een ovorsot of the 'of Ontario has proclaimed fourth day ot August a Public y and urges the calling of Meetings throughout the nce on the date mentioned for | awa purpose of stimulating the de- wotion and patriotism of Our people and of embodying those sentiments in appropriate resolutlons and there: "by uniting them effectually for the for the supreme effort which is pec- 5 essary to bring to a victorious 1 fssue the struggle for the maintenance of those ideals of liberty and justice . which are the common and sacred ~ ganse of the Allies ; All of which Premises all our lov- fog subjects and all others whom it doth or may in any wise concern are * hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. LOWER SCHOOL EXAMINATION The following a students of Port Perry High Sehool have passed the Lower School Examinatien : Leslie Berry gossie Jobes argare! ns (wriii fo Ri tw ine) Dorothy Orchard Worden Sonley Ubpa Spence ------ said 10° be' fifty-six males io the National Liberal Sadviscry Committee which has been | 2 meeting in Ottawa. Hon. Sydney Fisher and Hon. Mackerzie King We are told there is danger; ahead for the Borden Gov- | h ernment because the Province of Nova Scotia is still Liberal, having ex Liberal for something over itty years. Get it? Neither do More than $:25,000,000 has been spent . in Canada as a result of the], Goverhmeént's action in creating the munitions industry--in the face of evety obstacle that the La Opposition knew how to The county of Richmond, N.S. |" a Conservative in the pro- elections, epresented in Parliament nd Kyte was 80 busy hat he couldnt spare 7 at find that cer}. contractors made many s by subletting ! Car, com= herited custom for only one | them to. long hours of to ill better the] elothing suggesti Setenadis the Department has | das of the r ion; so there | Women more the Jaw, This gressive, and es er thes in Bayonet, ee subscription | thrall of habit, go about with necks 16 N. €. Training, at the B. {* Patriotic tran- | comfortably: Dbarkd, with sleeves! gchool, Camp Borden, 'the support of [shortened or ly suggested, and ' our Country. | with costumes sensibly and ar each have ably appropriate the aod are at ot snle. Make re at onge sointments ert by our advers the residental tate of the. late afy | ig for sale, This , is the] 8| grave | | lady sitting coot and confor her desk must look with pity slave man beside Her, his {ured with starched and knotted abominations, his 'body clothed in wool, bis feet shod with leather, and even his wrists manacled with that crowning infliction; stafch: Slaves never emancipate, have. felt its elevating impulse, And if man is ever amancipated from -- wom yme will. contend or suggest that 'male 'attite has sothe advantages when' sunning to catch a street car or when climbing a fence. But only a small, portion of the averdge hu. man life is spent in climbing fences or running after stré Seated at a desk] attending behind a counn- ter; keeping 'pace with the 'whirling machinery of a factory, or in almost every occupation of a prolessional, commercial, or industrial nature, women's clothing is incomparably more rational, comfortable, conven: ient, and healthful than that worn by men. The most irritating feature | . of man'sinherited burden is that it id both unnecssary and futile. Wo- men have subjected themselvee to inconvenience to achieve s | decorations and adornments, The » | more hedious the result. claims of beauty will always rise above those of utility. But with man the greater the torture the Art was asleep and torture in the air when the male costume was designed. The burden of the past lies crush. ing and immovable on the present. g | [t smothers every feeble cry for ¢ | emanéipation, Can it be lifted suf. ficiently to allow the introduction ~" | of rational clothing for men ? "| service of ous armies. The London Daily. Mail:--One next three weeks. cegular trains to ron to parl es also from Whitby by ] noon and evening. It is the duty of every eligib man, and any unmarried than get right down to business, and d their part in this war. traini for the war we are now el does 'not consist of merely! form fours and marching up "ard d the parade ground. There 'are dozen different litiés in which a man! can becorie proficient, and which will be of personal servie¢to hi both by broadenitig "his mind, af increasing his physical j develops 4Y 1 ment. § Itis wonderful what hidden talent is developed amongst a body, of sol diers. Those who have been sent out to different posts , to carry on recruiting werk, are developing unheard of powers of speech. There 1 A. Murphy, assistant Plant Patho-} logist> st 'Charlottetown, P. E 1. early frosts than last year. are four or five of them in particula who |have developed unheard of powers of voice, so the "citizens of Ontario County, may look forward with interest to hearing the' 182nd Battalion Quartette, whips they re in their neighborhood. The results of the 'last N. C. O; ¥ | Sunday, 'the 23rd inst. by | cruiting officers of the Battalion. ecruiting: On, Friday nigh 3 meeting was held at. Longford: Mills |. i {in conjunction with some moving | . '| pictures, shown for the 'local Red i you nd all the treats without dipping hands, inthis pocket, or helping in'any way. Then what can boys at the front or any of your dier friends: thik of you when y fite doing-all the fighting while are staying at home, enjoying the same privileges 'and comforts h - probably. more money to nd than ever, as if there were no r. : Make it a square deal boys, play the game. You can play our part now, by enlisting in the 420d Battalion, rim Diseases of Potatoes. A timely bulletin issued by the vision of Botany, Central Experi: 'mental Farm, Ottawa, deals with blight and rot of potatoes; Paul 'against 196,210; mi 770 against 466,800 ; ver 7,074,000 agains alfdlfa 89,900 again late sown crops the acreages are as follows: Buckwheat. 343,800 in 19153 fax 723,000 against 806,600 j com for husking| 183,700: agdinst 478,600 ; ete: 156,200 against turnips 172, 700; sugar beets 15,000 against 18,000 } and cotn for fodder 297,070 against 343,400, . | CONDITION OF GRATR AND HAY CROPS The teputts show that thre prose pects for grain crops are excellent throughout the West, biit owing to the lateness of the season there will be a greater risk of damage trom 18 the author of the Bulletin, which | Canade the condition of 'the 'prince is entitled Circular No. 10; cdfr be pal grain crops, expressed iff pef- "For all ¢ had on application to the Publica. centage of the standard, range from tions: Branch, Department of" Agri 82 for peas'to 91 for rye ; but in the colture, Ottawa, Both the Direct. Northwest provinces the condition or of the - Dominion Experimental is well over 90; 'and for Manitoba. Farms and the Dominion Botanist | and Saskatchewan jt is even higher! 'my office at Scugog on thez4th| of the greatest sides of the war has | Class, held at Whitby, have recents been the excellence of the medical|ly been published. The following agfee that the sabject is most im- than at the sante date 'last year, aniapuy of Stine Qounty of Ontal tent OTICE is HEREBY GIVEN OTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN fe 1 'have transmitted orfde that I have transmitted "des 1 to the persons nientioned in{jivered to the persons mentio Secs; 8 and'g of the Ontario Voters' i Secs: 8 and g of the Ontario Vol List Act, the copies required by | List * Act, the copies requir said Sections to_be so transmitted [aid Sections to be so transm or Geluecd of the lists, made put- | or delivered of the: lists, made p d éaid Kcr, of all persons ap-|suant tosaid Act, of all 'perconi ea is by the last Revised Assess | pearing by the Jast Revised Assess ment Rall of the said Minicipality ment Roll of tt id Municipality to be entitled to'vote in the said 1g be entitled 'to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Mem-{ yyeticipality at Elections for Mem- bars: of the Legislative Assembly | bers of the Legislative 'Assembly and 'monicipal Elections; and that | and Municipal Elections; and hat | the said Hist was first posted up at | ihe said Jist was first posted my office at. Blackstock on the Toth day % 1 1916, and 'remains |dsy of July, 1916, and remaing. thers pection. there for inspection. : The im- provements wrought since the early days of the war and the vast or- ganigation 'created ars almost be- yond praise; Ambulagee "trains haye been brought to a great degree ¢| of perfection, and are pow. quite | Hospitals in ay the past few days a new smbulan train has been on exhibition a at Liverpool-street station. Jt has just been completed at 'the Great], Eastern Railway Company's Strat- ford Works for the army in France, | y | It is gigantic; 884ft. long, with six- teen coaches, and capable of ac. commodating 320 lying.down cases and a large "number of * sitting-up cases, besides a staff of forty-two doctors, nurses, orderlies, cooks and attendants, 1 took the opportunity of 3 spare hour to. go over it. One can hardly imagine 'anything more comloktable, Hee wab a 'phar: Containing wot only "all essary. accommodation for appliances, bul a treatment £00, 1 eqaipped with an operating table. The springs of the beds, the system of lighting, the 'kitchen sc-. commotlation and facilities, the supplies of "fresh walet, and th hundred and one little details which make all the difference between comfort and misery for the wound: ed men, were there. have received their certificates : To BE SERGEANTS -- T. N. P._Seymour T. B. O'Connor G. R. Howsam Frank Jones, To ve + Conon -- © WE Cv Jackson G: J. Brown A. Hadley A. W. Stone H. A. Leach H. H.*Morton The N. C. O. Classes have been held at Whitby the supervision of Setgt: Dickinsos; are a reve those interested in 'th the Battalior, = This body of | O's site of the very highest They Know heir busiriess 's and may be relied "good account of the future, ~ .- There never hes been; chance as that offered at: the fime for the young mien County, who have hit cluded fives: on' the far County, to live, to act, in such zx. ma f | ring of light green and they have a. * | brown, + | involve the whole plant. a loss to Prince Edward I 1damage all 'over Eat portant, as late blight has caused when the high promise at the end ingalculable losses; but that these of jure was so abundantly fulfilled.' losses can be reduced to a minimum Converting the figures: in per cent. {iby tliogough and: timely spraying of a standard of 100 te the scale of he Bordeaux mixture, Mr. Mur- 'which 100 represents the average cribes the symploms very cendition oh. June 30. of the pas Eadly blight is piex ent in' : 0 aracteristically dry, 0: and 'oats as allows 3 'Fall wheat and marked with a series of concen- 99.2, spring wheat $00.2, all wheat iric rings. Late blight "makes its 100.2; rye 103.6, Farley 98.5, oats appearance in August and Seéptem- gg That is 'to say if conditions ber as a rule, although it (is always peiween June 30 apd the .daté of pesent before it is ge nérally noticed harvest are not abnormal, the an- The first spots which are usually ticipated yield: per acre is about on the lower leaves or: stems are equal to the average. : for wheat, 3.6 dark brown to porplish black in per 'cent above average for "rye colour, sometimes surrounded by 2 bout 2" per cout w average for water-soaked appearance. In fine oo weather they dry '6p and become - In moist weather they m= crease in size and number and magi Ad'infect ed tuber is characterized by 1 coloured slightly sage Li follows 3 Herges cows 608.345 : losses rom the diseases ar ne culable and that in {he ¥ 6y we j Kepresent de: eases of horses by placed in value 'at $36,000,000" 464 cows by. 63,501 ; year. - In rors is estimat . 564 wid of swine by was not less than senting: 2,000,000" was sl out on the ods of control by tailed and' the making the Bor: en, The stocki copper sulphate and acviced. Poison beetle can: be Dordeho ine sa 'Elettors are called upon fo exam- 'Electors are. called' po 10 List and if any omissions {ine said List.and:if any omil OF any Gther errors are found there. | or any other errors are found theres immediate proceedings toby to take iinmediate proceedi igs 10 sid errors: have he. aid errors tected coording 10 law. po