Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Dec 1916, p. 2

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de. Theh no «real Catia Lh but' it 4 Bolice Magis- 3 cgreteive, enterpris- wi town of Orillia) disy Church. The gentlentin it certainly phoroughly posted'on dil be aitribufed in part -to| Pertaining to the aims and objects 1epresentation of Canadi- that has been 'made in contri The Dominion nmen instance, hus - of that important department of the church with which he stands identi- fied, and he possesses the happy faculty of voicing its power in a reputation of showing 'collections of practical and i inspiring manner that ian products at the legting national fairs, which fot exotl- "of products exinbited and artisiic presentation are rarely ualled by any other coupfy, i © The Canadian Pacific' Railay also has carried on a' very impor. fant Work in making Canada's 're sources known in: other lands and ". patticularly i in the neighboring re- pablic. Not only at such 'interna- tional events as the Panams.Pacific Xposition a year ago, but also in exhibits of a more local nature, the . Canadian Pacific Railway has lost Miu opportunity of representing Canadian resources in a manner_of Which the citizens of this country y. well be proud. Handsome displays of Canada's resources in. 'eludipg minerals and fruits, but more particularly the products of the Western farms, are maintained at a number of the chief centres profighout the United States and ever fail to excite favorable com- eof, + Obe of the exhibits recently, es- is at the Bureau of Indgs: ; Agriculture condficted by je Chicago Herald on the second | gor of fhe Ashland block, corner f Clark and Randolph streets, icago. At this Bureau are ex: its showing the resources of ly of the States of the United {és and also of Canada. Cana- Visiting Chicago are invited to at the Bursar at the address above and make themselves n to the attendant in charge ol ie Canadian Pacific Railway ex- hibi there. All our readers having in the South who are likely visit © cago during the "winter country a good turn by g that these. friends take" heir visit there to see Ives what Canada has to it. The Burean is open every day and motion pictures illus. the different districts repre. 'cannot fail to be coovicing and be- neficial. - "The pattiotic timents, he give expression td. 28 'regards the good works of the 'Rutboriities {row in power in Canada were cer- teiply highly, 'appropriate « and keeping with the present @ims, rT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SasBaTH, 10th DECEMBER ANNI- VERSARY OF Pastor's INDUCTION 11 a.m.=--*Covenanting With God." 7 p-m.--"The Unpayable Debt." 3 p m.--Sabbath School and Bible Class. Everybody welcome at these services -- P®™~ Do you wish Holiday Pre- sents which cagnot fail to 'please both 'the buyer and recejver? Go to J, D. Robertson's. pr pr ---- HIGH SCHOOL ENTERTAIN- MENT CHRISTMAS FAIR NIGHT mer examinations . and the cham- pionship medals won on; Field Day will be awarded after which a good Play abounding 'with: amusing in- eidents and situations will be given by a number' of the :stadents. - Be sure to reserve the evening, Fuller announcement later.' i iin For HoLipay PrESENTS, the new- est, prettiest, and best ever offer. ed in Port Perry are to be found at J. D. Robertson's. ~~ ethos ssi AucTION SALE. --A Brand chagde to purchase Fitst-Class * Horses': High-Grade Shorthorn Cattle; snd and the best quality 1mplenierits, Machines, &c. . Messts A and A; by mammoth posters 'colors an of Auction Sale of all their: farm stock the Fahett if $s | in the A of] sat | the industry ia: Canada. ) local points are going 4s high as 75 days, t {cents a dozen. . Glad. we 'are nol e running a bakery at Tool Points, Wy A magaifl indent "of éhoice Gold Rings at J. Ds Robért: §on's Jewelry Stores *" - "There is-a botindary' Tine ind Adfan's life that i§ called thaturity; behind 1t Ties his entbdslagth, and beyond it lies his tolerances, : : he potat ughy rmet, lth a twinkle i in his eye. "There mst be honey in {Can- adidny shells," says, the Lis card Speaker: Theté is tioté than money in them, 4s the Germans kaaw to their cost, EP Tue Dimon #roit THE ~ Skv --(Series)--is the leading featute Tuesday "Nights at. the Royal Thaatre, Dou't. fail fo witness the meteoric effect of this wonder: ful production' of the. Photo. A group of Chicago men are or- n |ganising a company to establish a regular aeroplane mail service be- tiveen Chicago and Detroit and Chicago ahd New York. 'An egg a day, or your neck," says the Penetabguishene Herald, is the barnyard slogan to the hens, Counting six working days the week, surely. ' Solicitor.General Meighen's speech |. on the nickle question: was ¢ liverance of a statesman, not itician, Mr, Meighen 'is man to feel proud off t : The Bowmanville, Review refers to Is "esteemed 'local contenrpor- ary" 'as "an old mifch cow." A valuable animal in these times. Pos- sibly a compliment is intended. The tegulpr meeting of King Ed- d Loyal Orange Lodger Ne, 28 il be bold in Ota ge Qo treet, on 8th, E En Officers. dt down to supp! be diffcyil to conceive of, at least, the tables wérd gotuipi a style highly creditablé fo thé nt i etor?of the Sebert Housd. was in the best {possible tas ahd matter 'of expense 9 n disregarded by the énterp al Lerer for the generous entértainm of the guests, all of whiofii mani fasted their _ppreetation of the géf erogity and good taste at Thespreads| The' Séating. capacity was fully og cupied and tHe company ra such.as all could enjoy' and 4 do credit to any Celebratidh whe ever held ; quite a uumbey came] from a: distapce' and did Honor toi han gers, tender the best bunk to all those who came from a dis<f 2 tance "ahd did: sé thich towardsf- \ ing Det. 3, at 2°p.os| ogram will be varied and Mrs. D. Thompson] give be Her teport of the Instittile vention héld in Toronto: Ani ange' 'of Christmas. gilts, not fo ceed 45¢ in value, is arranged for. thie Jor of "a" *Grab Bag A mas ofiecink of 25¢ is asked Hfrodr-each niember in ordvr that sogiety: may. do. ug share in hg 'the lives! of - the: little he Children's Shelier," +r «+ -Hogg-- Waugh iss. Nina Margaret Pauline securing 'the complete success which f ¥¥# crowned the seelebration. Thanks arg-also due and are cheerfully teridered to: thosé of othe national |S ities, 'the sons and daughters of Merry Eagan, and "the sons 'ald fey : » the by Was pronounced fo (Jax, isk, 1917) In the Town "Hall, Blackstock, undét the adspices of St. Jobn's{, Sonday School." The kag OWaDy. Miss nals Langm 0, Reader (See Lithos.) The programme will commerce at 8: p m;, sharp. Ad. best' for very. many years, 'oughly' 'nderstands the ark A of ing. Hoggls aid graciously anpplied | the genuine Brticle: - Supper over a general 'made for the sec Sission~-Adults '23 stad Children | = 15 cis. Special Services, | vith This offering, on Sunday, Dec. 31st, 1916 ) --11, ain. and 7 p.m. "adem AT PROSPEC The Prospect 'Ladies' Aid pues pose holding a Socialjon December 43th, at the home of Mrs. Chas. k are served. A'gdod i be rendered Admission agama 1s : 50 Satur- v. 4 Mr. James: Scou son of the late Mr. rod Mrs, the » wedding maseith Me delssolin: The rooms 'were 'decorated. w palms, ferns a: 'epables the prosp tive buyer a largo variety from which he' s n. ne a sslechion, suitable t beyand his pocket. A 'aitham, Elgin, Hamilto: ecial, Swiss made an

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