Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 16 Sep 1915, p. 3

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| # Remaincer of Loins Will ] Left Over Until Next : 19538382828382823888 © gH Honorable Dr. Roche, © Minister of the Interior; whose Department has had charge of the distribution of seed grain and relief in | Western Canada throughout the past and the 'taking of socurity efor, has bad under consideration | the question of collections to be made this fall. The advances commenced early [last 'winter, and were made necessary by: the extreme misfortune which 'Western Canada suffered from the drought in 1914. It was hoped at the | time that the amount required would | not be unduly large, as the outbreak | of war was making extraordinary de- mands upon thé financial resources of | the Dominion, The amount hes, how- i over, reached very large limits. There as been advanced up to July 31 for grain $8,534,018.37, and for | her goods by way of relief and fod- ammal 4,075,420.89, mals | hy of' a temporary misfortune, and m | Total Ariosat Paid for ~ Western Relief Is Nearly § Thirteen Million Dollars." | OTRESRERIeEIR0eRERAceTIRIReLeeIonacKY 80S ee ea soectoaae 25322883, SUL to take care of---last year's in: | terest on mortgages, and in many | cases indebtedness to local merch: { ants, As a consequence even with | the present excellent crop conditions {it will not be in every case an easy | mattor to finance unusual obligations | this year. Having regard to and hav- {ing fully considered all the cirecum- | stances now prevailing, the Minister | has decided to ask for payment this | year of one-half only of the seed grain and fodder advances together with interest, As for the advances | tor other relief (In cases where both relief and seed grain and fodder have been provided) these will not be in- sisted on this year. Where; however, no seed grain or fodder has been pro- vided, but relief only, one half of the amount advanced for .relief will be expected to be returned. It must be remembered that this geed grain, fodder; and relief distris bution has been a most extensive and far spread undertaking. A. definito | and consistent system of collection raust be adopted. . It is not an. easy atter to work out such a yysiom tod! on. fo ae a = purchasers of grain have beetd agkéd | to co-operate in the matter 9f collec tions. "In this way the organization | at their disposal is used and the ne- | cessity for he&wvy expenditure on the part of the Government avoided. | The Minister confidently hopes that all who have received assistance and the people. of the West generally, will accept the policy of the reduced amount to bé collected this year as | fair and equitable, and that all will co-operate and lend their assistance . to work out successfully. | Financing Crop. Aside from the question of ocean ! tonnace and exchange there should be no difieulty in moving the Cana- | dian crop," although it may take | longer than usual. Certainly there so far with Li | mie = ee tment eee bin | should be no difiicilty ia fimancing the movement. The banks zre more liquid than they have been for years," In addition they have es a reserve their emergency circulation and the |' *, | 1acilities aiforded Under the Finance Act of 1914 by which they can ob- tain advances in Dominion notes against grain bills and other seouri- "ties. - So. far ag concerns credits to i farmers, two 'recent. (.iaendments to the Bank Act introduced by Hon. 'W, T. White, are important. Under ous Eoin is 1a te farsons boost | Phoues--Bell 65132, end 'under. the other the benk may |J, B Lundy, LD.8S ,D.D.S. "tako security upon a crop for seed a a The finunciai legis | ° DENTAL SURGEON chlv satisfactory Fresh Fish received weekly. Ind. goo. tricts, and will organize ¢rops Notice to High Schaol . Btudents| PP ORT PERRY H Se ~ Graham & Carnegie Sole Agents for IJaving leased the Garage we are rushing bn resale, 1 ction--hence Boyce) HA. OULD ANNOUNC that in succeeding" Mp. the pu blicwnl M : which for quality cannot he excell ed anywhere. Only Choicest Animals will purchased so that customers may rely on all occasions of on obtaining Cheice Cuts at my shop, which constantly contains Most Meat, 5 The Best Brands of Ctived! Meats constantly in stock, | Prices moderate. Tender and Best of re Seal pial : aN US FILL YOUR BINS FOR WINTER. WE GUARAN- E OUR COAL TO BE NOTHING BUT . L. & W. SCRANTON COAL 'Standard "Anthracite. The Best Coal mined, Consi THE CHEAPEST, ing the 'e Guarantee full weight and that our coal is as free from dirt perfectidns as it 1s possible to be. This " Empress Cushion ghionable women know Treadeasy Shoe" is perhaps the p on the bottom of a "most talked about" shoe ta: style guarantee. day in Canada, being easy fit- is mpress Shoes" are fashioned t the needs of every ofortable shoe made any in dress. We have a iety to select from and where. oul find a splendid show- Bluche: laced and Oxford styles. | according to law. It is made also the "right now" styles. We are agents for this comfort- eas" Shoe: 'e are sole agents for the able shoe which is made in : ¢ Canada. ¥. €. FORMAN & S04. LET! US QUOTE YOU ON THE Burlington "Perfect" Silo me buying elsewhere. Vity buy a Silo made of Spruce when our Pine Silos t no more. Samples of Doors and Staves can Ue seen at our Coal Office on Water Stieet yee he intends stpplying fs 'll, write or phone for particulars, terms and prices, &'c. AUDE & MILLS, COAL DEALERS PORT PERRY Agents for Port Perry and District. a fall supply of the Rion Phone 33 r 2 Te RESH & TENDER Office Phove 38 r 23 oy 4 gE buy any variety of ind large enough +t ; one-and-falf fnchos ; the highest price will be Loh paid, business can afford." From the present outlook, 35¢ per hundred pounds. Apples too small to peel have to be chopped and x Are worth 15¢ pet hifndred pourids, Rush then il, don't let them spoil. _ JOSHPH BIGELOW dor de- | livered to the pérsons mentioned in Section 9 of The Ontario Voters' List Act the copies required by said section to bé 50 tfansntitted or de- livered of the 3aid List, made pur- suant to said Act, of all persons ap- pearing on the last Revised Assess- ment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Mem- bers of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections ; and the said List was first posted up at my office at Manchester, on the 21st day of August; 1915, add rerhaitis ting, very flexible and the most | there for inspection. And I hereby call upon voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected W. F. DOBSON, Clerk Township of Reach. Dated this 21st day of Aug., 1915. Farm For Sale or Rent 112 ACRES South East part of lot 28, and west 18acres of lot 24 in the 10th con, Reach. Frame Dwelling, Barns stone stabling underneath, Good Well. 4 miles from Port Perry, coo- venent to church and school." Apply 0 EDWIN MARK, Little Britain. "1 'male over 18 years Dominion nd n. Mentiohar San katchewan or Alberta, The cant must r in person -at the Dominion Lands A y or Sub for the district: try" by Prox; be made at an; Boman gency (but not Agency), on . nil ronditidna, he I - ties. months' residence and cultfvation of the land in of three years. A homestesder may livg within nine miles of his homestead farm of at least 80 ofi_ ceria conditions. A Imbitable hones is re= quired except where residence is per- ormed in the vicinity. x is Jn certain Sisuricts a homesteader good standing ma - quarter section al do a hemes stead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties, --Six mont re-smption patent may be obtained homestead patent, on certain condis ions. - A sottler who has exhausted hid homestead right, may take a a homestead in certain districts. Pricer $3.00 per acre. Daties.--Must reside six months ineath of three years, v ate fifty acres and erect ous ait . ~ - 4 The area of cultivation id si reduction in case of rough, eerd oo stony land. Live stock may be substi tuted for cultivation under certain con ditions. . W. W. CORY,C.M.G., ' + Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B.--Unaathorized publication efi thie Advertisement will 'not be paid or.--64888. . Order Your SSPRING SUIT NOW I We have the Largest and Most Complete Stock of Spring and Summer Suitings ever shown in this District. A Nice Stock to choose from.' [i and nish Guaranteed Far better and cheaperthan Ready-to-Wear. - You are cordially invited to inspect our splendid; Stock of Cloths, etc. The colorings are rich and' tone in beautifully, while the superior toxture guar- antees endurance, ~~~( Ladies' Tailoring as usual }o~3 W. HE. DOUBT. ---------- wier nres. RED CLOVER, ALSIKE In retarniiig thanks to the -lation of the Dominion reoms to have i Sucee . Ri L.@ provided all possible facilities fof the [Successor to Dr. R: L. Giaham] financing of the crop movement. Graduate, Royal College of Dental Sur- i \ #4 guous and University of Torouto. PREMIER BORDEN BRIKGS = |Ofce =. PORT PERRY, Ont. MESSAGE FROM SOLDIERS | ~~ nal, Ghorees [ods F Mac- Feb. 2, ay 4, June 1, + 4, Noy, 2, Dee. apt. 1 1918." public for the extensive pat- ge bestowed upon them uld intimate, that as in the ¢ only choice fat animals | kbe slaughtered, so as to re the choicest and ten- ists Cuts possible, and we \ | th at all times to have an analy of AND TIMOTHY SEED FOR THE SPRING TRADE We. are Silt F U LL STOC K Bed Clover, Alsike and Timothy Seed. Highest Price . OF EVEYTHNG IN THE i 3 i. wy ; oF Aa 4 , House Decorati

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