Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 16 Sep 1915, p. 2

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: Coldwater Planet has Bee at 8 p.m. if tform exp a; addressed by Rev. P. Rogers and probably by J. Ford. Suitable Music is d for. * Voluntary offerings. ng [and by outweighs the e ture of money. iva" . "Ambassador Penfield was instruc, R ted by cable yesterday to deliver the following note "to the Austrian : born all England, in 1830, being the oldest-of three brothers, PORT PERRY MA MARKETS. to request duck hunters fo D D 0 - d 0 : ! fe. the cranes and other lafge P 0 invited. Foreign Oe: in Dumba, the all of whom have been honoured tel weekly Hib inlil Incas, s'which inhabit the marshes. 5 bo 0 - Austio Hungarian Aribassador at Methodist ministers in. Canada and 2 In many parts of the Northwest, | had a plead : 1 | po ot d od Ps es Washington, has admitted that he the Oi Le d. He: entered the Fall Wheat . + $0 70 @ $0 go said, binder twine this season wg : 4 CW proposed to his Governnient plans En Ea jab oigiginy ii. 1854, | Spring Wheat coh @ "has been consumed' at the rate of | voir aro ' : 9 0} 80CkS pesDay AP EDNESDAY, | o instigate srikes in American yn 2nd, 8 are in 1859. | Goose Wheat 0 80@ "Six pounds to the dcre. > d arior to d i uPY, 21-28 manufacturing plants engaged in ds a Y, Staples: she Being a Batley , 040@ a ol tata be Arist of 0 0 the soldiers|: Syest Durham Fair this year will | production of 'munitions of war Pp i I i in 1871, he Rye . 110@ gleven-cent stamp, the first o Oops foug 0 Samo 0 0 0 hand be hummer. If you miss it you'll | The information reached this Gov- | $2M¢ to Hamilton, Qut., as a mis- | Oats..iv..viuiiee. 034 @ er denomination to. be issued, has Belg and J d miss one of the best agricultural|ernment through a copy of a letter sionary, establishing the Emerald Batter ...... 027 @ 'been authorized by the United States | aro O 0 op 0 obhing , Shows | iv Canada. Excellent show |of the Ambassador of his Govern- Sizsst Mle hodist (Shurch of that) Eggs. 022@ | Fostmaster-General. © ada 0 Plieq $9 o 0 ome ipteresting and instructive ex- ment, The bearer was an Ameri- Th gh1s En ecadle president | Cattle, per 1b. 006 @ ; > Warestricted Sunday performances d and 0 been bare h 0 0 0 n Toronto ts in great varicty, horses, pure- | can citizen named Archibald, who Ci I 2 - Lhivisian Methodist Hogs, per too Ibs.. 7 50@ 8 ov | the vaudeville theateres in Wash- 00 d ; 5 : 0 | bred live stock, poultry. -Jabor-| was travelling under an American oh her dhe a, H iS Silt fields | Beans ........00.. 4 5 2.20 on are now permissable under a omotion | © . o 8 © saving machinery, famous fruits, | passport. ~The Ambassador has|} 4 9, DE B amilton were | Grass Seed. 4008 500 | lice regulation. ajor_ to : vo 0 pire: | yigorous vegetables, household | admitted that he employed Archi. | =0ndon, Little Britain, Prince Alf Alsike Clover . 7 00@ 9 vo police reg ; q p OF bert, Ty d Blocks | Re : 0 he bea b 0g y obtained Bits, attractive ari--everything the | bald to bear oficial despatches from | 2c" * ~ ¥Fone a ockstack: After Red Clover... 1 00@ 1309 A Bracebridge Italian named of a a +7 Th ' best this scction aflords. Goodyear | him to his Government. 33 years in the ministry he was|Peas--Blackeye... 200@ 20 | 'onietto has sent $800, to the offic- 0 and 00 won- | neo O 109 nd in attendance. So come to| *By reason of the admitted pur- orced to superanuuate, through | Peas--Small. Lt 508 1 3 | ] ; y pur-| 0 5 7 of his old regiment in Italy, |de : 0 add h g wmacville on Wednesday, Sept. |pose and intent of Mr. Dumba to Pr He theft made his home ai | Buckwheat. 075@ o 8a th which to buy a machine gun. or bra d g b 0 dif 2 and meet your friends any] enjoy | conspire to Cripple legitimate indus- rine Albert vatil 1908, when he | Turkeys 018@ 021 "The editor of the Bowmanville pe 0 an 5 org 0 i th day. Cheap face on all railways. [tries of the people. of (the United Si ie live with his sun at Peler- | re imme eed. festa, who liad long. cxpér. ood g 0 ° Th 0 om [For entry tickets and all other in- | 3tates and to interrupt their legiti- | "27°18 - |VOTERS' LIST COURT 4 ER vo a d oq 0 0 Of ly to_ J. S. Moorgraft, | mate trade, aud by reason of the nde as a teacher, is inclined to : mation apply to, ' 4 Ontario County Live Stock id : d 0 2 Board o 0 iy Priva Secretary, Bowmanville, flagrant violation = of diplomatic y og] ® nsider the school holidays too of Os © 0 fi t propriety in employing an American + Wins FOR THE ng. y y pies ga - » ; A ece d 0 0 ds 0 citizen, pro ecte y 'an merican T lh { S Orillia Packet :--Ten cents a mile | and altho and 0 ' p Important Anaouncement passport, as .a secret bearer of A the Canadian National Exhi OWI 1 0 HI 0 F motor car service is: the charge e 0 d 0 i 4 JOR official despatches through the lines | vo giock Cha I : " the various Port Hope. Is the owner of the d ' as good : 70 THE RESIDENTS OF | oe enemy of Austria-Hungary. | County holds = high Hise Orcario OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the ch vho stole Orillia' a p 0 po : th sident direct to inf 1 " ' fhe shop who stole Orillia's tank w." His furlough : 'PORT PERRY AND SUR- ot Ercetborey rt br Dor gradation, of Frsrsctesg animals. that @ Court will be held pur: Montteal Mai: G 5 re b , Band p ROUNDING DISTRICTS: |is no longer acceptable to the Gov- Theveess winners from this County | suant to The Ontario Voters' List ni ail :-- Germany blames us on k 6 36) metre of the United States as the Ambas Yer Act, by His Honour the Judge of. contrary wind for the violation of ; odin. A s ad 0 "brough the columns of this|sador of his Impertal Majesty at HEAVY DRAUGHTS; the Court of Cotinty of Ontario, at folland's neutrality by a Zeppelin. io ' ag Os 0 o paper we beg to announce that our | Washington. Stallion, 2 years old--2, Graham the Town Hall, Most of Germany's excuses are ' Lo S| made 2 0 Bo nefe store, ted Jo he Blong EM heving that the Imperial and Bros. Claremont. 4 PORT PERRY i affiliated 6 Biptk, Port Perry, directly across| Royal Government will realize that tallion, 1 year old--iy, W. F. : : Aman feet 7 inches high mar- Rog tals oe 6 frgm the Post Office, is:now open |the Government of 'the United | Bally, Brooklin. {(n the Sixth day of October, 19106 i id a girl 6 feet 2 inches in circum- Err ~-- yy omp ¢ en or and ie all to| Siates has no Jlisthuive but- to Ei 2 yearsold --1 W. F. Batty. OE hour of, Ten 3 3 at Philadelphia, and they |, n . orge 0 pect our. g s. Owing |re umba on ill ede Bid--2 W. EF Jats ur o 0' d to: cut short heir "honeymoon Esq wi i: evitled v ac / re eduduo, &L. fon +3 at e; silver medal a | Cs d hem. S 0 fi 18 0 1 nited | --J, M tue aoe. Siared Rk thors. duns Hosen g 00 Bot al arrived, but is arriving | States expressis its deep 'regret | % ADE AND Yin: Tyvile Baton the Voters' List of the Munieipali East S rillia Packet is told of an t Popula ge © daily. Please remember that all [that this course has become neces-| = Steer, 2, years and under §3--3, of Scugog for 1915. 0a td : fader who refused roa Poel a a fn 0 ead R 0 p o8 9 stock will bé new and up to date, |SAry, and asstires the Imperial and | Jas. Leack'& Sons, Grec ahank. Dated this 13th, September, 1915. +60 a bushel for last year's wheat, By 5 J ound : ; J Jcoming direct from the factories,| Royal Government that it sincercly |" Steer, senior yeathng--3' Jas. THOMAS GRAHAM, inding out for $2, and is still| (HEN ANC, CL 2 ! : d absolutely none of it being trans. | desires to continue the cotdial and | Leask & Sens. Clerk of Scugog Tp. ding it. Let us hope there are B nued uo 0 ferred from our other stores. friendly relations which exist De. | sre--------eer eects - A - . d a ¢ of tu a ee ls eee ete aegis ett many like him. 3 Band i ress v n If our Undertaking Equipment, free ee Sojged Si States and . Aus : T 5 go mgros charged with Klin aie, Romani, Copy Bram fon ye phar and) BI cnn WE HAVE THE SMART, BE puty ¥ shot anc -* 0 add r e ad ich» ) w .* some time ago in defending his | COMING = HATS YOU ARE nded by a posse at Sulpbur|Port Pe > e He 9 b Coun procure, has arrived and will remain position, says in part: - LOOKING F i ngs, Jouap and Shea 2 urge) at d Pipe p at noo d nd m no perry: --s 5 Dens Tiere Li thousands. of citizens LINERY oR Dor MEL- - ap a belore perfo of on Monday] < "| of Austria-Hungary working in "the FEN -- THURS- kirts of the city. 5 b d B 5 0 memaq ment is an experienced Funeral. | v g steel mills at "Bethlehem, Pa. DAY, FRID ®The farmers of the United States 0 p ad 50 | Director, and all cals entrusted to | oq elsewhere; até engaged y AY ano SATURDAY, ding to the Department of a i be Jprwerad hd a in making nusitions of war for the SEPT. 16, 17, ano 18. : of P D 0 n d omptly personally enemies of their countr Th whea Ee go A 0 Jleted d ing A on hour. Watch for announcement of ten 2 ES SEA ple ~/MRS, L. G. HALL. p fE Country. which will reach a 0 0s d bn e old es 0 our formal Opening. country, which iis punishablé by on bushels. D ° sner © Fro DISNEY BROS imprisonment and penal servitude } on 3 d flow ot 26 d d dog Fursicune DEALERS ATTY it should they ever return to their eof Montreal's Councillors go and abba ; 4 0 8 p Fur RS A Dirkciors native Jand; Many of them are t the City to vote money to es-| Clyde's troubles .o : 0 0 b : UNERAL DIRECTORS | ignorant, and. donot kaow "that : 0 ell Telephone No. 67; day or night h a publicity bureau. 'So long | are now at 2 poh 0 0 elephione No. 07, day or Mght | they are doing wrong. It is: my Martin i Mayor, Montreal is |is said to b o-Tas Sowing ' ) P ating : d 'sh f sition to' point out to thém that g b a po al certain of more publicity |in town and 8s 0 Viel nd b d dog hie they are committing a crime and to publicity esr Ho ow y g j8-to her credit. ht of this kind bridge Times. | cords : ound worrying p {do all in my power to'keep them 0 ! ng, 'Sep h e two mantis no ; "| frond wrongdoing. It is part of an e Fatherland, a German publi-| DR, E OTTE De Deort addresses © 4 Ambassador's duties to keep his BE he Und pe aduate of the Ro alley OF Sides Of Ho yy And Fro e Sarnia Bridge Cos {Counisyihen out af tonble wherever Bes ny's 'victory 0 nta geon d 2 LIS D ' 9 b {he may be station the world-wide adoption Dep oronto Unive pro rendered b 0 Fro p 0 nd 1 "It 'was, therefore,: my duty to ation: Precisely what D ang off ort | t2 erybody invited 0 d ¢ d grad make kaown the facts to the Gov- have bega saying. : Perry. Phone No, 136 o p b wa te * Yernment and I shall leave for Wash: of the big Garoian who Bla oc 00. Sn 0. R Cem: | The Directorate ot: the Port : ington Be Tene and call 'upon the stage at Kansas City 0 0 RE, & AGAR ER u h 50, righ | Perry, Reach and Scogog KLgricul- etary neing, 'William Bryan- Jennings, . ? gi P hos. ' Barre ditch = : be seen by the posters on, 6 0. F 2 Ftural Society never bad the least : } Gl Mercury remarks tai or 3, Dy A protons o he Aniogal Anive Dhion ans Pex of resiing' hit wih he Oalled Ariston to Santas , Ron T Boxoan AbpEEssED g' BASING. Cou ; oge Seye Mr, B 8 bat

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