Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Jun 1915, p. 3

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ns nd. extensive pati g thio past forty ot X_year ¢drried on the Jew Confident that I have been fortunate ju secur- Pworthy successor, MR. J. D, ROBE iergelic, honorabl Ang nm) 3 mn: § great popularity Graham & Carpegie. | Hae 1 ; (ALL (Sucsessor to W. A. Boyce) OULD ANNOUNCE that in succeeding Mr, Boyce he intends supplying the publicwith M eat which for quality caunot be excell: ed anywhere. Only the Choicest Animals will be purchased so thit customers may rely on all occasions on on obtainlityg Choice Cuts at my shop, which constantly contains a full supply of the ai es is Reta, der Bre IRR Co I 3 2 : i Ib por- |. b e t sdllor fafiihg up | obt NX x i Jeading 'to - his' Lridge, Craig's, Gieegbank, and remain: | wings the + fo rollers gon ner of sfason ar his own stable at | bs seen throwing their spray on to St. Cnarles Hotel : bs decks; It whs a luman lure { Cg AEA . «| pleture, wi gave a.fuf More jh. = Baer Sutre'imp. [13840] (15762). teresting glimpse into the daily life 3 Ciydesdalé--property ol AC H | of Jack Jellicoe tha 'a' more eoh- Niddery, Manchester "Station-- | Yentional portrait could have-done, fem in at his own stajgle except | nd the newspapérs Quick'y anapped ara Tit up. ; when he will be at Apart from wor pletures, there are bios i he roe TE Tots e secdring of unique p.ess 3 TEPYIR [14350] photographs from various parts of Purc-Bred - Clydesdale--property sno" wig, At ihe time of the Dwr- of W. C. Platten. Scugog-- will fhe Loudon if et » at his own stable except on' meney like water in order to be tha Wélnesday maht when he will first to pubitsd pltures of 1 {Be dete- be at Isaac Rudman's and on mecny. Immediate'y the phatographs. were taken they were filahod across Thursday at the Scbert House, BUC SNH oly train and 'motor. Port Perty. | ear. At Calais = steamer fitted with Cro-BY ~ GatLant, imp. I. 'still retain the Steamship and Railroad Agency Business and will, at all times, be futitd at my usual office: : / the Farmer ) arlington "Perfect" Silo pying elsewherd, buy a Silo made of Spruce when our Pine Silos BUY YOUR GOAL NOW ET US FILL YOUR BINS FOR WINTER. $ TEE OUR COAL TO BE NOTHING BUT ples of Doors aud Staves can be seen at onr Coal don Water Street. WE GUARANTY a engraving Plant avaiieq ine al. o of the photographs, ahd as the 33v0] . Clydesdale--property of ose) dp its way to Dover news- (16869) write or phone for particulars, terms and prices, &¢. « fio Turner, Bonnie Brae Stock faper blocks of the pictures were arm, Carroll, Man.--will make Srod uoed, Bighlesn dary ster the the season at and. in the vitinity photographs wee en in "Im of Catrull. -- NM. Franklin, Manag- thay appeared in a London news- er. > * | ' Cian Favourite imp. [i064] pe Did -- Most Tender and Best of Ment, The Best Brands of Cured Meats constantly in stock. Prices moderats., AUDE & MILLS, D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAL The Standard Anthracite. The Best Coal nfined, c . J ; Quality THE CHEAPEST. onsideting tf We Guarantee full weight and that our coal is as free froth dirt . and imperfectitns as it 1s possible to be. Orchard ™5% ry M.- Macfarlane, Sunya--will Of how much value- your property we at Pinedate. Senderland, Mr. and investments Would be if Great abe [ea Toad ars, Britain lost_in the present conflict ?| Austic. Downers, and at own stable--David J. Hull, Manager ' 'Pirrenovrie Roval iw. (14712) Agents for Port Perry and District. you ever stop to think | 14629) Clydesdale -- property of mete Ge Geib t e Phone 38 r 2 Office Phone 38 r 3 Prash Pish received weekly. + Game in Season : ; sit -- gr We might better sacrifice Phones --Bell 68 r 2, Ind. goo. mame hee r= } something now to insure Gear J B. Lundy, LD 8S ' D.D.3. itain' TRE DENTAL SURGEON wo JING SITLL be ing poe he ional ier Orb Loam (SE Ot on 0) Fo Corners, Jobo Steel's, Sandertan, S wis 4 nd Uiiversits of T Bult bo Wick, and »t cwn stable.~-Alex. Office -- PORT PERRY, Ont: Martin, Manager. ; i Aspraw Cuter imp. [14711] (16437) €lydesdale--proparty of J. 31 Maclarlane, Sunya--will. remata at his own stable during the ens tire season. Hevsingtun : GLory imp. [11465] * {23599) Clydesdale --proparty of AV: |. {lenders, Port Perry -- will) be ar his own stable, Seber! __ Hone, Port. Perry, extepl 06) Tickers 10 ALL FARTS oF THE Jiiday night wheo he willbe at' woup--Mr. WH. McCaw, Pert esse Demara's, Scugog -- R. | Perry, is now in a position 10 issue lenders Manager. {tickets to ali parts of the worid and AnD: to supply all necessary informatio emp Peli. parties as to the cheajest & Leask, Wick=--w:il! be at Sunder | best routes, &c. In addition t op land, Geo. Cowpertheware's, "unerous Picket Agencies for Rai Pinedale, Greenbank, Saintfieid, foul and Sicamshy foes bo its been rea te icket Agent Aud Sus. sable Lamy, Gran Trunk Railway. Fund 'RESH & TENDER . cee ror nvr on, | Jus Tok Yl CQWKER BROS. CAWEER 3B0S" tuisiuly, Glug Melnsel§ ~ (SUCCESSORS TO JAMIESON F. E. LUKE Duxxnizon.) Cp y : . - Ty, NF rea blic for the extensive pat- LIV t ti T | PICEAN. 70 Yonge St page bestowed upon them | Having puichased the Livery TORONTO E14 intimate, that asin the | bisinags €uitind on by Janieroh & st only choice fat animals | chnson, an the premises con- | -- Sei = = § - . . ! nected therewith we intend to Uetees CL. 1 be slaughtered, so as to | , -- no L01LIDGS of the Division Cor jue the choicest and ten- | RE-BORSE nl STABLES UOUNTY OF ONTARIO. ! rests Luts possible, - with first-class animals, and install | 1915. end at all times to Unhi an pe supply of New and Up-to-Date Vehicles |... -- : ; Bs aa a Ta, Mie BT Male oH AND TENDER CHOICE MEAT March 2, April 6 May 4, June iy 'hich we will cut to ulease and deliver promptly, comfort and convenience canuot Julv 6, Sapt. 1 4 a which we v = be sis passed. 2a 4 fear 0 Nov 2 $or SMOKED AND SALT MEATS A SPECIALTY. Special attention paid to the ORHAWA--Clerk, Hing E. k requirements of Commerciai Travel doneit 5 7. Mas, find oS July 7, Sept. 2, Uct. 6, Nov. 8, Dee Our charges are moderate and 8, Jr9, b, 1916. 3 Order Your SPRING SUIT NOW | 'We have the Largest and Most Complete Stock' of Spring and Summer Suitings ever show in this District. A Nice Stock to choose from, Ti and Fiaish Guaranteed Far better and cheaperthan Ready-to-Wear. You are cordially invited to inspect our splendid, Stock of Cloths, etc. The colorings dre rich and tone in beautifully, while the superior toxture gifar- antees endurance, ~~~ Ladies' Tailoring as usual. ~~ W. HH. DOUBT. RED CLOVER, ALSIKE AND TIMOTHY SEED SPRING TRADE. ASE ENGTH NEE [au sm mp WATCH LOST OST on Thursday. Jane 1rd. 4 wi Port Peery or becween Port vty an Whitby Town, a Qold- Filled Watch. Thé finder atl be suitably rewarded by leaviog it' at Tue OpsekverR OFFICE. OQ. W. Ba, Toronto Wi returning thanks to the | = ~ " \ FULL STOCK OF EVEYTHNG IN THE Farness Line IEAPNESS STYLE 1 Durability and Manager. 2 2 § : iatending to travel will consult their Beatits Prins imp. [16331] {Boon} own terests- by consuiting Mr. -- propey ~Sm Mt barkin, trip: lydesdale : ag eG before euibarki on a 2 at H McBrien's, Jos Widewhan's, nan A oO : W. H. Westney's. R. I Flem- Se f we guarantee to please our patrons. | 2, BROUGHAM -- Clerk, M. Glos ings, "M tcohn McTagrart's. Gl} : y # Patronage solicited. : Gresnwood--Jan. 11, March 4, L Stott, Hiram Gifford's, C. E. % HH & Phone No. 2. Tyaty 8 ept.3, Nov. 4, Jan Bain's, Wm. Hepburn's, aad awn : ¥ 2 OAWKER BROS |, , pt pErRY <Clert, J. v . stable--Jas- Birkett Manager: ; i Tr ham, Port Perry---Jan, 12, % ; 5 ! : | 3 May 7, July 9, Pept 6, Now: Baron Pouwarry imp. frist] Horseshoes as Mascots. Jan. 7,' 1916, 15702) Clydesdale--property a horseshoe is popular | i, UXBRIDGE--Clerk; BR. M Meg {1570 Rowan, Caesarea--will be bring luck to anyond, Uxbridgn--Jan. 18, March RY, at Blackstock. Cadmus, us, CR A 1 it was Intended as a i, Juy 13, Sept. 7, Nov. 20, - Yelverton, Chas. McNeal's and dq a 3 .-CANNING'TON--Clerk, Thos H | owa { tar, Luin or dare 1 n; . vil, 3 Jan 18, 1916. TY luck-bringing emblem. e ry him safely . yy 6. BEAVERTON -- Clerht Chane AIT] - Patorson,Beaverton--Jan ' - 10 May 13, July 15, PORT PERRY MARKETS. week Lucas, Craiif Ed Ms . June 17. 1915. Cieneens ST 35 @ $0 qo House. Decorati AND nis i FC Leia tana vnadas Oats... Coals

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