upon by progressive farmers as Becess sary fon equipment, the same ag thé lof, the hay-rake, the drill, the mower, the id row and other labor and tinesaying linery, 7% we Fins xed farmer with 'a-Ford car ah gpm wth 'one or two of his horses and maké the trips to > Jown, [ailway y station, creamery, bt to the neighs i oge-thi rd ths time, no fact there is ng Jou? 'machine made' that Wi pn the busy farmer and his busy wife so much valuable time asa Ford. And' it's'eo out to take care of --far easier than a horse. _: to make, or a an oats to geb no harnes Sing and unharné! | no stables to cleati; The Ford practically { takes eave of itself. : Ask any farmer who owfis 4 Ford i# Hs would ever again try to get along without it. His enswer will hasten your decision to own otie; < TE UNIVERSAL CAR Touring ¢ + $468 Coupelet - - $608 Runsbout-- - $475: Sedan - + - $890 F. O. B.7FORD, ONT: "| iteiilars of i hardy "varisties: whith |. lay Sep. 13: ier | advert seman' Will uot' bu paid 3. B. Lundy, bDS, D.D.8: |, 887 =e =| SIXTY YEARS PROGRESS xo SUCCESS] Wels HAVE Bs: ESTABLISHED ing_ reputation aling, and . planting: frit trees and |? #9 there is no! ays for our antrated youwean brder. direct and get benefit | of commissi r prices ; will ure to interest you. : THE Shas 'BROTHERS co. i sole. he son (ampli or any mals over 18 ypard pid, who was at the commierieatnént of the present war, be and bas since'coiitinued to be a British } subj.t or Agubffact of ag allied or neutral' conntry, miy- Homestead a quarter-secs tion of available Dominion Land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. POR oant flay Appear n arson at omjuniotl Lands Agency or Sub-Agency foc Distelet. Eatry by proxy 'may be rons Six monibe' residence upon and' clilti- vagion of land in each of thres years. In certain districts a hom; render | WV. may secure an adj ining guarter-saction as pro-cipption. Price $8.00 per acre, TE; BLACK AND TAN . Sizes ; high cut oh MIE BALS, circblar vamp RAL HAL LS, solid ruphe phos R | NCE PUM RTING BALS ING BALS @BUOY CO. are the Originators of the sole and make it a Specualty la. All Lines, WATS FRESE "2 PEF can PEAS--14c per can, CORN --u5c per cah tnadg oy pertain conditions, Dutles-- | CASTILE SO qo bat. RICHARD'S LAUNDRY SOAP --sc bar 5 SHGRT "PRONE 6212 PORT PERRY Duties --Koside six months in each of three yoars after earning bomestead Rte and cultivate 60 acres extra. ay obtain pre-emption patetit as goon an homestead pateut on certaiif sonci- tions, A antiled after ohtaliing hotliestead patent, it be atuot secure a fife-emip- tien, tiny ike A purchased hbmestead in certain districts. Ptice $8.00 per? agra, | Muss resides six manths in each of throo yoRrs, cultivate 60 acres and employment as farm labourers in Can- ada _duttug 1017, as residenée duties Nader cor aln conditiona, When Domigion Latids Are Advortised or posted for eutry, returned soldiers who 'hate served overseas and have boos, honotiably discharged; receive ona day priority in applying fot entry at locdl Agent's Office oot uot Sub- Agency). Discharge papers must be ' presented to ABS : 3 7. CORY, Piney ad of the Titerlof. +B --~Unauthoined publication of for. erect a lotise worth $300 00. - sh] Holders of entries may count time of 4 ~ANY QUANTITY OF -- ie os £ TE FRIOHE PATE TX Phones Heli 6S rz. Jud, #% 4° FREQ Mery frtiddksior (0 DR. T. Graham] Graduate, Roval Collage of Dental Sur goons wud University' of Torunto. E='Office .- PORT PERRY; Obt 'WwW. J. GIBSON SONYA ONT. Licensed Auctioneer " ValuAtor, &c. CHEAPEST FOOD" 31bs SARVIS BROS' Bread at 20 cts, full weight, 3 Tbs, 1202s,. Potatoes at $4.00 per go Ibs. Then d wet probably 4o per cent for peeling and" wastage. Epesmember that Three-fourths of eve ery Potato is Water get the FOOD VALUE com with Bread, which ir cent FOOD VALUER clear ti rough to the last crust. ev * Potatoes, Wat More BREAD, but be Sure its - BRPS, which is The Best, 366 days bach year [Sucoumbis £8 pa & Oarnogie] Sole Agents for The Ford We piirpose rushing business antl guarantee our patrons satisfaction in every respect. . THE FORD, as all are - aware, is giving satisfactory results, and ae to practibility | it, is without a peer-- Hence its great popalirity. WARD & PEARSE _ FIRE INSURANCE ACERTS, - PORT PERRY, ONT: APPLICATIONS FOR INSURANCE expiditiously pegotiated and for through ou the rapid transit system--you are insured ou reeeipt of application, . w WE ARE ALSO AUTHORIZED TO {RSTANTANEOUSLY ADs SMALL LOSSES 14) JT AY LIVE STOOK NSU NOE We bave full contro} in this dis. trict for all Iusurance of the (igneral Animals 1suange Company. fLAGENTS ror ORGANS axp PIANUS,®¢ Patronage respectfully solicited. am awe, 2 WARD &. PEARSE. ry > TOR RT St. Charles Botel PORT PERRY Tvmp ov ro ribo a Real Extate Agehey ail ber of First ty Farms tal Properties. ¢ r The Directors of the Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society have pleasure in "-gnounciug thejr Annual. Fair. Everything has-been done to eugpurage the Kxhibi- Aton, the list of Exhibits ltas been much increased and thove in now being oftered = $1100 IN PRIZES ~ Exbibiiors are requasted to have tho Exhibits on the grounds earl y. Ladiod" Work, Vege: go Sables; ¢ Grain. etc. should be on hand on Thursday, Sept, 13, , There will be' a Night Watchman to protect Exhibits, Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Gliatdtiteed. ailing price of bread is now 11 cents a Loaf which wil Patronage tespecfullysolicited. us until further notice! RVIS BROTHERS Sitico omibarking in thin Hotel busi neds tie patronage a: INF the St. CARLES HoTEL has far exceeded my most sanguine. PARERS AND OONF£OTIONERS. expectations and Iwish:to return, thanks to the general pub. lic and the farming community in particular for their gener-. ous and kind patronage, at the same time I would intimate. that the ST. CHARLES now possesses far superior facilities for entertaining the public and no expense i spared .in: making it still more perfect to meet ths requirements ands win still further a probation , o gifests. The comfort of its patrons will. always bo of firs consideraton, so that thelr. good opinion of the Br. CHARTIES may be heralded throug. out the entite Dominion and the traveling public thus made. intimataly acquainted with the fact that. Port Perryin. beiug. posesssed o of the St. CHARLES isin the swim as-regards first-: class and desirable hotel accommodation, and -at the;same, time to admonish alk:that it is THe Hore that is doing its, utmost to make, hte] life what it should be, and that my =. ;| charges, as in the past, will be noted, for moderation. The: * '| table always sy With THE BEST in the land, and legal: beverages of the fisieat ualities served at all hours ; imports. business Stified the mn oon \ : : ed ad, domestic pe Auto and car tourists will find the; nected theféWith we intend to rR i o 81. CHARLES a de ble refige. for dainty and substantial. : -- a meals and every gafivénience during their sojourn, apd their - RE. HORSE THE STABLES : | vebicles will 156 placedin charge of. careful attendants. : "Thes with Best cli: animals, and instal Commercial Trade gatered { to. and first-class Swnple Booms. . fire at instant comme i PHONE 72 |CAWE ® Rog (Successors. To. Jamison & Dennison.) LIVERY =| Having pitvéRased (lie.. Livery mronTANT NoricE Lo Ovingag | : : "dec SipERABLE EXPERIENCE us a Painter and Signi hi id ¥ have Opened - Business : t regards. st y du al SECA