Comwr | wind (5B, Tha i hr Stade} + ty of J M. Macfarlane, . A make Huis sug % ium as (5762) =~ The: i s LAniported Clyde] tho proparty of AT H. ut tr Station=(Phq LIFE- BUOY WOMEN'S WHITE if 3 ENG X of 4] frogs i threa' years. A homesteader 3 Z {ne C1 homestend pate; | Be FUG SHES. ERS CANVAS SHOES - Flaraday i soon, for hE he woason nk oll "Mitchell's, Ri n Lak Anite Charuton's, con. © Tuosdny for:noou at Oromo | 7 ig! "Perey Clark's; at Walter | o¢ oc 00 00D ing the season of 1918 this stalflon s rved mares bow ANE ° 2 8 oon LL 0 h& i Alsihe Clover "Phane Torri iL] Red Clover follows: Meidiay Peas (blac ke mous Clydesduin id. jro- th atu : Sif i, | Cattle, perth. iy oo8@ + | Blogs, pot 100 Ibs. curt co @% : 0 24 @ a MELE buth Strap and Lage = Special 10. 0--Regular $4 50 per pele $3.50 I savas sms nse RE hi bd BECO ISERNESIET RISES | + SUMMER SESSION § $ 8 3 Now open in Shaw's Business § thools Torontu, dontinnes un- § 18.ul Aug: 28th. when: Fail Term 8 # begins, No. vacatiens. En: § $ ter any time. Free catalogye. § 3 3 Write W. HH. Shaw, President, § 8 $ [mms ess 00. M ' ure. gy Watters have .1916, dissolved r; Mosuie will con ment of the Si. 0 26 partners 'inte the - ose endeavor will] within vive miles of his homostekd on a arm of at least 8) acre, on '¥ettain habitable where residetios 8 pel o viclaly rain districts a homasteader in etaniliog may pre-empt a waiter section alongsida of bis hom. - Pics SA00 por were, Pretion. -- ix wanthyexidecce in each Ur NuArd after earning homestead 130 £0 acres axton Titvation jiescurp jon patent muy be oYtdined x- on certiin, Eoudis Bonus, 4 A. Aatiler whi has exhausted his (hy: Ate right, Thay talks a piarchased néstond fu certain districte, ~ | af seve. Duties.-- Must: reside A fi each ol three vears, cultiv- eres and eroct a house worth Th area of cultivation is £0 ct to red aétion m case of rough, dgrubhy or stony land. ave efock maybe sudsti- tutad for cultivation under captain con- diviols, W. W.CORY.C.MG.. 'Deputy of the Miiister of the laterior. N. B --Unauthorized publication nf this advertisoment will not, be paid for 01858. House a Lot for Sale| in Port Perry HE UNDIES FOR SAL $ uf Stnie 0d Street. Ng ehutaing aight Fog god good stable and shed RL os * SUrrond » Beautiful TR X CU RORVNOV SE May B,) 1916, DISHEY BROS EMBALMERS AND i FUNERAL DIRECTORS BLONG BLOCK PORT PERRY. Rell Phonic No. a1. ¢ niered ro! 54 Tex: igh A large stock of Equipmeht to' chiodse from W.u. GIBSON SONYA ONT! Valuatar, &c. Charges Moderate and Satisfac 2 Guaranteed. Fatronage respactulzsliied Phones ~Bell 68 r 2. g J.B. Lundy, LDS, D DENTAL SURGEON 1 Successor to Dr. Ra "Ls Grabur Graduate, Koval Culleg of goons and Univ fice ~ FORT PERRY, ¢ DURING THIS NONTH THE | ~ PRICES WILL GOVERN-- 4 A PEIVERED { f IN TOWN Nut Coil $8 50 Stove & Egg Cul 8 25 Pea Coal 7 25 $8 00 775 675 ra 25a lo ton diseoudit| WHEN CASH scsomasies (der for Coal below Deliv, | Orchard "i" |" por PERRY ool Wanted-| 0.0000 LES. FOOL WAR | HIGHEST PRICE PAID . AT HIN. S For INsURANGR expiditiously n pegotinted onl pit d transit gystem--you are insured Teel: of application, (ALSO AUTHORIZED TO INSTANTANEOUSLY Anish Wo have astablished a Real Estate Ageng Fnow have for sale a number of Firs arms and Desirable Residental Properties : INSURANOE --We. have full control in this diss urance of the General Animals Insurance Company. Ta. AGENTS ror ORGANS Asp PIANOS, = op ir Patronage re8pectiully solicited. WARD & PEARS) LIVE 8 trict for all --- AVING HAD CONSIDERABLE EXPERIENCE as a Painter Hone Decorator -and Sign Writer I have Opened Business and am prepared to do all Work entrusted to mein a Manner. i at. cannot 1aiF{g give the utmost satisfaction as regards style, durability," perfection 'of execution and prices. Havigg had somewhat, intricat experience With a number of Jarge firms in Toronto, I feel confident that I can GUARANTEE ALL Wort. ENGRO SSING A SPECIALTY PATRONAGE SOLICITED. CSTEWART FORD 3 TORONTO! OTTAWA! GUELPH! TEVOLO RISDYK , =Bi1-- 53950 "By Royal Rysdyk 8964, sire of Gallagher soa |. b Foank Rysaye 2 off, Sam. Rysdyk 2.098; ele. g ah own stable, Blackstock, and proceed to' iy uff, 'noon ; to 'Arthur Thornton '8, dot 23 night ed 12 Oruno Hotel, noon ; to Percy Clarke's Ho ceed 'to "Walter Moore's; lot 11, con. 5 East w Raglan Hotel, for night. 3 d to Sebert' House, Port Perry, Hoo! stock, and remain Lill the following Mond: R ANTE O RYSD] is