Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 22 Apr 1915, p. 2

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todayan appt ze 'the Red Cross Saciety, by i 'W.: Robertson: Robertson is still best Soo farmers of Canada as Profes- ertson. He began his offi- ; public service at the /Oatario upe College neafly thirty Twenty-five years ago Ottawa as Dairy 'Com- for the Dominion. The Setvice dl the Department ture soon became known 'throughout - Canada. Prince Edward Island to , farmers 'profited by the Dairy Stations and the Instructors. The output h and butter in Canada d to the reputation of its rural her public services of continu- nd growing value were inaugu- while Professor Robertson Commissioner of Agriculture. them were the Live Stock h, the Cold Storage Service, Seed Grain Competitions, Shipments of Fruit to the led Kingdom, and Extensions Markets. sides there were the Manual ing 'Movement; the School , 'Household Science, and d Rural Schools. was Chairman of the Royal on Industrial Training { Technical Education, Farm- in all provinces are familiar he Survey of Farms by the mission of Conservation and stration Farms of its Com- Lands, of which he is these and many "other - ways, Robertson bas given the farm- 'Canada the best that was in - He says be is their debtor, many opportunities, for much and for 'warm apprecia- Bit they are his debtors too. ¢ now reminds them of that first time in order to estab. right and privilege to ap- them for this worthy cause. Got His Guns. Kitchener's warning about sity of keeping up our war is a reminder that he has been extremely particular e quality of all things that in the field. "K. of K* d dy. and he always mao- Event of the Season in hs fhat time on the western --the celebration of His Majesty's, | advance of the Germans of The King's 'Birthlfag, are regardless has been 'marked of expense, they are determined 10 ln Poland, East | procure attractions never before ans | Great armies nounced iv these parts and: they retired, cities of the number of the best athletes to con-|areas of country 1 test for many ol the important evacuated again since the *|events to take place: The past" 3vd | defence - of the. lines Whitby gentlemen, -- purchase |, embraces & fine: wooded. 'grea and i of hi abode, "aiming for it | stateof progressiveness and pros perity and still brighter prospects for its continued substantial growth and. increase of population and "wealth, Mes. Fenton accompanies him on his delightful trip. EF The enterprising firm. of, Ward & Pearse have been appoint ed by the General Animals Insur. ance Company agents lor Live Stock 'Insurance in this district Seeiheir advertisement elsewhere in another column. Rose & Co.--Tug Fair. -- Messrs. Rose & Co. announce this week a big cut in prices in many arlicles for which The Fair has an enviable record for selling cheap. The list is one that interests all and the prices are so low.as to be within the reach of all. Don't {ail to read their advertisement and take "ad- vantage of the bargains being of- fered. Theopportunity is a rare. one. Mz. W. H. Doubt has the largest and most complete stock of Spring and Summer Suitings ever exhibit- ed in this district. His stock is choice in every particular. Your measure is all he requires--you may be assured of a perfect fit, the garments being constructed by a competent staff of employees: who will do Justice to their make-up Cimizens Purcuase New Avro- WOties. -- Already this "séhean nudiber of sales have been ed for the excellently equipp! Ford which possesses the fu plement of the latest fittin and improvements. M Gra- ham & Carnegie are in a ition to supply their patrons with the ord instantaneously on the com- pletion of the order. Tha Ford is King as regards utility and practib- dity, and, judging by the "rapidly increasing demand for it," intending purchasers will have none other. £7 Wao Wants a SeLEnDD Younc Drarr Maze 1 Foa. ?-- See Messrs. Sarvis Brothers' ad. verisement in another columa. Pouerov.--That famous Ameri- can Standard-Bred Stallion--Ameri- can Reg. No. 59099, Canadian Reg. No. 777, lately purchased by Mr. Art. Dowson of Mr. Jas. McKee, will during the coming season stand at the Sebert House, Port Perry; Raglan, Seagrave 'and Blackstock. He is a stallion that expert horse- men claim is second to no sire in Canada for color, breeding, confor- mation, manner and: style of going, being a rapid walker and high-go- +} ing trotter ; and they also are of the Joon ot + communtiy is fortun- of 'June Celebrations hére have ended the period of m proved grand successes, as the" de- marked the first = vhised this time for.& material percentage |yre prove that the German of the profits ave to be devoted 10} ,0¢ impregnable. the Patriotic Fund, The program | be forced to surrender amongst the other drawing attrac-| he parts of France and Belg tions will include MotorsCycle |i his possession if the All Races, Athletic Sports; Baseball ared to pu the 'price | Tournament, Band Music, &c., and prep PY pric Ottawa, Ont., April 16.<The hn of eight to five, ' closing hours of the fifth session of ithe: Germans were no the twelfth Parliament of Canada seven to six, and by were dramatic indeed. To add to] june the Allies will havean undoubt the excitement there was an eleventh | og superiority in numbers, which hour clash between the Senate and | will be maintained thereafter till the the House of Commons which de-|end of the war. layed the formal ceremonies two They will notfail to break the! hours and 'a half. Jt had been ar-|German lines for lack of ten. 'The ranged . that His Royal Highness | wonderful response of the young should come to Parliament Hill at| manhood of Britain and the over four o'clock and read the speech seas Dominions to 'the call for vol-|a from the Throne and give assent to unteers has made that reasonably the bills. A temporary deadlock | certain. It is not men the British! Vv between the Commons and the! Generals now lack so much as mat-t Senate over the Soldiers' Vote Bill erial, and especially artillery am- made it necessary for the Duke of{ munition. "Munitions ! munitions! Connaught with his escort to wait | munitions I" cries Sir John French. until five-thirty o'clock at Rideau| The Bishop of London, who is at Hall, wher he finally got word that | the front and very closely in touch the House was in readiness for the | with actual conditions there, says final ceremonies. : *'We shall never bring this war to The deadlock arose over the in-|an end without a more complete clusion in the Soldiers' Bill by the [national concentration upon it. Senate of two amendments, both of | Every day when practically nothing which have been considered in the is going two hundred are killed and Lower House. .One provided that | wounded. It is the opinion of every the Act should not apply tu the General at the front that this daily Overseas force without the consent | waste of life is caused by want of" of Lord Kitchener ; the other for the {concentration on part of the nation. | appointment of six scrutineers, | If the batteries had 'an unstinted three by the Premier and three by | supply of ammusition, they could the leader of the Opposition to sup- keep down the enemy's fire and save ervise the voting: the lives 'of hundreds of our men, A conference between members of | Moreover, no advance is possible the two: Houses was held in the of- d fice of the Mialster of Justice'when | pz rBed-wire an machine gu a compromise was reached. all this has been blown away by The Government agreed to accept | artillery fire before _the infantry the amendment providing for the|yance. The whole mind of tl naming of scrutineers, while the|nation must be concentrated | on this | Senate acceded to a proposal to|one problem." have the bill approved by His Maj- esty in Council. [With these pro- visions included . the bill was then formally accepted and the proroga- tion ceremonies were proceded with. His Royal Highness attended in the uniform of a Field Marshal and Her Royal. Highness sat beside the Throne with the Princess . Patricia nearby. Premier Borden attended in his Windsor uniforin. . There was outstripped her in the p a small attendance of : tadies on the and consumption of iron ands floor. Leg m0 11911 the United Kingdom pro A RED OROSS APPEAL 9,526,000 tons of pig iron and TO THE FARMERS 8,498,000 tons' in_her indus i the same. year Germany. Qur country, with ita Allies, i%15,322,000 tons of pig i waging a great war for justice, for|consumed 14,632,000 tons. the protection of small nations. in o production of re There are signs that the mind the nation is setting to work up the problem. The war.mpst Ee in the machine shops and foun of Great Britain and the cous from which she can draw suppl It must not be forgotten that wh the motherland has maint supremacy in the textile indu Germany in recent y continued and growing freedom, and (or the -maintenance of "il pledged word of honour. - Much de: for the turning out struction and desolation are being Sed caused. Lives are Being, hade Yrees, (he preparation vegetabie gardens, h cleaning "up of iripundings should be ited as special duties for ithe da «Th ir Day hastits justification in afue of trees, from whateyer ew they may be consider-- ed hing: contributes so much to mike the world a pleasant place to in as trees, with their shelter ide, their beauty of form and | heir blossoms -and fruit, their 'shades with the passing of sons, and their fulness of | col@iif in the autumn days. They al d home and shelter for our fei friends--the#pirds--dur in r annual visits to us. s nothing which will add :'beauity and value to a Lome or the schigolhouse more than the presence of trees ; there is likewise nothing i adds more to the comlort o! the pedestrian than shade trees on ng how the work "of te Oshawa Branch of the -Canadian_ Patriotic Fund from the date of organization to April 14th, 1915: : Total amount of subscrip- . $ar.8gq.04 Total amount of subscrip- tions paid to date (two instalments) ... Total amount of first and second instalments over : {QUE (.iyv:verstasnan 854.95 Paid to dependants and families : , Oct, and November... .$ 1.09602 December 721-83 Jiouaty : 923.50 cbruary . 1g¥240 March .. 1,553 50 Apnl. . 1,3090v Total amount paid ot. to date. covic ans vis os ei §2072 25 The total organization' expenses were $92 05 -iucluding printing, stationery , stamps, decoraiing atm: ouries and matenal. This branch is caring for 59 PI Jies cousisting of 1B4. children and theRadeide. Vhe way may be long | is paying them an: allowance each lusty, but under the cool shade of the trees relief is found. It is to be hoped. therefore; that rhe eelebration of Atbour Day will come more general; and the planting and care of trees and sheubs around schoolhouses, homes, blic, spafes and Dy the roadsides the. effect of developing Berane greater" "interest way be ated in the protection of our vadian forests from the reckless traction by fire and the axe with ich they are threatened. ; C00D MEDICINE FOR THE SPRING Do Not Uss Harsh Lard :tives-- A Tonle Is All You Nesd. 'Not exactly sick--but not feeling ite well, That is the way oy le feel in the spring. Easily ited, appelite fickle; sometimes headaches and a feeling of depres. Pimples "oc "eguptions may | ippear on the skin, or there may be toges of rheumatism or neuralgia by of iLese indicate that the} ood is, out of order--Thet they. door life of winter. has leit its jark upon- you and may easily' acon Into more serious trouble. £ Do not dose yourself with purga- s, as 50 many people do in the| that you can put your blo month which along with the separ: ticn- allowsnte: of _§20 sent. te the dependants by the government is ample to keep the family 'in as com'ortable circumstances as that when the husband or. main sup port was at home 365 'Oshawa residents have sub. bed to this fund and it is hoped sscond iat : wif do so this month. Vindicator, It'is reported that in Calgary the street railway fares ars to be placed on a three-cent basis. Ss Rose $10,837.59 | py License Commissioners 10 at the St. Charles wig Sao et pire a.m. All persons in- terested will | govern Piemaives "LEWIS R. LUKE, = License Datad at Oshawa, May 20, 1915. . AY PARTIES indebted to L. L. Ross, lately eareyiag on the Livery Business ac Myrtle Stas are requested to settle their . es before the ist May, UBLIC NOTICE IS HERE- BY GIVEN that the Council of the Township of .Reach, will at their meeting at the Township Hall, Maochester on Monday the 10th day of May, A. D 1915 Be LA geleck i the aftérnoon' consis the Scho Sn "No : wm sand ticking and wong Eh : parts thereof iy School Sections 1° No. 2, 4 and 7 respectively. All persons.interested in the By law or wishing to be heard are ree quired to be present, : Dated this 14th day of Apul, 1915. W. F. DOBSON. Township Cleik. New Goods--Low Prices --What ol Wat Ww We have i received a Large Shipment of Blue and White Granite- : ware, three-coated ware -- Lock it over. 21-INCH E ' FINE VAL 18-INCH ERR OIDERY, WORTH 35¢c, FOR 28¢ Opr Garden Seeds are Selling - Paper ; Purgatives nT Taser : ROIDERY, WORTH WORTH UP TO 7c, YARD- ~ FOR 88¢ Y. > 0 SPECIAL 2 Yarns FOR 8c. fash at 12 pts for 36 ots. . Three-ply Chair Sea 48: ~Sluufuiam Salts and pair.

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