Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Nov 1916, p. 2

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7? out the Good Roads Toting was bold es Pacis" will be i= tie Town Halto evening of {the Racket 1a Theatre, Port | Monday last; the, attendance' was | mistake. Like tgdmortow) event! not large owing. to the fact that christening, ele: w i deal priotity of announcement had 'been | The unerridg © 1§: nota sing given of a poptlar 'entettainrment; eiinthe Photo Io 0 10 ing One' withthe other: interest ndver-lags a course - the reels are Much interest, however, was taken | inity should! particularly With the Sddrersis de- fother grounds wotld;: and, | ioared by the djstinguished gentle: | man ever been insfance, fe ins': esn sucy inet fom a distance who are Ahor- tion "it redpeotive of expense in- oughly pasted on the scheme knowh , Jail ube present | a8 the Good Roads Association and | thid fokmorrow evening. | their deliberation 'and support of a the, admission at 15} (he important measure was in keep- | pegs then, one of foie, a segatdspric it will:be |, ing with the' itportance 'of the| Millet, of the | within Teal ¢ Pufther Exteasion of the "+ Term of Parliament tiseraLs mu MUST MAKE Hon. AE: Kemp Says They Must Take Responsibility - 0 Blgotion J is. Forced Ses If thereis a Federal Teleution in Canada before the endhof the war it will cotiie bedadse the Liberal party deliberately chooses to plunge the .country into political strife. Unless the Libera's te'use unanimous con _ sent to. an '1f 'nsion of the Parlia- entry. (ef mm the Government of Rober Borden" will continue to & devote its whole energies to the pro- "decalion of the war until-victory for "the allied caiise removes Irom them added '164d of , responsibility they ave how carrying. The position" of the Government as made thoroughly clear by Hon. 7 ry Kemp Ind night in sddreses bi og the Ward One Eiberal-Canserv- ative Association. Fon, Mr. Kemp "came ail the way from Ottawa . to speak, and his statement was made with deliberate care: "If constitutiondl consideration re alone regarded it' would have been proper' to have held ai loge emai aed ad SRE ye ; Li _ heldaid "The highest considera-' : of the public interest and de- t régard for public opinion were aken'into account hy the Govern- ment, and dn extension of the Par- liamentary term was proposed for reasons. which apply will equal iF@et greater force to' such further * extension as will make an election upnecessary during the continuarice of the war." " "For that reason the Government' 'proposes to ask for such further ex< tension as may 'be necessary; and upon the Liberel party will rest the 'tesponsibility of determining wheths #ra war election shall' be avoided] or whether party strife shall be . prncipitated and carried" on duting {the pending struggle. "We have no fear of the result but we: think #t is no time for an election; if there is'to be an election it must be brought on at the n- nce of the Liberat party, of this country, 'We cannot" have an'exs tension of (he parliamentery term Parliament, iti ry to 01 he British Parliamentwith toe tof Canada." r Kemp. rofeired to the. M eth Chifich PitBose holding a Grand Rally Meeting on tlie even ing® of Monday tiext, when an'excel- lent Program will be rendered and choice Refreshments gerved. No admission. The young ladies of the League cordially invite all to the Grand Rally. Let the response be such as to fill the auditorium to its utmost capacity for a rich and fare treat is ip store for all, A collection will be taken Rally Pund. REE JFirru Novemssr CELEBRATION. -- The Fifth of November Celebration held ander the anspices of the Loy- al True Blues in aid of their Or- phanage in the Royal Theatre on Monday, 6th inst.-proyed a splen- did success. The Alifeature Limit- ed; (Toronto) Reels supplied by Mr. Clarence Robson, Manager of that famous and popular concern were certainly highly creditable and, Mr. Quina in making so Judicious selec. tions as the "Girl of the *Sunny South", '"Cofitedy Feature", *"Re- view of Canadian Troops at Shorn- cliffe by Sir Robert. Borden", *Re- view of thé Battleships of the Allied Fleets"; showed Le had: done "his part to perfection, and it was evident that 'the audience appreci- ated his. good judgment, = The Mirical part of the program was well sustained and' prove® a rich treat, the entertainers Sendering a ram that an ks 3 W. Nesbitt, "and 'Miss Meriam Harris. The citizens of Port Perry and vicinity will. kindly accept the sincere thorities of the' 1¢ton in" connection with the Loyal True. Blue Association for their noble; and generous response jn turning out so largely and thus contribufing" so liberally towards the funds of so-worthy an institu- tion. . Auction Sate~--See the large, colored Posters . anfiouncing the Auction Sale 8f Farm Stock, Im- plements, &c., of Mr, Wm. Milden- hall, dot 23, con. 3; Reach; which takes place on Monday, Nov. 20. The list is a good one and embraces for - the |: occasion and their contentions met £ the pprobiation of dll present. The few -judicious and highly appropriate remarks, stated the objett-and great importance of the |' meeting. Mrs H Q. Hutchesofi was appointed Secretary. Thelfol- |; lowing gentletgen next addressed the meeting and their names ate a sufficient guaraniée that full justice was done the guestion: "Mr. J.-B. Laidlaw, Whitby Defuity Minister McLean. Mr. Henry, M.P.£.; York. At the close of the Addresses an interesting discussion took place in which a num of our citizens took part, when Mr. Jeffrey, seconded by Mr Purdy, moved: -- That a: Good Roads Assoeiation for the. Village of Port. Perry be pow, férmed to be a Branch of the Good Reads Asso- ciation for the County of Ontario, and to.be kaown as the Port Perry Good Roads Association.--Carried. 'Jhat the objects of the Associa- tion shall bg jo further the improve: ment and gaintenance of all Public Roads in the Villlage of Port Perry and in the Gounty of Ontario, and to do ali things which will assist in the carrying out of the objects of the Assgtiation. That this Branch shall have a Chairman, Vice Chairman, * Secre- tary:Treasurer and ------------ Dir- ectors who shall be elected at 'this e | meeting and hold office for, Ho .| from the date of their" elect dtound the bi messagethat can ing there and the ing were good™ lowed brought n the tents, preparal and of waiting hunters to arrive, press there is no ing killed as yet, +0 stated there was two on the ground thers difficulty in tracking fs the pigeon carrier Joule Beg | Oshawa Reform 8 number qf Sra jit was unusually, large.) "Red Taw", ECE in order to get his Hota, on Leask of Port Péjey, Jor all that gentleman had to" step off his car, enfer {he woods the north, when he espied the | est and fattest dder at lage, udging by the tgxturé and aut a 56 ity of his license card le that animal was hig¢ ditions which he in by despatching a rifl ball 'wh rar of the 'motets shortest time p nftil their' successors shall hive sc béen elected. The Chairman shall preside at ofi meetings and direct the proceedings thereof according to parliamentary He shall have general sup- ervision of the work of the Branch and call meetings from time to time for the consideration and tramsac< tion of any business that. may be brought before them. In his ab- sence the Viee Chairman shall preside and perform any and all the daties pertaining to the office of Chairman. The - Secretaty-Treasurer shall keep a record of the "minutes of all Meeting of this branch, conduct its correspondence, réceive all wonies meat shop; where it as { ation of aii it will glance that Port Perry unbke the eportsmen 6 and Orillia have no use J pigeons, Tams and othe are practical to a dem and 'send back whut = alter--tbhe kings of the Among: othets licenses of the, wv Issuer in Port -Pérry issues only winhitg oi D. Carnegié. | A, |. Carnegie. as, Wa. Graham oh Geo. N. Finigan. "Alb Don. Mctennan a large number of splendid Dairy | intended for use by the Branch and Joba Birkett Cows' and' Young' Cattle; young Horses and Swine; while the list of Machinery and Implements includes the best, and all will go at Auction Pries. Make a note of time and place of sale' and don't fail to be present on time. Mr Jackson will '188na Bttation Pont forget' the. Grand Concert in ghe- Town Hal), on Saturday ginext;lund ade? the auspices of resident of thé uesday, result Fo a tien, forthwith deposit them in somie}C Chartered Bank in the. Village of Port Perry (to the credit of an ac- count in the name of the Port Perry Good Roads Association) prepage all cheques on the bank account for the signature by himself and to be countersigned by the Chairman, and carry out the instructions of "the chairman in accordance with this constitation and perform any other duty which may be required of him. --Carried~ ik It was 'moved and seconded by Mr, Leonard that M¢: Jas, Stonehouse of Port Perry be Chiairman of this: Batch . Heayn =~ oho Leask McCabe Is Through th Dr Willian A Armour Marin, & Broek To "18 1-;bon nt of A ec {ou ga Fagg CLASS 2-GR eshed Barley am 1916 Plot 1 Lucille Leask, 2 Willie Stovin, 12° 8 Jean Gibson, 10 urd: Mark, 9 seman Howsam, 19 Threshed Barley. from plot of oti years. y th Rynard, 16 6 Lalu Mitchell, 12 Sec 4-- Plot of Sweet Pead" 1 Alice Willinme, B. 2 Blanche Beaton, 15 3 Lama Thomas, 12 4 Amy Real, 127 £ Ola Stone, 15 % 8 Grant Real, 1% re Seo 5 Plot o Mary Re 2, Dells Gibson; 12 2 Mildred Beaton, 13 4 Laura Clements, 18 5 Irene Spoffard, 12 6 Willie Whitford, 12 N oble Rynard, 16 cold Tomlinson, 19 "Threstied 'Oats frém plot 'of atlem, 16 h Rynard; 16. loyd Aétion, 16 nley McKay, 16 Warde! White, 19 Sec 1--Five Snows 1 Marie Akh: 2 Jean Gibson, 10 3 Daljus Lingle, 117° 4 Willie O'Neill, 13 4% 684m Cawker, 9 :| Bet 2 Five Spien' 1 Marion Leask, 13 2 Una Slecp, 13 8 Lioyd Acton; 18 4 Kathleen Leask, 12 heal of Oats- reeinan Howsam, 19 6 Willie O'Ni ft] xt & gruel White, 19 Ho 4 em én 5: Clifford Bark 900 © 6 Uva Sleepy 18: Kio td Five Winter Apples #0) Bam Cawker, 9 +2 Una och: 13 3 Lloy Asoo 4 Jean a | Pi rd po 8 Tron ON \ 1 Sec h---Five Pears 1 Ethel Tummonds, ¥ 3.Elw Seo T- Weeds L204 - J bint RRR E ole CLASS 7--APPLES 5 Siildred McPhail, 2 Brask 4 CLASS mations : suf, ete every raised if' Canada tio dre Tightiny ler. battles the pledge that these fam i ilies will be - looked after, will be kept {om want, will be. mairaine 1 a positon of comfoft dt Teast "tegual to that 'whtich hey" enjoyed ER) A pec pledge inust he kept, "By P aps'or another, the thirte=u' "land a half milhor must be forth: Te Ryvard, 16 | Holley Browa, 17 a Jean Gilscn, 10 . CLANS 10--MISCELLAREQUS Seq Hai mer Handle = _X Staw fey 3 MoeKay, 16 712 Lloyd Acton, Ch = 8 Biwood Clemente, 13 7) Kelp be Rey units, | 84 $4 Sito Weisttoia 12 Soo 2 Farm Device 1 Edwood Clements, 18 2. Willie U'yeil | 8 | Se BWWork Foi Jack-knife Clement 9° es Tok 8 Merle Sh. ohn, 16 ot gr Rs it N 2 Noble Ryudyd,. i = 1a fitmer basis;is not by Fn Lt sely on th who's stay i t per mon in'the chk Wit, in adc abd Te os Gazeite says: I Perhaps some not give as fi iherally: uf theie r circtin- matter tasts © etween ifemselves : | and 'their. conciénces, "the "other band, those familie who hava suffered the loss of some of their | members, invaniably gave the most. ° "widowed lady whose" Wg at the front, Bad "dollar 0! i other mother's son" The. hird in~ stance worth referfing: to was a lice Where the owner! could: oi bf that "*he was not: ear. ihe movements many afier the war, and seek to re-- oa Ariendship on ing kindly ought to be 4 alter-war. punishuent vo lvent her from: © 1ead Eo ki ns Ghar 's Prestige in the world of trad must: oy alter her prestige as _mittary power has been. sslatyed SEE aa

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