Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Mar 1917, p. 1

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+ . Pour 2 Offices hours:--S--i0Fa. iM, "1-8 p.m, | and Evenin a. a or Tolophone connection 'over: Bell' and Independent tirtus: fa ¥ WML H. HARRIS, BA. LLB, Sugcessor to and ol t of the offices of the JateF. M. Yarnold. Port Perry, - Oat. MONEY TO way. Private Fons at 4 per otnf. WoL. \ Jno. W. Crozier. ° ARRISTER, ®, CONVEYANOER, B &e. Office at residence, 6th Cou. Reanh (ome mile 'west of Port Perry,)-- |- Money To Loan. Issuerof . Marriage Licnses. R. FARRWELL, K.O , LL.B., County J. Crown At'orny, Barrister, County Sol- " citor, &o., Roy, Public and Gouveyincer. OJffice--Soul \ wing Court House, Whitby, Ont, J. A, MURRAY DENTIST Rooms over Rose & Ce., "The Far." Hours 9a, m. to6 p. my ° PHONE OF no "x A Weekly Politieal, Agricultyral and Family Newspaper 18 PUSLISHED AT roxT TERRY, 0 AVERY THURSDAY MORNING bY H. PARSONS MA. 81 adoum, if paid in advamos ; .5¢ hi 1 ee a Se eg ER than six muha; sod ao paper duscontivued until agprents are paid i (hon: salu o this ETTERS containing moner, whon adlrmet ADVERTISEMENTS and charged SEY I RRY WE ON Thi Sanday Hon Hinge-Stay¥ence Manafactured By the O Sound Wire Fence Uo. Ltd. and am prepaied to supply ity whole community with the very, BEST WIRE FENCE producgdl on this Coatinent and at Aon A can not fail to satisfy purchagers. The DiLroN Fence is {githout a peer It is'the BEST becuse it is flexible; it is a square mes sis a perfect hiuge-stay fence, flierefore it is impossible to bead fhe stays in fact it is the best fence made in this or any other country. Before purchasing a Wire Fence don't fail to inspect the DiLion Fence. J. H. Brows, DEALER 18 AGRICULTURAL InmPLE MENTS AND MACHINERY. April 6. 1905. RAND TRUNK K'Y. SPSTEN Poat Perry, GOING BOPTH. GOING NORTH. 6.40 a m. 9.07 a.m. 11.55 a.m, 5.55 p.m, 1.40 p.m. 7.33 pm. C. 2. R. Time Table. MYRTLE STATION. Going East Going WusT 10.17 a.m. 6.82 a.m. SEAGRAVE ss Za 6.27 p m. 8.50 a.m. 11.08 p.m. 5.50. p.m. * 1:50 p.m, | A. J. DAVIS, Town Agnet, EE cr Ts pm: ADVERTISEMENTS Toguived for pablication, with- » out Instructions, until it be take ous wal Tadd tor? se BERAL discount allowed to Merchants snd other s vo advortias by the yar or haf year. THESE terms will in all oases be stflotly adhered to JOB DEPARTMENT. Pausphlots Hood Bills, Posters Progritas, Dodgers ~~ BilHesds, Checks Lester Heads, Wedding Invitations, Blank Forme: Roosipt Books Business Corie Books Circulars, ~~ 'Asserably Cards, © Visto Oards, dc, Sh Ea She County... Lapa hea printed poy Bb ine: ot H, PARSONS, Va or : Port Parry Ont, 4 Clerk of the Third Ww. BURNHAM, Division Court, Offies in Psot Office Ja ss Harrison, D:ess and Mantle Maker \ ISHES. to inform the ladies that she has moved to the roms formerly occupied by her over Mr. Flint's Drug Store where she is prepared. to execute all or ders for Dress acd Mantle Makidg in a manger unsurpassed for Correctness of Style . and Charm Effect. Our charges are consistent the value given. 3a Port Percy, April 1, 1909, TICKETS TO ALL FARTS. OF THR Worto.--Mr. W. H. McCaw Port Perry, is now in a position to. issue tickets to all parts of theavesld and to supply all netessary to parties as to 'the and best &c. In' his road and been re the EY Drom vot ba arth SBE NIC GORE CAL pt iA AERA a A oi ; Re pk a Se E. A. ADAMS, H. G."HUTCHESON, Bell Plone Bell Phone No.41 Residence ADAMS & HUTCHESON | ; ove INSURANCE nis | | Real Estate Mortgage Loans! Steamship. Tickels [783 = E: MAKE YOUR DOLLARS FIGHT AT THE FRONT. BUY DOMINION OF CANADA THREE-YERR War Savines CERTIFICATES 100.00 86.00 INDIVIDUAL PURCHASES LIMITED TO $1502, FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE FiNnaANOE DEPARTMENT JAN. 9, 1917 OTrTawa wim wwiBMAY dad BODL BS of war to Nova Scotia. Wh | 'The experiences of these A y prisoners are moet ! | your part of the narrative |s oh give an from the prisoners themselves, to lating as it does to the of their, cruiser in pursuit of her easy and Two days before war was Give § ; between England and Germany, the same In anticipation of such a chances to win pro- § indicates how thoroughly motion and snccess 8 had prepared herself to make 'asthe lad having the and effective strikes, the advantage of cruiser Kaiser Wilhelm der WEBSTE R'S hia iy ho Te or Sm REW INTERNATIONAL she captured two English schooners, seizing their Dictionary in his home, This new answers with finai anthor- fish and sinking both vessels. Taking a southerly course, she questions Ys $icgrapty, on, sports, arts, in touch with a British hip, and was rapid} ' ing her when information was gerously near at hand. The Kaiser Wilhelm der was immediately turned and Tor the west. coast of rich pickings were | salt g on this course and sank two ships, and, ly. made for the When 'within a STEN THOSR WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT 3 MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE § " IN SUMS OF $500, OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchunge at any chartered Bank in Canada) gf the rate of five por cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering st par and accrued interost, as the equivalent of cash, in pay- ment of any allotment made under any future war foan issue in Cennda than en issue of Treasury Bills or other like shart dete security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commimion of onc-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond snd etock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. For ication forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA OCTOBER 7th, 1916. THE MINISTER OF FINANCE REQUESTS ¥HE PEOPLE OF CANADA TO BEGIN NOW YO SAVE MONEY FOR THE NEXT WAR LOAN wo by to halt. This command was uttered thrice, causing one of the prisoners to stand fast. His companion broke into 'a"Tun, and when tbout eighty distant was shot and instantly The prisoner who had suffi- to come to a halt camp that 'had been t 'was . INTERESTED IN DOMINION. tape { spacial Land correspondent _ Se i His Rorai Highness the Duke whenever there is an oppor- he seems to go out of his way comfort io : in high ity ogi: i # war security, o ps s0, has helped twice, pk £ kind of help is the most manufacturers of the United will make war supplies for money. We are doing better only if we Bup- ply them on credit." "The United Stdtes coast guard in 1916 saved 1,607 lives. A TYPICAL CANADIAN. ~~ Brief Sketch of Man Who Does Honor to Dominion. News has come to his home that C-- H--, a young man who lived in or #0 near Toronto as to make no difference, has been gazetted a lieu- tenant. To those who knew him the case of C-- H, for in this instance the good old custom of the censor ship must be followed, and credit withheld where it is due, is one' of the most inspiring of the war, It has been generally supposed that the great majority of the soldiers who enlisted in the first contingent, whe threw down their tools of trade st the first blast of war and rushed to arms, were lured by adventure, that they were fighting men who newer backed away from an argument, and who would rather be in a muss tham not. That may be so, but periiaps most of us knew an exception to the rule. C-- H-- was such an excep- tion. He was not a fighting man. Probably he had never struck a how in anger in his life, even when he was a schoolboy. He was'tiot thirst- ing for adventurs,, He was not tired of home; nor did he yearn, so far as he gave bis "experience" now then. He was a good boy, aad looked it, and this may have been what exasperated a lot of people who knew him casually. cleties, bad been married couple of years. He bad one little baby. The only son, he wassalso, in i 2k Spibi KE ge ill [iH = pk- this lad who had been gently, tender- ly brought up, was roughing it in the mud at Salisbury Plain. went to France later, was promoted from private to corporal, from cor- poral to sergeant, and to Now he is a lieutenant. m if you have failéd to make . the part that devotion to believes to be right plays fa . ns. V. MeAree in i

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