN, % : MH Scuffle pursuant lo: Btatute in that a A number of the cows and hzifers Vagon and Box & Lode Mattress an | If, th 1 { bred, others lately calved, others es oi reha 2h the Meeting 2 milking. Zon Fan disks Wooden Hed ~3laticess REACH, FOR ERRY AND 20 PURE-BRED COTSWOLD Hay Ruck (new) 3 Wash Stands SCUGOG AGRICULTURAL | SHEEP Stock Rack Datiy Coin, Bater Bowl and SO {14 Breeding Ewes Grave! Box Ladle > Town Hall, | RERY: Strainer Pail Writicg Deck Rocking Chair Turnip Box Tw nip Drill Torvip Pulper 4 Ewe Lambe 2 Ram Lambs. YORKSHIRE will be held PORT WHITE SWINE { Bag Truck Wicker Arm Chair (new) On Wednesday, I'y 16, 1 1819 bis Jue Jon. 3 3 Open Buggy, good D esier (new) at One o'clock | fhe afternoon to 14 Pigs 4 months old Buggy «Sideboard Road Cart 4 Bamps PURE PLYMOUTH ROCK FOWL receive the Annual Report of (he Auditors for 1g ind the Election of Directois for 193. =" All inter in Agricultural Society Work invited '10 be present. Lantern Kitchen Range--coalor wood Collie Pup Wheelbarrow Oil Barrel 25 Pullets Emery Grinder 20 Hens 6 Cockerels SALE AT 12:30 O'CLOCK. POSITIVELY NO RESERVE. TERMS 'OF SALE. --Fowl, Furniture, and all sums of $10 and under, cash; twelve months credit on approved notes; or 5 per cent off for cash. G. JACKSON, Auctioneer, JAS. McKEE 5. President, H. Purdy, Secretary. over that | tomed to such sights; ! jean, taken unawares, it is an inspiring I thing, ! | black desert ¢f night, a friendly light | beacons. As the column approaches lows fresh from the training camps, | splendid Americcos all, and eager for a i brush with the Bun. Still the town slumbers--It Is aecus- but to the Ames Far up the etreet, an oasis in the the boys recognize the familiar out- lines of # {rolt stand. The enterprising niesshant kKuows all about these mid wight "parcdes" end ts prepared. A thausaud pairs of eyes turm hungrily {to bunches of 'yellow bananas dungling | froma their hooks, but the tim young | sergeant 1s looking straight ahead. | They are all business, those sergeants. 1 The man from the riers hag seen it all; It is bis ch € A lito Alert can hank note ily chauges hands land presontly there is an empty hook where a ounch of banenas huag a mo- ment before, Blugically, it seems, the | coveted fruit bog found its way Into | the rear rinks. I a cork in a rough gen the 1 sky 'thing 4s tossed along | rom Ine fo i growide constantly | sualler u into the gutter b 1g pocicets | Abus did ewe seribier do ao extrg of the eollve drab Si anit At any rate, he wore the puiriotic fund emblem on his coat, Cet Completa Family Record. 8ugur records wow being kept im grocery stores fre causing some per turbstion on the part of grocery men, Since the food administration llm- fted the amount of sugsr e family can use per mouth, the grocers have had to keep track of the amount sold to each customer. For this purpose they use a sort of book, or ledger, in which the cus tomer's name and address, and other information prerteining thereto, are recorded. Since most of the purchnsers are women, It can be imogined that the grocers' task, sometlnes, 1s not so ensy, but the woinen, realizing that the information must be given, have ute in that be- Meeting of the mS wing Town Hall, pursuant to half that the Ani 00050000000000000000000000000060000 Ld 4 Standard Feeds : od will be held i BLAC a Ave endorsed by the Organization of Rasoavces Committee of Oataiio, amd are for sale by the following firms : at the hont of On the purpose of ri ors' Report; Ele Directors for the a Board of A. iy A. Meliall, Bolton ROBT. PHILP, Write for prices, amd purchase direct from the al ove uo ufucturess. 000006006000600000 $000000000000000000¢ YELLOW DENVE Qoion in the ma 2 Mrs. Jas. Pan Crozier, 4 Mrs Fr EF. Crozier, 3 Mrs, N Taylor, gracefally accorded it Nor is that oil . Crocers do tell that they get more inforinatlon than they have any neod for. Here's how It is: "They fusist on telling me all ahout Little Johnny, and what little Susie is doing today, and--why, say, since we staried this here sugar record. we know the conplete faintly history of all our customers." Now whut do you know about that? fodern Armen. The 8d'diers of old went forth to "figist, clad in cumbersome and expep- Five nrmor, which, while serving as n protection, nevertheless hindered them from puiting forth their best fighting strength. Toduy Martin Jfe- 1alitn. an inventor of Khode isfand, has made it possible for a soldier to be protected by armor. Ife Is one of several dozen luventors who have re- Invented the coat of mall i he The device 18 Lg meisliie fn which surrounds end from the LA "3 . \ ' ¥ Xe a a 5

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