Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Jun 1915, p. 2

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. + $3000 $10,000, have at tamediate en L, | ELS 3 . EBBELS, "ung wo Id go to the "| resolved to "devote DISTINGUISHED VIS] Carnegie, Esq., is e week, from Scotl boyhood 'days question, is now in and is one of 't entlerman in "97th "year ne of the Perry. | County from which and is true to the lsnd-of ity and is possessed of "those characteristics that; mal '| of Scotland great w "| le William Howard (condi- (Latin), Stuart McTaggart, wn Sonley, Clarence - Stain Evelyn "Alexander, Leslie y Mae Bruce, Blanche Frise, a Mark, Ruth! Marlow, Eva Dermott, Mona Rodman, Rhoda henson (conditioned in Algebra), tie Munro, Orma Hyland, Lorna re (conditioned in History), Rodman, Lester Leask (con- Latin), Ronald Pee (con- id in Latico). 3 names of those promoted Form II. to Form III, are held until the results of the ol Entrance to Normal Schools' fxamination are announced. 'T. OF THE INTERIOR, FoRreSTRY BRANCH. Made Pavements. nadian With Europe and the United fates getting wood in Canada with to pave streets it has ed to many Canadians that ought to give this home-produc- migteridl a trial rather than pave streets exclusively with materi- brought from other countries. h the view of making accessible 'Canadians the latest information wooden paving, the kinds of used, the treatment' of the and the method of laying i, the Forestry Braneh of the spartment of the Interior, Ottawa, jas had issued from its forest pro- laboratories a bulletin on Treated Wood-Block Paving". Fhis bulletin which is just off the 5 gives the experience of Eng- » French and United States and anadian cities up to 'date in their of wooden pavements. It tells obstacles met with in the early e of the pavements and how they been. overcome by better of treatment of laying. bulletin which ought to be in hands of all who have to do 'street paving may be had free p application to the Director of stry, Ottawa. } ods by Subscribes $8,520 in Two Days ion Under 3,000 and - Taxes Being Collected by, Ont, June 4 -- The d sum of $8,519.90 has been din two {days in Whith campaign in aid of the Patriotic and the Red iety funds, and this iv a if less than three thousand at a time when' the being collected. Tot may be cast; hi general deportmént least pleasing of a voice : national Songs of his beloved coua- try he' has few equals. He has provéd a yrand success in amassing wealth and the object and desite to vigit Canada and the United States is to visit relatives aud friends as well as to take advantage of the opportuaity afforded owing to "be- ing in possession of the iequisite means to defray the cost. That the strangers in a strange land will be graciously received and royally entertained during their sojourn in our town there is no question... He is accompanied by his daughter: A GENEROUS DoNaTioN--It having been suggested that the Bell Telephone Company's Employees of this District supply a One-Wheeled Stretcher for carrying the wounded Canadians at: the front from the field to the hospital, at a cost of $40.00: there being thirty em- ployees in the District. Our enterpris- ing and popular townsman Mr. H. W. Linke, being one of them immediately phoned to draw on him for $s. Surely the other twenty-nine will raise the small balance. CHURCH PARADE :-- The Annual Church Service" of Kennedy Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 2139, will be held at the Presbyteri-, an Church, Utica, gn the evening of Sunday, June 27, Rev. Mr, Johnston will officiate. P® SpeciAL SERVICES will be held in St. John's Chyrch, Black- stock, on Sunday, Juné'27th, at 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. The Rev. ]. C Tibb will address the children at the morning service "wilile. the Rector will take the service in the evening. Special music. MARKS OOMPANY .OON- TINUES TO DRAW WELL The S.R.O. sign greeted-the late comers at the opera house last night when the Tom Marks company presented the four act play, "The Hidden Secret." Two hundred people wrre forced to accept stand- ing room to get inside, Miss Arlie Marks firstly as Ruth Hedges, the demure little country maiden and later in the play as Lucille Askman a society beauty, was guite up lo her standard. Miss Marks very cleverly interpreted the 'parts as- signed to her and well merited the generous applause she. received, W, L. Phills in the role of Frank Rollston, soldier and artist showed marked ability to play romantic leads. Tom Marks, as tributed his share of Chris. Allen as the stuttering scien- tist Prof. Picklepitcher, and Arthur Clarifield are also: worthy of com- mendation. - This famous and: popular Com- pany. will play in Port Petty on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Rev J 28, 29 and 30. They are load- s- James | ($40.00) to the Patriotic ing this | which resolve has Been duly carried d of iy out and a receipt obtained from Mg. Short for the generous cofitri- butiod to the noble cause. Well dope King Edward Lodge ! Wholesale Increase of Live Stock.. ) A NEW REGQRD. Mr. Thos. Latnbe, Jot 22, con. 2 te Reach, breaks all. records in the as we kno! | eight calves, one in 1912 and one in 1913 ; three in 1914 and three the present year and all are living and are fine specimens of the Bovine ;-in color they embrace every color known that cattle are given heir to. He also owns a Yorkshire White sow that lately gave birth to nine- teen pigs. Mr. Lambe is certainly doing his part to supply the meat market with an abundance of choice meat. . -- A LAMENTABLE OCCURRENCE.-- On the evening of Tuesday between seven and eight o'clock, William, a bright and intelligent son of Mr. A. E. Sarvis, aged 8 years was drowned in Lake Scugog. It seems the little fellow was playing on the logs close to the wharf and doubtless fell into the water. No fault is attributable in anyore, the employees of the Carnegie Milling Company frequently have occasion to drive children off the logs and they never fail to do so, but this sad event took place after the mill had closed down for the day. On the child being missed a large contingent of our citizens joined the search, the body being recovered about eleven o'clock close to the wharf. The afflicted ones have the sympathy of the whole community in their sad afflics tion. COMING |--F. E. LUKE, Op. D., 70 Yonge St.,, Toronto's able Optician, can be consulted at J. D. Robertson's Jewelry Store, Port Perry, Thursday, June 17th. Eyes examined accurately and glasses supplied at right prices if required. The following is the final Draft of the Stationing Committee for the following Districts of the Bay of Quinte Conference, BowmanviLLe" DisTrICT Rev. W. G. Clarke, B.A., Bowman. ville, Rev. J. Garbutt (Simcoe) Oshawa. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B.D;, (King) Oshawa. Rev. W. H. Truscott (Mission) Oshawa. Rev. |. A. Connell, Newcastle. Rev. R. G. Clare, Orono Rev. H. B. Rowe, Clarke % Rev. James E: Beckel, Tyrone Rev. Geo. Brown, Hampton' Rev. Henry Wilkinson, [Enniskillen Rev. R. A. Delve, (S. Darlington) Courtice - Rev. J. J. Mellor, Blackstock. Waitsy DistrICT Rev. A. H. Foster, Whitby Rev. LR Hare, Whitby Rev. W. P. Rogers, B.A, Port Perry Rev: H. W. Foley, B.D., Brooklin Rev, Geo. Nickle, Myrtle ~~ Rev. John Bedford, Pickering Totten, Greenwood R. Real, Cleremon! _ eulogistic' Press | B¢ Hd sistant made some calls soliciting contributions i (hospital for children left 0 y the slaughter of their parents assistant claims that his killed by the persecuting of Christianity. They look with bright hope to the day. Bitain will rule their good then they expect liberty at blessirg. Port Perry Council COW BY-LAW PASSED The June theeting of the Perry ' Council was held © evening of Munday last. All bers present except Mr M The minutes of the May were read and approved, On motion of Mr Lucas, | ed 'by Mr. Forman, the On motion of Mr C seconded 'by Mt Lucas; the: meeting of the Court of Revisio: te Assessment Rollwas fixed for the first Mo day in July at 8 p, m. On mation of ' Mr' Forma seconded by Mr Lucas, the Reeve, and mover and .seconder, togelher | E with the Solicitor, were appouited| a committee to confer with Mr Kent--rg conveyance of a road- way through that gentleman's pro perty on Beech Street, to_hio.! 4 } Mr Lucas introduced and catrigd)s through a Bylaw to confirman agreement with the Grand Trask Railway as to use of water from. the Port Perry Water Works System, Mr Carmichael introduced and carried through a By-law appoints ing James Staley poundkeepeer, Mr Carmichael irtroduced and carried through a Bylaw. to pros hibit cattle from running at largely within the Corporation limits". of Port Perry. Mr Lucas voling nay. eee + - Reach Oouncil Met at Mancliester on Monday, June 14, at 11 am. All members end present. The Reeve in the chir. Minutes of last meeting read and | ex approved. CUMMUNICATIONS From Provincial Treasurer, efi- closing a cheque for $22.44: Reach's sharé re distributi of Railway Tax, less charges for} : » Supported ith Eh stitutions ; a copy of Provincial War Tax Aci" passed the last session of the Legislatif and stating that éach municipa will be required to levy and collee one mill on the dollar and remit t same to the Provincial Treasures not later than the 31st day of Deg 1915. 9 rom W. H. Harris, stating ths the Ontario Fine Grove Cemelet Company have bought Mr. Wi Luke's property id the Village] Prince Albert. } : From S. M. Cullon, Clerk town Huntsville, requesting the Co tg remit the sum of $13.40, expenses incurred in the. bur ane John Nicholson, a residen: this, municipality, who had 'hb killed on the railway while pa throtigh that town. "€pUrRT or REVISION At two o'clock, after sub 0 to their several declarations, Council formed themselves Court of Revision and dispp the following appeals ; G. D. Conant--part lot 21 overcharge in assessment" BD allowed. Joho Birkeit --part lot 11, con' assessment, "John Boys---part fot ia, overcharge in assessment, allowed. i Te Silas Fitchett<dog. Allows "Thos. Love--dog. Allowed. Stanley McLeod--dog. Allg * T. A. Brown--dog. "Allo : Donneliy--lot "14, added as owner, Allo: < 3 , 'bonhs 32 rods fence; con £1, lot 13 ' cKay, $13.05, tp culvert yeling sow $7. rep, bridges, etc, 'townling ' on, $13 50, rep railing, div on, $18, putting 'in culvert, ells, $8.50, gravelling, div 87 monds, $18 50, gravel eConnell, $725, rep culvert veling snow atrick, $5, gravelling, div ohinson, $100, salary.as Ass- 3915 J, roxail, $11, gravel, and right pers, $17, uoperformed. statute Jak, div 11 Abbott, $30, draining Bowles te labor, div 62 'Dobson, $2. drawing cedar itchett 92, tempory aid. ounty Oouncil in Jone Session .Ontario/County Council op- June /Sgssion on Tuesday, , all members Pei Messrs: T, Wilson. ~ ' : new facg'was to be. seen at i ard, Mr, James Bir- f Deayesion taking |. Expeditionary Force, d had therefore resigned his office 'Reeve, . At a recent election Mr. rchard was chosen to. fill the cy. Rev. A. P. Menzies, of St. 'An- iws Church, Whitby, opened the ngs of the Council with "devoti- hal exercises, - Owing to the fact that a meeting 5 being beld in the Town 'Hall reference to the improvement the Kingston Read, between the excitement of a fous thing of ou ty for of ng gard to the alleg: of some of the municipalities. THURSDAY _ : Messrs. Wm, Smith, M.P., and Calder, M.P.P., both being present as former members-of the Council were invited to a seat Leside the Warden; and spoke briefly, Messrs Watson, Marks and Munro, a deputation from pear Seagrave, in the Township of Reach were' heard in regard to proposed repairs to_ Seagrave bridge, necs- sitated by damages .by ice. They claimed that the bridge over the Nonquon River was notof sufficient length for the passage of water and | ice during the spring' floods, ans | that there should be a new ahd longer bridge with a ¢oncrete floor | Ability-of establishing a branch of jcould not hold The bridge is maintained by the two Counties of Victoria and Ofits ario. = Refersed to the Roads 'and Bridges Committee. i (The County Clerk has since re- ceived information from the Clerk of Victoria County. that' the Roads and Bridges Committee of Victoria were of opinion that, owing to the large expenditures being made' this year, it would "Le better to make temporary repair, and take up the question of a new bridge next sum- mer." Edward Bain addressad * the Council as to damage sustained by him last December in the loss of = horse worth $150, through-a' defect ina bridge . betw ina Townshi pay one-half the dam of Ontario will pay the thet Halt. Referred to the Roads atid Bridges Commit- tee, s The First Repoft on Finance was presented and adopted." : It being the King's birthday, ad- jotrnment was made 'tiitll' Friday. In the afternoon. the Councillors visited the Oshawa hospital, and the bridge on the south boundary of Oshawa was examited. _Autdmo- bles were furpi e f reports |. Council in re- ment was Oshawa, delegation at last session The Fisance Committee investigat- ed the allegations and found then: thém 10 be 'correct. By the re- arrangement,' Oshawa géts back nearly "$3,000, Whitby about $300. Beaveton #00; . ; 'SATURDAY Reports. were presented by the Committiees on Printing, Mileage and. Per Diem, and Roads and Bridges. . md Mr. Réan addressed the Council the:National Patriotic Association by the County. > The-Cotincil adjourned until Taes- day, June 15th, at 2 p tn. GLEANED FROM 'REPORTS he 'County's share for the sal- ary and travelling ¢xpenses of the District Officer of Health for this year is $896.65 : i Oshawa Town will receive from the County oneshalf the expenses incurred for a farewell banquet and prescntation to the officers and men of the 37:h - Rattalion fiom this County, Tbe County's share was 140. In a similar case, Caonning- ton gets @30. The Finance Cohn dmitt. ins sessment of 1914, fadre. commend ihe return of the toney, | the municipalities that were under- charged to bear: € expense, The 2 SUM was pranted the Township bo} od for repairs 10 'the 3rd jession road from Goodwood tg townline betdveen Ux. bridge and Pickering, provided Ux. bridge grants a like amounts - bs 'The application of the* Townshis of Mara for $500 10 help in oi improvement was only partially 81 granted, the County giving $300. SE ---------- first brought up by an b \pproach | listlessness, irritability ure all symptoms which early show that the blood and nerves are failing to meet 'the demand up- on them. Here is proof of the great value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pils in cases. of this kind. Mrs. | "Alfred Sochner, R.R. No: 8; Dune ville, Ont says : "*'Our ten-year-old daughter, 'Violet, suffered very severely from} St: Vitus dance. The trouble came dn so gradually that we were not alarmed until it affect- ed her legs and arms, which would twitch and jefk to such an extent '| 8gain on the matter of the advis [that she could scarcely walk and. _ anything. in her hands steadily. She suffered for about five months before we began giving her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills t she had not taken these lon before we found that they were the right medicine, and after she had taken nine boxes she had fully re- covered her former health and strength. | 'can strongly recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to every parefit of any form of perv ousness." i In troubles of this kind it other medicine has met with such success #3 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You can get 'thes¢ Pills through any medicine dealer ot "by mail at 3 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The: Dr.' Williams' Medicing Co., Brock: i . Month: - --- Paris, Jive 13,--For more than a month ihe French forces have en- joyed uninterrupted - suceess north end south of Arras and between the Aisne and the Oise Rivers, all their atiacks 'sticceeding brillianily." Moreover, twoshirds of ihe wasily important fortified German posi- tion southeast of Neuville St. Vaast (north "of Arras), known as The Labyrinth," is now in possession of the Freugéh. These are the claims made in a supplementary commun- que issued by the War Office to- day. Itiollows: Paris, June 15.--Two thirds of the vastly important fortified Gere man position southheast of Nenville- aast, (cotth of Arras), known as the Labyeinth, is fiow in possession of the French, according to a sup- plementary communique issued by _ |the War Office this afiefnoon Py | WS: BA ve "The German: official statements of June. 12 and 13 call for the fol. lowing observation : No German track succeeded enher at yrinth,» of which we now:

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